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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e06042024, ago. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569055


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a percepção de estudantes e egressos sobre a utilização da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP) na formação do enfermeiro. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que utiliza a modalidade compreensiva e interpretativa proposta pela Hermenêutica-Dialética. Realizaram-se quatro grupos focais com a participação de 17 estudantes e 16 egressos de uma instituição de ensino superior que aplica a ABP na formação de enfermeiros. A análise dos resultados permitiu a definição de cinco categorias temáticas: dificuldade de adaptação em relação ao método; conquista de autonomia sobre o próprio aprendizado; incentivo ao desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico; aprimoramento da comunicação e das relações interpessoais e integração entre teoria e prática. Evidencia-se que a utilização da ABP favorece a aproximação com as proposições das diretrizes curriculares para a formação do enfermeiro por meio do desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências como autonomia, comunicação, relações interpessoais e raciocínio clínico mediante práticas integrais e contextualizadas. Entretanto, os estudantes enfrentam dificuldades com as mudanças observadas ao serem inseridos nela ABP, as quais são superadas no decorrer do processo de implementação.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze students' and graduates' perceptions regarding the use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in nurse education. This is a qualitative study that employs the comprehensive and interpretative approach proposed by Dialectical Hermeneutics. Four focus groups were conducted with the participation of 17 students and 16 graduates from a higher education institution that implements PBL in nurse education. The analysis of results allowed for the identification of five thematic categories: difficulty in adapting to the method; attainment of autonomy in one's own learning; encouragement of clinical reasoning development; enhancement of communication and interpersonal relationships; and integration between theory and practice. It is evident that the use of PBL promotes alignment with the propositions of curriculum guidelines for nurse education by fostering the development of skills and competencies such as autonomy, communication, interpersonal relationships, and clinical reasoning through comprehensive and contextualized practices. However, students encounter challenges with the changes observed when introduced to PBL, which are overcome during the implementation process.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13258, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528102


Screener, a board game supplemented with online resources, was introduced and distributed by the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics to postgraduate programs as an instructional tool for the process of drug discovery and development (DDD). In this study, we provided a comprehensive analysis of five critical aspects for evaluating the quality of educational games, namely: 1) description of the intervention; 2) underlying pedagogical theory; 3) identification of local educational gaps; 4) impact on diverse stakeholders; and 5) elucidation of iterative quality enhancement processes. We also present qualitative and quantitative assessments of the effectiveness of this game in 11 postgraduate courses. We employed the MEEGA+ online survey, comprising thirty-three close-ended unipolar items with 5-point Likert-type response scales, to assess student perceptions of the quality and utility of Screener. Based on 115 responses, the results indicated a highly positive outlook among students. In addition, we performed a preliminary evaluation of learning outcomes in two courses involving 28 students. Pre- and post-quizzes were applied, each consisting of 20 True/False questions directly aligned with the game's content. The analysis revealed significant improvement in students' performance following engagement with the game, with scores rising from 8.4 to 13.3 (P<0.0001, paired t-test) and 9.7 to 12.7 (P<0.0001, paired t-test). These findings underscore the utility of Screener as an enjoyable and effective tool for facilitating a positive learning experience in the DDD process. Notably, the game can also reduce the educational disparities across different regions of our continental country.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535558


Resumo Introdução: A necessidade premente de formar médicos autônomos e proativos implica novas abordagens didáticas e formas de mediar o conteúdo. Nesse contexto, a utilização de métodos ativos de ensino e aprendizagem pode incrementar o perfil do novo profissional. A Aprendizagem Baseada em Casos (ABC) é uma estratégia fundamentada na capacidade de o estudante relacionar teoria e prática com autonomia e tomada de decisão. A disciplina de genética aborda conteúdos que podem parecer distantes do cotidiano e da prática profissional futura, e, por isso, a necessidade de utilizar estratégias de ensino que facilitem a compreensão da aplicação desse conhecimento na prática médica. Objetivo: O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ABC como abordagem pedagógica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de genética para o curso de Medicina de uma instituição pública. Método: Aplicou-se um protocolo de método ativo composto por nove casos clínicos a 46 estudantes de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília que, posteriormente, foram divididos em nove grupos. Por meio de questionários, avaliaram-se o desempenho e as percepções em relação ao método. Os resultados quantitativos foram analisados por meio do teste t de Student. Resultado: O rendimento do trabalho em grupo foi estatisticamente maior em oito dos nove casos em comparação ao trabalho individual. A atividade foi considerada boa ou muito boa por 76% dos estudantes, e 90% mencionaram que houve aumento da motivação. Além disso, 71,4% destes demonstraram interesse em estudar mais sobre o assunto após a aula, 20% se consideraram capazes de ensinar o assunto a outras pessoas, e 42% avaliaram que acertariam todas ou a maioria das questões caso fossem submetidos a uma nova avaliação. Com relação ao trabalho em equipe, 38% relataram se sentir mais motivados. Por fim, 86% consideraram relevante ou muito relevante a discussão de casos clínicos para a formação profissional. Conclusão: Os resultados demostraram sucesso no uso do método ABC na abordagem de genética, porém apontaram que há dificuldades na utilização de métodos de ensino alternativos à aula expositiva. Apesar disso, fica explícito que a estratégia adotada pode levar à mobilização de conhecimentos prévios em situações da prática profissional.

