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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032337


Objective To explore the role of clinical pharmacists involved in the case of a patient with acute myeloid leukemia whose QTc interval prolongation was induced by gilteritinib, and to provide reference for drug treatment and monitoring of those patients. Methods The abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) of a patient with acute myeloid leukemia was found in time by clinical pharmacists, who participated in clinical diagnosis and treatment by analyzing the patient’s underlying diseases, diagnosis and treatment process, therapeutic drugs and their potential interactions. Results Clinical pharmacists suspected that the prolonged QTc interval was likely to be an adverse reaction caused by gilteritinib, and recommended immediate discontinuation of the drug and re-examination of the electrocardiogram.The physician took the suggestion to stop the suspected drug therapy with gilteritinib promptly, and ECG was rechecked 3 d later, and the QTc value returned to the normal range. Conclusion Clinical pharmacists participating in clinical diagnosis and treatment could provide better pharmaceutical care for patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038443


ObjectiveTo genotype Oncomelania hupensis, based on microsatellites, in different snail-bearing environments in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, for population genetics analysis in order to explore the reasons and influencing factors for the existence or proliferation of snails and to provide scientific basis for effective monitoring and control of snails. MethodsA total of 90 snail samples from three populations were collected in Yaobang Village (YB) and Sanxing Village (SX) in Pinghu City, and Yunhe Farm (YH) in Xiuzhou District, all were selected for snail checking in key snail habitats of Jiaxing City in 2022. DNA of the snails was genotyped and analyzed for population genetics using nine microsatellite loci. ResultsA total of 84 alleles were observed, and the mean number of alleles (Na) was 7.889, 5.667, and 3.778 for YB, SX, and YH respectively; the number of effective alleles (NeA) was 4.807, 3.329, and 2.294, respectively; and the coefficients of inbreeding (FIS) were 0.400, 0.377, and 0.493, respectively. Under the Infinite Allele Model (IAM), the SX and YH might have a recent bottleneck. The NEstimator and LDNe software calculated effective population sizes (Ne) were above 31.9. AMOVA analysis showed that the variation of snails in the three populations mainly existed among individuals, accounting for 41.4% of the total variation. The value of the index of genetic differentiation between populations (FST) was 0.286, indicating a high degree of genetic differentiation. The results of the principal component analysis and phylogenetic tree were consistent, and the three populations were divided into two lineages, YB and SX were one lineage, and YH belonged to another independent lineage. Population history and dynamics analysis showed that the gene flow of the three populations was insufficient, population divergence history indicated that YH might have diverged from SX first, and YB was produced by the contact fusion of SX and YH. ConclusionThe genetic diversity of snail populations in Jiaxing City is generally low, and the snail populations are unstable, with a great degree of genetic differentiation and insufficient gene flow among populations. This study can provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the control of the snail as well as monitoring the trend of the spread of the snail.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958999


Objective@#To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of human brucellosis in Jiaxing City from 2010 to 2021, so as to provide insights into the development of the brucellosis control strategy.@*Methods@#The epidemiological and clinical data of brucellosis patients and epidemiological data of brucellosis outbreaks in Jiaxing City from 2010 to 2021 were collected from Chinese Disease Control and Prevention Information System, and the epidemiological features and outbreaks of brucellosis were analyzed descriptively.@*Results@#Totally 160 brucellosis patients were reported in Jiaxing City from 2010 to 2021, and the incidence of brucellosis appeared a tendency towards a rise (χ2trend=28.564, P=0.002), with annual mean incidence of 0.29/105. No deaths due to brucellosis occurred in Jiaxing City from 2010 to 2021. Brucellosis cases were reported each month, which were concentrated in the first and second quarters, and the greatest number was seen in May (27 cases, 16.88%). The brucellosis cases were predominantly reported in Tongxiang City (114 cases, 71.25%), and 75.00% were male (120 cases) and 70.63% were occupational populations (113 cases). The patients had a median (interquartile range) age of 57 (12) years at onset, and the median duration (interquartile range) from onset to definitive diagnosis was 18 (28) days. The clinical manifestations mainly included fever and weakness, and a total of 18 Brucella melitensis isolates and one B. bovis isolate were cultured.@*Conclusions@#The incidence of brucellosis was rising in Jiaxing City from 2010 to 2021. The brucellosis patients were predominantly reported in Tongxiang City in the first and second quarters, and young, middle-aged men and occupational populations were at a high risk of brucellosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959006


Abstract@#On March 12, 2022, a case with Plasmodium vivax malaria was reported in the First Hospital of Jiaxing City. The case sought healthcare services due to persist, sharp distending pain of the brain and fever on February 25, 2022, and the symptoms showed no improvements following symptomatic treatment. Microscopy identified malaria parasites on March 12, and the case was definitively diagnosed as P. vivax malaria on March 13. The case was discharged from hospital on March 16 and relapsed on June 15. The case was a veteran from the China-Myanmar border, where malaria is highly prevalent, and had no history of travel after returning to Jiaxing City on October 2021. Based on epidemiological history and laboratory tests, the case was diagnosed as a cross-border mosquito-borne imported case of P. vivax malaria. The case was given treatment with mosquito vector isolation, and the case's family members, neighbors and colleagues were all tested negative for malaria parasites. There was no Anopheles sinensis detected in the case' residence; however, Anopheles was detected in the neighboring areas, indicating a risk of re-establishment. Returners from high-risk regions including borders and labor exporters are recommended to be included in malaria surveillance, and the sensitivity of malaria surveillance requires to be maintained and the diagnostic and treatment capability of malaria requires to be improved in medical institutions.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 662-665, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613383


Sepsis should be defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dys-regulated host response to infection. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is one of the methods for the clinical treatment of sepsis. For patients undergoing CRRT, rational antimicrobial therapy is very important for the control of patient's infection. However, during CRRT, there is no clear guideline for the dose adjustment of antibiotics. In this paper, we analyzed the effect of CRRT combined with antibiotics on sepsis treatment in China and abroad, and discussed its effect on antibiotic clearance, and provided reference for clinical work.