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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420353


ObjectiveTo investigate and analyze the health education needs of TCM rehabilitation after hepatobiliary surgery,and the application effect of health education. Methods105 cases of hepatobiliary surgery patients were chosen.Homemade questionnaires with TCM rehabilitation related knowledge needs were used in the investigation.And then the health education of TCM rehabilitation was given to the patients.After these patients accepted the education and were rehabilitated,these patients were again taken TCM and rehabilitation of health education needs for investigation.The changes of the needs of the patients before and after education for the rehabilitation of health education on TCM were compared.The evaluation of the recovery effect for patients with TCM rehabilitation of health education in the liver and gallbladder surgery were taken for investigation. Results105 cases of patients with TCM and rehabilitation health knowledge education before and after the survey results showed that,the urgent need on the knowledge of TCM health rehabilitation rate after hepatobiliary surgery in patients increased significantly compared with before education.In the evaluation of the recovery effect of patients for TCM rehabilitation of health education in theliver and gallbladder surgery,the rate of thinking it effective in promoting postoperative recovery was 91.43%. ConclusionsHepatobiliary surgery patients were lack of knowledge of postoperative recovery of health knowledge of TCM and rehabilitation.By education and practical application,the patients understand the importance of health education on their postoperative rehabilitation,so TCM rehabilitation of health education has an important clinical significance in hepatobiliary surgery patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-579931


Objective To discuss the perioperative nursing norm for patients who are suffering from biliary complications occurred after liver transplantation and who will receive interventional management to treat the complications.Methods Interventional therapies were performed in 20 patients with biliary complications due to liver transplantation.The interventional procedures performed in 20 cases included percutaneous biliary drainage(n = 13), percutaneous biliary balloon dilatation(n = 5) and biliary stent implantation(n = 7).The clinical results were observed and analyzed.Results Biliary tract complications occurred after liver transplantation were seen frequently.Proper interventional management could markedly improve the successful rate of liver transplantation and increase the survival rate of the patients.In accordance with the individual condition, proper nursing measures should be taken promptly and effectively.Conclusion Conscientious and effective nursing can contribute to the early detection of biliary complications and, therefore, to improve the survival rate of both the transplanted liver and the patients.