Abstract Introduction: The pressing need to train autonomous and proactive professionals demands new ways of mediating content. In this context, the use of active teaching and learning methods can improve the profile of the new professional. Case-Based Learning (CBL) is a strategy based on the student's ability to relate theory and practice, with autonomy and decision-making. The discipline of Genetics addresses contents that may seem distant from everyday life and future professional practice, so it is necessary to use teaching strategies that facilitate the understanding of the application of this knowledge in medical practice. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the CBL as a pedagogical approach in the teaching-learning process of Genetics for Medicine courses in a public institution. Methods: An active methodology protocol that consisted of nine clinical cases was applied to 46 medical students from Universidade de Brasília, who were later divided into nine groups. The performance and perceptions regarding the methodology were evaluated by questionnaires. Quantitative results were analyzed using Student's t test. Results: The performance of group work was statistically higher in 8 of 9 cases compared to individual work. Most students considered the activity good or very good (76%), but approximately half reported no increase in motivation. Moreover, 71.4% felt motivated to learn more about the subject after class and 20% considered they were able to teach the subject to others and 42% assessed they would get all or most of the questions correct if they were submitted to a new assessment. Regarding teamwork, 38% reported feeling more motivated. Finally, 86% considered the discussion of clinical cases relevant or very relevant for professional training. Final considerations: The results show, in general, success in the use of CBL on the study of genetic diseases but point out that there are difficulties in the use of alternative teaching methods to the lecture. Despite this, it is clear that learning based on clinical cases can lead to the mobilization of previous knowledge in situations of professional practice.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e085, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569649


RESUMO Introdução: No processo de ensino, as estratégias de ensino, como as metodologias ativas, desempenham um papel fundamental na promoção da construção do conhecimento dos alunos, especialmente em disciplinas com temáticas e conteúdos científicos de difícil assimilação. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção dos alunos sobre as metodologias ativas usadas na disciplina de Genética Humana nos cursos de saúde de uma universidade pública do Amazonas. Método: Neste estudo, alunos de Enfermagem, Medicina e Odontologia responderam a um questionário com alternativas de respostas em escalas Likert sobre seis metodologias ativas na sala de aula: construção de modelo didático, gamificação, aprendizagem baseada em equipe, sala de aula invertida, estudo de casos clínicos e aprendizagem baseada em vídeo. Avaliou-se a confiabilidade das respostas, e testes qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis foram usados para análises de associação com nível de confiança de 95%. Resultado: Os participantes, em sua maioria mulheres, tinham uma média de idade de 20,4 ± 3,5 anos. Os alunos de Medicina foram os mais representativos em quatro das seis metodologias ativas usadas. Observou-se uma associação significativa entre o sexo feminino e a preferência pela metodologia de construção de modelo didático, enquanto o sexo masculino tendeu a avaliar mais positivamente a aprendizagem baseada em vídeo. Além disso, a análise individual revelou que a aprendizagem baseada em vídeo foi mais associada ao curso de Odontologia em comparação com Enfermagem, enquanto o estudo de casos clínicos foi mais favorecido pelos alunos de Medicina em comparação com Enfermagem. Isso sugere uma preferência dos estudantes de Odontologia e Medicina por essas metodologias, respectivamente. Quanto ao entendimento do conceito de metodologias ativas, a palavra "aluno" foi a mais frequentemente mencionada. Conclusão: Os alunos reconhecem o envolvimento direto das metodologias ativas, mas têm compreensão parcial dos benefícios. Metodologias ativas em genética humana motivaram e despertaram interesse. Docentes devem considerar a diversidade de competências e preferências dos alunos ao usarem tais metodologias, bem como compartilhar suas experiências e buscar uma educação permanente.

ABSTRACT Introduction: In the education process, learning strategies such as active methodologies play a fundamental role in promoting the construction of students' knowledge, especially in subjects with challenging scientific themes and content. Objective: To evaluate how students perceive active methodologies used in the discipline of human genetics in health courses at a public university in the state of Amazonas. Method: In this study, nursing, medicine, and dentistry students responded to a questionnaire with Likert scale response options relating to six active methodologies in the classroom: construction of didactic models, gamification, team-based learning, flipped classroom, clinical case studies, and video-based learning. The reliability of the responses was assessed, and Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for association analyses with a confidence level of 95%. Results: The participants, mostly women, had an average age of 20.4±3.5 years. Medicine students were the most representative in four of the six active methodologies used. A significant association was observed between female gender and preference for the didactic model construction methodology, while the male gender tended to evaluate video-based learning more positively. Additionally, individual analysis revealed that video-based learning was more associated with the dentistry course compared to nursing, while clinical case studies were more favoured by medicine students compared to nursing. This suggests a preference of dentistry and medicine students for these methodologies, respectively. As for understanding the concept of active methodologies, the word "student" was the most frequently mentioned. Conclusion: Students acknowledge the direct involvement of active methodologies but have a partial understanding of the benefits. Active methodologies in human genetics have motivated and sparked interest. Educators should consider the diversity of students' skills and preferences when using such methodologies, as well as share their experiences and pursue ongoing education.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230038, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560591


ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a teaching resource for use in the classroom, involving smartphones and focused on Nursing students. Method: this is an applied technological production research aimed at teachers and students of undergraduate and postgraduate Nursing courses. The study was structured based on the health product and service design model, which includes briefing, data collection, problem analysis, concept, generation of alternatives, selection of the best alternative, solution refinement, prototype, tests, modifications, and implementation. The project was developed in the second semester of 2022 by four doctoral students, a master's student and two PhDs in Nursing, during the discipline of Technologies and Management in Education and Work in Health and Nursing of the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Results: an educational technology was developed to assists in learning and interactions in the classroom. "Cola na Profe!" was created as a didactic and technological strategy. The objective was to integrate students and encourage their participation and attention in classes through the use of smartphones in the virtual learning environment. Conclusion: the use of the teaching resource "Cola na Profe!" contributes to the teaching-learning process, linking the virtual world to the classroom and contributing to the interaction of those involved, which makes students protagonists of their own learning.

RESUMEN Objetivo: desarrollar un recurso didáctico para ser usado en salones de clase, con utilización de smartphones y centrado en estudiantes de Enfermería. Método: investigación aplicada de producción tecnológica dirigida a docentes y estudiantes de la carrera de grado y cursos de postgrado en Enfermería. El estudio se estructuró a partir del modelo de diseño de productos y servicios de salud, que contempla lo siguiente: briefing, sondeo de datos, análisis del problema, concepto, generación de opciones, selección de la mejor opción, refinamiento de la solución, prototipo, pruebas, modificaciones e implementación. El proyecto fue desarrollado en el segundo semestre de 2022 por cuatro estudiantes de Doctorado, un estudiante de Maestría y dos Doctoras en Enfermería, durante la disciplina académica de Tecnologías y Gestión en Educación y Trabajo en Salud y Enfermería de un programa de postgrado en Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. Resultados: se desarrolló una tecnología educativa que asiste en el aprendizaje y en las interacciones en salones de clase. "Cola na Profe!" se creó como una estrategia didáctica y tecnológica. El objetivo es integrar a los alumnos y estimular su participación y atención en la clase recurriendo al uso de smartphones en el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje. Conclusión: utilizar el recurso didáctico "Cola na Profe!" contribuye al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, vinculando el mundo virtual con el salón de clase y facilitando la interacción de todas las personas involucradas, lo que convierte a los alumnos en los protagonistas de su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver um recurso didático para uso em sala de aula, envolvendo smartphones e centrado nos estudantes de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada de produção tecnológica voltada aos docentes e discentes do curso de graduação e pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Estruturou-se o estudo a partir do modelo de projeto de produtos e serviços em saúde, que contempla: briefing, levantamento de dados, análise do problema, conceito, geração de alternativas, seleção da melhor alternativa, refino da solução, protótipo, testes, modificações e implementação. O projeto foi desenvolvido no segundo semestre de 2022, por quatro doutorandas, uma mestranda e duas doutoras em Enfermagem, durante a disciplina de Tecnologias e Gestão na Educação e Trabalho em Saúde e Enfermagem de um programa de pós-graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Resultados: desenvolveu-se uma tecnologia educacional que auxilia na aprendizagem e na interação em sala de aula. O "Cola na Profe!" foi criado como uma estratégia didática e tecnológica. O objetivo é integrar os alunos e estimular a participação e atenção deles em sala, por meio do uso do smartphone no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Conclusão: o uso do recurso didático "Cola na Profe!" contribui com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, vinculando o mundo virtual à sala de aula e contribuindo para a interação dos envolvidos, o que torna o estudante, protagonista do seu aprendizado.

Univ. salud ; 25(3): [C8-C17], septiembre-diciembre. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531200


Introduction: Higher education institutions have implemented active learning approaches, such as the Flipped Classroom, to promote the education of their students. Nevertheless, there is conflicting evidence regarding the benefits derived from its implementation. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom application in the education of university students from Health Sciences undergraduate programs. Materials and methods: A systematized narrative review of the literature published between 2012 and 2022. Pubmed, SciELo, Scopus y Web of Science were used as sources of primary articles. A revised version of the Kirkpatrick model was used to assess the effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom. Results: 34 out of the 1020 retrieved articles reached the quantitative synthesis phase. Students value positively this didactic model and acknowledge its contributions in the development of attitudes, knowledge and skills. In contrast, some studies show an increase in the workload and stress levels of students. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that Flipped Classroom is a valid didactic model for the education of Health Sciences students. Future studies should consider the effectiveness of its implementation at a long term organizational level.

Introduction: Higher education institutions have implemented active learning approaches, such as the Flipped Classroom, to promote the education of their students. Nevertheless, there is conflicting evidence regarding the benefits derived from its implementation. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom application in the education of university students from Health Sciences undergraduate programs. Materials and methods: A systematized narrative review of the literature published between 2012 and 2022. Pubmed, SciELo, Scopus y Web of Science were used as sources of primary articles. A revised version of the Kirkpatrick model was used to assess the effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom. Results: 34 out of the 1020 retrieved articles reached the quantitative synthesis phase. Students value positively this didactic model and acknowledge its contributions in the development of attitudes, knowledge and skills. In contrast, some studies show an increase in the workload and stress levels of students. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that Flipped Classroom is a valid didactic model for the education of Health Sciences students. Future studies should consider the effectiveness of its implementation at a long term organizational level.

