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Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(4): 62-71, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520328


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect of antioxidant solutions on fracture strength and bonding performance in non-vital and bleached (38% hydrogen peroxide) teeth. One hundred and eighty dentin specimens were obtained, 60 for each test: fracture strength, hybrid layer thickness, and bond strength. The groups (n=10) were randomly composed according to post-bleaching protocol: REST - restoration, without bleaching; BL - bleaching + restoration; SA - bleaching, 10% sodium ascorbate solution, and restoration; AT - bleaching, 10% α-tocopherol solution, and restoration; CRAN - bleaching, 5% cranberry solution, and restoration; CAP - bleaching, 0.0025% capsaicin solution, and restoration. Data were analyzed with ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, and Qui-Square tests (α=0.05). The highest fracture strength values were observed in REST (1508.96 ±148.15 N), without significant difference for the bleached groups (p>0.05), regardless of the antioxidant use. The hybrid layer thickness in the group that was not subjected to bleaching (REST) was significantly higher than in any other group. The bond strength in the bleached and antioxidants-treated groups (SA, AT, CRAN, CAP) has no differences with the bleached group without antioxidants (BL). Adhesive failures were predominant in the groups that did not receive the antioxidant application. In conclusion, the evaluated antioxidants did not show an effect on the fracture strength, hybrid layer thickness, or bond strength of dentin bleached after endodontic treatment. The application of 10% sodium ascorbate, 10% alpha-tocopherol, 5% cranberry, or 0.0025% capsaicin solutions is not an effective step and should not be considered for the restorative protocols after non-vital bleaching.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de soluções antioxidantes na resistência à fratura e resistência de união em dentes tratados endodonticamente e clareados (38% de peróxido de hidrogênio). Cento e oitenta espécimes de dentina foram obtidos, 60 para cada teste: resistência à fratura, espessura da camada híbrida e resistência de união. Os grupos (n=10) foram compostos aleatoriamente de acordo com o protocolo pós-clareamento: REST - restauração, sem clareamento; BL - clareamento + restauração; SA - clareamento, solução de ascorbato de sódio a 10% e restauração; AT - clareamento, solução de α-tocoferol a 10% e restauração; CRAN - clareamento, solução de cranberry a 5% e restauração; CAP - clareamento, solução de capsaicina 0,0025% e restauração. Os dados foram analisados ​​com os testes ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn e Qui-Quadrado (α=0,05). Os maiores valores de resistência à fratura foram observados em REST (1508,96 ±148,15 N), sem diferença significativa para os grupos clareados (p>0,05), independente do uso de antioxidantes. A espessura da camada híbrida no grupo que não foi submetido ao clareamento (REST) foi significativamente maior do que em qualquer outro grupo. A resistência de união nos grupos clareado e tratado com antioxidantes (SA, AT, CRAN, CAP) não apresentou diferenças com o grupo branqueado sem antioxidantes (BL). As falhas adesivas foram predominantes nos grupos que não receberam a aplicação do antioxidante. Em conclusão, os antioxidantes avaliados não mostraram efeito sobre a resistência à fratura, espessura da camada híbrida ou resistência de união à dentina clareada após tratamento endodôntico. A aplicação de soluções de ascorbato de sódio 10%, alfa-tocoferol 10%, cranberry 5% ou capsaicina 0,0025% não é uma etapa eficaz e não deve ser considerada para os protocolos restauradores após clareamento não vital.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-6, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1523135


Objective: Compare the pH values and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide-based liner materials before and after light-curing. Material and Methods: The materials evaluated were: hydrox-cal white (HW), hydrox-cal dentin (HD), Biocal (BC) and UltraBlend Plus (UB). 120 samples of the liner materials were inserted into a PVC tube (n=15). The samples from HW+A, HD+A, BC+A and UB+A were subjected to photoactivation. The other groups HW+N, HD+N, BC+N and UB+N were only inserted in a glass tube with deionized water. The pH was measured 24 hours and 14 days after the inclusion of the samples with the aid of a pH meter. The calcium release was analyzed with the aid of an atomic absorption spectophotometer at 24h and 14 days. The results were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk test, followed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p=0.05). Results: In 24h, the groups that were not light cured showed the highest pH values (p<0.05). In 14 days, BC+N and BC+A demonstrated the lowest pH values. The groups that were not light cured also showed higher calcium release values in 24h and 14 days (p<0.05). Conclusion: Photoactivation of calcium hydroxide-based liner materials negatively interferes with calcium ion release, as well as with pH.(AU)

