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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-229792


The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for growth and yield parameters among 37 genotypes of betel vine in a randomized design with 3 replications during 2019-21 at farmer’s field, Badami, Karnataka. Analysis of variance revealed that the genotypes significantly differed for all the characters studied. The results showed that phenotypic coefficient of variations values were higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation for all the characters studied. The values of heritability in broad sense were observed very high for all the twenty one traits. Correlation studies revealed that total yield per vine was significantly and positively correlated with plant height (0.918), number of laterals per vine (0.988), number of leaves per lateral (0.827), total number of leaves per vine (0.863), clinging roots (0.887), petiole length (0.814) and path analysis showed that the traits such as number of laterals per vine (0.6350), total number of leaves per vine (0.2601), clinging roots (0.0839), leaf area (0.2091) and petiole length (0.2696) had direct and positive effect on total yield per vine. Hence, direct selection would be more effective in improving these traits. In this background, the aim of the study is to identify considerable variations among the genotypes for further crop improvement programme and multiplication of quality planting material.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237828


The molecular mechanisms and hub genes identified for disease resistance in ducks against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) infection show substantial variations between studies. This is mainly due to the limitations of small sample sizes owing to the huge cost of experimental infection and multiple other factors leading to the large variability of results. A meta- analysis can increase the statistical power for reliability and generalizability of previous studies to obtain more accurate results. Hence, this approach was used for identifying the molecular pathways and major hub genes responsible for disease resistance in ducks infected with HPAIVs. Meta-analysis using publicly available lung RNA seq datasets of ducks infected with HPAIVs, identified 339 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (p-value cut-off ? 0.05); out of these, 214 genes were upregulated and 125 genes were downregulated. Network analysis of the DEGs suggests that infected ducks initiate a lower cytokine/chemokine response in comparison with control through the expression of anti-inflammatory effect genes (STATs, SOCSs and IL10) and a persistent antiviral immune gene expression through activation of RIG-I/MAVS/IFNAR1-dependent pathways in the lung. Further, genes such as STAT3, MYC, STAT1, MAPK11, RIPK1, SOCS3, SOCS1, and MYD88 were identified as the major regulators or hub genes responsible for disease pathogenesis in ducks. In conclusion, the powerful statistical meta-analysis approach led us to reveal molecular pathways and hub genes involved in the disease resistance mechanism in ducks infected with HPAIVs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228849


As we know that fruit plays important role in the daily human diet for healthy living and is also a commercial commodity in trade and processing industries. The primary factor that customers use to determine whether or not a fruit is acceptable is its quality like appearance, shape, size, colour and taste, etc. Success in a breeding program depends upon the overall acceptability of fruit quality because most of the developed varieties having desired traits like resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses could not be commercialized and are not in commercial cultivation owing to their poor-quality traits. Therefore, the development of cultivars with desirable quality attributes in fruit crops is challenging. Quality improvement in fruit crops is restricted by several factors such as long juvenility, tall stature, environmental stress and high heterozygosity. Quality traits in fruit crops are polygenic and governed by many genes which makesit difficult to improve particular desirable traits. Many attempts have been made to enhance the qualitative characteristics of annual crops, although perennial fruit crops neatly overlook this issue. Accordingly, the use of both combined conventional and modern breeding techniques could in overcoming these problems. Biotechnological and molecular approaches like marker-assisted selection, transgenics, genomic editing, genomics cis-genics and candidate gene offer precision and reliability to reduce the breeding cycle and are also advantageous when dealing with tedious fruit crops. The challenges with fruit breeding and the state of various breeding techniques for enhancing fruit quality in fruit trees will be the main topics of this review.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232992


Background: Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a continuous process of inflammation, destruction, and regeneration of liver parenchyma, which leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Liver plays an essential physiological role in thyroid hormone activation and inactivation, transport, and metabolism, as well as the synthesis of thyroid binding globulin. A complex relationship exists between thyroid and liver in health and disease. Methods: 103 patients of CLD were included in this study from December 2020 to September 2022. They were classified as per child Pugh scoring after clinical assessment and investigations. Thyroid function profile was measured for all the patients. Results: Among 103 patients, 8 (7.76%) patients were having overt hypothyroidism and 28 (27.18%) patients had subclinical hypothyroidism, while 67 (65.04%) patients had normal thyroid profile levels. There was significant correlation between CTP class and hypothyroidism status of patient (p value <0.001) with 25 (56.81%) patients of CTP class C having subclinical hypothyroidism, while 3 (7.5%) patients of CTP class B had subclinical hypothyroidism and none patient of CTP class A had subclinical hypothyroidism. Conclusions: Our study found that there was increased prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in CLD patients which increased with severity of CLD as assessed with CTP class.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237780


