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Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 987-992, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-797016


Objective@#To analyze the occurrence features of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) of Seasonal Influenza Vaccines (InfV) used in China, 2015-2018 influenza season.@*Methods@#InfV (including concurrent administered with other vaccines) AEFI data were collected through the Chinese national AEFI information system during 2015.9.1-2018.8.31 (excluding Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan data). The vaccine lot release data were collected from National Institutes for Food and Drug Control published database. Time periods of three influenza season were 2015.9.1-2016.8.31, 2016.9.1-2017.8.31, 2017.9.1-2018.8.31. The vaccines used and included in this analysis were trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV3)-Split, IIV3-Split (Children) and IIV-subnit. The incidence of AEFI were calculated (per 100 000 release doses), and epidemiological characteristic were analyzed using descriptive methodology.@*Results@#A total of 8 464 InfV AEFIs were collected in 2015-2018 influenza season from National AEFI Information System, in which 5 646 were IIV3-split, with the rate of 10.64/100 000 release doses, 2 818 were IIV3-split (Children), with the rate of 9.355/100 000 release doses. The most common symptom was fever (axillary temperature ≥37.1 ℃) within vaccine reactions, with a number of 6 207 cases. In which, there were 3 554 cases with fever (axillary temperature ≥38.6 ℃) and the estimated reporting rate was 4.274/100 000 release doses. In all rare vaccine reactions, the most common diagnosis was anaphylactic rash(442, 0.531/100 000 release doses) and angioedema (70, 0.084/100 000 release doses). Even the rates of serious rare vaccine reactions were low, febrile Convulsion (27, 0.032/100 000 release doses) and Henoch-Schönlein Purpura(HSP) (21, 0.025/100 000 release doses) were relatively common in serious rare vaccine reactions during the study period.@*Conclusion@#The estimated rate of rare vaccine reactions related toInfV was relatively low. In all vaccine reactions, fever was the most common symptoms. The most common diagnosis of non-serious rare vaccine reaction were anaphylactic rash and angioedema. The incidence of serious rare vaccine reactions was low.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596765


To evaluate security of influenza virus vaccines by analysis of adverse reaction to influenza virus vaccine,especially the relationship between Guillain Barr? syndrome and influenza vaccines.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596767


To evaluate the risk of sequela after serious vaccine reaction.The rare serious vaccine reactions might result in sequela,the incidence of rare serious vaccine reactions,the estimated incidence of sequela and cases reported were reviewed.Further research should be developed to provide the scientific basis for sequela control and prevention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596771


Objective The study is to analyze the occurrence features of Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) in China,and to evaluate the implementation of AEFI surveillance system,the safety of National Immunization Program (NIP) Vaccines and the quality of the immunization services.Methods The AEFI data of 2007-2008 were collected through the China Information System and the Children Immunization Information System,which reported before march 25,2009.The descriptive methodology was used in the study.Results 32120 AEFI cases of 2007-2008 were reported,95.02% were reported from 10 pilot provinces.The ratio of male and female was 1.41:1.77.53% cases were ≤1 years old and the cases were occurred more often between april to october.The first three vaccines are DPT,MPV and JREV.65.85% happened after the 1st and 2nd dose and 75.05% within ld after vaccination.The estimat reported incidence of NIP vaccines were 7.99~322.77 per million doses.In the classification of AEFI cases,79.93% cases were common,minor reactions,14.65% were rare,serious reactions and others were