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Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(1): 15-21, ene. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902617


Background: The evaluation of cardiorespiratory fitness (RCC) using maximal or peak oxygen consumption (VO2), requires a high level of effort in obese patients. We propose a method to evaluate RCC using constant and moderate loads, called VO2 kinetics (tau). Aim: To determine the relationship between tau and peak VO2 in patients with obesity. Material and Methods: Forty patients (87% females) aged 37 ± 12 years and with a body mass index (BMI) of 34.6 ± 4.0 kg/m2, were divided into two groups according to the applied workload (0.5 and 0.8 Watts/kg body mass) using a cycle ergometer and Cortex Metalyzer 3b equipment. The protocol was started with 6 minutes at constant load and then increments of 20-25 Watts every two min were made until determination of the peak VO2. Results: The tau value was 51.8 ± 17.6 s, the absolute peak VO2 was 2.0 ± 0.7 L/min and the relative peak VO2 was 26.6 ± 30.0 ml/kg/min. There was a significant difference of tau medians between the group that used 0.5 and 0.8 Watts/kg (p = 0.002) and a significant inverse correlation between the absolute peak VO2 and the tau value for a load of 0.5 Watts/kg (rho = -0.415, p = 0.0327). Conclusions: The higher tau value, the lower the peak VO2 of an obese patient. It is suggested to apply loads of 0.5 Watts/kg for a VO2 kinetics test in obese patients or in subjects who do not wish to carry out higher physiological demands with a non-invasive and low risk procedure.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Cardiorespiratory Fitness/physiology , Obesity/complications , Kinetics , Exercise Test , Physical Exertion , Heart Rate/physiology
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 42(3): 17-22, 2017. Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1017091


Introducción. La inducción anestésica con sevofluorano se asocia con agitación postanestésica (APA) en niños. Concentraciones de sevofluorano mayores a 6% producen actividad cerebral epileptiforme, la que podría estar relacionada a APA. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de dos diferentes concentraciones de inducción anestésica con sevofluorano sobre la incidencia de APA, en niños sometidos a cirugía infraumbilical. Método. Estudio prospectivo y doble ciego, en pacientes de 2 a 7 años, operados de fimosis o hernia inguinal con anestesia general y bloqueo epidural caudal. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados para recibir sevofluorano 5 por ciento (grupo S5) o sevofluorano 8 por ciento (grupo S8). Se registraron variables demográficas, signos vitales, profundidad anestésica utilizando índice biespectral (BIS) y respuesta motora durante distintos momentos de la anestesia. Se evaluó la presencia de agitación en pabellón y recuperación utilizando la escala de APA pediátrica (PAED). Análisis estadístico: t-test o Mann-Whitney y test Chi-cuadrado o Fisher, p < 0,05 considerada significativa. Resultados. Se reclutaron 33 pacientes, 16 en el grupo S5 y 17 en el grupo S8. Ambos grupos fueron comparables en cuanto a variables demográficas, signos vitales, respuesta motora y valores de BIS. No hubo diferencias significativas en la incidencia de APA en pabellón (S5: 31,3 por ciento y S8: 35,3 por ciento) y en recuperación (S5: 43,8 por ciento y S8: 41,2 por ciento), entre los grupos. Conclusión. No habría relación entre la concentración de inducción anestésica de sevofluorano y la incidencia de APA en niños sometidos a cirugía infraumbilical con anestesia general y bloqueo caudal. (AU)

Introduction. Induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane is associated with post-anesthetic agitation (PAA) in children. Sevoflurane concentration greater than 6% produces epileptiform brain activity, which could be related to PAA. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two different sevoflurane concentrations for anesthesia induction on the incidence of PAA in children undergoing infraumbilical surgery. Method. Prospective, double blind study, performed in patients 2 to 7 years of age, undergoing circumcision or inguinal hernia repair under general anesthesia and epidural caudal block. Patients were randomized to receive sevoflurane 5 percent (S5 group) or sevoflurane 8 percent (S8 group), during anesthesia induction. Demographic variables, vital parameters, anesthesia depth using bispectral index (BIS) and motor responses during different moments of anesthesia were recorded. The presence of agitation in the operating room and recovery room were determined using the pediatric PAA scale (PAED). Statistical analysis: t-test or Mann-Whitney, and Chi-square or Fisher test, p < 0.05 considered significant. Results. Thirty-three patients were enrolled, 16 in the S5 group and 17 in the S8 group. Demographic variables, vital parameters, motor responses and BIS values were comparable between both groups. There were no significant differences in the incidence of PAA in the operating room (S5: 31.3 percent percent and S8: 35.3 percent) or in the recovery room (S5: 43,8 percent and S8: 41.2 percent), between both groups. Conclusion. Sevoflurane concentration used for induction of anesthesia would not be related to the incidence of PAA in children undergoing infraumbilical surgery under general anesthesia and epidural caudal block. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Deep Sedation , Emergence Delirium , Child , Anesthesia, Inhalation
Int. j. morphol ; 32(4): 1311-1315, Dec. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734677


