This study was conducted to examine the prevalence of undernourished elderly in community-dwelling elderly people, and to analyze the correlation between under-nutritional status and health status and physical fitness of the elderly.The subjects comprised 1758 residents (757 men and 1001 women) aged 70 or over living in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, who took part in an interview and biochemical blood examination as part of the “OTASHA-KENSHIN”. In this study, we set the ‘under-nutrition group’ as serum albumin level ≤ 3.8 g/dL (normal group serum albumin level ≥ 3.9 g/dL). Based on this standard, 124 subjects (72 men and 52 women) were found to be undernourished. Physical fitness was measured by handgrip strength, knee extension power, and walking capability (usual and maximal walking speed).The prevalence of undernourished elderly was significantly higher in men than in women, and in those living alone or with a spouse compared with those living with children. It became clear that the lifestyle and health status of the under-nutrition group was generally poor compared with those of the normal group. Handgrip strength and knee extension power were significantly lower in the under-nutrition group than in the normal group of men. Although usual and maximal walking speed tended to be lower in the under-nutrition group, there was no significant difference. In women, a significant difference in handgrip strength, knee extension power, and walking capability was not seen between the two groups.These results suggest that an intervention program for the undernourished elderly living in the community should target an improvement not only of nutrition but also of physical fitness.
Background: High heart rate (HR) has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality due to all causes. The present study was conducted to examine the effect of exercise adherence on longitudinal changes in resting heart rate among a population of community-dwelling elderly.Methods: The subjects were 133 men and 209 women aged 65 and older who participated in a baseline survey in August 1992 and were subsequently followed annually for 8 years. Resting HR was measured in the sitting position. The independent variable was the longitudinal change in differences of HR (Δ) from 1996 to 2000. Dependent variables were age, heart rate, smoking habit, TMIG index of competence score, and states of exercise adherence during the period 1992-1996.Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that heart rate in 1996 and smoking in men, and heart rate, TMIG index of competence score, and exercise adherence during the period 1992-1996 in women were significantly associated with longitudinal change in HR.Conclusion: Exercise adherence reduced the increase in HR of elderly women. These results suggest the importance of exercise adherence in elderly women.
The purpose of this study was to examine how S-R compatibility affected P 300, the stimulusevaluation process and response process. The P 300 component is thought to reflect information processing of stimuli. Previous studies used visual stimuli. In this study, we measured S-R compatibility effects on EMG-RT and P 300 using electrical somatosensory stimuli. Subjects performed the oddball task (Task 1) and the four-choice stimuli response task (Task 2) . They were presented electrical stimuli through ring electrodes on the index and little fingers of both hands and instructed to respond quickly to stimuli. S-R compatibility was decided by position of the stimuli. EMG-RT and P 300 latency for compatible and incompatible conditions were analyzed.<BR>For ERP analysis, data of subjects who reacted faster to compatibility ware used. Neither P 300 latency nor amplitude differed significantly between compatibility and incompatibility in Tasks 1 and 2, but for Task 2, latency tended to be prolonged by incompatibility. Therefore, it is thought that S-R compatibility mainly has an effect on response processing. However, judging from the tendency of P 300 latency to be prolonged by incompatibility for Task 2, it was considered that there is the possibility that S-R compatibility influenced P 300 latency, even if using a somatosensory stimulus.
Foram feitas contagens de populaçöes de linfócitos T e das subpopulaçöes CD4 (células auxiliares) e CD6 (células supressoras/citotóxicas) em amostras de sangue periférico de 70 crianças eutróficas, na faixa etária de dois a dez anos, com o objetivo de estabelecer curvas de normalidade