Introducción: Las instituciones de educación superior han implementado enfoques activos de aprendizaje como el Aula Invertida para favorecer la formación de sus estudiantes. Sin embargo, existe evidencia diversa respecto de los beneficios derivados de su implementación. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la aplicación del Aula Invertida en la formación de estudiantes universitarios de carreras de pregrado de las Ciencias de la Salud. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión narrativa sistematizada de la literatura publicada entre 2012 y 2022, utilizando Pubmed, SciELo, Scopus y Web of Science como fuentes de artículos primarios. Se utilizó la versión revisada del modelo de Kirkpatrick para valorar la efectividad del Aula Invertida. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 1020 artículos, 34 de ellos ingresaron a la fase de síntesis cuantitativa. Los estudiantes valoran positivamente este modelo didáctico y reconocen su aporte en el desarrollo de actitudes, conocimientos y habilidades. Algunos estudios mencionan un aumento de la carga de trabajo y niveles de estrés en los estudiantes. Conclusiones: La evidencia sugiere que Aula Invertida es un modelo didáctico válido para la formación de estudiantes de las Ciencias de la Salud. Futuros estudios deberían considerar la efectividad de su implementación a nivel organizacional y a largo plazo.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Psychological Phenomena , Education , Schools , Teaching , Universities , Learning , Mental Processes
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1474-1479, oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521040


Ante la pandemia del coronavirus, hubo que reinventar la forma de hacer las actividades prácticas de laboratorio de anatomía humana, la necesidad de que sean exclusivamente virtual, elevó la exigencia. La imposibilidad de trabajar con material orgánico demandó que al menos las imágenes a utilizar fueran de alta calidad. Para lo anterior, se usaron fotografías de disecciones del laboratorio de anatomía, más digitalizaciones de estructuras humanas de nuestro laboratorio en formato 3D disponibles en la plataforma web No obstante lo anterior, se detectó cierto grado de desidia por parte de los estudiantes y escasa participación en las actividades prácticas. Para resolver esto se implementó una modalidad de Aprendizaje Activo, específicamente de Aula Invertida, con el fin de que sea el propio estudiante quien genere su conocimiento. Una vez terminado el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje bajo la nueva modalidad, se realizó un estudio descriptivo, a fin de detectar falencias y proponer mejoras respecto a la metodología aplicada. Los resultados arrojaron un nivel de satisfacción por sobre el 80 %, en tanto, que solo el 5 % de los estudiantes contestó como aceptable las diferentes dimensiones evaluadas, demostrando como el sistema de aula inversa fue bien recibida por los estudiantes. Sin embargo es prudente generar futuros estudios que ayuden a mejorar este tipo de metodología, como también seguir innovando en las estrategias didácticas que aporten a la comprensión de la anatomía humana.

SUMMARY: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic it was necessary to reinvent the way of doing practical activities in the human anatomy laboratory and the need for these to be exclusively online, raised the requirement. Due to the impossibility of using organic samples, high-quality images had to be used. Therefore, photographs of dissections from our human anatomy laboratory were used, as well as digitalization of human structures from our laboratory in a three-dimensional (3D) format available on the web platform However, a certain degree of laziness on the part of the students and low participation in the practical activities was detected. To solve this problem, an Active Learning modality was implemented, specifically the Flipped Classroom, so that the students themselves generate their knowledge. Once the teaching-learning process was completed under the new modality, a descriptive study was carried out to detect shortcomings and propose improvements to the methodology applied. The results showed a level of satisfaction above 80 % and only 5 % of the students evaluated the different dimensions as acceptable demonstrating how the Flipped Classroom system was well received by the students. To conclude, it is prudent to generate future studies that help to improve this type of methodology, as well as to continue innovating in didactic strategies that contribute to the understanding of human anatomy.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Problem-Based Learning , Education, Distance , Anatomy/education , Perception , Universities , Surveys and Questionnaires
Agora USB ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533563


El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es determinar la influencia entre las habilidades de pensamiento crítico, técnicas de oratoria y argumentación en las dinámicas de debates en el ámbito educativo, las cuales integran dentro de sus ambientes y herramientas de aprendizaje grupos de debates y el desarrollo de procesos cognitivos de orden superior. La metodología utilizada fue de corte mixta. Dentro de los resultados, existen hallazgos significativos que avalan el desarrollo de destrezas en la metodología de debate, permitiendo concluir su influencia en la potenciación de habilidades cognoscitivas, interpersonales y académicas.

The main objective of the present research is to determine the influence between critical thinking skills, public speaking techniques, and argumentation on the dynamics of debates in the educational environment, which integrate within their environments and learning tools debate groups and the development of higher order cognitive processes. The methodology used was mixed. Within the results, there are significant findings that support the development of skills in the debate methodology, by allowing to conclude its influence on the enhancement of cognitive, interpersonal, and academic skills.

