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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-465853


Objective To analyze the morbidity of the old people with hypertension and metabolic syndrome (MS),the characteristics of MS components distribution,and correlation hypertension and MS.Methods 438 old patients over 60 with hypertension were selected randomly from cheek-up crowd in the physical examination center of Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University in 2013.Abdominal girth,height,body mass were measured,and then calculated BMI.The indicators such as FPG,TC,TG,HDL-C,LDL-C were detected and analyzed.Results The total morbidity of MS in the old people with hypertension was 37.7%,39.0% from male people,36.7% from female people,and there was no difference between genders(x2 =0.46,P > 0.05).The level of BMI,abdominal girth,FPG,and TG in the old people with MS were higher than the people without MS(t =4.83,8.53,5.08,7.29,all P <0.05),and HDL-C was lower than the people without MS(t =-9.67,P < 0.05).The level of FPG in women was higher than that in men apparently(x2 =5.82,P < 0.05),and the level of HDL-C was lower than that in men apparently (x2 =8.73,P < 0.01).The risk factors to MS include BMI,abdominal girth,FPG,TG (OR =2.139,1.106,2.156,2.315,all P <0.05),and HDL-C is protective factor to MS(OR =0.039,P <0.05).Conclusion Hypertension might increase MS morbidity of old patients.Hypertension related with MS closely.The risk factors include BMI,abdominal girth,FPG,TG,on the other hand HDL-C is protective factor to MS.