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Más Vita ; 4(2): 127-139, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392168


El sobrepeso es una condición de salud limitante para el desempeño humano, esto se debe a las complicaciones de salud que derivan o están asociadas a esta condición tales como: Insulinorresistencia, Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, enfermedades cardiovasculares, complicaciones ortopédicas y de índole traumatológicas, así como afecciones de tipo psicosociales. El sobrepeso fue considerado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como una epidemia mundial, emergente, de efectos inmediatos en la población infantil y es a su vez estimado en el área de salud pública por tener las implicaciones anteriormente descritas. Objetivo: Describir los factores que influyen en el sobrepeso de los escolares de 5 a 10 años. Materiales y métodos: Estudio tipo cualitativo, con una metodología descriptiva, donde se recopila información bibliográfica de publicaciones vía web y artículos científicos, relevante con el tema en estudio. Las etapas de elaboración del estudio contemplan, lectura y revisión de la información reciente, análisis del contenido, organización y resumen y redacción para plasmar una perspectiva de la situación con transcriptores relacionados con las palabras claves: sobrepeso, escolares entre 5-10 años. Conclusiones: Un número importante de la población infantil está siendo afectada por el sobrepeso y la obesidad, lo que se traduce en adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad si no son corregidos los hábitos alimenticios y la conducta ante los estilos de vida. Tener en consideración y abordar los aspectos relacionados con este tema es de vital importancia debido a que constituye un grave problema de salud a nivel mundial y sus implicaciones de salud en el transcurso de la vida, donde el persona se afecta por la condición de salud generada, que en la mayoría de los casos crea individuos con discapacidades o disfuncionales(AU)

Overweight is a limiting health condition for human performance, this is due to health complications that derive or are associated with this condition such as: insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, orthopedic and trauma complications. as well as psychosocial conditions. Overweight was considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a global, emerging epidemic with immediate effects on the child population and is in turn estimated in the area of public health for having the implications described above. Objective: To describe the factors that influence overweight in schoolchildren aged 5 to 10 years. Materials and methods: Qualitative type study, with a descriptive methodology, where bibliographic information of publications via the web and scientific articles, relevant to the subject under study, is collected. The stages of elaboration of the study contemplate, reading and review of recent information, content analysis, organization and summary and writing to capture a perspective of the situation with transcriptionists related to the keywords: overweight, schoolchildren between 5-10 years. Conclusions: A significant number of the child population is being affected by overweight and obesity, which translates into overweight and obese adults if eating habits and behavior towards lifestyles are not corrected. Taking into consideration and addressing the aspects related to this issue is of vital importance because it constitutes a serious health problem worldwide and its health implications throughout life, where the person is affected by the health condition generated, which in most cases creates disabled or dysfunctional individuals(AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , School Feeding , Overweight , Pediatric Obesity , Insulin Resistance , Cardiovascular Diseases , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Feeding Behavior , Life Style
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(2): 535-552, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287572


RESUMEN El presente trabajo consistió en la elaboración de un programa de planificación semanal para el desarrollo de la fuerza en judocas de la categoría 9-10 años. El mismo tuvo como propósito esencial, ofertar una vía para influir positivamente en el rendimiento de los judocas pertenecientes a este grupo etario, a la vez que se dispone de un nuevo recurso para elaborar la planificación de la fuerza para esta disciplina deportiva, con lo que se contribuye, además, con el proceso de superación de los profesores deportivos que laboran en el eslabón de base. Para ello, se tuvieron en cuenta los fundamentos morfo-biomecánicos de los ejercicios de fuerza, así como las características morfo-funcionales de los niños que pertenecen a la misma. Para la obtención de información, se utilizaron como métodos la revisión de documentos, la encuesta y la observación. Al no encontrarse referentes al respecto en la bibliografía especializada que fue consultada, así como la falta de evidencia de una planificación semanal del entrenamiento de la fuerza, sustentado en los parámetros anteriormente mencionados, lo que pudo constatarse a través del diagnóstico efectuado. Los autores lograron diseñar un programa de planificación semanal para el desarrollo de la fuerza en judocas de la categoría 9-10 años, acorde con las exigencias fisiológicas de este grupo etario. De este modo, se pudo influir de forma positiva en el desarrollo de esta capacidad motora, sin daños para el organismo de estos niños.