Kampo Medicine ; : 85-93, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007199


Team-based learning (TBL) is an educational method developed to cultivate the ability to solve problems by learning and applying knowledge on one's own, as well as the ability to make decisions, take responsibility, and collaborate by working on issues in small groups. TBL in Kampo medicine was held as a special program : active learning at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine. A total of 57 students participated in the TBL session. The theme of the session was the common cold with the theory of yin and yang. According to the results of a questionnaire survey, the students answered that they were able to understand the flow of diagnosis in Kampo medicine, which was the goal of the course. As a bridge from classroom lectures to clinical practice, TBL in Kampo medicine was considered to be useful in Kampo medical education.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(2): e055, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449614


Resumo: Introdução: As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) constituem as direções para formação do currículo de um curso. As DCN do curso médico atual foram instituídas há quase uma década. Nesse período, o mundo passou por mudanças sem precedentes, e a educação médica não pode ficar para trás. Desenvolvimento: O ensino médico no Brasil teve nos últimos 100 anos três principais modelos de ensino: desde o flexneriano, passando pela Problem-Based Learning (PBL), até o atual ensino baseado em competências. O entendimento de que o aluno é o centro do processo ensino aprendizagem já está enfatizado nas DCN de 2014, mas será que esse conceito está sendo implementado na prática das instituições de ensino superior? Como as DCN podem ajudar a guiar de forma mais clara e efetiva uma formação médica que vá além do conhecimento técnico e lapidar um profissional humanizado, ético e com olhar para o indivíduo e para a comunidade? Será que precisaremos "reprogramar" o Global Positioning System (GPS), a rota, das DCN depois de enfrentarmos tantas mudanças decorrentes da pandemia da Covid-19? Conclusão: Apesar dos desafios, há crescente envolvimento do corpo docente das instituições de ensino superior nas melhorias necessárias para a formação médica atual.

Abstract: Introduction: The National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) provide the directions which an undergraduate course must follow. The current NCGs for the medical course were established almost a decade ago. In this period, the world has undergone unprecedented changes and medical education cannot be left behind. Development: Medical education in Brazil has been based on three main models in the last one hundred years: the Flexnerian, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), and the current competency-based learning. The concept that the student is the center of the teaching-learning process was already emphasized in the 2014 NCG, but is this actually implemented in practice by the universities? How can the NCG help guide a more clear and effective medical education that goes beyond technical knowledge and shapes a humanized ethical professional who views the needs of both the individual and the community? Is it necessary to reroute the GPS of the NCG after so many changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic? Conclusion: Despite the challenges faced, university faculties are increasing their involvement in implementing the changes required for today's medical education.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(1): e024, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431524


Resumo: Introdução: A aprendizagem autorregulada (self-regulated learning - SRL) é o processo ativo que o aluno realiza para atingir seus objetivos de aprendizagem. No ensino médico, pelo fato de o ambiente clínico ser propício para o desenvolvimento da SRL, há potencial benefício na aplicação dessa ferramenta no processo de ensino-aprendizado, embora as diferenças em seus cenários de aplicação exijam uma análise mais aprofundada. Objetivo: Este artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura sobre o histórico do desenvolvimento da SRL, sua aplicabilidade e avaliação em estudantes de Medicina por meio de escala validada, além dos fatores que a influenciam, como métodos de ensino e questões demográficas e socioculturais. Método: Realizou-se uma busca com o descritor self-regulated learning nas plataformas PubMed e SciELO e na revista Medical Education Online para artigos em inglês publicados entre 2010 e 2021. Resultado: A busca nas bases de dados resultou em 198 artigos, dos quais foram selecionados 100 para a análise crítica. Desses 100 artigos, selecionaram-se 31 que preenchiam os critérios desta revisão. Conclusão: A SRL é um conceito contemporâneo considerado pilar no processo educacional. Trata-se de ferramenta de grande valor em psicologia educacional. A aplicabilidade da SRL no contexto do ensino médico demonstra-se efetiva e traz consigo especificidades sobre a autorregulação do estudante de Medicina. Contudo, são necessários novos estudos acerca do tema, de modo a permitir o desenvolvimento de métodos instrucionais eficazes com sua utilização.

Abstract: Introduction: Self-regulated learning (SRL) is the active process that students perform to achieve their learning goals. In medical education, the development of SRL is favoured by the clinical environment, hence there is potential benefit in applying this tool in the teaching-learning process, although the differences in its application scenarios require deeper analysis. Objective: The aim of this article is to present a literature review on the development of SRL, its applicability and evaluation in medical students using a validated scale, and the factors that influence it, such as teaching methods and demographic and sociocultural issues. Method: A search was performed on the Pub-med and Scielo platforms and the online Medical Education Journal for articles in English published between 2010 and 2021 using the descriptors "Self-regulated learning". Results: The database search resulted in 198 articles, of which 100 were selected for critical analysis. Of these, 31 articles were selected based on meeting the criteria of this review. Conclusions: SRL is a contemporary educational concept and considered a pillar in the educational process. It is a valuable tool in educational psychology. Its applicability in the context of medical education proves to be effective and brings with it specificities in relation to the self-regulation of medical students. However, further studies on the subject are necessary to allow for the development of effective instructional methods to support its use.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(1): e027, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431537