Present study was carried out to prepare ready to cook chevon chunks with goat meat for which different non-meat ingredients were added to provide chunks like characteristics and increase yield. Soy flour, oat flour and chickpea flour were added at different concentrations to the batter along with different condiments and spices in 3 treatment groups. Analysis of cooking yield and emulsion stability showed significant (P?0.05) difference among the treatment group, T1 having soy flour, oat flour and chickpea flour at 10% level each showed highest cooking yield and emulsion stability. The proximate analysis also differed significantly (P?0.05) with varying level of non-meat ingredients. Instrumental colour profile i.e. lightness (L*), yellowness (b*) and redness (a*) values differed significantly (P?0.05) among all treatment groups. All attributes of textural indices and sensory quality of chevon chunk varied significantly (P?0.05) among samples. During sensory analysis all treatment groups received satisfactory scores on 9 point hedonic scale and T3 (Soy, oat and chickpea flour at level of 12.5%, 12.5% and 5% respectively) received significantly (P?0.05) highest scores in appearance, flavour and overall acceptability. Overall T3 was considered best among all the treatment groups.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-188266


Background: To evaluate the various factors associated with recurrence of Amblyopia. Methods:In this prospective observational study, 100 patient’s diagonised anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia. All patients were undergone squint workup and were treated with optical correction, occulusion therapy or penalization. Patients were divided three groups - group 1 age (4-7 year) , group 2 age(8-12 year), group 3 age(13-17 year) . Patients were followed upto 12 month and various factors assessed which could be responsible for amblyopia and compared between three group. Results:Recurrence of amblyopia was seen in 24% of patients which was more in group 1 & mixed amblyopia type (statically significant p < 0.05). Recurrence of amblyopia was found to be patients independent of binocular vision and mode of treatment. Recurrence and its relation with length and dose of occlusion therapy were significant those who were weaned off 6 hrs patching as compared 2 hrs patching. Recurrence of amblyopia was found to be more in those who improved five lines as compared to two lines with statistically significant p < 0.05. Recurrence was more in first 6 month as compared to last six month during follow up. Conclusion: Recurrence is more commonly seen between the ages of 4-7 yrs and those who with mixed amblyopia should be closely monitored during follow up. Occlusion therapy should be prescribed weaning off, it should not be abruptly stop. Since recurrence may occur even beyond 1 year hence, a longer follow up period would be advisable.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157682


Ewing’s sarcoma is an uncommon malignancy usually arising from the skeletal system particularly pelvic bones and long bones of lower extremities and mostly affecting children and young adults. Its occurrence in the maxillofacial region with soft tissue involvement is struck with rarity. It carries a poor prognosis due to its uncontrolled potential for metastatic spread; therefore an early and integrated treatment approach must be adopted to improve patient’s long term survival.

Adult , Drug Therapy , Female , Humans , Sarcoma, Ewing/classification , Sarcoma, Ewing/diagnosis , Sarcoma, Ewing/drug therapy , Sarcoma, Ewing/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Zygoma/pathology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156718


Background: DRESS (Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic Symptoms) syndrome is a drug hypersensitivity syndrome which begins around 2- 6 weeks after exposure to a drug. If treated early, can recover completely and much of morbidity can be avoided. Case: A patient with history of taking carbamazepine for epilepsy, presented with typical features of maculopapular erythematous rash, exfoliative dermatitis and edema over upper and lower extremities, face, and trunk. He had eosinophilia, lymphadenopathy and elevated liver enzymes. His condition rapidly improved after withdrawing carbamazepine and starting steroids. Discussion: The rapid recovery with steroids in this case and in a few cases reported previously also suggests a need of RCT to assess steroids as an established modality for management of this severe but curable entity.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157598


Ectopic thyroid tissue, a developmental defect of thyroid gland, is met with rarity in day to day clinical practice. The diagnosis of ectopic thyroid demands a meticulous clinical examination and use of different imaging modalities. We are here reporting a case which presented as an anterior neck swelling, moving with deglutition, and also on and off dysphagia. After necessary investigations she underwent surgery and then the diagnosis of ectopic thyroid was made which was later confirmed with biopsy report which was suggestive of lymphocytic thyroiditis.