El aumento del peso de los órganos puede ser signo de enfermedades o anormalidades patológicas. Diversos estudios han llevado a la elaboración de tablas con los pesos estándar de los diferentes órganos en diversos grupos poblacionales. Basados en esta premisa, determinamos el peso del hígado, bazo y riñones en dos grupos de individuos Chilenos, Mapuches (M) y No-Mapuches (n-M), de ambos sexos y relacionamos los resultados con la edad e índice de masa corporal (IMC). El peso promedio del hígado en el hombre, con relación a la edad, aumenta levemente (n-M) o disminuye en un pequeño porcentaje (M). Sin embargo, en la mujer (M) el peso aumentó en un 22,8% En relación al IMC, el peso promedio del hígado, aumenta en los hombres de ambos grupos étnicos en alrededor de un tercio del peso registrado en personas con IMC de 20­25; en mujeres de ambos grupos el peso disminuye levemente. El peso del bazo, en relación a la edad, disminuye alrededor de un 4%, en hombres de ambos grupos étnicos y mujeres (n-M) a diferencia de las mujeres (M) que se incrementa en un 18%. En relación al IMC, el peso del bazo aumenta en los hombres de ambos grupos étnicos en alrededor de un 40%. Los riñones tienen un leve incremento en su peso promedio en ambos grupos. De acuerdo al IMC, el peso de los riñones aumenta en hombres de ambos grupos. En las mujeres (M) el peso se mantiene o disminuye levemente; en las mujeres (n-M) ambos riñones incrementan su peso. Los datos aportados en esta investigación servirán de referencia a la anatomía clínica y quirúrgica de los órganos abdominales de nuestra población.

The increase of organ weight may be a sign of disease or pathological abnormalities. Several studies have led to the development of tables with standard weights of different organs in various population groups. Based on this premise, we determined the weight of the liver, spleen and kidneys in two groups of Chilean individuals, Mapuche (M) and non-Mapuche (nM) of both sexes and related the results with age and body mass index (BMI). The average weight of the liver in man in relation to age, slightly increases (nM)) or decreases in small percentage (M). However, in women (M) its weight increased by 22.8% in relation to BMI, the average weight of the liver increases in males of both ethnic groups in about a third of the weight recorded in people with BMI 20­25; in women of both groups the weight decreases slightly. Spleen weight in relation to age, decreases by about 4% in men and women from both ethnic (nM) groups, unlike that of Mapuche women (M) where weight increased by 18%. In relation to BMI, spleen weight increased in males of both ethnic groups by about 40%. The kidneys had a slight increase in average weight in both groups. According to BMI, the kidney weights increased in males of both groups. In women (M) the weight is maintained or decreased slightly; in women (nM) both kidneys increase their weight. The data provided in this study will serve as a reference for clinical and surgical anatomy of the abdominal organs of our population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Organ Size , Spleen/anatomy & histology , Body Mass Index , Kidney/anatomy & histology , Liver/anatomy & histology , Body Weight , Chile , Age Factors , Sex Characteristics , Racial Groups
Int. j. morphol ; 32(3): 866-870, Sept. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-728280


Diversos factores pueden influir en el peso de las vísceras torácicas y/o abdominales. Con el propósito de conocer el peso promedio del corazón y pulmones de individuos chilenos, se obtuvo la información de estos órganos procedentes de 775 necropsias de cadáveres frescos, entre los años 2009-2013, considerando su procedencia étnica (Mapuches y no Mapuches), edad, sexo e índice de masa corporal. Se estudiaron los datos de órganos sin lesiones ni enfermedades aparentes. En relación a la edad, el peso promedio del corazón se incrementó en ambos grupos étnicos y ambos sexos. Este incremento fue similar en los individuos de sexo masculino de ambos grupos étnicos, con un valor de 13%. En los individuos de sexo femenino hubo un aumento de 36% en el grupo étnico Mapuche, mientras que en el grupo No-Mapuche fue de un 8%. Con respecto a los pulmones, no hubo incremento de su peso promedio en individuos masculinos del grupo Mapuche, pero si lo hubo en el sexo femenino, donde hubo un incremento sobre el 40% Entre el grupo de 20-29 años y el de 30-39 años, ambos pulmones aumentaron sus pesos promedios en 35%. En el grupo No-Mapuche, en ambos sexos, el peso promedio de estos órganos aumentó menos de un 10%. Estos resultados son comparados con otros grupos poblacionales del mundo y son un aporte al conocimiento morfológico de las vísceras torácicas.

Several factors can influence the weight of the thoracic and/or abdominal viscera. In order to know the average weight of the heart and lungs of Chilean individuals, information of these organs was obtained from 775 necropsies of fresh cadavers, between 2009-2013, considering ethnicity (non-Mapuche and Mapuche), age, sex and body mass index. We studied organs without apparent injury or disease. When considering age, the average heart weight showed an increase in both ethnic groups and both sexes. This increase was similar in male individuals from both ethnic groups, with a value of 13%. In female individuals there was an increase of 36% in the Mapuche ethnic group, while that of non-Mapuche was 8%. With regard to the lungs, there was no increase in their average weight in male individuals of Mapuche group, in females however, the increase was about 40%. Among the group of 20­29 years and 30­39 y, both lungs increased their average weights at 35%. In the non-Mapuche group, in both sexes, the average weight of these organs increased by less than 10%. These results are compared with other population groups in the world and are a contribution to morphological knowledge of the thoracic viscera.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Organ Size , Heart/anatomy & histology , Lung/anatomy & histology , Thorax/anatomy & histology , Indians, South American , Body Mass Index , Chile , Age Factors , Sex Characteristics
Medwave ; 14(5)jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716850