Resumo: Introdução: Em 2020, a fim de conter a progressão da pandemia do coronavírus, determinou-se o distanciamento social por redução da interação entre as pessoas. As instituições de ensino foram fechadas, e adotou-se o ensino-aprendizagem a distância aplicado por tecnologias digitais para a continuidade do estudo. O fechamento de uma universidade comunitária em Santa Catarina, no curso de Medicina, implicou uma situação disruptiva quanto ao formato de ensino, visto que se utilizam metodologias ativas que não haviam sido aplicadas digitalmente até o momento. Dessa circunstância, pergunta-se como o corpo docente percebe e vivencia essa nova realidade. Objetivo: Pretendeu-se conhecer a experiência de professores do primeiro ao quarto ano de graduação médica com metodologias ativas durante as atividades do ensino remoto no advento da pandemia do coronavírus para entender as repercussões na aprendizagem. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, com objetivo exploratório e abordagem quanti-qualitativa. O trabalho passou por apreciação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Os participantes foram contatados eletronicamente para responder, na plataforma Google Forms, a um questionário dividido em duas etapas com perguntas objetivas e descritivas relativas à vivência deles no ensino remoto. A exploração de dados ocorreu por estatísticas, análise temática de conteúdo e análise de correlação, confrontando-se os resultados com o referencial teórico. Resultado: Responderam à pesquisa 29 professores. A maioria deles se sentiu ao menos parcialmente preparada para atuar no ensino remoto, e orientações e busca por auxílio não se correlacionaram com o preparo. Facilidades e fragilidades relacionadas à tecnologia foram observadas. Computador, celular e Google Meet foram os recursos mais utilizados. Materiais do presencial necessitaram de adaptações, não sendo satisfatórias em alguns casos. As atividades pedagógicas foram cumpridas dentro do proposto, entretanto, para dois terços dos docentes, houve prejuízo na qualidade do ensino, e metade deles mudou de conduta para mediação de aulas virtuais. Conclusão: A passagem para o ensino digital foi um desafio para professores. A aprendizagem foi comprometida, porém observaram-se benefícios e potencialidades. Como há um processo de mudança na sociedade com o propósito de consolidar a educação digital, são essenciais as devidas capacitações para apoiar esse processo em metodologias ativas.

Abstract: Introduction: In 2020, aiming to contain the progression of the Coronavirus pandemic, social distancing was determined by reducing interactions between people. The educational institutions were closed and distance teaching-learning was applied using digital technologies for study continuity. The closing of a community university in Santa Catarina, in the medical course, implied in a disruptive situation regarding the teaching format, since they use active methodologies and these had not been applied digitally up to that moment. From these circumstances, one asks how the faculty perceives and experiences this new reality. Objective: This study aimed to understand the experiences of educators teaching from the first to the fourth year of medical school using active methodologies during the remote education activities at the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic aiming at understanding the impacts on learning. Method: This is a field research with an exploratory objective and a quantitative-qualitative approach. This study has been analyzed by the Research Ethics Committee. The participants were contacted by electronics means and were invited to answer a two-step questionnaire using the Google Forms platform, containing objective and descriptive questions regarding their experience with remote teaching. Data analysis was performed by statistics, by thematic content analysis and by correlation analysis, and the findings were compared using the theoretical reference. Result: Twenty-nine teachers answered the survey. Most of them felt, at least, partially prepared to work in the remote education and guidance and requests for help were not related to the preparation. Facilities and weaknesses related to the technology were observed. Computers, cell phones and Google Meet were the recourses most often used. Adaptations for the materials used in face-to-face classes were necessary, but in some cases, they were not satisfactory. The pedagogical activities were accomplished within the proposed ones, but two-thirds of the teachers believed there were losses related to study quality and half of them adjusted their behavior to virtual class mediation. Conclusion: The transition to the digital teaching format constituted a challenge for the teachers. The learning process was compromised; however, benefits and potentials were observed. A change is occurring in society and digital teaching is being solidified and training is essential to support this process in active methodologies.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(3): e20211028, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432437


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Residents play the role of teachers in almost one-quarter of their activities in residency programs. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether a 45-minute class using summarize, narrow, analyze, probe, plan, and select (SNAPPS) could improve psychiatry residents' case discussion skills in diverse practical learning settings. DESIGN AND SETTING: This case-control, randomized, blinded study was conducted in a psychiatry hospital at Fortaleza-Ceará. METHODS: Using "resident as teacher" (RaT), objective structured teaching encounters (OSTEs), and SNAPPS, we conducted a study with 26 psychiatry residents. We analyzed video footage of psychiatric cases in three settings: outpatient, nursing, and emergency. An intervention was held two months later with the residents, who were then assigned to two groups: group A (lecture on SNAPPS) and group B (lecture on a topics in psychiatry). Shortly after the lectures, they were video recorded while discussing the same cases. Three blinded examiners analyzed the videos using an instrument based on the Stanford Faculty Development Program (SFDP-26). RESULTS: We found high internal consistency among external examiners and an interaction effect, group effect, and moment effect (P < 0.05). The residents who received the SNAPPS lecture scored significantly higher than their counterparts who received a traditional case presentation. CONCLUSION: This study indicates the efficacy of SNAPPS over traditional case presentation in all three settings as assessed by OSTEs and supports its implementation to improve the teaching of clinical reasoning.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 118: e220212, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440668


