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Rev. bras. entomol ; 63(2): 112-114, Apr.-June 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045550


Abstract The female genitalia of Pero obtusaria Prout, 1928 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) are described and illustrated for the first time and compared to congenerics. The antrum with the dorsal part sculptured with two sinuous longitudinal stripes enables the identification of this species.

Indian J Lepr ; 2018 Sep; 90(3): 207-216
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195015


Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, an acid-fast, rod-shaped bacillus. This study reports the trends of leprosy in Guyana during the year 2007-2016. This is a retrospective study conducted by analyzing records of all cases registered with Guyana Hansen's Disease Control Programme (GHDCP) during the ten year period. A total of 265 patients data were analyzed in this study. Mean age ± standard deviation (SD) of leprosy patients was 34.5 ± 17 (95% CI 32.5-36.6). There was a noticeable overall increase in the number of leprosy cases throughout the years 2007 to 2016. The trend of PB cases on the other hand, revealed noticeable increase from 9.9% in 2007 to 12.7% in 2016 similarly percentage of multibacillary (MB) cases also showed an increase from 9.4% in 2007 to 14.1% in 2016 (p=0.61). Significantly more cases were recorded for MB (71.9%; 95% CI 66.1-77.2) (p < 0.001) than Paucibacillary (PB) (26.6%; 95% CI 21.4-32.3) (p < 0.001). Within MB, significantly more cases were with LL (28.5%; 95% CI 23.1- 34.3) followed by BL (13.9%; 95% CI 9.9-18.6) (p < 0.001). However, the highest proportion of childhood leprosy and a considerable number of new cases could witness the active transmission of the disease and the existence of new infections within the country. This study therefore provides an insight into the trends of leprosy in Guyana and the result should be considered important to create awareness and reinforcement of policies towards leprosy care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189540


