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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801372


Objective@#To construct a scientific behavioral research of pasta matrix reaching task (PMRT) and comprehensively evaluate sensory-motor dysfunction caused by brain injury.@*Methods@#Twenty-one SD rats were subjected to 14-days pasta matrix grasping training and then were randomly divided into model group (11 rats) and sham group (6 rats). Motor cortex ischemia was induced by injection of endothelin-1 in SD rats. The number of pasta grabed by the injured forelimb and the location in matrix were evaluated daily 7 days after surgery. The infarct volume was measured by Nissl staining at the 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days after stroke.@*Results@#The number of pasta obtained by rats was reduced from (33.43±1.02) to (20.57±0.57) at 7 days post stroke in model group, and then increased to (26.85±0.98) at 28 days post stroke, although there was a significant difference between sham group(32.33±1.45) and ischemic group (t=3.198, P<0.05). The frequency of retrieval from each slot of the pasta matrix represented that sham group demonstrated a significant gain in performance in the antero quadrant of the matrix compared to ischemic rats by the fourth week after stroke.The stroke volume was decreased from (37.82±1.17)mm3 at 7 days post-stroke to (24.35±0.38)mm3 at 28 days post-stroke, indicating brain recovery from ischemic injury.@*Conclusion@#The pasta matrix reaching task can function as a versatile and sensitive behavioral assay that permits experimenters to collect accurate outcome data and manipulate limb use to mimic human clinical phenomena including compensatory strategies and focused rehabilitative training after stroke.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824248


Objective To construct a scientific behavioral research of pasta matrix reaching task (PMRT) and comprehensively evaluate sensory-motor dysfunction caused by brain injury.Methods Twenty-one SD rats were subjected to 14-days pasta matrix grasping training and then were randomly divided into model group (11 rats) and sham group (6 rats).Motor cortex ischemia was induced by injection of endothelin-1 in SD rats.The number of pasta grabed by the injured forelimb and the location in matrix were evaluated daily 7 days after surgery.The infarct volume was measured by Nissl staining at the 7 days,14 days,and 28 days after stroke.Results The number of pasta obtained by rats was reduced from (33.43± 1.02) to (20.57±0.57) at 7 days post stroke in model group,and then increased to (26.85±0.98) at 28 days post stroke,although there was a significant difference between sham group (32.33± 1.45) and ischemic group (t=3.198,P<0.05).The frequency of retrieval from each slot of the pasta matrix represented that sham group demonstrated a significant gain in performance in the antero quadrant of the matrix compared to ischemic rats by the fourth week after stroke.The stroke volume was decreased from (37.82± 1.17)mm3 at 7 days post-stroke to (24.35±0.38)mm3 at 28 days post-stroke,indicating brain recovery from ischemic injury.Conclusion The pasta matrix reaching task can function as a versatile and sensitive behavioral assay that permits experimenters to collect accurate outcome data and manipulate limb use to mimic human clinical phenomena including compensatory strategies and focused rehabilitative training after stroke.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-379982


Objective To find out more optimal surgical approach for glioblastoma located in sensofimotor cortex and language area. Methods A respective review of 27 cases of glioblastomas located in sensorimotor and language area were operated, via the transsylvian-opercular approach, ineluding outcomes of microneurosurgery between January 2005 to December 2007. Results Among of 27 cases, tumors in 21 cases were covered by opereular cotex and were totally resected, tumors protruded into sylvian and wrapped around middle cerebral artery in 6 cases. 3 of them were totally removed, others were subtotally. Neurofunction of 26 cases were preserved of one were injuried. Conclusion Transsylvian-opercnlar approach for resection of glioblastomas located in subcortex of sensorimotor and language area is more optimal surgical approach, which not only ensure tumor resection with great degree, but preserve neurofunction well.

Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 287-289, 2002.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-264817


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with spinal cord cavernous angioma.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Clinical data on 23 patients with intramedually cavernous angiomas were analyzed. The function of the spinal cord was evaluated before and after treatment using the Aminoff & Logue scale.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>All patients underwent resection of spinal cord cavernous angioma except two patients who refused surgical treatment. Complete removal was achieved in 18 patients, and subtotal removal in 3. Twenty-one patients with spinal cavernous angioma were confirmed pathologically. The postoperative neurological status was improved in 15 patients, remained unchanged in 4, and aggravated in 2. No deaths occurred.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>MRI is specific in diagnosis of intramedually cavernous angioma. The outcome of surgical treatment is better. Surgical treatment is suitable for patients with symptoms.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hemangioma, Cavernous , Diagnosis , General Surgery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Spinal Cord Neoplasms , Diagnosis , General Surgery , Treatment Outcome