Here is our proposal to improve learning in biomedical sciences for graduate and undergraduate courses with a broad vision integrating disciplines such as molecular cell biology, biochemistry, and biophysics around concepts of pathogen interaction within vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Our paradigm is based on the possibility offered by the pandemic to have remote activities that give access to students and researchers from different places in Brazil and Latin American countries to discuss science. A multidisciplinary view of host-pathogen interaction allows us to understand better the mechanisms involved in the pathology of diseases, as well as to formulate broad strategies for the diagnosis, treatment, and control of thereof. The approach to integrating heterogeneous groups in science involves the critical analysis of national scientific resource distribution, where only some have the possibilities to conduct competitive scientific research. Solid theoretical training, contact, collaboration with groups of excellence, and training within a multidisciplinary network are our proposals for a permanent platform of scientific strengthening and dissemination for Latin America. Here we will review the concept of host-pathogen interaction, the type of institutions where it is taught and researched, new trends in active teaching methodologies, and the current political context in science.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(1): 25-34, Jan.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448387


Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect on the satisfaction of nursing students and the participants of Service-Learning methodology in the development of Health Education workshops. Materials and methods: Service-Learning project was designed in four stages: 1) students training in knowledge about Community Nursing and Health Education; 2) development of healthy workshops for its implementation in associations; 3) implementation of the workshops; 4) reflection on Service-Learning impact. An ad hoc questionnaire was developed to assess students' satisfaction. It was also evaluated the workshops' participant's satisfaction. Results: students reported having a very high level of satisfaction by increasing their scores after improving Service-Learning methodology in the subject. In addition, participants who received health promotion workshops developed by nursing students reported a positive impact on their health. Conclusion: development of Service-Learning methodology associated with health education implies high level of satisfaction in nursing students and a social impact for the community.

Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la satisfacción de los estudiantes de enfermería y los participantes, con la metodología Aprendizaje Servicio en el desarrollo de talleres de Educación para la Salud. Materiales y Método: El proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio se diseñó en cuatro etapas: 1) Formación de estudiantes en conocimientos sobre Enfermería Comunitaria y Educación para la Salud; 2) Desarrollo de talleres saludables para su implementación en asociaciones; 3) Implementación de los talleres; 4) Reflexión sobre el impacto del Aprendizaje-Servicio. Se desarrolló un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluar la satisfacción de los estudiantes. También se evaluó la satisfacción de los participantes de los talleres. Resultados: Los estudiantes informaron tener un nivel de satisfacción muy alto, al aumentar sus puntajes luego de mejorar la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio en la asignatura. Además, los participantes que recibieron talleres de promoción de la salud, desarrollados por estudiantes de enfermería, reportaron un impacto positivo en su salud. Conclusión: El desarrollo de la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio asociado a la educación en salud, implica un alto nivel de satisfacción en los estudiantes de enfermería y un impacto social para la comunidad.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225579


Background: The knowledge of anatomy is very essential for the safe and efficient clinical practice. There has been a lot of efforts, made over recent years to promote active learning in students through innovative teaching techniques. Model making is one such type of active and self directed learning. The aim of the study is to introduce model making as a technique of learning Anatomy.The objective was to evaluate the students’ perceptions about various aspects of model making, as a technique of learning anatomy Material and Methods: Convenient sample of one hundred first year MBBS students were divided into four groups for different model making activities. Each group of twenty five was divided into six and nineteen. Group of nineteen did the routine dissection and the other of six did the model of structures under the cover of gluteus maximus, parotid gland, cavernous sinus with its relations or perineal pouches at various time intervals. Anonymous feedback was taken from students through a questionnaire using a Likert five-point grading scale. The number and percentage of students responding to each item was noted. The mean rating for each item was calculated. Results: A majority of students were positive about the use of model making in anatomy.94%, 93%, and 91% of the students felt that model making was useful in learning anatomy,should be used for teaching other topics also and helped in long term memory respectively. Conclusion: Students perceived that model making when used along with dissection would promote meaningful learning and deep understanding of anatomy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931403


Objective:To evaluate the teaching effectiveness of independent experimental design from students' active learning behavior, and further provide the basis for advancing the reform of functional experimental teaching and teaching quality.Methods:In June 2019, 186 undergraduates (5-year-programme and 8-year-programme) of Xiangya School of Medicine were included in the teaching research. Self-administered questionnaires were applied to characterize students' active learning behavior in independent experimental design education. Spearman rank correlation analysis and Logistic regression analysis were used in the study. SPSS 23.0 was used for descriptive analysis of the data.Results:During the independent experimental design, 85.0%(158/186) of the students thought it was necessary and important to conduct independent experimental design education; 72.6%(135/186) of the students tentatively raised new scientific questions; 97.8%(182/186) of the students actively searched literature; 77.4%(144/186) of the students participated in reply positively. The value of correlation coefficient of actively learning behavior "tentatively raising new science questions" and teaching effectiveness "improving the ability of scientific thinking" was 0.81. And only 42.5%(79/186) of the students agreed that students needed to summarize after reporting.Conclusion:Independent experimental design education is welcomed and widely accepted by students, which has effectively improved the capacity for scientific research and innovation spirit of students. Whether students' active learning behavior can be fully mobilized in the education practice is closely related to the teaching effect. And the cultivation of leadership and leading consciousness still need to be improved.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(4): e164, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423138


