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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234223


Background: Postoperative pain is one of the main concerns for the patient undergoing any major surgery. Effective control of post-operative pain is a major challenge to the surgeon and the attending anaesthesiologist. In spite of recent developments in pain treatment, many patients still experienced moderate to severe pain after surgery. Methods: The study groups divided into two, named group A and group B. The total sample size was 80, 40 patients in each group. Patients were allotted in two groups after block randomization viz: Group A (n=40)-patients received buprenorphine patch (10 ?g/h) and patients in group B (n=40) received fentanyl patch of (25 礸/h). Results: Difference in VAS scores among the two groups were found statistically significant from the end of surgery to 6 hours after surgery. However, from 12 hours after surgery, both the groups had comparable VAS scores. Among hemodynamic parameters, the heart rate and mean arterial pressure variation came out to be insignificant among both study groups. Group B showed more incidence of vomiting and constipation as compared to group A. There was no incidence of skin irritation, respiratory depression and urinary retention in both the groups. Conclusions: The present study concluded that for elective abdominal surgeries under general anaesthesia, transdermal buprenorphine 10 mcg/hr and fentanyl 25 mcg/hr administered 12 hours prior to surgery are safe, reliable, maintaining haemodynamic stability with continuous effective post operative pain relief. Buprenorphine patch is more cost effective and PONV is more with fentanyl and hence, buprenorphine is better than fentanyl patch.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241798


Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are major public health problem and leading cause of mortality. A check on each modiiable risk factor will be advantageous. Micronutrient such as vitamin D deiciency can be one such factor, since it is well known that vitamin D affects all systems of the body including cardiovascular. Objective: 1. To estimate vitamin D deiciency among patients with cardiovascular illnesses. 2. To determine the association between vitamin D deiciency and socio-demographic parameters, as well as selected laboratory parameters like lipid proile, random blood sugar, complete blood count in heart patients. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted over a period of one year, among 250 patients admitted at cardiology ward of MB Government Hospital, Udaipur whose socio-demographic proile, laboratory investigations like vitamin D, lipid proile, random blood sugar, CBC were observed and reports were entered in codebook. Data was analyzed using MS Excel, Open Epi v 3.01. Results: In the study 174 males and 76 females were included. Vitamin D deiciency was found in 92% of cardiovascular patients. Vitamin D deiciency was signiicantly associated with female gender (p value=0.01), urban residency(p value= 0.0005), socio-economic status (p value= 0.004) and semi-vegetarian diet (p value < 0.01).Most common symptom was tiredness (34%); most common coexisting non-communicable disease was hypertension (74.8%) and most common past infection was COVID-19 (9.2%). Participants with vitamin D deiciency had increased BMI, increased random blood sugar, decreased haemoglobin and more incline towards dyslipidemia. Conclusion: Vitamin D deiciency was present in signiicantly large proportion of cardiovascular patients. Females, urban residents and individuals with vegetarian diet and increased BMI are at more risk. Frequent evaluations including lipid proile, blood sugar, CBC should be encouraged.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240216


Background: Medical course is quite demanding and this often leads to stress in the students pursuing MBBS course. The National Medical Council of India has introduced yoga in the foundation course as a part of the new curriculum. Aims and Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the 10-day yoga (1 h session each day) on the psychological distress of MBBS students. Materials and Methods: First-year MBBS students in the age group of 18–22 years of Subharti Medical College were recruited for the study. 49 males and 62 females participated in the study (n = 111). Brief symptom inventory was used to assess nine psychological symptom dimensions and distress index at baseline and after 10 days of yoga session. Pre and post-session mean scores for each dimension and index were compared using paired student t-test. Results: Data analysis revealed a significant decrease in reported anxiety, obsession-compulsion, and paranoid ideation (P < 0.001) as well as depression, psychoticism, interpersonal sensitivity, and hostility (P < 0.05) after yoga. Scores of global severity index as well as positive symptom distress index also decreased (P < 0.001) significantly. A decrease in reported somatization and positive symptom total was also seen though not significant. Conclusion: Even short-term yoga program may be helpful in reducing stress level of the students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228061


