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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-473998


Shanghai began to strengthen the community health service system in 1997 , and had officially en-tered the period of “connotation construction” with the core policy of family doctor system in 2011 after the period of“service framework and network establishment” and“operational mechanism reform”. Through summarizing the poli-cy files related the family doctor system and based on 2013 report on monitoring and evaluation of family doctor system in Shanghai, the paper presented the progress of the system from aspects of system coverage, signature relationship, service mode and operational mechanism, and analyzed the development bottlenecks of the system from aspects of the policy itself, service principal, service supervision and service objects. Finally, the paper proposed some suggestions in order to give some references for further development of national general practitioner system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-415696


According to the basic principle, this paper reviews and summarizes the separated management of income and expenses in CHCs(community health centers)in Shanghai. Through summarizing the practice and experience, analyzes the effect, and extracts the necessity, core, key points and difficulties, which can be used in the CHCs in other areas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-575898


AIM: To investigate the adsorption mechanism of pueraria on the molecular imprinting polywer(MIP) and Scatchard analysis was carried out. METHODS: Pueraria MIP was synthesized using pueraria as the template,acrylamide as the functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethaerylate(EDMA) as the crosslinker. RESULTS: The result showed that at least two classes of binding sites were formed in the imprinted polymer.Extracting compounds from Radix Pueraria was separated by MIP. CONCLUSION: The component of the products is analyzed by HPLC.The result shows that the final products contain pueraria and the other two kinds of isoflavone.