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China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 407-411, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881809


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the characteristic change of fingertip vibrotactile perception threshold(VPT) at two different frequencies among mine drilling workers. METHODS: A total of 48 mine drilling workers exposed to hand-transmitted vibration for at least 1.0 year were selected from mines in Hubei Province as the vibration exposure group by using the random number table method, and workers without hand-transmitted vibration exposure were selected as the control group. An HVLab vibrotactile perception meter was used to measure the fingertip VPT at 31.5 and 125.0 Hz in workers of these two groups. RESULTS: None of the workers in these two groups showed any clinical symptoms associated with occupational hand-arm vibration diseases. At 31.5 and 125.0 Hz, the fingertip VPT in the vibration exposure group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.01), the fingertip VPT of the little fingers was higher than that of the index fingers(P<0.01). At 125.0 Hz, the fingertip VPT of the fingers in dominant hands was higher than that in non-dominant hands in workers of the vibration exposure group(P<0.01). CONCLUSION: The mine drilling workers with hand-transmitted vibration exposure had higher fingertip VPT. There were differences of VPT in fingers and dominant hands.

Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine ; (12): 564-569, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1034596


Objective To describe a rhesus monkey model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) established via repetitive unilateral intra-amygdala kainic acid (KA) injection and provide experimental basis for epileptogenic network and related research. Methods Eight male adult rhesus monkeys were randomly divided into KA injection group (n=6) and saline injection group (n=2). Brain stereotaxic technique, micro catheter implantation into the right amygdaloid nucleus, subcutaneous bladder connection, and continuous video-EEG monitoring were performed, and KA or saline injection into their right amygdala was achieved. Interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs), ictal discharges and behavioural performance between the two groups were compared right after injection and within 6 months of first discharge. Results Typical IEDs were recorded in the 6 monkeys from KA injection group after 2-4 times of KA injection, with focal spike waves discharges at the right temple area as manifestation; ictal discharges were recorded in 4 monkeys, with discharge patterns of discharges from the right temple area to the whole brain as manifestation, and during epileptic attack, these 4 monkeys suddenly stopped and dumbfounded without obvious limb seizures. Monkeys from the saline injection group showed no obvious abnormal behaviors. Conclusion Through a modified protocol of unilateral repetitive intra-amygdala KA injection, a rhesus monkey model with high similarity of behavioral and brain electrical features to TLE is developed.