Background: Sleep disturbances are common among medical students worldwide and affects their health and academic performance. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of sleep in undergraduate medical students of Delhi. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 234 undergraduate students from medical college in New Delhi. A pre-designed, pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic and life style details and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to study the quality of sleep. Data was analyzed by SPSS software version 25.0 and for qualitative data analysis chi-square test was used. Results: Mean age of study subjects was 21.99±1.74 years and males (67.5%) were more as compared to (32.5%) females. Most of the participants 47.4% were in first and second year, 35.5% were from third and final year and 17.1% were interns. Out of 234 participants, only 44% of study participants has good quality of sleep. Most of study participants (56%) were suffering from poor sleep quality. Batch of MBBS, relationship status, BMI and dietary habits of participants were found to be significant predictors of quality of sleep. Conclusions: This study shows that 56% of study participants were suffering from poor quality of sleep. Professionals and medical students who suffer from poor sleep quality have a higher risk of misjudgements, substance abuse, accidents, burnout, anxiety, and depression. So, there is a need to improve knowledge regarding importance of good sleep quality among medical students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233886


With the advancements of digitalization technology in health sector, diabetes care and management have also experienced modifications and betterment. Various newer technologies cater to the individual conditions and needs and provide a personalized treatment. Device based technologies such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) linked to closed loop insulin delivery system, insulin pumps, wearable devices linked with mobile apps have made the self-management of diabetes possible on regular basis. In its contrast, the technologies are yet to reach the tribal settings of India, and also very challenging to implement. Studies have shown that the scenario of diabetes prevalence in Indian tribal population is as crucial as urban population. Also, land alienation, lack of health management infrastructure, low connectivity, technological challenges add up to their condition. While various technologies are challenging to implement due to electricity, network connectivity, infrastructure and storage facilities, some technologies can be implemented easily with the joint approach of primary health care staff, governmental and non-governmental organizations and people with diabetes themselves. Digitization of data is needed as it will give a clearer picture of the prevalence, provide easy access for the follow ups and easier to implement intervention-based technologies. The situation demands a tailored multifaceted approach for implementing the technological based remedies in tribal settings of India as it will increase the quality of life in these areas.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239871


Background: A rapid and accurate diagnostic tool is necessary for correct diagnosis and treatment of TB. This study evaluated and compared the sensitivity, specificity and concordance of TrueNAT MTB/RIF assay with smear microscopy, Xpert MTB/RIF and MGIT culture. Methods: In all, 4500 patients (1500 each of patients with Diabetes, elderly and HIV-positive patients) attending the Chest and TB department of Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar were screened. 392 sputum samples were collected from presumptive TB patients. Standard diagnostic procedures (Smear Microscopy, Xpert MTB/RIF, TrueNAT MTB tests and MGIT culture) were performed. Results: This diagnostic efficiency of rapid molecular TrueNAT MTB/RIF assays have similar properties as Xpert MTB/RIF and may be used for the diagnosis of TB and Rifampicin resistance. Among participants, the TrueNAT MTB shows the sensitivity of 80%, 100% and 78.26% while the specificity was 97.9%, 95.83% and 100%. The concordance rates between all tests were calculated and the TrueNAT MTB showed good agreement with the culture method among study participants (? = 0.793, 0.554, and 0.862, respectively). Conclusion: The TrueNAT assays are sensitive for diagnosis of TB patients with faster turnabout time from testing to treatment and economical.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236098


Gastrointestinal lymphomas comprise a group of distinct clinicopathological entities of B- or T- cell type, with primary gastrointestinal Hodgkin’s lymphoma being extremely uncommon. The gastrointestinal tract is the predominant site of extra-nodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma accounting for 30-40% of all extra- nodal lymphomas.1 Most common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma causing intussusception is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We herein report a rare case of ileo-colic Intussusception due to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a 42-year-old female. Computed tomography showed ileo-colic intussusception. Open hemicolectomy with ileo-colic anastomosis was done with postoperative chemotherapy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227788