Introducción El dolor muscular de inicio tardío o Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness (DOMS) corresponde a una condición músculo-esquelética dolorosa, que se produce comúnmente entre 24 a 48 horas, y hasta las 72 horas, posteriores a la realización de actividad física poco habitual o ejercicios físicos de alta intensidad que impliquen una actividad muscular excéntrica. En el campo de la rehabilitación física la inmersión en agua fría corresponde a una de las intervenciones más utilizadas en la medicina deportiva, orientada principalmente a minimizar el dolor muscular de inicio tardío y promover la recuperación después del ejercicio. Objetivo Comprobar la validez y aplicabilidad de los resultados en relación a la efectividad de la inmersión en agua fría posterior al ejercicio de alta intensidad y responder la siguiente interrogante: en sujetos que realizan actividad física de forma regular, ¿puede la inmersión en agua fría comparada con la terapia pasiva (reposo) disminuir el dolor muscular de inicio tardío? MétodosSe analizó el artículo “Inmersión en agua fría (crioterapia) para prevenir y tratar el dolor muscular posterior al ejercicio”, revisión sistemática Cochrane, de Bleakley et al (2012). Resultados La inmersión en agua fría podría disminuir el dolor muscular de inicio tardío posterior al ejercicio de alta intensidad a las 24 horas posteriores a la intervención, diferencia media estandarizada -0,55 (IC: 95 por ciento; -0,84 a -0,27), 48 horas diferencia media estandarizada -0,66 (IC: 95 por ciento; -0,97 a -0,35), 72 horas diferencia media estandarizada -0,93 (IC: 95 por ciento; -1,36 a -0,51) y hasta 96 horas de seguimiento diferencia media estandarizada -0,58 (IC: 95 por ciento; -1,00 a -0,16). Conclusión A pesar de las limitaciones metodológicas presentes en los estudios incluidos en la revisión sistemática analizada, se encuentra razonable recomendar la inmersión en agua fría (crioterapia)

Introduction Late onset muscle soreness, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness, is a painful musculoskeletal condition that may occur 24-48 and up to 72 hours after the completion of unusual physical or high intensity exercise involving eccentric muscle activity. In the field of physical rehabilitation, immersion in cold water is a common intervention mainly used in sports medicine, to minimize delayed onset muscle soreness and promote recovery after exercise. ObjectiveTo assess the validity and applicability of the results regarding the effectiveness of immersion in cold water after high intensity exercise and answer the following question: In subjects who exercise regularly, can cold-water immersion compared to passive therapy (rest) reduce late-onset muscle soreness? Methods The article "Cold Water Immersion (cryotherapy) for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise," a Cochrane systematic review authored by Bleakley et al (2012), was analyzed. ResultsImmersion in cold water can decrease delayed onset of muscle pain after high intensity exercise. Twenty-four hours after the intervention, the mean standardized difference was -0.55 (95 percent CI: -0.84 to -0.27); 48 hours after, the mean standardized difference was -0.66 (95 percent CI: -0.97 to -0.35); 72 hours after, the mean standardized difference was -0.93 (95 percent CI: -1.36 to -0.51) and up to 96 hours after, mean standardized difference was -0.58 (95 percent CI: -1.00 to -0.16). Conclusion Despite the methodological limitations present in the studies included in the systematic review analyzed, we found the recommendation for cold water immersion (cryotherapy) reasonable in individuals with late muscle pain caused by high intensity sports.

Humans , Cryotherapy/methods , Pain/prevention & control , Exercise/physiology , Muscular Diseases/therapy , Review Literature as Topic , Evidence-Based Medicine , Immersion , Pain Management/methods , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 74(2): 155-160, 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726167


La trombosis del seno lateral es una complicación potencialmente mortal de la otitis media aguda, aunque infrecuente en la actualidad debido al amplio uso de antibióticos. Sus manifestaciones clínicas son habitualmente fiebre, cefalea y otalgia, agregándose vómitos, edema de papila y compromiso del estado general. El examen diagnóstico de elección es la resonancia magnética en fase venosa y el manejo incluye terapia antibiótica endovenosa, miringotomía con instalación de tubo de ventilación y mastoidectomía, asociado o no a anticoagulación. Se reporta el caso de un escolar de 9 años derivado al Hospital Carlos Van Buren con un hidrocéfalo ótico secundario a una trombosis del seno lateral, manejado con terapia antibiótica endovenosa, mastoidectomía simple, miringotomía con instalación de tubos de ventilación y anticoagulación, evolucionando favorablemente con regresión de la sintomatología y recanalización del seno en el control imagenológico. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre la presentación clínica, diagnóstico y manejo de la trombosis del seno lateral en niños como complicación de la otitis media aguda.

