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Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 397-399, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-450303


Objective To investigate the role of human herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7) in the development of drug eruptions.Methods Venous blood samples were collected from 35 patients with mild drug eruptions at acute stage,15 patients with severe drug eruptions at both acute stage and remission stage,as well as 50 healthy human controls.PCR was performed to detect HHV-7 DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs),and enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine the titer of anti-HHV-7 IgM antibody in serum.Statistical analysis was carried out by t test,one way analysis of variance,Chi-square test and q test.Results The detection rate of HHV-7 DNA was significantly higher in these patients with drug eruptions than in the healthy controls (82.00% (41/50) vs.62.00% (31/50),x2 =4.96,P < 0.05),different among patients with severe drug eruptions (93.33% (14/15)),patients with mild drug eruptions (77.14% (27/35)) and the healthy controls (x2 =6.32,P < 0.05),higher in the patients with severe drug eruptions than in the healthy controls (q =3.50,P < 0.05),but not significantly different between the patients with severe drug eruptions at acute stage and those at remission stage (73.33%(11/15),P > 0.05).The anti-HHV-7 IgM antibody titer was significantly increased in the patients with drug eruptions compared with the healthy controls ((69.319 0 ± 25.289 7) ng/L vs.(59.785 3 ± 22.438 2) ng/L,t =1.99,P < 0.05),but no significant difference was observed among the patients with severe drug eruptions (74.340 7 ±31.411 2) ng/L),patients with mild drug eruptions ((65.479 1 ± 21.326 1) ng/L) and healthy controls (P > 0.05) or between HHV-7 DNA-positive patients ((63.748 1 ± 27.239 1) ng/L) and-negative patients ((65.580 2 ± 36.258 4) ng/L,P > 0.05).Conclusions Active HHV-7 infection exists in patients with drug eruptions,and may be associated with the development and aggravation of this entity.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 695-697, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441168


Objective To characterize the natural history of psoriasis vulgaris.Methods A retrospective study was carried out.Totally,245 patients admitted to hospitals within three months after the first episode of psoriasis vulgaris were selected from 1136 patients with psoriasis vulgaris who had been followed up for more than 20 years.Changes in disease severity during the long-term follow-up were traced,and information on the shape and distribution of skin lesions,family history,use of anticancer drugs,vitamins and traditional Chinese medicines was collected and analyzed.SPSS13.0 software package was utilized to assess factors associated with the evolution of psoriasis vulgaris.Results The natural course of psoriasis vulgaris could be classified into six types:immediate healing,slow healing,intermittent relapse,frequent mild relapse,frequent moderate relapse,and frequent severe relapse.The immediate healing type and slow healing type amounted to 30% of these patients,and the frequent severe relapse type to less than 10%.Statistical analysis revealed that the clinical severity of psoriasis was associated with the age of onset and family history,and was negatively correlated with the use of anticancer drugs.Conclusions The long-term follow-up study reveals the natural course of psoriasis vulgaris,which may be helpful in guiding the prediction of prognosis,prevention of recurrence and selection of treatment.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 199-200, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-425020


Objective To evaluate the possible correlation between anxiety state and serum angiontensin Ⅱ levels in patients with vitiligo.Methods Sixty patients with progressive vitiligo and 30 normal human controls were included in this study.Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) was used to evaluate the anxiety state,and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was performed to determine the serum level of angiontensin Ⅱ,in these subjects.Results SAS score was significantly increased in patients compared with the controls (46.13 ±11.72 vs.36.73 ± 12.59,t =3.50,P < 0.01),and 48.3% of the patients were affected by anxiety.The SAS score and prevalence of anxiety were statistically higher in female than in male patients (t =2.47,x2 =4.58,both P < 0.05),in unmarried than in married patients (t =2.59,P < 0.01; x2 =6.17,P < 0.05),in patients with lesions on exposed areas than in those with lesions on unexposed areas (t =3.60,P < 0.01; x2 =5.84,P <0.05).In patients affected by anxiety,the level of serum angiontensin Ⅱ was significantly elevated compared with patients without anxiety (63.83 ± 10.92 vs.40.74 ± 8.70 ng/L,t =9.09,P < 0.01 ).Conclusions Patients with vitiligo are usually affected by anxiety.The serum level of angiontensin Ⅱ is closely correlated with anxiety state in patients with vitiligo as well as with the development of vitiligo,and may have an impact on the initiation and progression of vitiligo.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 171-173, 2011.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413667


