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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981782


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the value of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal mosaicisms.@*METHODS@#A total of 775 pregnant women who had visited the Prenatal Diagnosis Center of Yancheng Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from January 2018 to December 2020 were selected as study subjects. Chromosome karyotyping analysis and CMA were carried out for all women, and FISH was used to validate the suspected mosaicism cases.@*RESULTS@#Among the 775 amniotic fluid samples, karyotyping has identified 13 mosaicism cases, which yielded a detection rate of 1.55%. Respectively, there were 4, 3, 4 and 2 cases for sex chromosome number mosaicisms, abnormal sex chromosome structure mosaicisms, abnormal autosomal number mosaicisms and abnormal autosomal structure mosaicisms. CMA has only detected only 6 of the 13 cases. Among 3 cases verified by FISH, 2 cases were consistent with the karyotyping and CMA results, and clearly showed low proportion mosaicism, and 1 case was consistent with the result of karyotyping but with a normal result by CMA. Eight pregnant women had chosen to terminate the pregnancy (5 with sex chromosome mosaicisms and 3 with autosomal mosaicisms).@*CONCLUSION@#For fetuses suspected for chromosomal mosaicisms, CMA, FISH and G-banding karyotyping should be combined to determine the type and proportion of mosaicisms more precisely in order to provide more information for genetic counseling.

Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Mosaicism , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , Chromosome Disorders/genetics , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Chromosome Aberrations , Sex Chromosome Aberrations , Microarray Analysis/methods , Chromosomes
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006715


【Objective】 Based on our previously established salt-sensitive hypertension cohort, we conducted chronic salt loading and potassium supplementation interventions, aiming to examine the association between genetic variants in renalase and blood pressure (BP) responses to dietary interventions of salt and potassium intake. 【Methods】 In 2004, 514 subjects from 126 families were recruited in Shaanxi Province to establish the salt-sensitive hypertension study cohort. Among them, 334 non-parent subjects were selected and sequentially maintained on a low-salt diet for 7 days, then a high-salt diet for 7 days and a high-salt diet with potassium supplementation for another 7 days. Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the renalase gene were genotyped on the MassARRAY platform. 【Results】 SNP rs2576178 of the renalasegene was significantly associated with systolic BP (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) responses to low-salt intervention (SBP: β=-2.730, P<0.05; MAP: β=-1.718, P<0.05). In addition, SNP rs12356177 was significantly associated with diastolic BP response to low-salt diet (β=-1.608, P<0.05). However, we did not find any association for the renalase SNPs with BP response to high-salt diet with potassium supplementation reached nominal statistical significance. 【Conclusion】 Genetic variants in renalase gene are significantly associated with BP response to low-salt diet, suggesting that renalase may be mechanistically involved in BP salt-sensitivity.