In preparation for a legal implementation of EU-regulation 1829/2003, the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has been requested by the Norwegian Environment Agency (former Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management) and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) to conduct final food/feed and environmental risk assessments for all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products containing or consisting of GMOs that are authorized in the European Union under Directive 2001/18/EC or Regulation 1829/2003/EC. The request covers scope(s) relevant to the Gene Technology Act. The request does not cover GMOs that VKM already has conducted its final risk assessments on. However, the Agency and NFSA requests VKM to consider whether updates or other changes to earlier submitted assessments are necessary. The insect-resistant and glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified maize MON 89034 x NK 603 from Monsanto (Unique Identifier MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) was approved under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 in the EU for food and feed uses, import and processing on 28 July 2010 (Commission Decision 2010/420/EC). Genetically modified maize MON 890314 x NK 603 has previously been risk assessed by the VKM Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), commissioned by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency related and to the EFSA public hearing of the applications EFSA/GMO/NL/2007/38 and EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/72 in 2007 and 2009/2010 (VKM 2008a, VKM 2010a). In addition, the parental lines MON 89034 and NK 603 have been evaluated by the VKM GMO Panel as single events and as a component of several stacked GM maize events (VKM 2005a,b,c,d,e, VKM 2007a,b, VKM 2008b,c,d, VKM 2009a,b, VKM 2010 a,b, VKM 2011, VKM 2012a,b, VKM 2013 a,b, VKM 2014). The food/feed and environmental risk assessment of the maize MON 89034 x NK 603 is based on information provided by the applicant in the applications EFSA/GMO/NL/2007/38 EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/72 and scientific comments from EFSA and other member states made available on the EFSA website GMO Extranet. The risk assessment also considered other peer-reviewed scientific literature as relevant. The VKM GMO Panel has evaluated MON 89034 x NK 603 with reference to its intended uses in the European Economic Area (EEA), and according to the principles described in the Norwegian Food Act, the Norwegian Gene Technology Act and regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act, Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms, and Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed. The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety has also decided to take account of the appropriate principles described in the EFSA guidelines for the risk assessment of GM plants and derived food and feed (EFSA 2011a), the environmental risk assessment of GM plants (EFSA 2010a), selection of comparators for the risk assessment of GM plants (EFSA 2011b) and for the post-market environmental monitoring of GM plants (EFSA 2011c). The scientific risk assessment of maize MON 89034 x NK 603 include molecular characterisation of the inserted DNA and expression of novel proteins, comparative assessment of agronomic and phenotypic characteristics, nutritional assessments, toxicology and allergenicity, unintended effects on plant fitness, potential for gene transfer, effects on biogeochemical processes and interactions between the GM plant and target and non-target organisms. It is emphasized that the VKM mandate does not include assessments of contribution to sustainable development, societal utility and ethical considerations, according to the Norwegian Gene Technology Act and Regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act. These considerations are therefore not part of the risk assessment provided by the VKM Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms. Likewise, the VKM mandate does not include evaluations of herbicide residues in food and feed from genetically modified plants. The hybrid maize MON 89034 x NK 603 has been produced by conventional crosses between inbred lines containing MON 89034 and NK 603 events to combine resistance to certain lepidopteran pests and to confer tolerance towards glyphosate-containing herbicides. Maize MON 89034 was developed to provide protection against specific lepidopteran target pest, including Ostrinia nubilalis, S podoptera spp. and Agrotis ipsilon. Protection is achieved through expression in the plant of two insecticidal Cry proteins, Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2, derived from Baci llus thuringiensis subsp. a izawai and kurstaki. Maize NK 603 has been developed to provide tolerance to glyphosate by the introduction, of a gene coding for 5enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) from Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 (CP4 EPSPS). Molecular Characterisation: Southern and PCR analyses indicate that the recombinant inserts in the single maize events MON 89034 and NK 603 are retained in maize stack MON 89034 x NK603. Genetic stability of the inserts has previously been demonstrated in the parental lines MON 89034and NK603. The level of Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2 and CP4 EPSPS proteins in grain and forage from the stacked event are comparable to the levels in the corresponding single events. Phenotypic analyses also indicate stability of the insect resistance and herbicide tolerance traits of the stacked event. Based on current knowledge and the previous assessments of the parental maize events, the VKM GMO Panel considers the molecular characterisation of maize MON 89034 x NK 603 satisfactory. 6 VKM Report 2016: 17. Comparative Assessment: The applicant has performed comparative analyses of data from field trials located at representative sites and environments in Argentina in 2004/2005 and Europe in 2007. With the exception of small intermittent variations and the insect resistance and herbicide tolerance conferred by the Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2 and CP4 EPSPS proteins, the results showed no biologically relevant differences between maize stack MON 89034 x NK 603 and conventional control. Based on the assessment of available data, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x NK 603 is compositionally, agronomical and phenotypically equivalent to its conventional counterpart, except for the new proteins. Food/feed Safety Assessment: A whole food feeding study on broilers has not indicated any adverse health effects of maize MON 89034 x NK 603, and shows that it is nutritionally equivalent to conventional maize varieties. The Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, and CP4 EPSPS proteins do not show sequence resemblance to other known toxins or IgE allergens, nor have they been reported to cause IgE mediated allergic reactions. However, some studies have indicated a potential role of Cry-proteins as adjuvants in allergic reactions. Based on current knowledge, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x NK 603 is nutritionally equivalent to conventional maize varieties. It is unlikely that the Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, and CP4 EPSPS proteins will cause toxic or IgE-mediated allergic reactions to food or feed based on maize MON 89034 x NK 603 compared to conventional maize. Environmental Risk: Considering the intended uses of maize MON 89034 x NK603, excluding cultivation, the environmental risk assessment is concerned with accidental release into the environment of viable grains during transportation and processing, and indirect exposure, mainly through manure and faeces from animals fed grains from maize MON 89034 x NK603. Maize MON 89034 x NK 603 has no altered survival, multiplication or dissemination characteristics, and there are no indications of an increased likelihood of spread and establishment of feral maize plants in the case of accidental release into the environment of seeds from maize MON 89034 x NK603. Maize is the only representative of the genus Zea in Europe, and there are no cross-compatible wild or weedy relatives outside cultivation. The VKM GMO Panel considers the risk of gene flow from occasional feral GM maize plants to conventional maize varieties to be negligible in Norway. Considering the intended use as food and feed, interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment are not considered by the GMO Panel to be an issue. 7 VKM Report 2016: 17. Overall Conclusion: Based on current knowledge, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x NK 603 is compositionally, nutritionally, agronomically and phenotypically equivalent to its conventional counterpart except for the new proteins. It is unlikely that the Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2 and CP4 EPSPS proteins will cause an increased risk of toxic or IgE-mediated allergic reactions to food or feed based on maize MON 89034 x NK 603 compared to conventional maize varieties. The VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x NK603, based on current knowledge, is comparable to conventional maize varieties concerning environmental risk in Norway with the intended usage.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189538