RESUMO O presente trabalho consistiu na elaboração de um programa de planeamento semanal para o desenvolvimento da força nos judocas da categoria dos 9-10 anos de idade. O seu objectivo essencial era oferecer uma forma de influenciar positivamente o desempenho dos judocas pertencentes a esta faixa etária, tendo ao mesmo tempo um novo recurso para desenvolver o planeamento de força para esta disciplina desportiva, o que também contribui para o processo de melhoria dos professores de desporto que trabalham no elo básico. Para tal, foram tidos em conta os fundamentos morfo-biomecânicos dos exercícios de força, bem como as características morfofuncionais das crianças que a ela pertencem. A fim de obter informações, foram utilizados como métodos a revisão, o levantamento e a observação de documentos. Uma vez que não foram encontradas referências na bibliografia especializada que foi consultada, bem como a falta de provas de um planeamento semanal do treino de força, baseado nos parâmetros acima mencionados, que pôde ser verificado através do diagnóstico efetuado, os autores puderam conceber um programa de planeamento semanal para o desenvolvimento da força nos jogadores de judô da categoria dos 9-10 anos, de acordo com as exigências fisiológicas desta faixa etária. Desta forma, foi possível influenciar positivamente o desenvolvimento desta capacidade motora, sem danificar o corpo destas crianças.

ABSTRACT The present work consisted in the elaboration of a weekly planning program for the development of strength in judo female athletes of the 9-10 years old category. Its essential purpose was to offer a way to positively influence the performance of judo female athletes belonging to this age group, at the same time that a new resource is available to elaborate the planning of strength for this sport discipline, which also contributes to the process of improvement of sports teachers who work in the basic link. For this purpose, the morpho-biomechanical fundamentals of strength exercises were taken into account, as well as the morpho-functional characteristics of the children who belong to it. To obtain information, document review, survey and observation were used as methods. Since no references were found in the specialized bibliography that was consulted, as well as the lack of evidence of a weekly planning of strength training, based on the aforementioned parameters, which could be verified through the diagnosis carried out, the authors were able to design a weekly planning program for the development of strength in judo female athletes of the 9-10 years old category, according to the physiological demands of this age group. In this way, it was possible to have a positive influence on the development of this motor capacity, without harming the organism of these children.

Braz. dent. sci ; 24(2): 1-8, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1178045


Introdução: O estudo foi realizado para comparar a eficácia da retenção hidrofóbica e hidrofílica de selante de fóssulas e fissuras entre crianças de 7 a 10 anos de idade escolar. Material e métodos: O presente estudo randomizado de boca dividida foi realizado nas superfícies oclusais dos primeiros molares inferiores permanentes para comparação e avaliação da retenção junto com outras variáveis de resultado, como a cor, descoloração marginal, adaptação marginal, forma anatômica, sensibilidade pós-operatória, formação de cárie e rugosidade de superfícia de selantes hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos de fóssulas e fissuras no 3º e 6º mês de aplicação. Os dados foram analisados usando o software SPSS e os resultados foram obtidos. Resultados: No presente estudo, entre as 50 restaurações com selantes hidrofóbico de fóssulas e fissuras (Grupo I), 48 (96%) das restaurações ficaram retidas no final do terceiro mês e 45 (90%) ficaram retidas no final do sexto mês. Entre as 50 restaurações nos selantes de fóssulas e fissuras hidrofílicas (Grupo II), 49 (98%) restaurações ficaram retidas no final do terceiro mês e 46 (92%) no final do sexto mês ficaram retidas. Não houve diferença significativa no número de restaurações totalmente retidas ao final de seis meses (p = 1,00) entre os dois grupos. A avaliação de todas as outras variáveis entre as duas intervenções mostrou que a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusão: O estudo concluiu que o selante de fóssulas e fissuras hidrofílico era semelhante ao selante de fóssulas e fissuras hidrofóbicas em termos de retenção, combinação de cor, descoloração marginal, adaptação marginal, forma anatômica e rugosidade de superfície. (AU)

