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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-666633


Objective The purpose of this study is to estimate the body height of Sichuan Hans population by CT-VRT images of clavicle and to update the data of Stature estimation. Methods Three hundred individual CT-VRT images of clavicle were selected. The length of both side clavicles was measured and then the average clavicle length (ACL),the left clavicle length(LCL),the right clavicle length(RCL)was calculated as independent variable to establish the regression equations. The gender difference was tested by ANOVA and the correlation between the clavicle and the body height was tested by Pearson. Result The correlation between the ACL, LCL, RCL and the body height was normal in both genders (0.534 in male ACL and 0.707in female ACL; 0.484 in male LCL, 0.680in femaleLCL;0.523 in male RCL, 0.695 in female RCL). The test of accuracy showed MAD=4.48cm in the male ACL simple linear regression model and MAD=3.51cm in the female ACL simple linear regression model; MAD=4.60cm in the male LCL model, MAD=3.64cm in the female LCL simple linear regression model; MAD=4.49cm in the male RCL model, MAD=3.59cm in the female RCL model. Conclusion The regression equations derided from clavicle on the basis of CT-VRT images in this study can be used to estimate stature for Sichuan Hans population. But the R2 values were small, so it's better to combine other bone for stature estimation.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 97-99, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498837


Objective To establish regression m odel betw een craniofacial lines and body height by m ea-suring craniofacial lines in Southw est H an m ales using C Tand to accum ulate data for the study of foren-sic anthropology. Methods H ead C Tdata of 273 H an m ales in Southw est w ere collected and 7 cranio-facial lines w ere determ ined. M ultiplanar reconstruction and volum e rendering w ere perform ed by im age post-processing softw are and the selected lines w ere m easured. The relationship betw een each m easuring indicator and body height w as analyzed using SPSS 21.0 softw are. The regression equation of body height estim ation w as established and 50 sam ples w ere selected again and put into the m athem atics m odels to verify its accuracy. Results The linear regression equations of 7 lines w ere established (P<0.05). The correlation coefficients of the unary linear regression equations w ere 0.190-0.439 and the standard errors of the estim ate (SEE) w ere 4.597-5.023 cm . The correlation coefficients of the m ultiple linear regression equation w ere 0.494-0.524 and the SEEw ere 4.418-4.458 cm . The return tests show ed that the highest ±1SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation:y=83.959+3.589 x6+2.573 x2, w ere 30%;and the highest ±2SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation: y=72.646+3.316 x6+1.586 x2+1.553 x4+2.211 x3, w ere 92% . Conclusion There is significant linear correlation betw een 7 selected lines and the stature in this study, and the plural linear regression equation established could be applied for estim ating the stature of Southw est H an m ales.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 196-199, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498878


Objective To establish the linear regression equation between body height and com bined length of manubrium and mesosternum of sternum m easured by CTvolum e rendering technique (CT-VRT) in southw est H an population. Methods One hundred and sixty subjects, including 80 m ales and 80 fem ales w ere selected from southw est H an population for routine CT-VRT(reconstruction thickness 1 m m ) ex-am ination. The lengths of both manubrium and mesosternum w ere recorded, and the com bined length of manubrium and mesosternum was equal to the algebraic sum of them . The sex-specific linear regression equations between the com bined length of manubrium and mesosternum and the real body height of each subject w ere deduced. Results The sex-specific sim ple linear regression equations between the com bined length of manubrium and mesosternum (x3) and body height (y) w ere established (m ale:y=135.000+2.118x3 and fem ale:y=120.790+2.808x3).Both equations show ed statisticalsignificance (P<0.05) w ith a 100% predictive accuracy. Conclusion CT-VRTis an effective m ethod for m easurem ent of the index of sternum . The com bined length of manubrium and mesosternum from CT-VRTcan be used for body height estim ation in southw est H an population.