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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239073


Background: Head and neck cancers (HNC) are the malignant tumours of oral cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx and salivary glands. Incidence of HNC across the geographical area is highly variable and there is also variability in the management of these patients.Aim and Objectives: To study the demographic profile, sites involved, histopathological pattern and treatment response evaluation of HNC at SGRD Cancer Hospital, Amritsar. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective observational study conducted at Sri Guru Ram Das Cancer Hospital, Amritsar, Punjab. Data was collected retrospectively from the year 2018 to 2019. Only histopathologically confirmed cases of malignancies of head and neck were included in this study. Treatment response evaluation was done at 3 months post treatment using radiological imaging (RECIST1.1) Results: A total of 200 cases were included in the study. There were 163 (81.5%) males and 37 (18.5%) female patients. The most common site involved was found to be oral cavity (55%) followed by larynx (10.5%) and hypopharynx (10.5%). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was the most common histopathology in all the HNC. After 3 months, post treatment, 69.50% patients were found to have complete response, 24.5% partial response, 4% progressive and 2% stable disease.Conclusion: This study reveals that prevalence and treatment outcome of HNC is almost uniform across India as was observed in other studies. This study also highlights the high prevalence of HNC in Punjab that entails the need for early detection, multimodality treatment approach and compliance of patients for better outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184587


Background and Objectives: The South East Asian Region has one of the highest incidences of gender based violence in the world which deprives women from the use of their right and liberty. This study was under taken to explore the causes and consequences of domestic violence against women in Meghanath Gorhanna VDC in Mahottari district of Nepal.Material and Methods: : An explorative quantitative and qualitative research design based study was conducted from September to December 2014 in married female of ward, No. 1, 2 and 4 of Meghanath Gorhanna VDC which is located in Mahottari district of Nepal suffering from domestic violence. Sample size consisted of 20 in each ward and sum of total was 60. In-depth interviews, focused group discussion and observation were tools used for data collection.Results: The result of this study reveals that 40% of victims were between age group 20 to 29 years. Domestic violence was higher among illiterate 20(33%). 12(20%) of the women were victimized due to alcoholism of their husband followed by male honor and patriarchal social values. Similarly, majority of the respondents 47(78.3%) suffered from psychological abuse followed by physical assault. 20(33.3%) women were suffered from physical violence. 10% women were suffered from sexual abuse and harassment. The findings also suggest 23(35%) had mental health problem and 14(23 %) women were suffered from reproductive health problem.Conclusion: The study highlights that various factors such as excessive intake of alcohol, patriarchal system of the society, polygamy, sexual dissatisfaction and dowry contributes for the domestic violence in women. The adverse effects of the violence on women are physical health problem, mental health problem, reproductive health problem, chronic conditions and negative health behavior.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184595


Background  and  Objectives:  In  developing  countries  like  Nepal,  the  oral  health  system  is currently  in  transition  phase  facing  a  high  prevalence  of  dental  caries.  It  has  significant  social impact in important life activities which hinders the achievement and ma intenance of good oral health  due  to  lack  of  dental  awareness  in  all  age  groups.  Streptococcus  mutans  is  the  most predominant  organism  to  cause  dental  caries.  Therefore, the  present  study  was  designed  to determine the prevalence of dental caries and to identify its etiology among adolescence.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried by following Standard protocols of Bergey’s  Manual  of  Systematic  Bacteriology  to  isolate  and  identify  the  organism.  The  data  was analyzed  using  SPPS  17.0  and  Microsoft  excels  2007  which  was  considered  as  statistically significant at p-value < 0.05.Results: The prevalence of dental caries in adolescent was found to be 33%.  The highest numbers of  patients  having  dental  caries  were  in  the  age  group  of  15-19  in  female  (66.32%)  than  male (39.70%).  Bacterial  growth  was  observed  more  in  female  (75.60%)  than  male  (24.39%)  which was found to be statistically significant (p=0.0001).  S. mutans  was found as the most important cause  of  dental  caries.  Maxillary  region  of  tooth  were  more  vulnerable  to  dental  caries  than mandibular  region  of  tooth.  Most  of  the  respondents  had  once  per  day  brushing  habit  without fluoridated dentrifice containing tooth paste.Conclusion:  The prevalence of dental caries was found one third of total.  S.mutans  was the main causes of dental caries and molars tooth are more affected than others.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184620


Background and Objectives: Gastro-intestinal water-borne infections are among the most emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases throughout the world. Most water-borne diseases are caused by organism ranging from microscopic viruses of less than 30 nm in diameter to parasites of 10cm in length culminate into diarrhea and cause approximately 5million reported deaths annually. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites, Cryptosporidium parvum among school children. Material and Methods: The study was carried out between Februry to July 2012. Cases of diarrhea reported in 23 students were linked to water handling practices. A total 500 of child of age less than 15 years old was included in the study. A total five hundred soft, loose or watery stool specimens collected from student of less than fifteen years from different school in Janakpur. The sample was collected randomly from randomly selected five schools. The collected stool samples were screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts. A modified Ziehl Neelsen with DMSO staining method was used for detecting Cryptosporidium oocysts in the stool samples. Results: The oocysts of Cryptosporidium were identified in 64 (6.8%) of the samples, while 242 samples (13%) showed mixed infections. Children aged between 3 and 10 years were mostly infected by this parasite, while infection was more prevalent in females than in males for all the age groups. Conclusion: The study suggests that Cryptosporidium is one of the important intestinal parasites of children as etiologic agents of diarrhea in immune-compromised population.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184615


Background and Objectives: Newborn Care practices during neonatal period contribute to risk of mortality and morbidity. It is estimated that in Nepal nearly 50,000 children under one year of age die every twelve months. This study aims to identify newborn care and practices in rural area in the study population. Methodology: 248 mothers having children of age < 6 months having delivery at home were selected from ten VDCs of Sunsari district using multistage random sampling. Standardized questionnaire were filled through interview with mothers/ female head of the family who assisted the delivery. Data were analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17. Chi-square test was conducted and p-value < 0.05 considered as statistically significant. Results: More than half (53.6%) of the newborns were assisted with Clean Home Delivery Kit. However, only 32.6% of the newborn babies applied antiseptic disinfectant to umbilical stump. Majority (76.6%) of the newborns bathed within 24 hour after birth. Less than half of respondents (41.9%) started breast feeding within 1 hour of birth and majority of the respondents (82.7%) fed colostrums to the newborn. Majority (37.9%) of children suffered from Acute Respiratory tract Infection, jaundice, redness and discharge around the cord, skin rashes and eye discharge. The methods used to make room warm was significantly associated (χ2 = 13.68, p- value = 0.001) with the occurrence of ARI. Materials applied for dressing of cord was significantly associated with problems of cord in babies (χ2 = 10.89, p- value = 0.004). Discharge from eye was found more among the babies who applied kajal however it was statistically insignificant. (χ2 = 0.60 p=0.439). Conclusion: High-risk traditional newborn care practices are common and need to be addressed.