Objective To detect the mutations of COL7A1 gene in three cases of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa (DEBP). Methods Clinical data were collected from 3 patients with DEBP. Skin lesions were obtained from these patients and subjected to transmission electron microscopy. DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood of the 3 patients, their 16 relatives, and 150 unrelated normal human controls, and PCR was performed to amplify all the exons and flanking sequences of COL7A1 gene followed by sequencing.Results The patient 1 and 2 had family history, whereas the case 3 was sporadic. Transmission electron microscopy showed tissue cleavage beneath lamina densa in case 1 and slightly decreased anchoring fibrils in some areas of the lesions in case 1 and 3. Three heterozygous mutations of COL7A1 gene, i.e., c. G6734T, c.G6859A and c. G5318T, which leaded to three amino acid mutations, i.e., p. G2245V, p. G1773V and p. G2287R, were found in patient 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Of them, p. G2245V and p. G1773V were novel mutations. The mutations strictly cosegregated with the phenotype in the patients of family 1 and 2. No mutation was detected in the unaffected parents of patient 3 or the 150 unrelated healthy controls. Conclusions The p. G2245V, p. G2287Rand p. G1773V mutations of COL7A1 gene may be responsible for the phenotype of DEBP in the three cases,and of them, p. G2245V and p. G1773V have never been reported.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516646


Objective In order to explore the relationship between the annual incidence rate of psoriasis and meteorological factors. Methods An investigation was carried out using single factor correlation analysis, multiple factor regression analysis and correlation analysis among meteorological factors. Results Single factor analysis revealed that the annual incidence of psoriasis showed a significant negative correlation with the mean annual air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and whole year rainfall, but a positive correlation with the whole year sunshine time(P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-673602


Objective To evaluate the relationship between desmosome-related proteins and epidermal tumors. Methods Using anti-desmoglein 1 and 2 monoclonal antibodies, expression of desmoglein 1 and 2 was examined by an immunohistochem ical staining method in various epidermal tumors such as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), actinic keratosis(AK), keratoacanthoma(KA) and seborrhoeic keratosis(SK). Results Desmoglein 1 and 2 were strongly expressed in intercellular space of wh ole epidermis in normal human skin. Expression of desmoglein 1 and 2 was markedl y reduced or absent in SCC cells. Compared with normal epidermal cells, expressi on of desmoglein 1 and 2 was equal to or reduced,with complete absence of stain ing in dysplastic areas in AK cells. Extensive pericellur staining of desmoglein 1 and 2 was found in KA and SK cells, similar to that observed in normal epider mis. Conclusion Expression of desmoglein 1 and 2 is markedly reduced or absent i n human malignant epidermal cancers, reduction of these molecules may contribute to invasiveness and metastasis of epidermal carcinomas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-518974


Objective To verify whether there is any difference between early-onset and late onset subtypes of psoriasis and the rationality of this classification. Methods A total of 1 632 patients with psoriasis vulgaris were included in this study. The distribution of age at onset was calculated. The disease severity at first visit and follow up, and the family history were assessed according to different ages at onset. The results were evaluated in the light of the data from a national psoriasis survey in 1984. Results There was only one peak regarding to the age at onset in psoriasis vulgaris, rather than two peaks according to our study, it was consistent with the results of the national large scale survey reported in 1984. It was found that the earlier the age at onset, the more frequently the patient had positive family history. There was some relationship between the disease severity and the age at onset, however, a clear cut age at onset by which the disease serverity could be determined was not identified in this study. Conclusion It is suggested that the early age at onset be related only to the increased possibility of family history. Its value in clinical management is not significant.