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Journal of Sleep Medicine ; : 113-121, 2020.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-892915


Objectives@#Currently, more than 80% of Korean police officers are assigned to a 24-hour rotating shift system. Shift workers’ sleep patterns change frequently, which may result in circadian rhythm desynchrony and sleep disturbance. The goal of this study was to compare sleep and cognitive functioning in different shift types. In addition, we analyzed the difference in cognitive functioning depending on whether shift workers took a night nap prior to their night shift. @*Methods@#A total of 278 police officers working in Seoul (mean age 45.27±9.00 years, 88.5% male) participated, providing demographic information and completing selfreport questionnaires [Insomnia Severity Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (Shift-work type), Patient Health Questionnaire-9]. Participants also performed the Psychomotor Vigilance Task, Trail Making Test A & B, and Stroop Test. @*Results@#Participants included 57 (20.5%) day workers and 221 (79.5%) shift workers. The average Insomnia Severity Index score of shift workers was significantly higher than day workers (t=-2.861, p=0.005). Shift workers also slept about 0.78 hours less than day workers (t=4.730, p<0.001). Among shift workers, 66.3% (n=128) reported they took night naps prior to their night shift, sleeping on average 1.78 hours. Shift workers who took night naps had faster reaction times on the Trail Making Test A task [F(1, 136)=5.741, p=0.018], and significantly fewer Stroop C errors [F(1, 137)=5.638, p=0.019] than those who did not. @*Conclusions@#Shift working police officers reported significantly worse insomnia symptoms and slept less compared to their non-shift-working counterparts. Taking a night nap improved focused and selective attention.

Journal of Sleep Medicine ; : 113-121, 2020.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-900619


Objectives@#Currently, more than 80% of Korean police officers are assigned to a 24-hour rotating shift system. Shift workers’ sleep patterns change frequently, which may result in circadian rhythm desynchrony and sleep disturbance. The goal of this study was to compare sleep and cognitive functioning in different shift types. In addition, we analyzed the difference in cognitive functioning depending on whether shift workers took a night nap prior to their night shift. @*Methods@#A total of 278 police officers working in Seoul (mean age 45.27±9.00 years, 88.5% male) participated, providing demographic information and completing selfreport questionnaires [Insomnia Severity Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (Shift-work type), Patient Health Questionnaire-9]. Participants also performed the Psychomotor Vigilance Task, Trail Making Test A & B, and Stroop Test. @*Results@#Participants included 57 (20.5%) day workers and 221 (79.5%) shift workers. The average Insomnia Severity Index score of shift workers was significantly higher than day workers (t=-2.861, p=0.005). Shift workers also slept about 0.78 hours less than day workers (t=4.730, p<0.001). Among shift workers, 66.3% (n=128) reported they took night naps prior to their night shift, sleeping on average 1.78 hours. Shift workers who took night naps had faster reaction times on the Trail Making Test A task [F(1, 136)=5.741, p=0.018], and significantly fewer Stroop C errors [F(1, 137)=5.638, p=0.019] than those who did not. @*Conclusions@#Shift working police officers reported significantly worse insomnia symptoms and slept less compared to their non-shift-working counterparts. Taking a night nap improved focused and selective attention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613490


Objective To investigate the clinical value of human soluble endothelial protein C receptor (sEPCR) after heart valve replacement.Methods 78 cases of patients with heart valve replacement in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University from January 2005 to June 2016 were selected as the research objects,who were divided into embolic group and control group,38 cases in embolic group and 40 cases in control group,the index of two groups 1 d preoperative,while dynamic monitoring international standardization ratio (INR) and embolism,were detected,of which INR and sEPCR were examined.The INR and sEPCR oftwo groups was compared with t test.Results The INR and sEPCR of two groups 1 d preoperative had no significant difference (1.24±0.32 vs 1.23±0.19,34.91±9.14 μg/L vs 35.56±10.22 μg/L;t=0.17,P =0.868;t=0.30,P=0.768,respectively).The average value of dynamic monitoring INR in control group had no significant difference when compared with the results of embolism (1.86±0.95 vs 1.93±0.97,t=0.32,P=0.748).But the sEPCR had significant difference (101.33±27.15 μg/L vs 41.67±11.82 μg/L,t=12.69,P=0.000).Conclusion The important indexes of sEPCR could effectively guide the anticoagulant treatment,especially those who with the sEPCR value too high,the embolic threatening should be paid attention to.