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Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui ; (6): 692-693,697, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-599123


82 spastic cerebral palsy and normal children were selected, including 27 younger and 27 older spastic cerebral palsy( observation group) ,and 14 younger and older normal children( control group) . The tumor necrosis factor α( TNF-α) levels were measured in the serum with ELISA. The TNF-α levels in the serum of the younger and older spastic CP groups were higher than those of the control groups ( P<0.01 ) . In observation groups, the TNF-α levels of younger spastic cerebral palsy were higher than those of the older (P<0.01). On the contrary, the normal children in the control group of different ages had no difference of TNF-α. TNF-αexpression was signifi-cantly higher in the serum of the spastic CP group than that in the control group ( P<0.01 ) . TNF-α expressed continuously in vivo of children with spastic cerebral palsy involve subsequent brain injury.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 304-306, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-424648


Objective To explore the clinical value of transumbilica single-port laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of bilateral varicocele.Methods From Jan. 2010 to Sep. 2010,42 patients with bilateral varicocele underwent laparoscopic high ligation of bilateral spermatic vein.Of these patients,20 were treated with transumbilica single-port laparoscopic surgery,22 with traditional laparoscopic surgery.The two groups of patients were compared for the parameters such as intraoperative blood loss,testicular artery preservation,operating time,time of activities after surgery,time of intestinal function recovery and hospitalization duration.The semen quality 1 year after the surgery was compared with that before treatment.At the out-patient re-examination at 1,3,6months and 1 year after the surgery,the incision,scrotum,spermatic cord,testis were checked for possible complications.The relief of discomfortness in the scrotum was also followed up.Results Both operation procedures were successful,without severe complications.In the single-port laparoscopic surgery produced blood lose ( [ 5 ± 1 ] ml vs.[ 5 ± 1 ] ml,t =- 0.452,P > 0.05 ),the operating time ( [ 41 ± 7 ] min vs.[ 39 ± 3 ] min,t =0.686,P > 0.05 ),postoperative intestinal function recovery time ( [ 11 + 1 ] h vs.[ 11 + 2 ] h,t =- 1.631,P >0.05 ) and postoperative hospital stay ( [ 3.1 + 0.7 ] d vs.[ 3.4 + 0.7 ] d,t =- 1.447,P > 0.05 ) which were all comparable to that from conventional laparoscopic surgery.There was significant difference in the population using analgesics,single-port laparoscopic surgery vs.conventional laparoscopic surgery ( 1 case [ 5.0% ] vs 7case [ 31.8% ].The difference was statistically significant (x2 =4.886,P < 0.05 ).The single-port laparoscopic surgery produced neglectable scar at the incision.All of the patients were questionaired for their satisfaction with the incision 1 year after the surgery.The difference was statistically significant (x2 =7.636,P < 0.01 )Conclusion Single-port laparoscopic high ligation of bilateral spermatic vein produces comparable outcomes to that of conventional laparoscopic surgery,but it is a more microinvasive procedure producing good aesthetic appearance,representing the trend of laparoscopic technique.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 185-187, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-425053


Objective To evaluate the effect of auxiliary trocar located on various positions on obese patients treated with retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy.MethodsRetrospective analysis was performed for 61 consecutive obese patients who underwent retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy for localized renal cell carcinoma at our institution from March 2004 to December 2010.An auxiliary trocar was placed into retroperitoneal space according to the position of tumor.It was placed infro-costal magin in the mid-axillary line with uppre-median pole tumor,and 4 cm medial to mid-axillary line and 1 cm cephalad to illac spine with lower-median pole,respectively.ResultsAll 61 patients were completed successfully with no conversion to open surgery.Mean operating time was ( 153.1 ± 23.5 ) min.Mean estimated blood loss was (57.6 ±29.7) ml.Mean hospital stay after operation was (5.7 ±2.6) d.The rupture of peritoneum and liquefaction of fat were occurred in 5 and 4 patients respectively.There was no major intraoperative and postoperative complications occurred.Conclusions Reasonable position of the auxiliary trocar according to the tumor's location would be safe and feasible on obese patients treated with retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy.Obese patients with localized renal cell carcinoma would better benefit from minimally invasive procedure.