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Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1510-1515, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480660


Aim To study the mechanisms of the pro-tective effect of procyanidin B2 ( PCB2 ) on the myocar-dial cell apoptosis induced by lipopolysaccharide ( LPS) . Methods Using the primary culture rat myo-cardial cells, myocardial cell injury model was induced by LPS. PCB2 low, medium and high dose groups, were cultured with 6. 25 , 12. 5 , 25. 0 μmol · L-1 PCB2 respectively in DMEM medium for 24 h continu-ously. Myocardial cell survival rate was determined by MTT colorimetric method. Cardiacmyocyte NOX activi-ty was determined by lucigen chemiluminescence meth-od . Western blot analysis was used to detect myocardi-al NADPH oxidase p47phox expression. TUNEL method was used to detect apoptosis and flow cytometry was used to determine the content of myocardial cells ROS. Results Compared with control group, the cell dam-age induced by LPS group myocardial cell survival rate significantly decreased ( P <0. 01 ) , and myocardial cell NOX activity, p47phox expression, apoptotic cell number and ROS content were significantly increased (P<0. 01). PCB2 low, medium and high dose groups cell survival rates were significantly elevated, myocar-dial cell NOX activity and p47phox expression, apoptotic cell number and the ROS content decreased significant-ly in a dose-dependent manner ( P <0. 01 ) . Conclu-sion PCB2 protects myocardial cell apoptosis induced by LPS via inhibiting the expression of NADPH oxidase activation, p47phox expression and reactive oxygen spe-cies generation.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 931-935, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461753


Aim To explore the protective effects of LPPC ( procyanidins extracted from the litchi pericarp) on cardiomyocyte apoptosis in septic rats and its mech-anisms. Methods The rats were randomly divided in-to 5 groups, and were given orally the drug for two weeks continuously. The control group ( control) and sepsis model group ( LPS ) were given distilled water once a day. LPPC low, medium and high dose groups were given LPPC 50 , 100 , 200 mg · kg-1 · d-1 re-spectively which were prepared freshly every day. After the treatment, sepsis animal models were established. Except for the control group, other groups were injec-ted LPS (lipopolysacchride, 10mg·kg-1) intraperito-neally to induce acute sepsis model. 4hrs later, rat se-rum was collected, isoenzyme ( CK-MB ) , lactate de-hydrogenase ( LDH ) and activity of aspertate amin-otransferase ( AST/GOT) were detected. Then rat car-diac tissue was obtained and cardiac tissue malondial-dehyde ( MDA ) , total antioxidant capacity ( T-AOC ) and reduced glutathione ( GSH ) content were deter-mined. TUNEL staining was performed to analyze the apoptosis of myocardial cells. Cleaved caspase-3 and TNF alpha protein expressions were analyzed by West-ern blot. Results Compared with the control group ( control) , serum of sepsis model group rats CK-MB, LDH, AST/GOT and cardiac tissue MDA content were significantly increased (P<0. 01). At the same time, the activity of cardiac tissue T-AOC and GSH de-creased obviously ( P<0. 01 ) . The apoptotic myocar-dial cells increased significantly ( P<0. 01 ) , and the expression level of cleaved caspase-3 and TNF alpha decreased obviously ( P <0. 01 ) . LPPC pretreatment significantly decreased the serum CK-MB, LDH, AST/GOT and tissue MDA content, increased tissue T AOC and GSH activity, attenuated apoptosis of rat myocardi-al cells significantly, and decreased expression level of cleaved caspase-3 and TNF alpha. Conclusion LPPC pretreatment can significantly attenuate rat myocardial cell apoptosis induced by sepsis, and the underlying mechanisms may be related to its anti-oxidative effects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-462107


Objective To compare the disinfection efficacy of different disinfectants on dental unit waterlines (DUWLs). Methods 18 sets of DUWLs were randomly divided into 4 groups,and disinfected or treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 )disinfectant,sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)disinfectant,hydrogen peroxide silver ion disinfectant(Sanosil),and distilled water (DW)respectively.Water specimens from triple syringes and high-speed handpieces were taken,bacterial count before and after disinfection were compared.Results Before disinfection,no significant differences in bacterial counts were found among four groups (all P >0.05),bacterial counts of DUWLs of all groups severely exceeded the standard(all>3 000 CFU/mL).After disinfection,except DW group,bacterial counts of DUWLs of the other groups declined dramat-ically (all <100 CFU/mL),bacterial count after disinfection were all obviously lower than before disinfection (all P <0.001 ).One week after disinfection,bacterial counts among three disinfectant groups in different time periods were statisti-cally different (triple syringes:Day1—Day5,all P <0.05;high-speed handpieces:Day2,Day3 and Day5,all P <0.05). Day3 after disinfection of triple syringes by H2 O2 and NaClO,Day4 after disinfection of high-speed handpieces by H2 O2 and NaClO,and Day5 of triple syringes and high-speed handpieces by Sanosil all exceeded the standard of Center for Disease Control and Prevention of America.One week after disinfection,bacterial counts of three disinfection groups all exceeded or approximated to that before disinfection.Conclusion Three types of disinfectants can all effectively reduce bacterial load in DUWLs.Compared with other disinfectants,Sanosil has advantage of inhibiting bacterial growth after disinfection.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-406990


