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Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 48: e4, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431679


Resumo Introdução: realizar a predição de doenças relacionadas ao trabalho é um desafio às organizações e ao poder público. Com as técnicas de aprendizado de máquina (AM), é possível identificar fatores determinantes para a ocorrência de uma doença ocupacional, visando direcionar ações mais efetivas à proteção dos trabalhadores. Objetivo: predizer, a partir da comparação de técnicas de AM, os fatores com maior influência para a ocorrência de dermatite ocupacional. Métodos: desenvolveu-se um código em linguagem R e uma análise descritiva dos dados e identificaram-se os fatores de influência de acordo com a técnica de AM que demonstrou melhor desempenho. O banco de dados foi disponibilizado pelo Serviço de Dermatologia Ocupacional da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz e contém informações de trabalhadores que apresentaram alterações cutâneas sugestivas de dermatite ocupacional no período de 2000-2014. Resultados: as técnicas com melhor desempenho foram: neural network, random forest, support vector machine e naive Bayes. As variáveis sexo, escolaridade e profissão foram as mais adequadas para os modelos de previsão de dermatite ocupacional. Conclusão: as técnicas de AM possibilitam predizer os fatores que influenciam a segurança e a saúde dos trabalhadores, os parâmetros que subsidiam a implantação de procedimentos e as políticas mais efetivas para prevenir a dermatite ocupacional.

Abstract Introduction: to predict work related diseases is a challenge for organizations and the governmental authorities. By means of machine learning (ML) techniques it is possible to identify factors that determine the occurrence of an occupational disease, aiming at taking more effective actions to protect workers. Objective: to predict, by comparing ML techniques, the factors which highly influence the occurrence of occupational dermatitis. Methods: we developed a code in R language and a descriptive analysis of the data and identified the influence factors according to the ML technique that presented the best performance. The database was made available by the Occupational Dermatology Service of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and assembles information of the workers who experienced cutaneous alterations suggestive of occupational dermatitis between 2000-2014. Results: the techniques which presented the best performance were: neural network, random forest, support vector machine, and naive Bayes. Sex, schooling, and profession were the most adequate variables for the occupational dermatitis prediction models. Conclusion: ML techniques allowed to predict the factors that influence the workers' safety and health, as well as the parameters that subsidize the procedures implementation, and the most effective policies to prevent occupational dermatitis.

Safety , Occupational Health , Dermatitis, Occupational , Dermatology , Protective Factors , Occupational Diseases , Learning , Methods , Occupational Groups
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 47: e4, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376802


Resumo Introdução: a metilisotiazolinona isolada ou associada à metilcloroisotiazolinona (Kathon CG) é um conservante relacionado à dermatite de contato alérgica ocupacional. Objetivos: avaliar o perfil demográfico e clínico dos casos ocupacionais de sensibilização a isotiazolinonas no município do Rio de Janeiro e descrever a presença desses preservativos em tintas nacionais. Métodos: estudo transversal baseado em informações de prontuários de trabalhadores submetidos a testes de contato entre 2013-2017. Descreveu-se a prevalência de características clínicas, demográficas e ocupacionais e utilizou-se um modelo não-ajustado para investigar a associação entre variáveis. Buscou-se a presença e a concentração de isotiazolinonas nas fichas de composição química de tintas nacionais. Resultados: dentre os 768 trabalhadores submetidos aos testes, 68 apresentavam dermatose ocupacional com resultado positivo para sensibilização à metilisotiazolinona/Kathon CG. As profissões mais acometidas foram as relacionadas a atividades domésticas e limpeza. Houve maior chance de sensibilização às isotiazolinonas nas mulheres e naqueles com acometimento das mãos e das pernas. Entre as 61 tintas avaliadas, 26 possuíam alguma isotiazolinona, sendo a metilcloroisotiazolinona a mais comum. Conclusões: a sensibilização às isotiazolinonas pode impactar a saúde do trabalhador e demanda maior vigilância com materiais de limpeza e cosméticos, assim como a discussão da regulação da composição de tintas comercializadas no país.

Abstract Introduction: methylisothiazolinone alone or associated with methylchloroisothiazolinone (Kathon CG) is a preservative related to occupational allergic contact dermatitis. Objectives: to evaluate the demographic and clinical profile of occupational cases of sensitization to isothiazolinones in the city of Rio de Janeiro and to describe the presence of these preservatives in national paints. Methods: cross-sectional study based on information from medical records of workers who underwent patch testing between 2013-2017. The prevalence of clinical, demographic and occupational characteristics was described and an unadjusted model was used to investigate the association between variables. We sought the presence and concentration of isothiazolinones in the chemical composition sheets of national paints. Results: among the 768 workers submitted to the tests, 68 had occupational dermatosis with a positive result for sensitization to methylisothiazolinone/Kathon CG. The most affected occupations were those related to domestic activities and cleaning. There was a greater likelihood of sensitization to isothiazolinones in women and in those with involvement of the hands and legs. Among the 61 paints evaluated, 26 had some isothiazolinone, with methylchloroisothiazolinone being the most common. Conclusions: sensitization to isothiazolinones can impact workers' health and demands greater vigilance on cleaning materials and cosmetics, as well as discussing the composition regulation of the paints sold in Brazil.

An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;94(2): 147-156, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001140


Abstract: BACKGROUND: Occupational dermatoses are common, especially contact dermatitis. Epidemiological studies on these dermatoses are scarce in Brazil and they are necessary as part of the public policy to protect workers' health. OBJECTIVES: To identify sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with occupational contact dermatitis seen between 2000 and 2014 at an occupational dermatology service. METHODS: It is a cross-sectional and retrospective study, based on information obtained from the service's database. RESULTS: Of 560 patients with conclusive patch test, 289 (46.9%) presented occupational dermatoses and 213 occupational contact dermatitis with predominance of the allergic type in relation to the irritative type (149:64 respectively). The odds of occupational dermatoses were higher among men and lower among patients aged 50 years or older and with higher level of education. Regarding the possibility of presenting occupational allergic contact dermatitis, only the gender variable was statistically significant. The professions most seen were cleaners, construction workers, painters, mechanics/metallurgists and cooks. The commonest allergens were nickel sulfate, potassium dichromate, cobalt chloride, carba-mix and formaldehyde. STUDY LIMITATIONS: The main limitations of this study are the fact that it was carried out in a tertiary service of occupational dermatoses and the lack of access to some allergens outside the patch test baseline series. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to identify the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with suspected occupational contact dermatitis seen at the Service, beyond the professional groups and allergens related to a high risk of occupational contact dermatitis in this population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Occupational/epidemiology , Potassium Dichromate/adverse effects , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Patch Tests/statistics & numerical data , Caustics/adverse effects , Construction Industry , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Age Factors , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Dermatitis, Irritant/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Dermatitis, Occupational/etiology , Educational Status , Hand Dermatoses/chemically induced , Hand Dermatoses/epidemiology , Irritants/adverse effects , Nickel/adverse effects