Lateral sinus thrombosis (LST) is a potentially life threatening complication of acute otitis media. However, report rates have been decreasing since the spreaded use of antibiotic prescription. Patient developing LST usually complain about fever, headache and ear pain. Consequently, they may develop vomiting, papilledema and unhealthy-ness. Magnetic resonance venography (MRV) is considered the gold standard for LST diagnosis. Management procedures include parenteral antibiotics, myringotomy with tympanostomy tube and mastoidectomy, associated or not with anticoagulant therapy. The present study reports the case of a 9-year-old male referred to the Hospital Carlos Van Buren diagnosed with an otitic hydrocephalus secondary to lateral sinus thrombosis, managed with intravenous antibiotic therapy, simple mastoidectomy, myringotomy with tympanostomy tube placement and anticoagulation. Favorable clinical and imagenologic outcomes were obtained. We provide a brief summary about clinical features, diagnosis and management of the LST in children as a complication of acute otitis media.

Humans , Male , Child , Otitis Media/complications , Lateral Sinus Thrombosis/etiology , Lateral Sinus Thrombosis/therapy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Lateral Sinus Thrombosis/diagnostic imaging , Hydrocephalus/etiology , Hydrocephalus/therapy , Mastoid/surgery , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use
Medwave ; 13(11)dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716684


Introducción El accidente vascular cerebral corresponde a un grupo de condiciones patológicas caracterizado por la pérdida repentina y no convulsiva de la función neurológica. Gran porcentaje de los sujetos que sobreviven a esta condición presentan secuelas motoras de sus extremidades. Objetivo Comprobar la validez y aplicabilidad de los resultados con respecto a la efectividad de la terapia espejo en sujetos con accidente vascular cerebral, y responder la siguiente interrogante: ¿puede la terapia basada en espejos mejorar la función motora en sujetos secuelados por accidente vascular cerebral? MétodoSe analizó el artículo “Terapia de espejo para mejorar la función motora después del accidente vascular cerebral”, revisión sistemática Cochrane [Thieme 20121]. Resultados La terapia de espejo podría incrementar la función motora entre la segunda y sexta semana de intervención, presentando una diferencia media estandarizada de 0,61 (intervalo de confianza 95 por ciento; 0,22–1,00). Conclusión: A pesar de las limitaciones metodológicas que presentan los estudios primarios incluidos en la revisión sistemática, encontramos razonable la aplicación de la terapia espejo como un complemento a la terapia estándar realizada por kinesiólogos.

Introduction Stroke comprises several conditions characterized by sudden, non-convulsive loss of neurological function. A large percentage of individuals who survive stroke will have limb motor sequelae. Aim To assess the validity and applicability of the results regarding the effectiveness of mirror therapy in patients with stroke and answer the following question: In stroke subjects, can mirror therapy improve motor function? Method We analyzed the article "Mirror therapy for improving motor function after stroke," Cochrane Systematic Review [Thieme 20121]. Results Mirror therapy may increase motor function between the second and sixth week of intervention, with a standardized mean difference (SMD) of 0.61 (95 percent CI 0.22-1.00). Conclusion Despite methodological limitations of the primary studies included in the systematic review, we found that mirror therapy is a reasonable adjunct to standard therapy by physiotherapists.

Humans , Stroke/rehabilitation , Motor Activity/physiology , Physical Therapy Modalities , Review Literature as Topic , Stroke/physiopathology , Evidence-Based Medicine , Functional Laterality/physiology , Recovery of Function , Reproducibility of Results
Medwave ; 13(9)oct. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716667


Objetivo: comprobar la validez de los resultados y aplicabilidad respecto a la efectividad de la aplicación del ultrasonido terapéutico en el aumento de la cicatrización de úlceras en extremidad inferior y responder a la interrogante: en sujetos que presentan úlceras venosas de extremidad inferior, ¿puede el ultrasonido terapéutico de alta frecuencia mejorar la tasa de cicatrización, comparado con placebo? Método: se realizó un análisis del artículo “Ultrasonido terapéutico para úlceras venosas en extremidad inferior. Revisión sistemática Cochrane” de Cullum, et al. Resultados: la aplicación de ultrasonido terapéutico de alta frecuencia podría aumentar la cicatrización en sujetos con úlceras venosas de extremidad inferior con riesgo relativo de 1,40 (IC 95 por ciento; 1-1,96). Conclusión: no se aprueba ni desaconseja la aplicación de ultrasonido terapéutico orientada al aumento de la cicatrización en úlceras venosas de extremidad inferior.

Purpose. The aim of this CAT (Critically Appraised Topic) was to check the validity of the results and applicability regarding the effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound in increasing healing of lower extremity ulcers and to answer the question: In subjects that have lower extremity venous ulcers, does high-frequency therapeutic ultrasound improve healing rate compared to placebo? Method. We conducted an analysis of the article "Therapeutic Ultrasound for lower extremity venous ulcers, Cochrane Systematic Review" of Cullum, et al (2010). Results. The application of high-frequency therapeutic ultrasound could increase healing in patients with lower extremity venous ulcers, RR = 1.40 (95 percent CI 1.00 to 1.96). Conclusion. The use of therapeutic ultrasound to promote healing in lower extremity venous ulcers is neither endorsed nor discouraged.