BACKGROUND: Blood stem cells (BSCs) are the most primitive cells in the immune system and can be differentiated into many kinds of cells. As the regulatory cells of immune response, dendritic cells (DCs) have been attracted more and more attention in the field of autoimmune diseases. Due to different resources of precursor cells, DCs have different cytokines, ideal cytokine matching,applying orders, and experimental cultured conditions. Furthermore, development, phenotypic expression, and mature degree are still different.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of tumor necrosis factor- α (TNF- a ) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) on the culture system and provide improved method for inducing functional DCs in vitro, derived from cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic precursor cells (HPC).DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Observational study, which was performed in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Nanjing Medical University from March 2005 to November 2005.MATERIALS: The cord blood was collected from neonatal umbilical cord in the 81 Hospital of Nanjing City. CD34 monoclonal antibody coated magnetic bead system (MACS) was provided by Miltenyi Biotec Company, Germany; human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF), human recombinant interleukin-4 (rhlL-4), and human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-α (rhTNF-α) by Pepro Tech Company, USA.METHODS: CD34+HPC were isolated and purified from umbilical cord blood by using a high-gradient magnetic cell sorting system (MACS). Then the cells were cultured with different culture medium which contained different combinations of cytokines:GM-CSF and TNF-α (GT) or GM-CSF, TNF-α and IL-α (GTI) in order to be induced to differentiate into dendritic cells (DCs).The DCs derived from CD34+HPC were identified for their morphology and phcnotype by FACS and laser scanning con_focal fluorescence microscopy, and also for their abilities of inducing proliferation of allogenic T cells by 3H-TdR incorporation assay.RESULTS: The purity of selected CD34+ cells with MACS was more than 90%. DCs could be obtained from CD34+HPC by the culture in presence of GM-CSF and TNF-α or GM-CSF, TNF- o and IL-4. With the time of culture lasting, the cells expressed lower level surface antigen of CD34 and HLA-DR (P < 0.05), and possessed the phenotypes of DCs characterized by higher expression of CD80, CD86, CD83 and CDIa. At 13-15 days, the cells possessed higher level of phenotypes of DCs compared to 7-9 days and 10-12 days. DCs induced with GTI culture system expressed higher levels of surface antigen CD80, CD86, CD83,CD 1 a and a lower level of CD 14 than those induced with GT culture system. DCs displayed typical morphology and property and expressed higher level surface antigen of CD86 and CD80, especially expressed CD86 when they were induced with proper cytokines of GM-CSF and TNF- α added at 0 hour, and of IL-4 added at 48 hours.CONCLUSION: DCs can be generated from CD34+HPC by proper culture system, the design of GM-CSF + TNF- α + IL-4(GM-CSF and TNF- α were added at 0 hour, IL-4 was added at 48 hours) is preferred.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-556728


Objective: To study the contents and constituents of LSPC (procyanidins from Lotus Seedpod) and its chemoprophylactic effects on 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA)-induced golden hamsters buccal-pouch carcinomas. Methods: ESI-MS was used to analyze LSPC, and the change of body weight, mortality during test, and the value of serum MDA, GSH-Px, T-SOD,the gross and pathological change of buccal-pouch mucosa were investigated when golden hamsters were via gastric intubation or the buccal pouch mucosa was smeared with 100mg/(kg bw?d)LSPC. Results and conclusion: The contents of LSPC exceeded 98% and mono-, di-, tri-, tetrameric procyanidins as well as di-, trimeric galic ester were constituted of LSPC with molecular weight ranging from 290-1154. LSPC had chemoprophylactic effects on DMBA-induced golden hamsters buccal-pouch carcinomas, and the effect was superior through smearing LSPC rather then via gastric intubation .