Adult , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Female , Humans , Hypothyroidism/epidemiology , Hypothyroidism/pathology , Hypothyroidism/surgery , Hypothyroidism/diagnostic imaging , Radionuclide Imaging , Thyroid Dysgenesis/pathology , Thyroid Dysgenesis/surgery , Thyroid Dysgenesis/diagnostic imaging , Thyroid Gland/abnormalities , Thyroid Gland/surgery , Thyroid Gland/diagnostic imaging
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148694


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of archaea in the subgingival crevices of patients with chronic periodontitis in an Indian population. Materials and Methods: Thirty four chronic periodontitis patients and 16 healthy subjects were included in the study. Thirty four subgingival plaque samples were collected from chronic periodontitis patients, of which 17 samples were from deep pockets and 17 were from shallow pockets. Sixteen subgingival plaque samples were collected from healthy subjects. The presence of archaea in plaque samples was detected by polymerase chain reaction. Results: Prevalence of archaea in chronic periodontitis patients was 29.4% and in healthy subjects was 11.8%, which was not a statistically significant difference. However, prevalence of archaea, in deep periodontal pockets was 47.1%, in shallow periodontal pockets was 11.8% and in healthy sulcus was 12.5%, respectively. Thus, showing a statistically significant difference between prevalence of archaea in deep periodontal pockets (47.1%) and healthy sulcus (12.5%) and also between deep periodontal pockets (47.1%) and shallow pockets (11.8%), respectively. Conclusion: Archaea were detected commonly in severe periodontitis suggesting that these microorganisms might be involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167418


Multiple idiopathic cervical resorption (MICR) is a disease of the tooth in which there is progressive cervical resorption of multiple teeth leading to exfoliation of crown. The etiological factors for such a resorption are various but the lack of definitive single etiological factor/disease process makes management of such processes extremely difficult. A flap surgery followed by restoration with glass ionomer cement was carried out for the cessation of resorption process, finally a cast partial denture was delivered for prosthetic rehabilitation.

J Environ Biol ; 2010 May; 31(3): 255-259
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146357


Phytoextraction is an emerging cost-effective solution for remediation of contaminated soils which involves the removal of toxins, especially heavy metals and metalloids, by the roots of the plants with subsequent transport to aerial plant organs. The aim of the present investigation is to study the effects of EDTA and citric acid on accumulation potential of marigold (Tagetes erecta) to Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd and also to evaluate the impacts of these chelators (EDTA and citric acid) in combination with all the four heavy metals on the growth of marigold. The plants were grown in pots and treated with Zn (7.3 mg l-1), Cu (7.5 mg l-1), Pb (3.7 mg l-1) and Cd (0.2 mg l-1) alone and in combination with different doses of EDTA i.e., 10, 20 and 30 mg l-1. All the three doses of EDTA i.e., 10, 20 and 30 mg l-1 significantly increased the accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd by roots, stems and leaves as compared to control treatments. The 30 mg l-1 concentration of citric acid showed reduced accumulation of these metals by root, stem and leaves as compared to lower doses i.e., 10 and 20 mg l-1. Among the four heavy metals, Zn accumulated in the great amount (526.34 mg kg-1 DW) followed by Cu (443.14 mg kg-1 DW), Pb (393.16 mg kg-1 DW) and Cd (333.62 mg kg-1 DW) in leaves with 30 mg l-1 EDTA treatment. The highest concentration of EDTA and citric acid (30 mg l-1) caused significant reduction in growth of marigold in terms of plant height, fresh weight of plant, total chlorophyll, carbohydrate content and protein content. Thus EDTA and citric acid efficiently increased the phytoextractability of marigold which can be used to remediate the soil contaminated with these metals.

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2009 Sept; 46(3): 225-229
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142689


Background & objectives: Visceral leishmaniasis, commonly known as kala-azar is endemic in Bihar state, India. Current vector control programme in Bihar focuses mainly on spraying the sandfly infested dwellings with DDT. The Government of India in collaboration with WHO has fixed the target 2015 for total elimination of kala-azar. The present study was carried out to see the impact of DDT and improved IEC in the containment of vector density vis-à-vis disease transmission. Methods: Before the start of the spraying operations training was imparted to all the medical and paramedical personnel regarding the methods of spraying operations. Pre- and post-sandfly density was monitored in four selected districts. Incidences of kala-azar cases were compared for pre- and post-spray periods. Social acceptability and perceptions of households was collected through questionnaires from 500 randomly selected households in the study districts. Results: House index in three study districts reduced considerably during post-spray when compared to pre-spray. Kala-azar incidence in many districts was reduced after the DDT spray. Either partial or complete refusal was reported in 14.4%, while 35% were not satisfied with the suspension concentration and coverage; and 46.6% were found satisfied with the spraying procedure. Interpretation & conclusion: Strengthening the IEC activities to sensitise the community, proper training of health personnel, monitoring of spray, good surveillance, proper treatment of cases and two rounds of DDT spray with good coverage in the endemic districts up to three years are essential to achieve the desired total elimination of kala-azar in Bihar state.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2009 Jul-Sept; 52(3): 397-399
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141493