Humans , Review Literature as Topic , Ultrasonic Therapy , Varicose Ulcer/therapy , Wound Healing , Evidence-Based Medicine , Lower Extremity , Reproducibility of Results
Medwave ; 13(8)sept. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716661


Propósito: este Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) pretende responder a la pregunta ¿puede la estimulación eléctrica transcutánea de baja frecuencia disminuir el dolor en sujetos que presentan osteoartritis de rodilla? Método: se analizó el artículo “Electroestimulación transcutánea para la osteoartritis de la rodilla”, revisión sistemática Cochrane, de Rutjes et al (2009). Se comprobó la validez de los resultados, aplicabilidad y efectividad de este procedimiento en pacientes con osteoartritis de rodilla. Resultados: la electroestimulación transcutánea de baja frecuencia puede reducir el dolor en sujetos con osteoartrosis de rodilla (IC 95 por ciento -1,36 a -0,34), con una SMD de -0,85. Conclusión: se concluye que no se aprueba ni desaconseja su aplicación orientada en la reducción del dolor.

Purpose. The aim of this CAT (Critically Appraised Topic) was to check the validity of the results and effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation in subjects with knee osteoarthritis and answer the question: In subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee, does low frequency transcutaneous electrical stimulation reduce pain? Method. We conducted an analysis of the article "Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation for osteoarthritis of the knee, Cochrane Systematic Review" of Rutjes et al (2009). We analyzed validity of results, applicability and effectiveness of this intervention in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Results. Low frequency transcutaneous electrical stimulation may reduce pain in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. SMD -0.85 (95 percent CI -1.36 to -0.34). Conclusion. The intervention is neither endorsed nor discouraged in knee pain reduction.

Humans , Osteoarthritis, Knee/therapy , Review Literature as Topic , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Pain Management , Reproducibility of Results
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-651883


El conocer la historia natural de las patologías bucales sin intervenciones modernas, permite comparar el desarrollo de éstas con los datos actuales. Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la severidad de caries dental y de pérdida de dientes en una muestra de restos humanos de la cultura Atacameña (500 DC) en San Pedro de Atacama en el norte de Chile. Se estudiaron 139 restos humanos, en cada uno de ellos se realizó un examen clínico, consignado la información en una ficha individual donde se registró, el número de dientes presentes y perdidos pre y post mortem y el número de lesiones de caries. Estas variables permitieron calcular el índice CPD (Obturadas=0). El análisis estadístico incluyó una descripción de frecuencias y el cálculo de estadísticas de dispersión y tendencia central para las variables continuas. Los resultados muestran que el índice CPD mínimo, asume que las piezas perdidas post mortem estaban sanas fue 17.14 con un promedio de 3.93 lesiones de caries y 13.2 dientes perdidos en vida. Los restos humanos de la población estudiada presentan un gran daño de su salud bucal. Gran cantidad de piezas dentarias perdidas en vida y bajo número de dientes sanos.

The aim of this study was to determine the severity of dental caries and tooth loss in a sample of 139 human remains of the Atacama culture (500 AD) in San Pedro de Atacama, northern Chile. A clinical examination was performed on each remain by a calibrated examiner. The number of present and missing teeth in pre-and post-mortem stages and the number of carious lesions were recorded. The DMT index (filled = 0) was calculated. Statistical analysis included a description of frequency and calculation of statistical dispersion and central tendency for continuous variables. The results reveal a DMT of 17.14 with an average of 3.93 carious lesions and 13.2 teeth lost in life. The oral health situation of the studied population presented severe damage, high rate of tooth loss and DMT scores.

History, Ancient , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Tooth Loss/epidemiology , Dental Caries/ethnology , Chile/ethnology , DMF Index , Forensic Anthropology , Indians, South American
Rev. chil. cir ; 63(6): 617-622, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-608756


Adrenal cyst is the commonest type of benign lesions of adrenal gland, althought is a very rare entity. Tipically, they are presented with abdominal pain or palpable mass, but nowdays they are detected most frecuently an imaging studies like incidentaloma. Adrenal Cyst have a broad differential diagnoses, rendering definitive diagnosis and subsequent management difficult. Are categorized into four subtypes: endothelial, pseudocyst, epithelial, and parasitic. This management paradigm may be summarized as: ruling out functional status of the cyst, evaluating chances of incidental malignancy by imaging, avoiding potential complications of surveillance (hemorrhage, infection), particularly in large cysts. A case of a patient with a left non-functioning adrenal cyst is reported, with abdominal pain. The diagnostic and therapeutic options are discussed and the literature is reviewed.

Los quistes suprarrenales son las lesiones quísticas más frecuentes de la glándula suprarrenal, a pesar de que constituyen una rara entidad. Típicamente se presentan por un cuadro de dolor abdominal o masa palpable, pero en la actualidad se detectan cada vez con más frecuencia en estudios radiológicos como incidentalomas. Los quistes suprarrenales cuentan con amplios diagnósticos diferenciales, lo que hace un difícil diagnóstico definitivo y una dificultad en el manejo posterior. Estos quistes se clasifican en cuatro subtipos: endoteliales, pseudoquiste, epiteliales y parasitarios. El manejo de un quiste suprarrenal se puede resumir en tres pilares fundamentales: descartar el estado funcional del quiste, evaluación de eventual malignidad por imágenes, y evitar las posibles complicaciones (hemorragia, infección), sobre todo en los quistes de gran tamaño. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con quiste suprarrenal izquierdo no funcionante asociado a dolor abdominal. Se realiza revisión de la literatura y se plantean los distintos diagnósticos y alternativas terapéuticas.

