10 h. Results 15 patients had been misdiagnosed as epididymis orchitis or acute abdomen and undergone orchiectomy because of necrosis of the testicles,including 11 cases of intrascrotal torsion (testicular torsion in scrotum with an orchiectomy rate of 79%) and 4 cases of cryptorchidism with torsion.3 cases scrotal orchidopexy has been performed and during the follow up ( 6~36 months) the testicle in 2 of which appeared viable and normal while testicular atrophy has been observed in 1.In recent years 11 adolescents underwent exploration because of acute scrotal pain,7 cases being testicular torsion and 4 acute epididymitis. Conclusions It is emphasized that in younger patients suffering suddenly from pain in scrotum, especially occurring at night,the diagnosis of testicular torsion should be considered.Differentiating cryptorchidism with torsion from incarcerated hernia or acute abdomen,testicular torsion in scrotum from acute testitis and epididymitis should be serious considered.In order to save the testicle with early surgical exploration orchidopexy might be mandatory to aviod recurrence.