Duplications of the alimentary tract are rare congenital anomalies which can be found at all levels of the alimentary tract. Majority of the duplications present as spherical cysts and usually range from a few millimeters to less than ten centimeters in size. Duplications produce complications such as intestinal obstruction or hemorrhage. A two-month-old infant presented with recurrent episodes of bleeding per rectum. Laparotomy revealed a giant ileal duplicated bowel segment which exhibited extensive gastric heterotopia with focal ulceration.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148301


The communication presents clinical response of cases of visceral leishmaniasis to treatment by two different brands of Amphotericin B. FungizoneTM was found to be slightly better than Amphotericin BTM, however, the difference is not statistically significant.

J Environ Biol ; 2008 Nov; 29(6): 903-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113899


Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) has strong and dense root system and is a potential phytoremediator plant since it can tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions and grow well in soils contaminated with heavy metals. Soil was artificially contaminated by lead (20 mgl(-1)) during field trials. Four concentration of EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid-disodium salt) solution i.e. 0, 3, 5 and 10 mmol kg(-1) were added to soil prior to harvesting, to study the influence of EDTA solution on phytostabilization by vetiver grass. Results showed that the concentration of lead in roots of vetiver is significantly increased after EDTA solution (5 mmol kg(-1)) application. However, high concentration of EDTA (10 mmol kg(-1)) does not show such significant increase. The toxicity of highly contaminating metal did not affect the growth of vetiver grass significantly but a slight decrease in parameters studied was noticed. No stress symptoms were observed in vetiver plants. Results of present study reveal that vetiver could be considered as a potential phytoremediator for lead contamninated site.

Biodegradation, Environmental , Edetic Acid/pharmacology , Lead/metabolism , Chrysopogon/drug effects
Neurol India ; 2008 Apr-Jun; 56(2): 138-43
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-120720


Background: There has been sparse description of cortical dysplasias (CDs) causing intractable epilepsy from India. Aim: Clinical retrospective study of CDs causing intractable epilepsy that underwent surgery. Materials and Methods: Fifty-seven cases of CDs reviewed (1995 till July 2006) are presented. All patients had intractable epilepsy, and underwent a complete epilepsy surgery workup (inter ictal electroencephalography (EEG), video EEG, MRI as per epilepsy protocol, SPECT {interictal, ictal with subtraction and co-registration when required}, and PET when necessary). Surgical treatment included a wide exposure of the pathology with a detailed electrocorticography under optimal anesthetic conditions. Mapping of the sensori-motor area was performed where indicated. Procedures included resection either alone or combined with multiple subpial transactions when extending into the eloquent areas. Results: Our study had 28 (49.12%) cases of isolated focal CDs, and 29 (50.67%) with dual pathology. Average age at the time of onset of seizures in our series was 7.04 years (three months to 24 years), and average age at the time of surgery was 10.97 years (eight months to 45 years). Among coexistent pathologies, one had associated MTS, 16 had coexistent gangliogliomas and 12 (dysembryonic neuroepithelial tumor) DNTs. At an average follow-up of 3.035 years (range 5-10 years), three patients were lost to follow-up. Fifty-one per cent (29/57) patients had a good outcome (Engel Grade I) and 26%(15/57) had a Grade II outcome. Conclusion: Cortical dysplasias have a good outcome if evaluated and managed with concordant electrical and imaging modalities.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2007 Aug; 105(8): 462, 464-5
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-98545


Leukaemoid reaction is a rare, growth factor-driven, paraneoplastic manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma. It may masquerade as the neutrophilic chronic myeloid leukaemia or as chronic neutrophilic leukaemia. A 52-year-old male presented with hepatosplenomegaly and severe leucocytosis. He had progressive leucocytosis, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase score elevated, liver function tests altered. FNAC from the mass in the liver revealed features of moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. The patient deteriorated within two weeks and died thereafter.

Alkaline Phosphatase/metabolism , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Fatal Outcome , Humans , Leukemoid Reaction/diagnosis , Leukocytosis/pathology , Liver Function Tests , Liver Neoplasms/diagnosis , Male , Middle Aged , Neutrophils