Objetivo: Comparar os valores de pH e liberação de íons cálcio de materiais forradores à base de hidróxido de cálcio antes e depois da fotopolimerização. Material e métodos: Os materiais avaliados foram: Hidrox-cal branco (HW), Hidrox-cal dentina (HD), Biocal (BC) e UltraBlend Plus (UB). 120 amostras dos materiais de revestimento foram inseridas em um tubo de PVC (n=15). As amostras de HW +A, HD+A, BC+A e UB+A foram submetidas à fotoativação. Os demais grupos HW +N, HD+N, BC+N e UB+N foram inseridos apenas em um tubo de vidro com água deionizada. O pH foi medido 24 horas e 14 dias após a inclusão das amostras com o auxílio de um medidor de pH. A liberação de cálcio foi analisada com o auxílio de um espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica em 24h e 14 dias. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de Shapiro-Wilk, seguido de ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p=0,05). Resultados: Em 24h, os grupos não fotopolimerizados apresentaram os maiores valores de pH (p<0,05). Em 14 dias, BC+N e BC+A apresentaram os menores valores de pH. Os grupos não fotopolimerizados também apresentaram maiores valores de liberação de cálcio em 24h e 14 dias (p<0,05). Conclusão: A fotoativação de materiais de revestimento à base de hidróxido de cálcio interfere negativamente na liberação de íons cálcio e no pH (AU)

Humans , Calcium Hydroxide/chemistry , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Materials Testing , Dental Restoration, Permanent
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e225991, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354992


Aim: A retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate the performance of resin composite restorations placed by undergraduate dental students with 1 to 15 years of placement based on dental records. Methods: Four calibrated operators evaluated 498 restorations (anterior and posterior) of 120 patients according to Ryge's validated criteria (USPHS). Results: The criteria that showed the smallest changes between the types of failures were color matching, marginal discoloration and surface texture. Regarding the longevity, the surface texture showed an increase in the frequency of failures from the second time interval (3.1 to 6 years). Higher prevalence of failure was found in class II and III restorations, with secondary caries being the main reason. No significant differences were found for anatomic form, marginal adaptation, and color matching. Class V restorations showed a higher fracture rate with total displacement of the restoration, with no increase in the frequency of fracture over time. Conclusion: High rate of restoration failure was observed, possibly due to the lack of experience and skills of the students. This outcome highlight the need for continuous revision and improvements of teaching practice regarding the development of clinical competences and skills by dental students

Humans , Male , Female , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Restoration, Permanent
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(2): 63-67, Dec. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427703


Introdução: a fluorose constitui uma patologia que afeta os dentes desencadeada pelo excesso de ingestão de flúor. Sua manifestação ocorre a nível de esmalte na presença de manchas ou defeitos anatômicos. Objetivo: relatar o manejo clínico de um paciente com fluorose tratado com procedimento minimamente invasivo. Relato do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 18 anos, apresentando queixas estéticas clinicamente observadas na vestibular dos dentes, com diagnóstico de lesões fluoróticas. Foi executado protocolo de dessensibilização com Ultra EZ por 5 min e aplicação do Verniz (Enamelast Fluoride) previamente ao tratamento clareador. Foram realizados duas sessões de clareamento com peróxido de hidrogenio 35% (DMC) por 45 min com intervalo de sete dias entre elas. Imediatamente após a segunda sessão de clareamento, foi realizado microabrasão com pasta abrasiva Whitness RM (FGM) e taça de borracha com fricção por 20 segundos. Resultados: o tratamento clareador associado a técnica da microabrasão do esmalte demonstrou resultado estético favorável, microinvasivo e eficaz no tratamento da fluorose. Conclusão: a associação dos tratamentos resolveu o problema estético da paciente de forma rápida e segura, conservando a estrutura dentária.

Introduction: fluorosis is a pathology that affects teeth triggered by excess fluoride intake. Its manifestation occurs at the enamel level in the presence of stains or anatomical defects. Objective: to report the clinical management of a patient with fluorosis treated with a minimally invasive procedure. Case report: female patient, 18 years old, presenting aesthetic complaints clinically observed in the buccal of the teeth, with a diagnosis of fluorotic lesions. A desensitization protocol was performed with Ultra EZ for 5 min and Varnish (Enamelast Fluoride) was applied prior to the bleaching treatment. Two bleaching sessions were performed with 35% hydrogen peroxide (DMC) for 45 min, with an interval of seven days between them. Immediately after the second bleaching session, microabrasion was performed with Whitness RM abrasive paste (FGM) and a rubber cup with friction for 20 seconds. Results: The bleaching treatment associated with the enamel microabrasion technique demonstrated a favorable, microinvasive and effective esthetic result in the treatment of fluorosis. Conclusion: the combination of treatments solved the patient's aesthetic problem quickly and safely, preserving the dental structure.