In preparation for a legal implementation of EU-regulation 1829/2003, the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has been requested by the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) to conduct final food/feed and environmental risk assessments for all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products containing or consisting of GMOs that are authorized in the European Union under Directive 2001/18/EC or Regulation 1829/2003/EC. The request covers scope(s) relevant to the Gene Technology Act. The request does not cover GMOs that VKM already has conducted its final risk assessments on. However, the Agency and NFSA requests VKM to consider whether updates or other changes to earlier submitted assessments are necessary. The insect-resistant and glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 from Monsanto (Unique Identifier MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-88Ø17-3) was approved under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 in the EU for food and feed uses, import and processing on 17th of June 2011 (Commission Decision 2011/366/EC). Genetically modified maize MON 890314 x MON 88017 has previously been risk assessed by the VKM Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), commissioned by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency related and to the EFSA public hearing of the applications EFSA/GMO/NL/2007/39 and EFSA/GMO/BE/2009/71 in 2007 and 2009/2010 (VKM 2008a, VKM 2010a). In addition, the parental lines MON 89034 and MON 88017 have been evaluated by the VKM GMO Panel as single events and as a component of several stacked GM maize events (VKM 2007a,b, VKM 2008b, VKM 2009a,b,c, VKM 2010b,c, VKM 2012, VKM 2013, VKM 2014). The food/feed and environmental risk assessment of the maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 is based on information provided by the applicant in the applications EFSA/GMO/NL/2007/39 EFSA/GMO/BE/2009/71 and scientific comments from EFSA and other member states made available on the EFSA website GMO Extranet. The risk assessment also considered other peer-reviewed scientific literature when relevant. The VKM GMO Panel has evaluated MON 89034 x MON 88017 with reference to its intended uses in the European Economic Area (EEA), and according to the principles described in the Norwegian Food Act, the Norwegian Gene Technology Act and regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act, Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms, and Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed. The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety has also decided to take account of the appropriate principles described in the EFSA guidelines for the risk assessment of GM plants and derived food and feed (EFSA 2011a), the environmental risk assessment of GM plants (EFSA 2010), selection of comparators for the risk assessment of GM plants (EFSA 2011b) and for the post-market environmental monitoring of GM plants (EFSA 2011c). The scientific risk assessment of maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 include molecular characterisation of the inserted DNA and expression of novel proteins, comparative assessment of agronomic and phenotypic characteristics, nutritional assessments, toxicology and allergenicity, unintended effects on plant fitness, potential for gene transfer, effects on biogeochemical processes and interactions between the GM plant and target and non-target organisms. It is emphasised that the VKM mandate does not include assessments of contribution to sustainable development, societal utility and ethical considerations, according to the Norwegian Gene Technology Act and Regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act. These considerations are therefore not part of the risk assessment provided by the VKM Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms. Likewise, the VKM mandate does not include evaluations of herbicide residues in food and feed from genetically modified plants.The hybrid maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 has been produced by conventional crosses between inbred lines containing MON 89034 and MON 88017 events to combine resistance to certain coleopteran and lepidopteran pests, and to confer tolerance towards glyphosate-containing herbicides. Maize MON 89034 was developed to provide protection against specific lepidopteran target pest, including Ostrinia nubilalis , S podoptera spp. and Agrotis ipsilon. Protection is achieved through expression in the plant of two insecticidal Cry proteins, Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2, derived from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. a izawai and kurstaki. Maize MON 88017 was developed to express a modified Cry3Bb1 insecticidal protein, derived from B. thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis , which confers protection against coleopteran target pests belonging to the genus Diabrotica such as Western corn rootworm ( D . virgifera virgifera ). MON 88017 is also developed to provide tolerance to the herbicidal active substance glyphosate by the introduction of a gene coding for the enzyme 5enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4 (CP4 EPSPS). Molecular Characterisation: Southern and PCR analyses indicate that the recombinant inserts in the single maize events MON 89034 and MON 88017 are retained in the stacked event MON 89034 x MON 88017. Genetic stability of the inserts has previously been demonstrated in the single events. The levels of Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, CP4 EPSPS and Cry3Bb1 proteins in grain and forage from the stacked event are comparable to the levels in the corresponding single events. Phenotypic analyses also indicate stability of the insect resistance and herbicide tolerance traits of the stacked event. Based on current knowledge and the previous assessments of the parental maize events, the VKM GMO Panel considers the molecular characterisation of maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 satisfactory. Comparative Assessment: Comparative analyses of maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 and its conventional counterpart have been performed by the applicant during field trials located at representative sites and environments in USA during 2004, and in Europe in 2007. Several different conventional maize varieties were included in the field trials and used as references. With the exception of small variations, and the insect resistance and herbicide tolerance conferred by the Cry3Bb1, Cry1A105, Cry2Ab2, and CP4 EPSPS proteins, the results from these studies showed no biologically relevant differences between the maize stack MON 89034 x MON 88017 and its conventional counterpart. Based on the assessment of available data, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 is compositionally, agronomically and phenotypically equivalent to its conventional counterpart, except for the new proteins. Food and Feed Safety Assessment: A whole food feeding study performed on broilers indicates no adverse health effects of maize MON 89034 x MON 88017, and shows that it is nutritionally equivalent to conventional maize varieties. The Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb1 and CP4 EPSPS proteins do not show relevant sequence resemblance to other known toxins or IgE-allergens, nor have they been reported to cause IgE-mediated allergic reactions. However, some studies have indicated a potential role of Cry-proteins as adjuvants in allergic reactions. Based on current knowledge, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 is nutritionally equivalent to conventional maize varieties. It is unlikely that the Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb1 and CP4 EPSPS proteins will cause toxic or IgE-mediated allergic reactions to food or feed derived from maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 compared to conventional maize. Environmental Risk: Considering the intended uses of maize MON 89034 x MON 88017, excluding cultivation, the environmental risk assessment is concerned with accidental release into the environment of viable grains during transportation and processing, and indirect exposure, mainly through manure and faeces from animals fed grains from maize MON 89034 x MON 88017. Maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 has no altered survival, multiplication or dissemination characteristics, and there are no indications of an increased likelihood of spread and establishment of feral maize plants in the case of accidental release into the environment of seeds from maize MON 89034 x MON 88017. Maize is the only representative of the genus Zea in Europe, and there are no cross-compatible wild or weedy relatives outside cultivation. The VKM GMO Panel considers the risk of gene flow from occasional feral GM maize plants to conventional maize varieties to be negligible in Norway. Considering the intended use as food and feed, interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment are not considered by the GMO Panel to be an issue. Overall Conclusion: Based on current knowledge, the VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 is compositionally, nutritionally, agronomically and phenotypically equivalent to its conventional counterpart except for the new proteins. It is unlikely that the Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, CryBb1 and CP4 EPSPS proteins will cause an increased risk of toxic or IgE-mediated allergic reactions to food or feed based on maize MON 89034 x MON 88017 compared to conventional maize varieties. The VKM GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 89034 x MON 88017, based on current knowledge, is comparable to conventional maize varieties concerning environmental risk in Norway with the intended usage.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(1): 245-259, jan.-mar. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-892585


