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Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 576-579,583, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752399


Objective ToinvestigatetheenhancedCTfindingsandpathologicalfeaturesoflocalized malignantperitonealmesothelioma (LMPM)andimprovetheaccuracyofdiagnosis.Methods Theimagingandclinicaldataof5casesofLMPMconfirmedbypathology werecollected,thefeaturesofCTenhancedimagingwereanalyzedretrospectivelyandcomparedwiththepathologicalresults.Results Allofthe5caseswereisolatedsolidandcysticmasswithirregularshape,andtherangeofmaximumdiameterofthelesionbeing 8.4-13.3cm,inwhich1casewaspolycystic,andtheother4casesweresolidandcysticmass.CTvalueofthecysticpartwasabout 13.0-27.8 HU,andnoenhancementshowedoncontrast-enhancedphase.Thethicknessofcysticwallandseparationwasuneven, whiletheCTvalueofsolidpartwasabout32.6-40.8HU,andmoderateenhancementwasseeninarterialphase(△CTvaluewasabout30.9-38.4HU ),followedbyslightlyincreaseofenhancementdegreeinvenousphase,andthedecreaseofenhancementdegreeinequilibriumphase. Separationandalotofvesselshadowwereseenin3caseswhileperitonealcavity,pelviceffusionandintraperitonealimplantmetastasiswereseen in1case.Forthepathologicaltypesofpatientsinthisgroup,1casewasepithelialtype,mainlycomposedofcysticcomponent,andthe other4caseswerefibroustypeorbiphasictype,mainlycomposedofcysticandsolid,withsmallcysticdegeneration,necrosis,fibrousseptum, bloodsupplyvessels,andetc.Somelesionsinvadedthesurroundingstructure.Conclusion Thepathologicaltypesoflocalizedmalignantperitoneal mesotheliomaaremostlyfibroustypeandbiphasictypewhichCTfindingsaremostlymanifestedascysticandsolidmasses.Lobulatedand wallnodules,uneventhicknessofcysticwallandseptumcanbeseen,andthedensityofcysticpartialisrelativelyhigher.Solidpartis moderateenhancement,andinvenousphaseismoreobviouswithenhancedvascularseenintheseptum.CTenhancementcombined withclinicalmanifestationsarehelpfultomakeinsuggestivediagnosis.

Chinese Journal of Radiology ; (12): 609-614, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754961


Objective To investigate the value of diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in diagnosing early diabetic nephropathy. Methods Twelve pigs were divided into the experimental group (7 pigs) and the control group (5 pigs), used the random number table method. The experimental group was fed with high?fat high?sugar diet,and then repeatedly injected small doses(50 mg/kg) of Streptozotocin (STZ) through the ear vein. Meanwhile,the control group was fed with normal diet and injected with the same dose of citric acid?sodium citrate buffer solution.After the type 2 diabetes was established successfully, T1WI, T2WI and DKI sequence imaging were performed every month for 2 pigs from the experimental group and the control group,respectively.Mean kurtosis(MK), axial kurtosis (K∥), radial kurtosis (K⊥), fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity(MD) were measured on the pseudo?color map of the post?processing workstation. fasting blood glucose(GLU),insulin (INS),renal function, urine routines and random albumin creatinine ratio(RACR) were measured before MRI scan. Specimens from bilateral kidneys were taken for pathological examination after MRI scan. The paired t test was used to compare the parameter values of the cortex and medulla. Independent sample t test was used tocompare the parameter values of the experimental group and the control group. Results In the experimental group,the MK, FA values of medulla were 0.66±0.07 and 0.19± 0.04, the MK, FA values of cortex were 0.60±0.06 and 0.16±0.03.In the control group,the MK, FA values of medulla were 0.59±0.03 and 0.20±0.04, the MK, FA values of cortex were 0.53±0.03 and 0.17±0.04.The MK and FA values of medulla were increased compared with the cortex and the difference were statistically significant (P<0.01). The MK, K⊥ values of cortex and medulla were increased in the experimental group compared with the control group and the difference were statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant differences in the K∥, FA and MD values between two groups (both cortex and medulla, P>0.05). Conclusion DKI sequencehas certain value in the diagnosis of early diabetic nephropathy, and to some extent reveals the pathological change in early diabetic nephropathy.