Female , Adolescent , Tooth Bleaching , Enamel Microabrasion , Fluorosis, Dental/diagnosis , Esthetics, Dental
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;33(1): 68-76, jan.-fev. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1364479


Abstract This in vitro study evaluated the anti-erosive effect of an experimental varnish containing 5% stannous chloride (SnCl₂) associated with different concentrations of NaF (NaF-free, 2.5% NaF, or 5.2% NaF) on bovine enamel and root dentin. One hundred samples were pre-eroded (0.3% citric acid, pH 2.6, 10 min) and randomized into five groups (n=10 for each substrate): Negative control - milli-Q water; NaF-free - Experimental varnish SnCl₂-free and NaF-free; 2.5 NaF - Experimental varnish 5% SnCl₂ associated with 2.5% NaF; 5.2 NaF: Experimental varnish 5% SnCl₂ associated with 5.2% NaF and positive control - Commercial varnish containing 5% NaF (Duraphat). After the varnishes were applied, the erosive and abrasive challenges were carried out for five days. Loss of tooth structure (TSL) was determined by optical profilometry, and the loss of calcium (ΔCa2+) using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Dentin analysis was also performed by SEM. A one-way ANOVA/Bonferroni test was performed to analyze the data (α=0.05). The experimental 2.5 NaF and 5.2 NaF groups showed greater effectiveness in preventing TSL when compared to the other groups (p <0.05), regardless of the substrate. In addition, these groups showed lower loss in Ca2+ content when compared to the other groups (p <0.05), for enamel and dentin. Dentin showed greater TSL and ΔCa2+ loss when compared to enamel in all treatments (p <0.05). The 5.2% and 2.5% NaF-containing experimental varnishes showed promising results in both, the prevention of TSL and the loss of Ca2+, regardless of the substrate studied.

Resumo Este estudo in vitro avaliou o efeito anti-erosivo de um verniz experimental contendo 5% de cloreto estanoso (SnCl₂) associado a diferentes concentrações de NaF (sem NaF, 2,5% NaF ou 5,2% NaF) sobre esmalte e dentina radicular bovinos. Cem amostras foram pré-erodidas (ácido cítrico 0,3%, pH 2,6, 10 min) e randomizadas em cinco grupos (n=10 para cada substrato): Controle negativo - água milli-Q; Sem NaF - Verniz experimental sem SnCl2 e sem NaF; 2,5 NaF - Verniz experimental 5% SnCl2 associado a 2,5% NaF; 5,2 NaF: Verniz experimental 5% SnCl2 associado a 5,2% NaF e controle positivo - Verniz comercial contendo 5% NaF (Duraphat). Após a aplicação dos vernizes, os desafios erosivos e abrasivos foram realizados por cinco dias. A perda de estrutura dentária (PED) foi determinada por perfilometria óptica e a perda de cálcio (ΔCa2+) por espectroscopia de absorção atômica. A análise da dentina também foi realizada por MEV. Um teste ANOVA/Bonferroni de uma via foi realizado para analisar os dados (α=0,05). Os grupos experimentais 2,5 NaF e 5,2 NaF apresentaram maior eficácia na prevenção de PED quando comparados aos demais grupos (p<0,05), independentemente do substrato. Além disso, esses grupos apresentaram menor perda no teor de Ca2+ quando comparados aos demais grupos (p<0,05), para esmalte e dentina. A dentina apresentou maior PED e de ΔCa2+ quando comparada ao esmalte em todos os tratamentos (p<0,05). Os vernizes experimentais contendo NaF 5,2% e 2,5% apresentaram resultados promissores tanto na prevenção de PED quanto na perda de Ca2+, independente do substrato estudado.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(3): 586-594, sept. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385811


The objective of this in vitro study was to assess the effects of two antioxidants (sodium ascorbate [SA] and alpha-tocopherol [AT]) on the adhesive interface and dentin bond strength immediately after bleaching with 38 % hydrogen peroxide (38HP) in endodontically-treated teeth. Two stages of experimentation were carried out. Bovine incisors were allocated into four groups (n = 10/group for each experiment): NB, non-bleached restored crowns; 38HP, bleached and immediately restored crowns; 38HP-SA, bleached crowns and SA use; and 38HP-AT, bleached crowns and AT use. Hybrid layer length in dentin (μm) and bond strength (MPa) were assessed with confocal microscopy laser and micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) test, respectively. Failure mode was determined by stereomicroscope. Data analysis was performed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, Tukey, and Fisher-exact tests (a = 0.05). Higher values of hybrid layer length were observed similarly in the NB and 38HP-SA groups. The highest μSBS mean values were observed in the NB group (18 .51 ? 1.33), whereas the SBS values for 38HP-AT (1.68 ? 0.32) were similar to the 38HP group (1.61 ? 0.51) (p > 0.05) and significantly lower than the 38HP-SA group (5.78 ? 0.71). Adhesive failures were predominant in the 38HP and 38HP-AT groups. Cohesive and mixed failures were mostly observed in the NB and 38HP-SA groups, respectively. In conclusion, AT has no immediate effect on the hybrid layer formation and μSBS of dentin. Although SA promotes an increase in hybrid layer formation, it was not reflected in the μSBS values.