Resumo Apresenta pesquisa acerca da atuação de Szachna Eliasz Cynamon no Programa Vale do Rio Doce (1952-1960). Privilegiamos como fonte de consulta os acervos dos departamentos de Arquivo e Documentação e de Saneamento e Saúde Ambiental, na Fiocruz, e o ainda pertencente à família. Na época, a região contava com altos índices de malária. Cynamon, nascido na Polônia e imigrado ainda criança nos anos 1930 para o Brasil, onde se graduaria em engenharia sanitária, foi contratado para atuar em Colatina (ES) e em Governador Valadares (MG), entre 1952 e 1960. Nessas localidades, dedicou-se ao tratamento e abastecimento de água e esgoto sanitário, além de realizar cursos de educação sanitária para a população local, como parte de acordo de cooperação Brasil-EUA.

Abstract Research into the work of Szachna Eliasz Cynamon in the Rio Doce Valley Program (1952-1960) is presented. The key sources are from the Department of Archives and Documentation and the Department of Sanitation and Environmental Health at Fiocruz, as well as the family's own archive. At the time, the rates of malaria in the region were high. Born in Poland, Cynamon migrated to Brazil in the 1930s while still a child, where he graduated in sanitary engineering. He was hired to work in Colatina (Espírito Santo) and Governador Valadares (Minas Gerais) between 1952 and 1960, focusing on sewage and water treatment and supply, while also holding sanitation education courses for the local people as part of a Brazil-USA cooperation agreement.

Sanitary Engineering/history , Poland , Brazil , Sanitation/history , Health Education/history
Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 44(3)dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506951


Introducción: La forma más fácil y económica para observar el crecimiento es la antropometría, Para medir el crecimiento se utilizan estándares de referencia que evalúan a la normalidad del crecimiento. Las curvas de crecimiento recomendadas por la OMS hasta antes del 2006 eran las del NCHS y CDC, a partir de abril del 2006 la OMS propuso el uso del nuevo patrón de crecimiento. Objetivo: Medir la concordancia entre las tablas de referencias de crecimiento de la OMS 2007 y del NCHS/CDC 2000 utilizando los indicadores talla para la edad (T/E) e índice de masa corporal para la edad (IMC/E). Materiales y Métodos: Estudio analítico de corte trasverso. Se estudiaron 148 niños de entre 5 y 16 años que asistieron a escuelas de tres comunidades rurales. Las variables analizadas fueron T/E e IMC/E diferenciada por sexo. Se estimó el coeficiente kappa para evaluar la concordancia entre las referencias. Se utilizó programas estadísticos WHO Antro Plus V.1.0.4, y con EpiInfo v3.5.1 2008. Resultados: La concordancia más alta se encontró entre las referencias de la OMS 2007 y el CDC 2000 con el indicador T/E en la niñas con κ=0,882 y en los niños κ=0,760; con el indicador IMC/E el coeficiente Kappa más alto se encontró en la población de niños (κ=0,733) y en las niñas (κ=0,452). Conclusiones: Se obtuvo una concordancia buena entre ambas tablas de referencias para el indicador T/E. Existen concordancia moderada con el indicador IMC/E entre las referencias de la OMS 2007 y CDC 2000 para el diagnóstico nutricional.

Introduction: The easiest and most economical way to observe growth is anthropometry. To measure growth, reference standards are used that evaluate the normality of growth. The growth curves recommended by the WHO until before 2006 were those of the NCHS and the CDC. As of April 2006, the WHO proposed the use of new growth pattern charts. Objective: To measure the concordance between the 2007 WHO growth reference tables and those of the 2000 NCHS / CDC using the height-for-age (T / E) and body-mass-index-for-age (BMI / E) indicators. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study. We studied 148 children between 5 and 16 years of age who attended schools in three rural communities. The variables analyzed were T / E and BMI / E, differentiated by sex. The kappa coefficient was estimated in order to evaluate the concordance between the references. The WHO Antro Plus V.1.0.4 and Epi Info v3.5.1 2008 were used for statistical analysis. Results: The highest concordance was found between the 2007 WHO growth reference tables and the 2000 CDC tables with the T / E indicator in girls with κ = 0.882 and in boys with κ = 0.760; with the IMC / E indicator, the highest Kappa coefficient was found in the population of boys (κ = 0.733) and in girls (κ = 0.452). Conclusions: There is good concordance between both reference tables for the T / E indicator. There is moderate agreement with the IMC / E indicator between the 2007 WHO and 2000 CDC growth references tables for the diagnosis of nutritional status..

