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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-484811


Objective To observe the curative effect and safety of recombinant tissue plasminogen acti-vator (rt-PA) in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients in more than 15 points of NIHSS scores and less than 4.5 h in onset time. Methods One hundred and twenty-seven cases with AIS in more than 15 points of NIHSS scores and less than 4.5 h in onset time were included into the study. According to the patients′ option to accept the intravenous thrombolytic therapy , 68 patients received intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase as the treat-ment group, 59 patients did not receive intravenous thrombolytic therapy as the control group. The incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage and mortality were observed in the two groups after thrombolytic therapy. Their nerve function defect was scored according to the NIHSS scores before and after treatment at day 7 and day 30. Their living ability was assessed by mRS in modified Rankin chart after the treatment at the day 90. Results The NIHSS scores were significant lower in the 2 groups after therapy (P 0.05). Conclusion Intravenous rt-PA thrombolytic therapy is effective and safe for AIS whose NIHSS scores are more than 15 points and onset time are less than 4.5 h.