El objetivo de este estudio in vitro fue evaluar los efectos de dos antioxidantes (ascorbato de sodio [AS] y alfa-tocoferol [AT]) sobre la interfaz adhesiva y la fuerza de unión de la dentina inmediatamente después del blanqueamiento con peróxido de hidrógeno al 38 % (38HP) en endodoncia. -Dientes tratados. Se llevaron a cabo dos etapas de experimentación. Los incisivos bovinos se dividieron en cuatro grupos (n = 10 / grupo para cada experimento): NB, coronas restauradas no blanqueadas; 38HP, coronas blanqueadas y restauradas inmediatamente; 38HP- AS, coronas blanqueadas y uso SA; y 38HP-AT, coronas blanqueadas y uso de AT. La longitud de la capa híbrida en dentina (μm) y la fuerza de unión (MPa) se evaluaron con láser de microscopía confocal y la prueba de fuerza de unión por micro-cizallamiento (μSBS), respectivamente. El modo de falla se determinó mediante estereomicroscopio. El análisis de los datos se realizó con análisis de varianza (ANOVA) y pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, Tukey y Fisher (α = 0,05). De manera similar, se observaron valores más altos de longitud de capa híbrida en los grupos NB y 38HP-AS. Los valores medios más altos de μSBS se observaron en el grupo NB (18,51 ? 1,33), mientras que los valores de SBS para 38HP-AT (1,68 ? 0,32) fueron similares a los del grupo 38HP (1,61 ? 0,51) (p> 0,05) y significativamente más bajos que el grupo 38HP-AS (5,78 ? 0,71). Las fallas adhesivas fueron predominantes en los grupos de 38HP y 38HP-AT. Las fallas cohesivas y mixtas se observaron principalmente en los grupos NB y 38HP-AS, respectivamente. En conclusión, la AT no tiene un efecto inmediato sobre la formación de la capa híbrida y el μSBS de dentina. Aunque AS promueve un aumento en la formación de capas híbridas, no se refleja en los valores de μSBS.

Humans , Ascorbic Acid/therapeutic use , Dental Bonding/methods , alpha-Tocopherol/therapeutic use , Peroxides/therapeutic use , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/therapeutic use , Shear Strength , Dental Stress Analysis , Tooth Bleaching Agents/therapeutic use , Hydrogen Peroxide/therapeutic use
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(5): e2119350, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1345939


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of five types of non-industrialized and industrialized probiotics on biofilms formed around orthodontic mini-implants. The null hypothesis tested was: there is no difference in the antimicrobial effect between the five types of probiotics tested around orthodontic mini-implants. Methods: For the experiment, 120 mini-implants were immersed for seven days in Staphylococcus aureus solution for biofilm formation, and were subsequently plated in culture medium containing probiotics. The mini-implants were divided into six different groups, according to the probiotic used: G1)Lactobacillus casei; G2)Lactobacillus brevis; G3)Lactobacillus rhamnosus; G4) Lactobacillus from fermented milk Yakult®; G5) Lactobacillus from fermented milk Batavito® and G6) without use of probiotic, as negative control. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of all groups were performed using the CFU (colony forming unit) count. Results: The study showed that groups G4 and G6 did not present antimicrobial activity, in comparison to groups G1, G2, G3, and G5 (p< 0.05), which demonstrated antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: The non-commercial probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, as well as commercially available fermented milk Batavito® presented promising results in the reduction of colonization of mini-implants by S. aureus. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo in vitro foi avaliar o efeito antimicrobiano de cinco tipos de probióticos não industrializados ou industrializados em biofilmes formados ao redor de mini-implantes ortodônticos. A hipótese nula testada foi: não há diferença no efeito antimicrobiano entre os cinco tipos de probióticos testados em torno dos mini-implantes ortodônticos. Métodos: Para o experimento, as cabeças de 120 mini-implantes foram imersas por sete dias em solução de Staphylococcus aureus para formação de biofilme e, posteriormente, semeadas em meio de cultura contendo probióticos. Os mini-implantes foram divididos em seis grupos diferentes, de acordo com o probiótico utilizado: G1)Lactobacillus casei; G2)Lactobacillus brevis; G3)Lactobacillus rhamnosus; G4) lactobacilos do leite fermentado Yakult®; G5) lactobacilos do leite fermentado Batavito®; e G6) sem uso de probiótico, como controle negativo. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas de todos os grupos foram realizadas usando a contagem de UFCs (unidades formadoras de colônia). Resultados: O estudo mostrou que os grupos G4 e G6 não apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana, em comparação aos grupos G1, G2, G3 e G5 (p< 0,05), os quais demonstraram atividade antimicrobiana. Conclusão: As bactérias probióticas não comerciais, Lactobacillus casei e Lactobacillus rhamnosus, assim como o leite fermentado comercializado, Batavito®, apresentaram resultados promissores na redução da colonização dos mini-implantes por S. aureus. Portanto, a hipótese nula foi rejeitada.