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 16-19, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667885


Objective: To provide reference for the performance testing of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) based on CZT detector by correct applying NEMA NU1-2007 that established by NEMA. Methods: When the performance of SPECT based on CZT detector was tested, the CZT detector should be distinguished from single crystal detector. And the items of performance testing of CZT detector that was not suitable for NEMA NU1-2007 standard were discussed and explored. Result: The experiment items which was not suitable for NEMA NU1-2007 standard were grasped, and the research provided the relative analysis of reason and method of disposition. Conclusion: The performance testing of SPECT based on CZT detector could not completely be implemented according to the standard of NEMA NU1-2007. Besides, manufacturer need know which testing items were inapplicable and their reasons.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-209968


In the previous study, the rhizome mixture of Anemarrhena asphodeloides and Coptis chinensis (DW2007), improved TNBS-, oxazolone-, or DSS-induced colitis in mice by regulating macrophage activation. Therefore, to understand the effect of DW2007 on the T cell differentiation involved in the adaptive immunity, we measured its effect on both Th17 and Treg cell differentiation in splenocytes, in the lamina propria of mice with DSS-induced colitis (DIC), and in the spleens of mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Results showed that DW2007 potently inhibited the differentiation of splenocytes into Th17 cells, but increased Treg cell differentiation in vitro. In the colon of wild type and TLR4−/− mice with DIC, DW2007 potently suppressed DSS-induced colon shortening and myeloperoxidase activity. DW2007 also suppressed collagen-induced paw thickening, clinical index, and myeloperoxidase activity in CIA mice. Overall, DW2007 potently suppressed Th17 cell differentiation in mice with CIA and DIC, but increased Treg cell differentiation. Moreover, DW2007 strongly inhibited the expression of TNF-α and IL-1β, as well as the activation of NF-κB. Based on these findings, DW2007 may ameliorate inflammatory diseases by regulating the innate immunity via the inhibition of macrophage activation and the adaptive immunity via the correction of disturbed Th17/Treg cells.

Animals , Mice , Adaptive Immunity , Anemarrhena , Arthritis , Arthritis, Experimental , Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Cell Differentiation , Colitis , Colon , Coptis , Dacarbazine , Immunity, Innate , In Vitro Techniques , Macrophage Activation , Mucous Membrane , Peroxidase , Rhizome , Spleen , T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory , Th17 Cells
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153049


Background: The World health organization (WHO) defines adolescents as individuals between the ages of 10–19 years and they make up about 20% of the world’s population. Under-nutrition is still highly prevalent among the adolescents of developing countries including India. Aims & Objective: The present study was undertaken to assess the age-sex trends of under nutrition among the adolescent age group school children of 11-18 years age group in District Gautambudh-nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Material and Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out in the Government schools in Bhangel, the urban field practice area of Department of Community Medicine. A questionnaire was administered to 392 school students (290 boys and 102 girls) of 11-18 years age group studying in VIth-XIIth standard. All the students were also subjected to measurement of height and weight. Body mass index (BMI) of all students was calculated. The heights and BMI of the students were then compared with the WHO 2007 reference standards. Results: The mean BMI was found to be less as compared to the WHO 2007 reference standards in both the sexes and the difference was found to be statistically significant in almost all age groups. The mean height was found to be less as compared to WHO reference for height in all age groups in both sexes and the difference was statistically significant in almost all age groups. Conclusion: The present study indicates that the nutritional status of the adolescent school children in our country is very poor.

Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2012 Apr-June; 30(2): 131-140
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-143934


This review attempts to clarify the concepts of Laboratory Quality Management System (Lab QMS) for a medical testing and diagnostic laboratory in a holistic way and hopes to expand the horizon beyond quality control (QC) and quality assurance. It provides an insight on accreditation bodies and highlights a glimpse of existing laboratory practices but essentially it takes the reader through the journey of accreditation and during the course of reading and understanding this document, prepares the laboratory for the same. Some of the areas which have not been highlighted previously include: requirement for accreditation consultants, laboratory infrastructure and scope, applying for accreditation, document preparation. This section is well supported with practical illustrations and necessary tables and exhaustive details like preparation of a standard operating procedure and a quality manual. Concept of training and privileging of staff has been clarified and a few of the QC exercises have been dealt with in a novel way. Finally, a practical advice for facing an actual third party assessment and caution needed to prevent post-assessment pitfalls has been dealt with.

Accreditation/methods , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/standards , Humans , Laboratories/standards , Quality Assurance, Health Care/methods
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 33(2): 337-355, abr.-jun. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-608176


Nesta pesquisa, caracterizada como estudo de recepção, analisamos como jovens estudantes compreendem e interpretam as estratégias de agendamento dos Jogos Pan-americanos Rio/2007. Para analisar os questionários-recordatários, os dados transcritos dos grupos de discussão e também do diário de campo, fizemos uso das técnicas da análise de conteúdo. Foram identificadas cinco categorias: Personagens do Pan, Infraestrutura e Segurança, Variedades, Tocha Pan-americana e Contagem Regressiva. Por fim, consideramos adequado sugerirmos o desenvolvimento de mídia-educação no âmbito escolar, em especial na Educação Física, a fim de ampliar as compreensões que envolvem a cultura esportiva dos alunos.

In this study, characterized as a reception study, we analyze how young students understand and interpret the scheduling strategies of the Pan American Rio/2007 Games' Agenda. To analyze the recall-questionnaires, the transcripted data of the discussion groups, as well as the field notes, we used the techniques of the content analysis. Were identified 5 categories: Pan Personalities, Infrastructure and Security, Variety, Pan American Torch and Countdown. Finally, we considered appropriate to suggest the development of the media education in schools, especially concerning Physical Education, to broaden the understandings that involve the sporting culture of the students.

En esta investigación, caracterizada como estudio de recepción, analizamos como los jóvenes estudiantes comprenden e interpretan las estrategias de agendamiento de los Juegos Panamericanos Río/2007. Para analizar los cuestionarios-recordatorios, los datos transcriptos de los grupos de discusión y también del diario de campo, hicimos uso de las técnicas de análisis de contenido. Fueron identificadas 5 categorías: Personajes del Panamericano, Infraestructura y Seguridad, Variedades, Antorcha Panamericana y Cuenta Regresiva. Finalmente, consideramos adecuado sugerir el desarrollo de la media-educación en el ámbito escolar, en especial en la Educación Física, con el fin de ampliar las comprensiones que envuelven la cultura deportiva de los alumnos.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 13(2): 134-143, abr.-jun. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-486650


Objetiva-se neste trabalho discutir a viabilidade da regulação subnacional do saneamento básico no País de acordo com o estabelecido na Lei no 11.445/2007. Foi analisada a viabilidade da regulação municipal em 2.523 municípios, com base na amostra do Sistema Nacional de Informações em Saneamento (SNIS) referente a 2005, mediante a aplicação de taxas de regulação de 1 a 3 por cento do faturamento das concessionárias. Concluiu-se que a regulação local não apresenta viabilidade em 97 por cento dos municípios pesquisados.

