As a diagnostic method to guide the treatment of sinew/fascia diseases, jingjin (muscle regions of meridians) differentiation is an important component of syndrome differentiation system of acupuncture and moxibustion. In clinical practice, because of the limitations of the ideological guidance of the holistic view, the systemic and dialectical thinking and the syndrome element collection, the system of diagnosis and treatment of sinew/fascia diseases is not comprehensive. Through combing the origin of the holistic view of jingjin, the paper expounds the differentiation framework of sinew/fascia diseases from 4 aspects of differentiation, i.e. the location of disease, etiology, nature of disease and condition of disease. It suggests to construct jingjin differentiation system by taking the holistic ideas as the core, the syndrome element research as the common method and the evidence-based medicine as the theoretical basis so that the thinking of syndrome differentiation and the diagnostic approaches based on jingjin theory can be enriched.
Humans , Acupuncture Therapy , Evidence-Based Medicine , Language , Meridians , Moxibustion , SyndromeABSTRACT
Meridian-tendon is a central concept in meridian theory of TCM, and its basic research has been increasingly emphasized. While there is no unified understanding of the essence of meridian-tendon, the concept that function of fascia could partially reflect the functions of meridian-tendons has reached consensus in the academic community. This article suggests that under the guidance of meridian-tendon theory, based on previous research foundation of fascia, focusing on adopting fascia research methods, the mechanisms of tender point hyperalgesia and abnormal proliferation related to meridian lesions should be adopted to explain yitong weishu (taking the worst painful sites of muscle spasm as the points), and the mechanisms of meridian intervention efficacy should be adopted to explain yizhi weishu (feelings from patients and acupuncture operators). Furthermore, this article provides an analysis of the future trends in basic research of meridian tendons.
Humans , Meridians , Acupuncture Therapy , Acupuncture , Tendons , Pain , Research Design , Acupuncture PointsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the imaging features of focus of knee joint tendon in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) by musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) technique.@*METHODS@#One hundred KOA patients and 100 healthy subjects were included. All the KOA patients were palpated by the sequence of foot @*RESULTS@#The top-5 focus of knee tendon of KOA patients were located in medial inferior patella, medial tibial condyle, inferior patella, Zusanlici and Hedingci. The thickness of ligaments and tendons in extension and flexion positions in KOA patients were thicker than that in healthy subjects (@*CONCLUSION@#The focus of knee joint tendon in KOA patients shows significantly thickened musculoskeletal imaging features.