OBJECTIVES: To provide accurate personalized medical care, it is necessary to gather individual-related data or contextual information regarding the target person. Nowadays a large number of people possess smartphones, which enables sensors in the smartphones to be used for lifelogging. The objective of the study is to analyze human activity pattern by using lifelog agent cooperating with the Health Avatar platform. METHODS: Using the lifelog measured by accelerometer and gyroscope in a smartphone at a 50 Hz rate, the agent reveals how long the user walks, runs, sits, stands, and lies down, and this information is summarized by hours. The summaries are sent to the Health Avatar platform and finally are written in the Continuity of Care Record (CCR) format. RESULTS: The lifelog agent is successfully operated with the Health Avatar platform. In addition, we implement an application that displays the user's activity patterns in a graph and calculates the metabolic equivalent of task based calorie burned by hour or by day using the lifelog of the CCR form to show that the lifelog can be used as medical records. CONCLUSIONS: The agent shows how lifelogs are analyzed and summarized to help activity recognition. We believe that our agent demonstrates a way of incorporating lifelogs into medical care and a way of exploiting lifelogs in a medical format.