Humans , Adult , Female , Adrenal Gland Diseases/surgery , Adrenal Gland Diseases , Cysts/surgery , Cysts , Adrenalectomy , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Adrenal Gland Diseases/complications , Cysts/complications , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-608724


El objetivo del estudio es estimar los recursos odontológicos para resolver las necesidades de tratamiento de los adolescentes de 12 años de Chile, pertenecientes a los niveles socio económicos alto, medio y bajo. El estudio se realizó a partir de los resultados del "Estudio Diagnóstico Nacional de Salud Bucal del Adolescente de 12 Años y Evaluación del Grado de Cumplimiento de los Objetivos Sanitarios de Salud Bucal 2000-2010", proyecto FONIS el que fue realizado en una muestra de 2.232 adolescentes de 12 años, con representación regional proporcional a la población nacional. Para estratificar por nivel socioeconómico este estudio se usó la clasificación y ranking de pobreza por comuna de MIDEPLAN y la caracterización por NSE de los establecimientos del Ministerio de Educación Se calculó el recurso humano necesario mediante la aplicación de estándares de rendimiento del ministerio de salud, comparando estos parámetros en el eje de nivel socioeconómico. Se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las necesidades de tratamiento entre los NSE, concentrándose la mayor necesidad en los grupos de NSE bajo y medio.

The aim of this study is to determine oral health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status. The sample consisted of 2.232 individuals. There was a proportional representation of the Nation)s regions. The Socioeconomic status (SES) was stratified through the MIDEPLAN)s poverty municipality ranking and by means of description of SES of the selected school by the Ministry of Education. To determine oral health treatments needs we carried out dental examination and WHO diagnosis criteria were used. We calculated the oral health care delivery team workforce based on Ministry of Health recommendations and compare among SES. Differences upon health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status were evident.

Humans , Adolescent , Dental Care , Dental Caries/therapy , Health Services Needs and Demand , Dentists/supply & distribution , Primary Health Care , Analysis of Variance , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Social Class , Adolescent Health Services
Rev. chil. cir ; 59(2): 116-121, abr. 2007. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627062


Los cultivos de hepatocitos entregan un valioso acercamiento al estudio de las funciones metabólicas específicas del hígado, evaluación de citotoxicidad. No existen líneas humanas inmortales con función normal. La inmortalización de hepatocitos humanos con el método UCHT1(medio de cultivo condicionado por células tumorales de tiroides) permitirá prolongar la sobrevida y función de estos, siendo útil para evaluar funcionalidad y citotoxicidad. Objetivo: Optimizar el cultivo de hepatocitos humanos. Metodología: En cultivos primarios de hepatocitos humanos, se agregó medio UCHT1 cultivando en superficies de colágeno, polilisina, gelatina y matrigel. Como control positivo, se utilizó línea Gherschenson (GER) para evaluar curva de crecimiento y producción de Glucógeno (PAS). Se evaluó citotoxicidad (LIVE/DEAD) en hepatocitos GER expuestos a Metotrexato (10, 100 y 1000 mM) a 24, 48 y 72 hrs. Resultados: Se realizó 3 cultivos primarios. Fue efectiva la utilización de Polilisina y Colágeno. Duración 8 meses. No se ha realizado la curva de crecimiento, ni evaluación de funcionalidad en hepatocitos humanos. La línea GER tiene un crecimiento exponencial (tiempo duplicación: 36 hrs). Se observó producción de glucógeno en condiciones de diferenciación hasta 120 hrs. La citotoxicidad por Metotrexato tiene una curva dosis dependiente, significativa en todas las concentraciones (p<0,001) (CL50 a 1000 mM a 24 hrs). Conclusiones: Se logró establecer una línea primaria de hepatocitos humanos. La polilisina y el colágeno han optimizado el establecimiento de cultivos primarios. El método PAS permitió evaluar producción de glucógeno (diferenciación). Los valores de citotoxicidad demostraron un efecto dosis dependiente en las condiciones experimentales. Logrando estandarizar el método para evaluación futura de líneas celulares humanas.

Background: Hepatocyte cultures are a valuable tool to study specific metabolic liver functions and cytoxicity. Human hepatocyte cell lines with normal function do not exist. Immortalization of human hepatocytes with a rat thyroid cell line (UCHT1) allows long-term survival and function of these cells, becoming useful to evaluate functionality and cytotoxicity. Aim: To optimize long-term culture of human hepatocytes. Material and Methods: UCHT1 media was added to primary cultures of human hepatocytes, seeding in collagen, gelatin, matrigel and polilisine surfaces. Gherschenson cell line (GER) was used as a positive control to evaluate the growth curve and Glycogen production (PAS). Cytotoxicity was evaluated (LIVE/ DEAD) in GER hepatocytes exposed to Metotrexate (10, 100 and 1000 µM) 24, 48 and 72 hrs. Results: Three primary cultures were made. The use of Polilisine and Collagen was effective. Cultures were kept for 8 months. Growth curves or evaluation of functionality in human hepatocytes, were not carried out. GER cell line had an exponential growth (duplication time: 36 hrs). Production of glycogen in differentiation conditions was observed up to 120 hrs. Cytotoxicity by Metotrexate had a dose dependent curve with a 50% lethal dose calculated as 1000 µM at 24 hrs. Conclusions: A primary line of human hepatocytes was obtained. Polilisine and collagen optimized the establishment of primary cultures. PAS method allowed the evaluation of glycogen production (differentiation). Cytotoxicity demonstrated a dose dependent effect in experimental conditions.

