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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744760


Objective To observe the effect of emotional resilience group training on fatigue and sleep quality of patients with gastrointestinal cancer.Methods A total of 321 hospitalized patients with gastrointestinal cancer were randomly divided into experimental group (160 cases) and control group (161 cases) by random number table.Two groups of patients were treated with routine nursing care.In addition,the experimental group was given 8 weeks of emotional resilience group training once a week.The effect of intervention was assessed by the cancer fatigue scale (CFS) and Pittsburgh sleep index (PSQI) before and after the intervention.Result There was no significant difference in CFS and PSQI between the two groups before intervention (t=0.18,1.82,P>0.05).After intervention,there was no significant difference in the total scores and each dimension scores of CFS and PSQI in the control group (P>0.05).The total scores of CFS and PSQI in the intervention group (13.72± 1.33 and 10.62± 1.01) were significantly lower than those before intervention (25.35 ± 2.07 and 17.38 ± 2.69).The dimensions of CFS,sleep quality,sleeping time,sleep disorder,hypnotic drug use and daytime dysfunction were significantly lower than those before intervention (P<0.01,P<0.05).After intervention,there were significant differences in scores of CFS,somatic,cognitive and emotional dimensions between the two groups (t=18.21,-36.94,-13.17,-6.17,P<0.01),and the scores of PSQI,sleep quality,sleeping time,sleep disorder,hypnotic use and daytime dysfunction were statistically different between the two groups (t=19.96,-82.86,-16.59,-9.39,-28.00,-9.25,P< 0.01).Conclusion Emotional resilience group training can effectively reduce the fatigue of patients with gastrointestinal cancer and improve sleep quality.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 903-906, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-467294


Objective To investigate the efficacy of paroxetine hydrochloride on elderly ulcerative colitis with anxiety /depression as adjuvant treatment. Methods The total of 80 cases of elderly ulcerative colitis with anxiety / depression were randomly assigned to the treatment and control groups ( n= 40 cases) . The mild or moderate UC patients in the control group were treated with mesalazine enteric coated tablets 1 g,tid,po or 1 g,qid,po, respectively;upon the complete treatment for 2 weeks, the patients with lower response were added with prednisone acetate tablets 10 mg,qid,po;and the patients in the treatment group were treated with paroxetine hydrochloride tablets starting from 10 mg·d-1 to 20 mg·d-1 3 days later, for 2 months in addition to the basic treatment as those in the control group. No alcohol, no coffee and no irritated foods were allowed during the treatment;regular reexamination was taken once for every 2 weeks. The clinical manifestations and colonoscopy Mayo composite score and Hamilton anxiety / depression ( HAMA/HAMD) score test were assessed for every patient before and after treatment, to detect the improvement after treatment. Results After treatment, the Mayo scores of the treatment group decreased significantly in comparison to the control group,with the total efficiency was markedly higher than that of the control group ( P<0. 05);HAMA and HAMD in treatment group were obviously lower than those before treatment ( both P<0. 01);HAMA and HAMD scores in the control group displayed no variation after treatment. Conclusion The adjuvant therapy of paroxetine hydrochloride remarkably improves the clinical and endoscopic manifestations of elderly patients with ulcerative colitis with anxiety/depression.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-518744


Objective To observe the changes of serum endotoxin and interleukin-6 level before and after treatment at intestine get rid of filth and adjustment intestine microenviroment in patients with advanced stage liver cirrhosis and to oberserve the incidence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis(SBP) and to research a method that can more efficient reduce the incidence of SBP.Methods Group A was given conventional treatment such as protection liver,supplement human albumin and uragogue;goup B was given FPA 0 2g tid po,continuous three days on the basis of two weeks conventional treatment,group C was given Tab comfort get 0 5g tid po,Changtai orally taken liquid,10ml tid po,lactulose 10ml tid po, for all 8 weeks,on the basis of group B treatment after pausing use FPA.Results Serum endotoxin and interleukin-6 levels in group A was not significantly changes after treatment,,SBP incidence was higher than both group B and group C;at group B,serum endotoxin and interleukin-6 levels decline,SBP incidence significantly drop afer treatment,at group C,serum endotoxin,interleukin-6 level and SBP incidence significantly drop,the difference was significant at statistics as compared with group A and B.Conclusions The treatment at intestine get rid of filth and adjustment intestine microenviroment can effectively reduce serum endotoxin and interleukin-6 levels and can significantly reduce the incidence of SBP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-410968


AIM: To study the effects of spirulina (Spirin) in the prevention of liver fibrosis in rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into three groups: control group(n=8); CCl4 group(n=8), spirulina group(n=8). CCl4 group and spirulina group rats were induced by 40% CCl4 olive oil solution into models of liver fibrosis, meanwhile spirulina group was given the feed with spirulina powder for 12 wk. Liver histological changes, hydroxyproline(HYP) content in liver tissues, serum procollagen type Ⅲ(PC-Ⅲ) and hyaluronic acid(HA) levels were observed.  RESULTS: The pathological studies showed that the liver fibrosis degree of spirulina group was obviously lighter than that of CCl4 group. Spirulina group had significantly lower levels of HYP(174 μg*g-1±37 μg*g-1), PC-Ⅲ(140 μg*L-1±37 μg*L-1) and HA(262 μg*L-1±92 μg*L-1) than those of CCl4 group (243 μg*g-1±49 μg*g-1, 274 μg*L-1±69 μg*L-1 and 484 μg*L-1±114 μg*L-1, respectively). CONCLUSION: The experimental evidence suggests that spirulina can prevent the formation of liver fibrosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-536136


Objective To investigate the relationship between the serum c oncentration of TGF-? 1 and invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer,and the effect of surgical treatment on the serum concentration of TGF-? 1.M ethods The serum concentration of TGF-? 1 of 48 cases of gastric can cer was detected by ELISA 3 days before and 7-10 days after surgical treatment. Results The serum concentration of TGF-? 1 of gastric cancer before surgical treatment (404.6? 12.0) mg/L was higher than that after surg ical treatment (294.3?33.9) mg/L (P