Introduction: The study was done to compare the effectiveness of hydrophobic and hydrophilic pit and fissure sealant retention among 7-10 year old school children. Material and Methods: The present split mouth randomized trial was conducted on the occlusal surfaces of permanent first mandibular molars to compare and assess the retention along with other outcome variables like colour match, marginal discolouration, marginal adaptation, anatomic form, post-operative sensitivity, caries formation and surface roughness properties of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic pit and fissure sealants at 3rdand 6th month. The data was compiled and analyzed using SPSS software and results were generated. Results: In the present study among the 50 restorations in the hydrophobic pit and fissure sealants (Group I), 48 (96%) restorations were retained at the end of third month and 45(90%) were retained at the end of sixth month. Among the 50 restorations in the hydrophilic pit and fissure sealants (Group II), 49(98%) restorations were retained at the end of third month, and 46(92%) at the end of sixth month were retained. There was no significant difference in the number of completely retained restorations at the end of six months (p = 1.00) among both the groups. The assessment of all the other outcome variables between both the interventions showed that the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The study concluded that the hydrophilic pit and fissure sealant was similar to the hydrophobic pit and fissure sealant in terms of retention, colour match, marginal discolouration, marginal adaptation, anatomic form and surface roughness properties with (AU)

Humans , Child , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Tooth , Dental Marginal Adaptation
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202306


Introduction: Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causesof blindness.Up to 21% of patients with type 2 diabetes haveretinopathy at the first diagnosis of diabetes and most developsome degree of retinopathy over time. Study objectives wereto study diabetic Retinopathy clinically and angiographically,retinal changes in various duration of diabetes, observethe different stages of retinopathy and their analysis and toobserve the advantages of fluorescein angiographyMaterial and methods: This analytical study was performedin Krishna Hospital, Karad for a period of 18 months . Thefundus examination was done with indirect ophthalmoscope,90D/78D lens after pupillary dilatation with a combination ofphenylephrine and tropicamide eyed drops, and FFA was doneResult: The material for the present study consists of 100diabetic patients who attended the outpatient department of,or who were admitted in Krishna Hospital, KaradConclusion: In patients less than 5 years of diabetic ageor those who are at early stage of diabetic retinopathy, weobserved that early pathological changes which could not beseen on ophthalmoscopy were evident on FFA. So by Earlydetection of diabetic retinopathy we can help to stop furtherprogression of retinopathy. FFA is a better diagnostic tool fordiagnosing retinopathy as compared to ophthalmoscopy

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 29-33, 2011.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633806


RATIONALE: In the Philippines, 25% of children OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy, safety and acceptability of a modified RUTF (mRUTF) to supplement caloric intake. METHOD: One hundred (100) children 18 months to 10 years old with mild to moderate malnutrition were randomized to either mRUTF or control group. The treatment arm received mRUTF during weekdays for 5 weeks while controls had no supplementation. Anthropometric measurements were taken at baseline, weekly for 5 weeks and 2 weeks post-supplementation. RESULTS: The two groups were comparable at baseline. At five weekly intervals, there was no significant difference in weight, height and mid upper arm circumference between groups, although the mean percentage weight gain of the mRUTF group was higher compared with controls (8% vs 2.6%, p=0.15). Cessation of supplementation resulted in weight loss in the mRUTF group. [mRUTF: -0.40 (0.33) vs -0.03 (0.35), p=0.00]. The taste of mRUTF was acceptable. CONCLUSION: Ready-to-use-therapeutic food is an effective, safe and acceptable alternative supplement for children, 18 months to 10 years old, with mild to moderate malnutrition.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Infant , Thinness , Philippines , Weight Gain , Taste , Arm , Weight Loss , Energy Intake , Dietary Supplements , Taste Perception , Malnutrition
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-40368


