Acupuncture in Chinese medicine has been a treasure in Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years. It is opposite to many basic theories in modern medicine in dynasties. Different from the cross compatibility and interactions among medical medicines, acupuncture in Chinese medicine has its own consolidation and inherent philosophical ideas. In view of this, how to discuss the philosophical ideas and its development of acupuncture in Chinese medicine becomes of great importance. It is crucial to clearly answer the three theoretical propositions in the development of acupuncture in Chinese medicine. Firstly, the differences in acupuncture should be identified between the ancient time and the modern time. The issues focus on the origin of() and its philosophical divergence. Secondly, the origin of acupuncture should be identified, whether it is from China or India. Thirdly, the differences in acupuncture should be identified between China and the west, focusing on the explanation and rectification of the interrelationship between the acupuncture in Chinese medicine and the western acupuncture. Hence, the basic features are discussed on the reality of acupuncture in Chinese medicine as well as its diversity. Finally, the proposition is extended on how to holistically grasp the philosophical foundation of acupuncture in Chinese medicine and its future trend.
Objective To screen the splicing isoforms of estrogen receptor βin the Beagle hypothalamic -pituitary -gonadal axis.Methods For ERβmRNA CDS sequence of eight exons, primers were designed confined to the CDS sequences of two sequential exons.Beagle hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus tissue cDNA were used as template, and corresponding sequences were amplified by PCR.PCR products were sequenced and aligned in the NCBI web site.The correct gene was then analyzed with DNAMAN comparative analysis software and handwork checking up, thus got the ERβsplicing isoforms of Beagle. Results Four beagle ER beta splicing isomers were obtained:exon 4 complete skipping ER βisomer (300 bp missing), two kind of Beagle ERβisoforms with partial exon 4 and partial exon 5 complicated missing (isoformⅠ334 bp missing and isoformⅡ265 bp missing), and exon 7 complete missing ERβsplicing isoforms (181 bp missing).Exon 4 complete skipping and exon 7 complete missing isomers had been obtained full length coding sequence, and the other two splicing isomers were partial coding sequence.Conclusion This project gained four ERβsplicing isomers of Beagle, and that will lay an important foundation for further study of their roles in the Beagle reproductive regulation mechanism.
Objective To quantitative the changing information of estrogen receptor βgene which was in tissue and organ of sex gland during oestrus and dioestrus of Beagles, and to show the different expression situation of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis during oestrus and dioestrus, and providing the basic of theory to research deeply the mechanism of heat of Beagles. Methods As the key gene in regulation reproduction, ERβgene is located in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, so using Beagles which was in oestrus and dioestrus, and extract the RNA from hypothalamus、pituitary、ovary and uterus respectively,after reverse transcription we detected the expression of ERβgene by real-time quantitative PCR.Results The expression of ERβgene mRNA from ovary、uterus、pituitary、hypothalamus of Beagles which was in dioestrus was 0.35 times, 0.17 times, 0.44 times and 0.43 times than the expression of ERβgene mRNA from ovary, uterus, pituitary, hypothalamus of Beagles which was in oestrus.Conclusion The expression of ERβgene was up-regulation in hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis of Beagles which was in oestrus.
Objective To investigate the related risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Methods 1 200 patients were chosen,including 99 GERD patients in the observation group,another 99 patients with non-GERD in control group.Questionnaires and esophageal and gastric pressure measurement method were used to analyze the related risk factors of GERD.LESP LESL,GP,the LESP-GP and LESP/GP's were compared between the observation group and the control group.Results In 1 200 patients participating in the survey,99 patients were confirmed GERD,with a ratio of 8.25%.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that eating too full,to eat before going to bed,like greasy food,spicy foods,heavy drinking and smoking were important factors affecting the incidence of GERD.2 LESL,LESP/GP and LESP-GP of the observation group were significantly less or lower than those of the control group,GP was significantly higher than that of the control group,the differences were statistically significant (t =12.216,12.515,8.973,3.437,all P <0.05).Conclusion Poor eating habits and lifestyle are important risk factors for GERD,the lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction and intragastric pressure increases in GERD incidence occupies an important position,should take positive interventions.