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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420949


Objective To investigate the expression and clinical significance of lipoxin A4,leukotrienc C4,lipoxygenase-5 in peripheral blood of pregnant women with different types of severe preeclampsia.Methods Forty-five singleton pregnant women who accepted antenatal care and delivered in First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College were enrolled in this study from December 2010 to June 2011.All objects were divided into normal pregnancy group (n=20),early onset severe preeclampsia group (n=10) and late onset severe preeclampsia group (n=15).Enzymelinked immunosorbent assay was used to detect lipoxin A4 and leukotriene C4 levels in peripheral blood.The level of lipoxygenase-5 mRNA in white blood cells was detected by real time fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction.The differences of lipoxin A4,leukotriene C4 and lipoxygenase-5 mRNA among groups were compared by analysis of variance and LSD-t test;and correlations among their expressions were analyzed by linear regression.Results Lipoxin A4 level in early and late onset severe preeclampsia group was (355.3±116.0) pg/ml and (389.7±117.5) pg/ml,which were both significantly lower than that in normal pregnancy group [(555.0±139.8) pg/ml] (t=-4.03 and-3.77,P<0.05 respectively).The leukotriene C4 level in early and lateonset severe preeclampsia and normal pregnaney group was (591.3±185.5) pg/ml,(510.3±197.1) pg/ml and (496.9 ± 158.8) pg/ml,no statistical difference were found (F=0.889,P>0.05) ; neither did the expression of lipoxygenase 5 mRNA,which was 4.2± 1.9 in normal pregnancy group,4.8 ± 2.0 in early onset severe preeclampsia group and 4.4 ± 1.2 in late onset severe preeclampsia group (F=0.311,P>0.05).There was no correlation among the levels of lipoxin A4,leukotriene C4 and lipoxygenase-5 mRNA in each group (P > 0.05).Conclusions Early and remarkable decreasing of lipoxin A4 level might contribute to the development of early onset severe preeclampsia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-430366


Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pituitary apoplexy and investigate the changes and features of endocrine hormones caused by pituitary apoplexy.Methods A retrospective analysis of the clinical and laboratory data of pituitary tumor and pituitary apoplexy was carried out.Results (1) The incidence of pituitary apoplexy was 31.78%,patients were 15-75 (47.5 ± 11.7) year old,most patients were female.(2)Diabetes,coronary heart disease,menopausal hormone therapy,radiotherapy,surgery,and bromocriptine administration may be related to pituitary apoplexy.(3) There was high incidence of apoplexy in nonfunctioning adenoma.(4) According to the relationship between apoplexy and pituitary tumor,cases with pituitary apoplexy were divided into 5 types.(5) Pituitary apoplexy was associated with low serum creatinine,hypernatremia,hyperchloremia,hypoeosinophilia,and hypobasophilia.(6) 61.61% of the patients had pituitary hormone deficiency,especially the GnH deficiency.(7)98.10% of the patients were treated by surgery.Conclusion Pituitary apoplexy has its own clinical characteristics,and more attention should be paid in clinical practice.