BACKGROUND: Many studies focused on the distribution of skin tumors in Korea, but none of them included whole data refered from deparments other than dermatology and primary physicians. OBJECTIVE: This study was to investigate the incidence and distribution of skin tumors among Korean people. METHODS: A study was made on 1448 cases of skin tumors which were obtained mainly from surgical pathology specimen during the period of 10 years from 1992 to 2001 at Department of Dermatology in Keimyung University Dongsan Medical center. RESULTS: 1. Of the 1448 cases of skin tumors, 1171 cases(80.9%) were benign tumor, 277 cases (19.1%) were malignant tumor and male to female ratio was 1: 1.1. 2. Among the 1171 cases of benign tumors, 174 cases of melanocytic nevi, 173 cases of epidermal cyst, 109 cases of seborrheic keratosis, 62 cases of granuloma pyogenicum were noted. 3. Among 277 cases of malignant tumors, 107 cases of basal cell carcinoma, 58 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 27 cases of metastatic cutaneous carcinoma, 24 cases of Bowen disease were noted. 4. The predilection sites of Intradermal nevi were face(38.4%), trunk(17.4%), scalp(16.3%), and those of epidermal cyst were face(41.0%), trunk(29.5%), neck(8.1%). The predilection site of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma was face(80.4%, 58.6%). CONCLUSION: The 1448 cases of skin tumors, which were confirmed histologically from surgical pathology specimen at Department of Dermatology in the Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center during the period of 10 years from 1992 to 2001, were reviewed.

Female , Humans , Male , Bowen's Disease , Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Dermatology , Epidermal Cyst , Granuloma, Pyogenic , Incidence , Keratosis, Seborrheic , Korea , Nevus, Intradermal , Nevus, Pigmented , Pathology, Surgical , Skin
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-2027


The assessment of nutritional status of 6593 children under 5 years old in 6 communes/precincts showed that after 10 years, the nutritional status has been improved significantly in 3 indicators: rate of underweight children decreased to 34.0% from 53.2%; rate of stunt children decreased to 35.2% from 54.6%; wasting reduced from 10.7% to 7.9%. But overweight children increased from 1.2% to 4.0%.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-646063


A carcinoma arising in the thyroglossal duct remnant is an unusual entity, especially in the young, and it constitutes less than 1% of all thyroglossal duct abnormalities. Clinically, it has been confused with benign tumor and is usually diagnosed postoperatively. Papillary carcinoma is the most common malignancy arising in the thyroglossal duct remnant. The recommended treatment is the Sistrunk procedure and the prognosis is excellent. We present a case report of a 10 years old girl and discuss the management and prognosis.

Child , Female , Humans , Carcinoma, Papillary , Prognosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-98208


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The death rates of pancreaticoduodenectomy decreased dramatically in experienced centers and it depends on many variability including nutritional status, better patient selection, hospital volume. We reviewed our experience of 100 pancreaticoduodenectomy for 10 years, 1000 beds hospital METHOD: Between 1990 and 2000, 100 patients underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy in Dong-A University hospital. Annual number of cases, the disease entity, operative procedures, operation time and transfusion, radicality, external or internal pancreatic stent methods, morbidity and mortality were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: 10 cases or less per year until 1998: thereafter, the number of cases increased reaching 24 cases per year recently. Diseases entities were 35 pancreas head carcinomas, 22 common bile duct carcinomas, 20 ampulla vater carcinomas, 8 duodenum carcinomas, 9 chronic pancreatitis, 3 gallbladder carcinomas etc. Operative procedures were 53 whipple's operations, 23 Total pancreaticoduodenectomy, 22 pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy, 2 hepatopancreaticoduodenectomy. Postoperative morbidity has been decreasing, however, pancreatic leakage is still unresolved problem. Under 10 case annually the overall mortality was 22%, over 15 case annually the mortality reduced 12%(P=0.242). There were no mortality consecutive 30 cases since June, 1999 after changing the internal pancreatic duct stent to external pancreatic duct stent with preoperative total parenteral nutrition, Indocyanine green (ICG) test. The death rate was reduced(P=0.156). CONCLUSION: Pancreaticoduodenectomy has been increasing due to increased incidence of indication and improved resectability. Also preoperative total parenteral nutrition, ICG test, external pancreatic duct stent, successful postoperative embolization techniques decreased mobidity & mortality. It was suggested, pancreaticoduodenectomy could be safely performed in centers with more than 15 pancreatoduodenectomy annually.

Humans , Common Bile Duct , Duodenum , Gallbladder , Head , Incidence , Indocyanine Green , Mortality , Nutritional Status , Pancreas , Pancreatic Ducts , Pancreaticoduodenectomy , Pancreatitis, Chronic , Parenteral Nutrition, Total , Patient Selection , Pylorus , Retrospective Studies , Stents , Surgical Procedures, Operative