Dental Implants , Probiotics , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures , Anti-Infective Agents , Staphylococcus aureus
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 60-66, mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056502


ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to evaluate marginal adaptation of Class II mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD) restorations before and after thermo-mechanical loading and volumetric shrinkage of the bulk-fill vs conventional composite resin. For marginal adaptation assessment, 24 Class II MOD cavities with cervical margins extending 1.0 mm below (distal) and 1.0 mm beyond (mesial) the cement-enamel junction were prepared in extracted human molars. The teeth were filled as follows: Group A - bulk-fill with SureFil SDR flow (first increment, 4 mm; second increment, 2 mm); Group B - bulk-fill with SureFil SDR flow as a base (first increment, 4 mm) and covered with the conventional nanohybrid composite Esthet-X HD (second increment, 2 mm); and Group C - incrementally filled with Esthet-X HD. Marginal adaptation was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy before and after thermomechanical loading (240,000 loading cycles and simultaneous 600 thermal cycles). To evaluate volumetric polymerization shrinkage, a semi-spherical mold was filled with the tested composites and placed in an AccuVol device after light curing. Both before and after loading, marginal adaptation in cervical dentin was superior (p < 0.05) for Groups A and B compared with Group C. In cervical enamel, Group B showed better marginal adaptation than Group C, and Group A presented intermediary results, between Groups B and C. Furthermore, bulk-fill flow resulted in greater shrinkage than Esthet-X HD. A significant improvement of marginal adaptation was observed when bulkfill flow was used instead of conventional composite resin both before and after thermomechanical loading. However, the bulk-fill flow presented higher volumetric polymerization shrinkage than the conventional composite.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en evaluar la adaptación marginal de las restauraciones mesiales-oclusales-distales (MOD) de Clase II antes y después de la carga termo-mecánica y la contracción volumétrica de la carga compuesta de resina "bulk-fill" en comparación con resina convencional. Para la evaluación de adaptación, se prepararon 24 cavidades MOD de Clase II en molares humanos extraídos, los que se restauraron de la siguiente manera: Grupo A: restaurado con resina fluida Bulk-Fill SureFilSDR (primer incremento, 4 mm; segundo incremento, 2 mm); Grupo B: restaurado con resina fluida Bulk-Fill SureFil SDR (primer incremento, 4 mm) y cubierto con resina compuesta nanohíbrida Esthet-X HD (segundo incremento, 2 mm); y Grupo C - rellenado incrementalmente con Esthet-X HD. La adaptación marginal se evaluó mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido antes y después de la carga termomecánica (240.000 ciclos de carga y 600 ciclos térmicos simultáneos). Para evaluar la contracción volumétrica de la polimerización, se llenó un molde semiesférico con los compuestos probados y se colocó en un dispositivo AccuVol después del fotopolimerización. Tanto antes como después de la carga, la adaptación marginal en la dentina cervical fue superior (p <0,05) para los grupos A y B en comparación con el grupo C. En el esmalte cervical, el grupo B mostró una mejor adaptación marginal que el grupo C, y el grupo A presentó resultados intermedios, entre Grupos B y C. Se observó una mejora significativa de la adaptación marginal al utilizar la resina fluida Bulk-Fill en lugar de resina compuesta convencional tanto antes como después de la carga termomecánica. Sin embargo, la resina fluida 'Bulk-Fill' presentó una mayor contracción volumétrica de polimerización que el compuesto convencional.

Humans , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Composite Resins , Dental Cavity Preparation/instrumentation , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Stress, Mechanical , Ethics Committees , Dental Restoration Wear , Dental Cavity Preparation/standards , Polymerization