Toxicity Tests/methods , Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Hepatocytes/drug effects , Polylysine , Cells, Cultured , Methotrexate , Collagen , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(1): 37-44, ene. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-443000


Background: The association between some specific human papilloma virus (HPV) types and cervix cancer is well known. However, the genetic conditions that favor the development of cervical cancer are less well known. Aim: To determine the presence of satellite instability (MSI) in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the cervix and correlate these findings with HPV genotypes. Material and methods: Biopsy samples of cervical lesions were studied. Sixteen had low grade lesions, 22 had high grade lesions and 28 had an epidermoid cancer. Viral types were identified with polymerase chain reaction, dot-blot hybridization and restriction fragment length polymorphism. MSI was determined using a panel of eight highly informative microsatellites. Results: Microsatellite instability in at least one locus was observed in 91, 56 and 69 percent of low grade lesions, high grade lesions and epidermoid carcinomas, respectively. MSI-High grade, MSI-Low grade instability and microsatellite stability were observed in 5, 60 and 46 percent of samples, respectively. Two of three samples with high grade instability had HPV 52 genotype. Other viral subtypes had frequencies that ranged from 78 percent to 100 percent, with the exception of HPV16 that was present in only 53 percent of samples with low grade instability. Conclusions: Two thirds of biopsy samples from cervical lesions had MSI, mechanism that can be involved in the first stages of cervical carcinogenesis. The low frequency of high grade instability, its association with HPV52 and the low frequency of HPV16 in samples with low grade instability, suggest different coadjutant mechanisms in cervical carcinogenesis

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Carcinoma/genetics , Cervix Uteri/injuries , Microsatellite Instability , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Precancerous Conditions/genetics , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/genetics , Carcinoma/pathology , Carcinoma/virology , Cervix Uteri/ultrastructure , DNA, Viral/genetics , Genotype , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Nucleic Acid Hybridization , Papillomaviridae/classification , Papillomavirus Infections/complications , Papillomavirus Infections/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/pathology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Precancerous Conditions/virology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/virology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 132(11): 1369-1376, nov. 2004. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-391841


Background: The CDKN2A gene encodes a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p16, which promotes cell cycle arrest. Methylation of the promoter region trans-criptionally inactivates the gene. Aim: To study the relationship between methylation status of the prometer region of p16 gene, the immunohistochemical expression of p16 and clinical and morphological features of gallbladder carcinoma. Material and methods: We analyzed the methylation status of the promoter region of the CDKN2A gene in gallbladder adenocarcinomas using methylation specific PCR (MSP). We also used microsatellite markers near the CDKN2A gene to detect allelic imbalance (AI) and examined the tumors by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for p16 expression. Results: Of 38 gallbladder adenocarcinomas analyzed by IHC, 11 cases (29%) were negative for p16 protein. Nine (24%) had methylation of the promoter region of the CDKN2A gene. Twenty nine cases were negative for methylation, but four (14%) of these 29 exhibited AI at one or more of the microsatellite markers. CDKN2A promoter methylation was not associated with microsatellite instability (MSI-H). Conclusions: The inactivation of CDKN2A by methylation and/or deletion might play an important role in gallbladder carcinogenesis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Carcinoma/genetics , DNA Methylation , Gallbladder Neoplasms/genetics , Gene Silencing , Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16 , Allelic Imbalance/genetics , Carcinoma/pathology , Chi-Square Distribution , Gallbladder Neoplasms/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Biomarkers, Tumor
Rev. chil. cir ; 55(2): 165-170, abr. 2003. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-348464


La asociación entre los factores preoperatorios, intraoperatorios postoperatorios y la duración de la estadía postoperatoria (DEP) en la colecistectomía laparoscópico (CL) por colecistitis aguda (CA), no ha sido bien estudiada. El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo fue determinar qué factores afectan significativamente la DEP en pacientes sometidos a CL por colecistitis aguda. Se incluyen en el estudio las fichas clínicas de 193 pacientes sometidos a CL por CA, en un período comprometido entre abril de 1993 a abril de 2000 en nuestra institución. Los factores que afectan significativamente la DEP son: limitación crónica del flujo aéreo, presencia de empiema, grangrena y plastrón vesicular, pedículo de disección difícil, vesícula empotrada y la conversión, así como también en el postoperatorio las infecciones respiratorias altas, neumonía y bilirragia por drenaje; el uso de bolsa para la extración de la vesícula, se asoció a una menor estadía hospitalaria. Un enfoque quirúrgico precoz vía laparoscópica, determina menos estadía postoperatoria; debe recalcarse el uso de la bolsa para la extracción de la vesícula y las medidas tendientes a optimizar la función respiratoria, en el perioperatorio de estos pacientes