Background: The internet shutdown has become a global issue affecting the academic activities of medical students. Due to civil unrest in Manipur, a Northeastern state in India, the internet has been shut down for the past several months. Therefore, the study was undertaken with the objective to determine the magnitude of the effects of the internet shutdown among the medical students of a tertiary care hospital in Manipur. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in July 2023 among 135 medical students of a tertiary care hospital using a convenience sampling method. Data were collected by using a self-administered structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using SPSS software version 26. Results: The mean age of the participants was 21±1.8 years. The study found that the majority (93.3%) of medical students opined that the internet shutdown affected their daily activities. Most of the participants (83.7%) stated that their study was affected by the current internet shutdown. Only (39.2%) of participants faced problems in submitting online forms. Most of the participants (71.1%) had a bad experience during the internet shutdown. Conclusions: The internet shutdown affected most of the participants in their daily activities. Most of the participants felt they were missing out on information and opportunities. Most of the participants rate their overall experiences as bad during the internet shutdown.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227774


Background: Adolescents while learning a new world of complex priorities; may make choices quickly or impulsively without giving legitimate critical thoughts. The aim was to determine the prevalence of risk behaviors among adolescents and its socio-demographic determinants. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological study done on 427 students enrolled in class IX-XII of schools in eastern Uttar Pradesh recruited via cluster sampling. The questionnaire included questions regarding the participant’s profile and risk behaviors. Data analysis was done with SPSS v23 and Chi-Square test. Results: Mean age was 14.86 years. 33% engaged in a physical fight and 25% sustained injuries more than once in the last one year. 15% were bullied. As a bystander, subjects from higher classes (XI-XII) and female gender seem to have more ‘avoiding’ tendencies whereas those from lower classes (IX and X) and male gender preferred to ‘stand against the bully and physical force to stop them’. 8.2% had to escape from school to avoid physical injury. 54% felt depressed, 17.6% contemplated suicide, and 4.4% attempted suicide. Though depression was predominant among rural girls and poor socio-economic status and academics; suicidal ideation and attempt was more common among boys. Conclusions: This study highlights the risk behaviours prevalent among Indian adolescents. It falls in the purview of the Government to improve policies, plan and monitor programs to strengthen the upcoming youth.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236676


The current eccentric environment changes are causing serious impacts on food crops, including rice. Such environmental circumstances encompass abiotic stress conditions such as drought, cold, heat, and inappropriate levels of metals. To cope with abiotic stresses, plants initiate various metabolic pathways that modify themselves according to such stresses. In this study, we have computationally analyzed genes in rice that exhibit differential expression under various abiotic stress conditions. A widely used database was accessed for gene expression data on rice in response to drought, salt, and cold stresses. The research uncovered that 7722 genes, 3040 genes, and 1705 genes were expressed differently in rice under drought, salt, and cold conditions, respectively. Two hundred and twenty-two up-regulated and 58 down-regulated genes were identified which express under all stresses and were regarded as significant differentially expressed genes. Functional annotation showed that these genes encode beta-amylase, cytochrome P450, cyclin-dependent protein kinases, and the NAC domain-containing protein which plays crucial roles during stress. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that significant genes participate in biological pathways such as the phenylpropanoid pathway, abscisic acid signaling, cell wall organization, and choline biosynthesis. Thus, our

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227560


Background: PHCs and PHSCs are the grass-root level of the health care system of India which deals directly with the majority of the population as they live in rural areas and have no access to proper health care systems. This study was conducted due to the scarcity of studies and limited health care services amongst people in rural populations of Manipur to determine the morbidity pattern of patients attending OPD in 2 PHCs of Bishnupur District under RHTC, RIMS, Imphal, Manipur for the year 2021. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on previous records was conducted from 1 January to 31 December 2021 among the newly registered outpatients attending the OPD of Oinam and Leimapokpam PHCs in Bishnupur District. Secondary data from the two PHCs were collected. Data analysis was done by using SPSS software version 21. Results: The study found that almost half (46.4%) of patients attending OPD are 15-49 years followed by <15 years (38.7%). Out of total morbidity, respiratory diseases (24.8%) followed by GIT (15.9%), OBG, skin diseases and NCD constitute major morbidity among the study population. Conclusions: The study gives an outline of the morbidity pattern of patients attending OPD in two PHCs of the Bishnupur district in one year which could help healthcare providers and administrators to plan, practice and deliver quality services as per community needs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233643


