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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801845


To provide theoretical basis for protection and rational use of medicinal plants resources of Orchidaceae,we investigated and studied the existing species,distribution,utilization and resources of Orchidaceae medicinal plants in Jiangxi province. Orchidaceae medicinal plants in different areas of Jiangxi province were investigated in different seasons by means of field investigation,route investigation and folk interview. Orchidaceae medicinal plants collected from field investigation as well as Orchidaceae specimens stored in the herbariums of Jiangxi scientific research institutes were studied and identified. The existing species,distribution location,quantity,medicinal value and resource utilization of Orchidaceae medicinal plants in Jiangxi province were studied and analyzed. Orchidaceae medicinal plants in herbal literatures were consulted for their category,medicinal use and other information. Relevant modern research literatures on Orchidaceae medicinal plant resources were consulted. There were 93 species of Orchidaceae medicinal plants in 37 genera in Jiangxi province, and 19 of them were new species of Orchidaceae,including 6 species in Dendrobium alone. The number of medicinal genera accounted for 71.2% of Orchidaceae genera in Jiangxi province,20.1% of Orchidaceae genera in China,76.9% of Orchidaceae species in Jiangxi province and 31.2% of Orchidaceae medicinal species in China. There are abundant resources of Orchidaceae medicinal plants in Jiangxi province,and many species of Orchidaceae medicinal plants have a high medicinal value and ornamental value. However,with the overexploitation and utilization of Orchidaceae medicinal plant resources,some wild Orchidaceae medicinal plant resources are facing exhaustion,and need to urgently strengthen scientific management and protection.

Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 454-460, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-342017


<p><b>Background</b>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been reported to play vital roles in liver regeneration. Previous studies mainly focused on the functions of intracellular miRNAs, while the functions of circulating exosomal miRNAs in liver regeneration remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to identify the key exosomal miRNA that played vital roles in liver regeneration.</p><p><b>Methods</b>The Sprague-Dawley male rats were assigned to 70% partially hepatectomized group (n = 6) and sham surgery group (n = 6). The peripheral blood of both groups was collected 24 h after surgery. The exosomal miRNAs were extracted, and microarray was used to find out the key miRNA implicated in liver regeneration. Adenovirus was used to overexpress the key miRNA in rats, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining was applied to study the effect of key miRNA overexpression on liver regeneration. Western blotting was used to validate the predicted target of the key miRNA.</p><p><b>Results</b>Exosomal miR-10a was upregulated more than nine times in hepatectomized rats. The level of miR-10a was increased in the early phase of liver regeneration, reached the top at 72 h postsurgery, and decreased to perioperative level 168 h after surgery. Moreover, enforced expression of miR-10a by adenovirus facilitated the process of liver regeneration as evidenced by immunohistochemical staining of PCNA. Erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular receptor A4 (EphA4) has been predicted to be a target of miR-10a. The protein level of EphA4 was decreased in the early phase of liver regeneration, reached the bottom at 72 h postsurgery, and rose to perioperative level 168 h after surgery, which was negatively correlated with miR-10a, confirming that EphA4 served as a downstream target of miR-10a. Moreover, inhibition of EphA4 by rhynchophylline could promote the proliferation of hepatocytes by regulating the cell cycle.</p><p><b>Conclusion</b>Exosomal miR-10a might accelerate liver regeneration through downregulation of EphA4.</p>