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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-560092


Objective To test the scientificity, practicability, feasibility, intelligibility, and acceptability of the Primary-Level Personnel Guiding Handbook for Schistosomiasis Control(probationary edition). Methods Twenty-seven county and village doctors were selected randomly from two schistosomiasis transmission uncontrolled counties in Jiangxi Province as pretest objects. The pretest was carried out with the focus group discussion. Results The proportions of pretest objects who considered handbook had scientificity, practicability, feasibility, intelligibility and acceptability were 59.26%, 85.19%,55.56%,51.85% and 92.59%, respectively, and the pretest objects had proposals and suggestions for modification. Conclusion According to the suggestion and proposal from the pretest objects, the handbook can be modified and published.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-563351


Objective To understand the effect of the three-cell latrine and B-type tilted ellipsoid methane tank for eliminating eggs of schistosome in different seasons and temperatures in order to evaluate their values for popularization and application in schistosomiasis endemic areas.Methods The eggs of schistosome collected from infected rabbits were put into the three-cell latrines and methane tanks in different seasons.The miracidia were observed and counted after collecting the eggs for hatching experiments on the 5th,10th,15th,20th,25th,30th,40th,50th,and 60th day,respectively.Results In the three-cell latrine,the time of eliminating eggs completely in the fecal residue in winter,spring(autumn),and summer was 50,30,15 days,respectively,and the time of completely eliminating 100 eggs of schistosome was 40,20,10 days,respectively.Correspondingly,in the methane tank,the time of eliminating eggs completely in the fecal residue in winter,spring(autumn),and summer was 30,15,10 days,respectively,and the time of completely eliminating 100 eggs of schistosome was 20,15,5 days,respectively.Conclusions The three-cell latrine and B-type tilted ellipsoid methane tank could effectively eliminate schistosome eggs in human and animal excreta and achieve the national hygienic standard on night soil in the endemic areas of Jiangxi Province.