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Chinese Medical Equipment Journal ; (6): 134-135,153, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-608005


Objective To explore medical equipment support in actual combat training to improve mobile medical unit in medical service support.Methods Combined with the characteristics of actual combat training,the problems and difficulty of medical equipment support were discussed in actual combat training.Results Some measures were put forward for medical equipment support such as cherishing of medical serviceman on equipment,equipment quality control and maintenance beforeutilization,effective protection and fixation,minimization of influence of instable power supply and plan preparation for loading and transport.Conclusion The study on medical equipment support in actual combat training contributes to enhancing medical support ability of mobile medical unit.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-396008


Objective To investigate the effects on rat hearts induced by three kinds of band electromagnetic radiation (X-band, S-band and Electromagnetic pulse (EMP))and the differences of injury grade. Methods 180 healthy male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups:control group (n = 36) and three experimental groups (n = 48) treated with X-band, S-band high power microwave and EMP, respectively. At different time-points (6 hours,1, 3, 7, 14, 28 days,6 months and 12 months) after irradiation, the rats were killed and the pathological changes of the heart tissues were observed. Results The rat hearts of three experimental groups were differently injured, but the change character was similar. The injury was more and more serious at 6 hours -7 days:deranged cardiomyofilaments, decreased glycogen, Pyknosis;lysed Purkinje cells;swelling matrix and serous exudates. The injured hearts showed convalesecence at 14-28 days, and returned to normal progressively at 6-12 months.compared with the injured hearts irradiated by the three different band wave electromagnetic at the same time: the hearts were injured most seriously irradiated by X-band high power microwave(HPM), and slighter for those by S-band HPM, most slightest for those by EMP. Those in control group were normal. Conclusions Three kinds of band wave electromagnetic radiation injure the rat hearts differently. The injury grades are X > S > EMP. The research indicates that the shorter wave length or higher frequency make rat hearts injure more seriously, and need the longer time to resume.