The objective of this paper is to discuss the feasibility and the alternatives for the sub-national regulation of the basic sanitation in Brazil, as established one in the Law 11.445/2007. We analyze a sample of 2.523 municipalities from the data set of the National System for Information on Water Supply and Sewerage Services (SNIS) of 2005, assuming regulatory fees ranging between 1 percent and 3 percent of the concessionaire’s revenues. We concluded that local regulation was impracticable for 97 percent of the municipalities in the sample.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-82887


BACKGROUND: Few analyses of the original articles targeting the elderly submitted by Korean medical doctors have been published. METHODS: We reviewed the articles on the elderly which were submitted in 2007 by Korean medical doctors and detected through KoreaMed, KMbase, PubMed. RESULTS: Total 169 articles were detected in foreign journals; case report, articles not targeting elderly, not by medical doctors, published in Korean journal, and review article were excluded. Finally, 10 articles were found to have been submitted in foreign journals by Korean doctors, 2007. In a similar way, 126 articles were found to have been submitted in Korean journals by Korean doctors, 2007. The most common articles were about dementia and/or cognitive function, and function change, endocrine disease, geriatric surgery were followed in order. Neuropsychiatrists were publishing the most articles, and neurosurgeons were the next. CONCLUSION: Out of articles on the elderly published in 2007, case reports were much more common than original articles. Articles on the health promotion and disease prevention, medical ethics, long term care need to be published much more.

Aged , Humans , Dementia , Endocrine System Diseases , Ethics, Medical , Health Promotion , Korea , Long-Term Care
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-192270


The 10th St. Gallen International Conference- Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer was held in March 2007. The St. Gallen Conferences has focused on reaching expert consensus for patient treatment selection. Three categories were affirmed by responsiveness of endocrine treatment- endocrine responsive, endocrine responsive uncertain, endocrine non-responsive. Risk assessment will be similar than previous meeting (9th meeting) - low, intermediate, and high risk categories. The Panel recommended that patients be offered endocrine therapy or trastuzumab according to endocrine responsiveness or HER2 status. Chemotherapy offered to patients according to risk assessment. For patients with endocrine responsive and HER2 negative, selection of patient for chemotherapy is major challenge. The Panel of Expert attempted to answer many questions- endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, anti-HER2 therapy, and radiation therapy. This report focused on new information related to the best use of endocrine therapy and chemotherapy.

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Congresses as Topic , Consensus , Drug Therapy , Risk Assessment , Trastuzumab
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376593


<b>Objective:</b> The aim of the study was to assess the effect of rosuvastatin 2.5 mg, an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, on achieving lipid goals defined by the 2007 Japan Atherosclerosis Society guidelines.<br> <b>Subjects and Methods:</b> Thirty-seven patients with moderate to high risk hypercholesterolemia (Mean age: 64.8 ± 8.4) were treated with 2.5 mg/day of rosuvastatin and their lipid and hepatic function parameters were measured at the baseline and at Weeks 4 and 8.<br> <b>Results:</b> At 4 and 8 weeks after start of treatment, 74.1% and 92.6% of moderate risk patients, as well as 70% and 80% of high risk patients, achieved their LDL-C goals, respectively. In both moderate and high risk patients, the mean LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, which is considered as a prospective index for plaque regression, was significantly reduced (p<0.001 for both the moderate and high risk groups), and the mean LDL-C/HDL-C ratio decreased to less than 2 in moderate risk patients. No abnormal changes were observed in hepatic function tests during the study.<br> <b>Conclusion:</b> More than 80% of moderate to high risk patients with hypercholesterolemia achieved their lipid goals and the mean LDL-C/HDL-C ratio was significantly reduced after the 8-week short treatment of rosuvastatin 2.5 mg, suggesting the clinical possibility of continuous use of rosuvastatin for plaque regression.<br>

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-564795


Effective management for hypertension in renal diseases should be carried out according to the principles of 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension.The important role of kidney in the classification of hypertension,the corresponding therapy,the set of the target blood pressure,the choice of antihypertensive agents and combination therapy should be focused.Comprehensive approaches should be used for the treatment of hypertension in renal diseases to protect the target organs(including the kidney).Appropriate prevention and management strategies for hypertension in renal diseases should be disseminated and optimized.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-593898


The application of LINQ and VSTO is introduced in designing medical device procurement system.LINQ can be provided a consistent programming model to deal with any type of object or data source.VSTO functions that give a wealth of Windows Forms controls for Office document and creates custom task pane are provided.LINQ and VSTO can be used efficiently in applications development.