Diseases classified as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are those that are often caused by unhealthy behaviors rather than by infection or by contact with others. One of the main NCDs causing many fatalities is cardiovascular disease (CVD). Recent research has shown that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (Mets) associated CVDs among tribal populations is increasing in rapid pace. In this review, we have included studies investigating the components of Mets and the relationships between Mets and CVDs. From the assessment of studies, we may predict a significant association between Mets and CVDs as a whole. Our evaluation of these studies revealed that carrying at least three Mets risk components, like hyperglycemia, obesity, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, significantly enhances the risk of CVDs. Undernutrition, smoking, and a low intake of fruits and vegetables in the Indian tribal population are the main risk factors for managing Mets associated CVDs. Furthermore, various studies have also shown that Mets may be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Finally, healthy habits such as a balanced diet and frequent exercise should be introduced from a young age in individuals, to prevent Mets progression. In order to combat the Mets associated CVDs, functionally upgraded primary health centers and special IECs (Information, education and communication) programs may play a beneficial role. Furthermore, strengthening public healthcare systems and focusing on prevention, early identification, and treatment using medical and social interventions can be of immense help in managing the metabolic risk factors that can lead to CVDs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230607


Aim: To determine the extent of genetic divergence (D2 statistics) present in sesame genotypes for different traits.Study Design: The experiment was conducted in Augmented Block Design (ABD).Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was laid out in kharif 2020 at BSP (Groundnut) Research Farm, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.).Methodology: Total 160 sesame genotypes and 5 checks viz., RT346, PBTil2, GT10, TMV-7 and VRI-1 were used for diversity analysis for twelve quantitative traits for selection of diverse parents. The 165 genotypes were grouped into eight clusters based on the Mahalanobis D2 values following Tocher’s methods.Results: Maximum inter cluster distance (63.235) was exhibited between cluster III and cluster VIII and intra cluster distance (28.509) was in cluster VII. The lowest inter cluster divergence (15.881) was noticed between cluster III and V indicating that the genotypes included in them were closely related. Relative contribution of different characters to total divergence was assessed through comparison of actual D2 values for individual characters over all possible combinations. Cluster III had highest mean value for plant height (126.609), days to flower initiation (34.308), days to 50% flowering (37.462), and oil content (44.715). Cluster VII reported to be days to maturity (91.750), number of primary branches per plant (3.833) and number of secondary branches per plant (2.625) and in cluster V had capsule length (2.651). cluster VI reported for number of capsules per plant (59.484) and seed yield per plant (9.168), number of seeds per capsule (58.533) and thousand seed weight (2.848). It was revealed that number of primary branches per plant (11.32%) followed by oil content (11.06%) and number of capsules per plant (11.05%) contributed maximum to total divergence and minimum contributed by days to flower initiation (3.49%).Conclusion: So, it is expected that crosses between genotypes of cluster III with genotypes of cluster VIII will give rise to high yielding sergeants as high inter cluster distance and those clusters has recorded good mean values can be preferred in selecting germplasm lines for respective traits.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230423


The study was conducted to determine the stability of sorghum germplasm for grain yield as well as the amount and nature of genotype by environment interactions for grain yield in order to find and recommend stable high yielding variants. The trial was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) in three replications. Germplasm were evaluated in 2 environments in Indore in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 in main cropping seasons. 60 sorghum germplasm was evaluated under Thirteen morphological traits viz., Days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, plant height (cm), Number of leaves per plant at the time of flowering, Leaf length of 4th leaf (cm), Leaf width of 4th leaf (cm), Panicle length (cm), Panicle width (cm), No. of Primary branches per panicle, No. of grains per primary branch, Grain yield/Plant (g), Leaf Area of 4th leaf (cm²), 100 seed weight (g) were recorded for 3 randomly selected plants for each germplasm per replication. Linear regression model for stability suggested by Eberhart and Russell was employed. Genotype x Environment interactions were found significantly in similar trend for the traits namely, days to 50% flowering, number of leaves per plant, leaf length of fourth leaf, leaf width of fourth leaf, panicle length, panicle width, number of primary branches per panicle, number of grains per primary branch, leaf area of the fourth leaf, grain yield per plant and 100 seed weight. It shows consistent results over years. Genotype x Environment interaction also revealed that the genotype SEB12025 found consistent for primary branches per panicle, grain yield. The germplasm E- 246 found suitable for seed weight, panicle width, Width of fourth leaf. Apart from POP-18, POP 27-1, EC-6, ERN-32, Gird-30, Gird 33-1, VKG 34/47, VKG 34/37, ER-15, EC- 16, ER-1, SEB 12025, E-207, ER-21, Gird-36, EGN-1, E-207, ER-3, Gird-41, E- 284,E-246, ER-3,Gird-41,Gird-5,ERN-32,GGUB-20, ELG-25,Sor 86,NCC-1,E-246 and ELG-31 no genotypes found consistent for any of the character. The characters which were found stable for a particular genotype should further be improved to develop stable and high-yielding genotypes for sustainable production. More locations and years could be taken to obtain a database about genotype x environment interaction to draw a more valid conclusion.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230414


