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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016762


Background In recent years, regional high-temperature weather in summer occurs frequently in China. Heat stroke is the most representative meteorological disease caused by high temperature. In order to improve monitoring, early warning, prevention, and control of heat stroke, it is of great significance to understand the epidemiological characteristics of heat stroke and the associated impact of heatwave. Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of heat stroke cases in Jinan City, and to explore the effects of heatwave exposure on heat stroke. Methods Case reports of heat stroke and daily data of meteorological factors in Jinan City from 2017 to 2022 were collected. We described the temporal, population, and regional distribution characteristics of heat stroke cases in Jinan City, and used a time-stratified case-crossover design combined with conditional logistic regression model to explore the effects of heatwave exposure on heat stroke under 12 heatwave definitions (different combinations of intensity and duration). The cut-off percentiles used for heatwave definitions were the 90th (P90), 95th (P95), 97.5th (P97.5), and 99th (P99) percentiles of daily mean temperature; the durations were ≥ 2 d, ≥ 3 d, and ≥ 4 d, respectively. Pi(k), where i is temperature threshold, and k is duration. For example, the definition of a heatwave was notated as P90(2), indicating that the daily mean temperature is ≥ P90 and lasts for ≥ 2 d. Alternatively, lag01 denotes the cumulative lag effect with a 1 d lag, and so on. Results A total of 1394 cases of heat stroke were reported in Jinan City from 2017 to 2022, including 581 mild cases and 813 severe cases, and 85 deaths were reported, with a cumulative fatality rate of 6.10%. The cases of heat stroke reported each year during the study period were concentrated from June to August and peaked in July (665 cases, 47.70%). The sex ratio of males to females in heat stroke cases was 2.02:1. A high incidence of heat stroke was in 50-89 years, with a smaller peak occurring in the age group of 50-59 years and a larger peak in the age group of 70-79 years, respectively. The high-incidence areas of heat stroke were distributed in the western part of Jinan City where city centers situated (Tianqiao District, 274 cases, 19.66%; Huaiyin District, 223 cases, 16.00%) and in the surrounding rural areas (Pingyin County, 254 cases, 18.22%). The effect of heatwave exposure on heat stroke was statistically significant during the study period. The largest effect estimates for the effect on heat stroke occurred under the heatwave definitions of P99(2), P97.5(3), and P97.5(4) at lag04, lag03, and lag04, where corresponding OR (95%CI) values were 9.27 (4.71, 14.24), 8.95 (6.17, 12.98), and 8.22 (4.91, 13.78), respectively. The exposure-response curve showed that the risk of heat stroke tended to increase with the increase of average daily temperature. Conclusion July is the key period for the occurrence of heat stroke among Jinan City residents, while male cases are predominant, more serious cases, age concentration in the 50-89 years. The occurrence of heatwave can further increase the risk of heat stroke with a significant lag effect.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 273-277, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-866103


Objective:To understand the temporal and spatial characteristics of fluoride in rural drinking water in Jinan City.Methods:From 2015 to 2018, the factory water and terminal water samples of centralized rural water supply system were collected from all townships (streets) in 7 agriculture-related districts (counties) in Jinan City during dry season and high water season. Water samples were collected, stored, transported and tested in accordance with the "Standard Examination Methods for Drinking Water" (GB/T 5750-2006). The time, region, endemic areas (Zhangqiu, Jiyang, Shanghe, Licheng, Changqing) and non-endemic areas (Pingyin, Tianqiao) of drinking water type fluorosis, water periods (dry season and high water season), water samples (factory water and terminal water), water sources (shallow well water, deep well water, river water and reservoir water) of water fluorine were analyzed descriptively.Results:A total of 1 638 water samples were collected from 2015 to 2018, the median of water fluorine was 0.400 mg/L, ranging from 0.002 to 2.700 mg/L. The differences in water fluorine of different year (0.400, 0.430, 0.490, 0.360 mg/L) were statistically significant ( H = 33.907, P < 0.01). Total water fluorine excess rate was 5.49% (90/1 638), there were 3 districts with water fluorine excess, namely Jiyang [26.11% (59/226)], Zhangqiu [6.12% (30/490)] and Licheng [0.53% (1/188)]. The median of water fluorine in endemic areas (1 398 samples) was 0.420 mg/L, the non-endemic areas (240 samples) was 0.320 mg/L, and the water fluorine in endemic areas was significantly higher than that in non-endemic areas ( Z =-6.490, P < 0.01). The water fluorine excess rate in endemic areas was 6.44% (90/1 398), and there was no water fluorine excess in non-endemic areas. The median of water fluorine in both dry season (819 samples) and high water season (819 samples) was 0.400 mg/L. The median of water fluorine of factory water (392 samples) was 0.320 mg/L, the terminal water (1 246 samples) was 0.450 mg/L, and the water fluorine of terminal water was significantly higher than that of factory water ( Z =-6.881, P < 0.01). The water fluorine excess rates of shallow well water and deep well water were 31.76% (47/148) and 3.82% (43/1 126), respectively, and there were no water fluorine excess in river water and reservoir water. Conclusions:Fluoride of drinking water in rural areas of Jinan City exceeds the standard, mainly concentrated in Jiyang District. The water fluorine in endemic areas is higher than that in non-endemic areas, water fluorine of terminal water is higher than that of factory water, shallow well water and deep well water as the sources of water has excessive water fluoride, and the general survey and detection of fluoride content in residents' drinking water should be continuously carried out.

Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi ; Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi;(12): 198-201, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806158


Objective@#To study the current situation and distribution characteristics of pesticide poisoning in Ji'nan area, and to provide the basis for formulating the policy of scientific prevention and control of pesticide poisoning.@*Methods@#The cases of pesticide poisoning from 2012 to 2016 were collected from medical institutions in Ji'nan, and the data was subjected to statistical analysis.@*Results@#From 2012 to 2016 in Ji'nan reported a total of 2 237 cases of pesticide poisoning, non productive pesticide poisoning cases (72.78%, 2 149/2 237) and mortality (17.73%, 381/2 149) was significantly higher than that of productive pesticide poisoning. The average age is 46.78±18.57. The highest mortality rate of pesticide poisoning is more than 70 age group of the non productive pesticide poisoning. Organophosphorus pesticides (67.68%, 1 514/2 237) are the main pesticides causing poisoning, followed by herbicide (23.74%, 531/2 237). The highest mortality rate of pesticide was Paraquat (36.45%, 160/439), the second is the dichlorvos (19.19%, 170/886).@*Conclusion@#Pesticide poisoning is a public health problem and social problem which is harmful to the health of the residents in Ji'nan. It is necessary to strengthen the control and management of high toxic pesticides. Pay attention to the psychological intervention of elderly people to reduce the incidence of pesticide poisoning.