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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-391314


Objective To investigate the mechanism that BC047440 gene regulates nuclear fac-tor κB sigal passway and analyze the differential expression gene between HepG2 cells and HepG2 cells BC047440 gene silenced by RNAi using 35K Human Genome Array. Methods The differential expres-sion gene between HepG2 cells and HepG2 cells with BC047440 gene silenced was analyzed by 35K Human Genome Array, and the data were submitted to the database and MAS system of Capitalbio Corporation.Then TRAF6 was confirmed by RT-PCR test. Results Among the total 35000 probe sets, the expression of 59 genes was down-regulated for more than 50% and 130 genes were up-regulated more than 2 fold in the silencing group when compared with normal controls. TRAF6 mRNA was decreased for 29.5% in silicening HepG2 compared with that of wild HepG2 by RT-PCR, which is similar to human genome array(23.06%).Conclusion The high throughput and effective oligomicroarray can analyze the differential expression gene and BC047440 gene might regulate NF-κB signal pathway inderectly by TRAF6.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-411947


Objective To investigate the correlation between the expression of Cyclin D1,Rb and clinicopathologic parameter in bile duct carcinoma(BDC), and evaluate the potential prognostic value. Methods The expression of Cyclin D1, Rb in BDC was detected by immunochemical staining(S-P method). Results Of 42 samples, 22 cases exhibited Cyclin D1 positive expression(52.38%), correlated with histological grade(P=0.044), hepatic invasion(P=0.0046), clinic stage(P=0.0001) and survival time(P=0.0011). The Rb positive rate was 57.14%(24/42), while the expression was related to histologic grade(P=0.0052), clinic stage(P=0.0042), and lymphatic metastasis(P=0.0068). Conclusions Ccylin D1 and Rb are correlated with some clinicopathologic parameter of BDC, and Cyclin D1 is a valuable prognostic marker of BDC.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-673400


Objective To elucidate the relationship between liver mitochondria calcium content and respi- ratory function in obstructive jaundice and biliary drainage.Methods The model of obstructive jaundice and bil- iary drainage was produced in dogs by common bile duct ligation and choledochoduodenostomy.The liver mitochon- dria were isolated and the calcium content and respiratory control rate were monitored.Results Mitochondria res- piratory control rate and calcium content significantly decreased and elevated respectively after bile duct ligation and there were varying degrees of recovery after biliary drainage,and the degree of recovery was evidently correlated with the duration of obstruction before drainage and the time after drainage.There was a strong negative correlation between the mitochondria calcium content and change of respiratory function.Conclusion The mitochondria cal- cium overload may be one of important factors for suppressed mitochondrial respiration in obstructive jaundice and early relief of the obstruction could favour the recovery of damaged liver mitochondria.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516815


Objective To explore the change of liver mitochondrial calcium metabolism and its effect on mitochondrial respiratory function.Methods The model of dog biliary obstruction was made by bile duct ligation. Mitochondria were obtained by differential centfifugation.Mitochondrial calcium content,calcium uptake rate and respiratory function were observed and compared.Results Liver mitochondrial calcium content was increased sig- nificantly,calcium uptake rate and respiratory function were obviously reduced after biliary obstruction.Mitochon- drial calcium content was highly negatively correlated with mitochondrial respiratory function (P