A field experiment was conducted in a farmer field of Bundi district, Rajasthan, Department of Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences Prayagraj, during Rabi 2020-2021. The experiment used a factorial randomized block design with three different planting dates: D115 October, D2–5 November, and D3– 25 November, as well as three different varieties: V1- Annapurna, V2-Azad -111, and V3- SS- 10. The findings discovered The maximum germination percentage (78.51%) and lowest germination percentage (66.78%) of seeds per plot were found in plots D1 and V1 (15th October + Annapurna). The maximum number of branches (4.00) were found in D1 and V3 (15th October + SS-10), while the lowest number of branches were found in D3 and V1 (25th November + Annapurna) (2.33). D1 and V1 (15th November + Annapurna) reported the highest plant height of 26.00, 91.38, and 124.15cm at 30, 60, and 90 DAS, whereas D3 and V3 (25th November + SS-10) recorded the minimum plant height of 19.00, 25.54, and 67.95cm at 30, 60, and 90 DAS. D3 and V3 (05th November + SS-10) had the highest blooming percentage (50.41), whereas D3 and V2 (25th November + Aazad-111) had the lowest flowering percentage (46.18). D1 and V3 (15th October + SS-10) had the highest seeds/pods (7.0), whereas D3 had the fewest (4.0).D2 and V3 (05th November + SS-10) had the highest grain yield (12.68), whereas D3 and V1 (25th November + Annapurna) had the lowest grain yield (11.01). Variety-1 plant height was shown to have a substantial positive relationship (Annapurna).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227638


Background: Noise pollution is a major public health problem. Previous studies reported the presence of noise pollution in various hospital settings around the world. There are few studies conducted on noise pollution in the north eastern part of India especially in Manipur. Therefore, the study was undertaken to assess noise pollution in a tertiary hospital of Manipur for future suggestive measures to reduce noise and associated health impacts. Methods: An observational study was conducted in a public tertiary care hospital of Imphal, Manipur. Data collection for noise level measurement was done by using a digital sound level meter instrument and mobile sound meter app. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS for Windows, version 21.0. Armonk, NY. Results: The highest sound level of 87.6 dB(A) was recorded in the general OPD counter. Among the OPDs, Medicine OPD recorded the highest sound level of 85.2 dB(A). Parking areas recorded an average maximum of 80.5 dB(A). Hospital wards recorded an average maximum sound of 77.4 dB(A). Conclusions: In this study, the maximum sound level in a week average was found in parking areas of the hospital. Majority of the places around the hospital recorded a noise level which is beyond the recommended CPCB noise level 2000.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230143


The aim of the present study was to investigate the seasonal abundance of Asopinae predatory stink bugs within an agro-ecosystem. This research was carried out by utilizing sweep nets to collect these insects during the period spanning from May to August in the year 2022. The survey yielded two prominent species of predaceous bugs, specifically Andrallus spinidens and Eocanthecona furcellata. Interestingly, E. furcellata emerged as the dominant species within the field conditions. A noteworthy phenomenon occurred in June when a sudden surge in the population of both species was observed. This population increase was attributed to the presence of lepidopteran larvae in the field, which likely served as a rich food source for these predatory stink bugs. The ecological analysis revealed some important findings regarding the diversity and distribution of these insects in the agro-ecosystem. Specifically, the Shannon Diversity Index was notably low, registering at less than 1.99, indicating a limited variety of species within the sampled population. Similarly, the Simpson Index indicated a low degree of diversity or heterogeneity, falling within the range of 0.01 to 0.04, which further supports the notion of a relatively homogeneous population. Additionally, the Margalef Richness Index signalled a level of disturbance, measuring less than 2.05. This disturbance could be linked to various factors affecting the ecosystem, including changes in agricultural practices or environmental conditions. Lastly, the Dominance Index was relatively high, ranging between 0.5 and 1.0, signifying that a few dominant species, particularly E. furcellata, exerted a significant influence within the ecosystem. In summary, the ecological indices suggested limited diversity, low heterogeneity, disturbance, and dominance within the stink bug population, shedding light on the dynamics of these beneficial insects in the agro-ecosystem.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233542