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Cholecystitis , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Length of Stay , Meta-Analysis , Patient Discharge , Postoperative Complications , Postoperative Period , Retrospective Studies
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(12): 1349-1357, dic. 2002.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-356138


BACKGROUND: Subserous gallbladder carcinoma is difficult to diagnose and treat. There are no tissue markers with prognostic value in this type of tumor. AIM: To study the immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin alpha and beta catenin in subserous gallbladder carcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred seventeen subjects (103 women and 14 men aged 62 and 69 years as a mean, respectively), were studied. Thirty five gallbladder samples without evidence of cancer were used as controls. Expression of markers was studied with standard immunohistochemical techniques for formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue. RESULTS: Ninety seven percent of tumors were adenocarcinoma. A lower or absent expression of E-cadherin, alpha catenin and beta catenin was observed in 26, 33 and 29 per cent, respectively. Actuarial five years survival was 37 per cent. No association between macroscopic features of the tumor and survival was observed. Well differentiated tumors had a 73 per cent survival, whereas less differentiated tumors had a 30 per cent survival. Tumors with a normal expression of the markers had a slightly better survival, although not significant (p = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 30 per cent of subserous gallbladder carcinoma have an abnormal expression of E-cadherin, alpha catenin and beta catenin. This abnormal expression has no relationship with prognosis and is probably secondary to the aberrant genic expression of the tumor.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cytoskeletal Proteins , Cadherins/metabolism , Cystadenocarcinoma, Serous/metabolism , Biomarkers, Tumor/metabolism , Gallbladder Neoplasms/metabolism , Immunohistochemistry , Survival Analysis , Analysis of Variance , Cystadenocarcinoma, Serous/immunology , Gallbladder Neoplasms/immunology , Prognosis , Trans-Activators/metabolism
Rev. chil. cir ; 53(4): 386-389, ago. 2001. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-301983


Con el propósito de evaluar una alternativa eficaz, sencilla y económica en el manejo de las heridas operatorias, se diseñó un estudio prospectivo y randomizado, comparando el sistema tradicional de curación de heridas, con el uso de un apósito oclusivo que se mantuvo hasta la remoción de los puntos. Ciento cinco pacientes consecutivos, con 110 heridas operatorias limpias o limpias-contaminadas, intervenidos en el Hospital de Quilpué entre junio y septiembre de 1999, se separaron en dos grupos al azar de los cuales 52 recibieron apósito oclusivo y 58 apósito tradicional. El grupo que recibió parche oclusivo tuvo un 5,8 por ciento de complicaciones locales de la herida, mientras que el grupo tradicional tuvo un 10,3 por ciento. El costo intrahospitalario fue de $100 y $2.346 respectivamente. Se demuestra la ventaja del método propuesto en relación a efectividad, costo, tiempo y confort de los pacientes

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Occlusive Dressings , Minor Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , Age Distribution , Elective Surgical Procedures , Hospital Costs , Surgical Wound Infection/therapy , Minor Surgical Procedures/economics , Prospective Studies , Sex Distribution
Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(9): 1049-55, sept. 1999. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-255279


Background: Gallbladder cancer is frequent in Chile and there is sparse information about the association between this type of cancer and the presence of bacteria in the gallbladder bile. Aim: To determine the presence of aerobic bacteria in gallbladder bile in patients with and without gallbladder cancer. Material and methods: A microbiological analysis of bile and pathological study was performed in 608 gallbladders, obtained during to cholecystectomies performed to 513 women and 95 men aged 44 years old as a mean. Results: Pathological study showed a chronic cholecystitis in 468 cases (77 percent), an acute cholecystitis in 140 (33 percent), cancer in 24 (3.9 percent) and dysplasia in 5 cases (0.8 percent). A positive culture was obtained in 22.5 percent of women and 28.5 percent of males. Twenty seven percent of women over 30 years old had positive cultures compared with 10 percent of younger women (p <0.001). Thirty two percent of acute cholecystitis had positive cultures, compared with 24 percent of chronic cholecystitis (p=0.03). E Coli was isolated in 51 percent of positive cases, streptococci-enterococci in 24 percent, enterobacter sp in 9 percent, klebsiella and proteus in lower proportions. Salmonella sp was isolated in 4 cases, being all women with chronic cholecystitis. Thirteen of 29 cases with cancer or dysplasia had positive cultures (45 percent), compared with 25 percent of patients with inflammatory gallbladder diseases (p=0.02). streptococci-enterococci were isolated in 7 cases and enterobacter sp in three. Conclusions: The presence of salmonella sp in gallbladder bile was not frequent in the studied patients. Its role in the pathogenesis of gallbladder cancer must be reassessed

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Bacterial Infections/diagnosis , Gallbladder Neoplasms/microbiology , Gallbladder/microbiology , Bacteria, Aerobic/isolation & purification , Cholecystectomy , Culture Media , Age Distribution , Sex Distribution , Biliary Tract Surgical Procedures , Bacteriological Techniques