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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712728


[Objective]To discuss the intension and extension of five excesses & five deficiency in Canon of Medicine, and to investigate its guiding value in clinical practice.[Method]By consulting document, and to know how these ancient Chinese medicine doctors to understand and analyse five excesses & five deficiency in Canon of Medicine, with deep demonstration, and finally to prove by clinical use.[Result] Most ancient Chinese medicine doctors agreed that five excesses & five deficiency was clinical critical disease, usually signified an ominous prognosis, and finally led to die.On the one hand it was excessive pathogenic qi rampant, disturbing five organs; on the other hand it was asthenia of health qi, and fall of five organs.In summary, the pathogenesis of five excesses was five organs being attacked, pathogenic qi impatented, excessive heat, riddlling in both internal and external, main pathogenesis was internal stagnancy of pathogenic heat, leading exhaustion of yin or yang, while the pathogenesis of five deficiency was real yang exhausted, real yin exhausted. Therefore treatment principle of five excesses & five deficiency has guiding significance for clinician, especially to protect stomach-qi in clinical practice.[Conclusion]The Canon of Medicine first proposed the theory of five excesses & five deficiency, including the conception, prognosis, and treatment principle. Five excesses & five deficiency were the earliest classification of excesses & deficiency of five-viscera, and it established the foundation of excesses & deficiency syndrome differentiation in TCM, and It had guiding significance to identify, judge and treatment of TCM clinical critical disease, and it needed paying more attention and further research.