Background: COVID-19 disease raised global health concerns especially for the pregnant women who are more susceptible to respiratory viral illnesses due to their bodily immunological and physiological changes to accommodate the foetus. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the SARS-CoV 2 specific RdRp gene Ct values ??and the severity of the COVID-19 disease in SARS-CoV2 positive pregnant women at term. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology, Government Medical College, Amritsar on a subset of 46 COVID-19 positive, ante natal mothers, who presented in the labour room for delivery from August 2020 to January 2022. Results: A cohort of 4.8% (46/949) women tested positive in the RT-PCR test for viral RNA. Average age of the group was 25.5years and 89.1% were asymptomatic. 10.9% women reported mild symptoms and 95% had no pre-existing co morbidities. Obstetric complications like premature rupture of membranes were 4.3%, pre-term births 17.33%. Miscarriage and IUD was recorded in 4.34% and 2.17% patients respectively. When compared to values seen in symptomatic women with fever (Ct 25.8), dyspnoea (Ct 28.7), and respiratory distress (Ct 29.1), the mean Ct value reported in asymptomatic women (27.49 SD+5.4) was identical. SARS-CoV2 was not present in any newborns. Despite 24% having low birth weights for their gestational ages, 93% of babies were asymptomatic. Conclusions: The severity of the COVID-19 illness did not correspond with the SARS CoV2 virus RdRp gene Ct levels. The presence of SARS-CoV2 did not appear to independently cause poor maternal and new-born outcomes.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-229264


An utmost attempt was made to investigate the response of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) to certain types and doses of organic manures at under open condition at temperate regions of Uttarakhand during the year 2019-2020. The study comprised of varying levels of three different organic manure sources namely, FYM, compost and vermicompost, along with a check treatment replicating thrice having plot having dimensions 1 m× 1 m with a spacing of 20 cm × 20 cm. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Forty-five (45) days old chamomile seedlings (attained about 10-15 cm in height) were transplanted during October, 2019 under open field condition. The soils of the experimental site were tested favourable with respect to some of the basic physical and chemical properties. The results revealed that maximum plant height (48.26 cm), number of branches per plant (35.40) and plant spread (33.09 cm) were significantly higher under T4 (FYM @ 25 t/ha) application at 180 days after transplanting. Application of T10 (VC @ 4 t/ha) produced early flowering (119.73 days). At bud initiation stage the highest total fresh (33.12 q/ha) and dry (7.59 q/ha) biomass yield were found in T4 (FYM @ 25 t/ha). At flowering stage maximum value of total fresh (60.02 q/ha) and dry (12.70 q/ha) biomass yield were found in T10 (VC @ 4 t/ha). The results, further revealed that T10 provided the fastest crop growth rate (0.86 g/m2/day). The highest number of flowers per plant (139.73), fresh flower yield (67.35 q/ha), dry flower yield (13.95 q/ha) and maximum cost: benefit (1:3.56) were obtained in plots which received FYM @ 25 t/ha. All the organic input treatments performed better over control and the treatment FYM @ 25 t/ha shall be recommended for profitable organic cultivation of chamomile.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234418


Background: Objective of the research was to study the prevalence of blindness in adult patients coming to a tertiary eye care centre in Western Uttar Pradesh and assess their causes. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on adult patients coming to the outpatient department of a tertiary eye care centre over a period of 3 months and 375 patients were identified as having blindness. Complete ophthalmological examination was conducted to find out the cause for the same. Results: The prevalence of blindness was found out to be 4.096%. The major causes for blindness in adults were identified as cataract (33.06%), glaucoma (13.6%), ARMD (5.6%), diabetic retinopathy (5.06%), corneal scar/opacity/dystrophy (26.93%), amblyopia (3.2%) and trauma (2.13%). Conclusions: Knowledge of prevalence of blindness in a region is important in developing and implementing eye care services. Avoidable blindness needs to be identified and treated as soon as possible.