Resumo: Introdução: A metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem constitui importante fator na formação do estudante de Medicina e pode estar associada também à exposição de fatores estressantes crônicos que culminam em sofrimento mental como é observado na síndrome de burnout (SB). Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar a prevalência da SB e analisar suas dimensões e a relação com a metodologia ativa de ensino-aprendizagem entre estudantes de Medicina de uma universidade de tríplice fronteira. Método: Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com 279 acadêmicos do curso de Medicina que responderam a questionários sociodemográfico, de hábitos de vida e de aspectos do processo ensino-aprendizagem, e ao Inventário de Burnout de Maslach (IBM). Verificou-se associação entre a SB e as variáveis sociodemográficas, os hábitos de vida e o processo ensino-aprendizagem, por meio do teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson, do teste exato de Fisher e do teste t de Student. Realizaram-se análise descritiva dos dados, análise bivariada e regressão logística multivariada. Resultado: A prevalência de burnout foi de 4,7%, com 26,2% de alta exaustão emocional, 37,6% de alta despersonalização e 20,4% de baixa realização profissional. Os estudantes de Medicina avaliados neste estudo possuem níveis baixos ou moderados de SB. A insatisfação com o aprendizado da metodologia ativa, a falta de compreensão do fundamento da metodologia ativa e a percepção de que a minoria/nenhum docente aplica a metodologia ativa adequadamente foram preditores importantes associados ao burnout. Conclusão: Esta investigação pode servir para que escolas médicas possam desenvolver estratégias institucionais para enfrentamento dessa realidade no sentido de reduzir o risco do desenvolvimento de SB entre os estudantes de Medicina.

Abstract: Introduction: The teaching-learning methodology is an important factor in the training of medical students and may also be associated with the exposure to chronic stressors that culminate in mental suffering, as observed in the Burnout Syndrome (BS). Objective: To determine the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome and analyze its dimensions and the relationship with the active teaching-learning methodology in medical students at university located in a triple-border region. Method: Cross-sectional study with 279 medical students who answered questionnaires on sociodemographic data, life habits, aspects of the teaching-learning process and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (IBM). There was an association between the BS and sociodemographic variables, life habits and the teaching-learning process, using Pearson's Chi-Square tests, Fisher's exact test and Student's T test. Descriptive data analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression were performed. Result: The prevalence of Burnout was 4.7%, with 26.2% of high Emotional Exhaustion, 37.6% of high Depersonalization and 20.4% of low Professional Achievement. The medical students evaluated in this study have low or moderate levels of BS. Dissatisfaction with the active methodology learning, the lack of understanding of the foundation of the active methodology and the perception that the minority/none of the teachers apply the active methodology adequately were important predictors associated with Burnout. Conclusion: This investigation can help medical schools to develop institutional strategies to face this reality aiming to reduce the risk of the development of BS among medical students.

Medical Education ; : 19-29, 2021.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887343


Many papers on medical education emphasize the idea that obtaining structure through the practice of Oral Case Presentations (OCPs) is essential and efficient to brush up presentation skills. However, psychological resistance to giving a public presentation is an obstacle in learning OCPs. The aim of this survey is to evaluate the educational effect of our teaching method using a playful learning approach for presentation. This study was conducted by using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire for medical students during their clinical clerkship. One hundred twenty eight students participated in this survey. Didactics and small group discussions took place during the first week of clerkship, and participants were asked to give presentations about their original theme during the second week. Questionnaires were distributed before and after the end of each session. The results showed that psychological resistance to presentations decreased, positive feelings increased, and students became more aware of the purpose, place, and subject of their presentations. Each parameter statistically improved at each phase. A playful learning approach is effective in teaching presentations, including OCPs.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(2): e090, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279837


Resumo: Introdução: A Aprendizagem Baseada em Equipes (ABE) tem se mostrado, em todo o mundo, uma ferramenta pedagógica promissora nas mais diversas realidades, ao estimular o autoaprendizado do aluno e potencializar a habilidade de trabalhar em equipe. Todavia, são escassos os estudos que envolvam a qualificação de docentes para a prática dessas atividades. Objetivo: Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetivou relatar um modelo de oficina de qualificação docente em ABE e a avaliação feita pelos participantes acerca da metodologia empregada, com docentes do curso de Medicina de uma instituição privada de ensino superior de Belém, no Pará. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação intervencionista realizada por meio de questionários elaborados pelos próprios dos autores para avaliar a satisfação, as críticas e as recomendações dos docentes acerca das oficinas propostas. Resultados: Percebeu-se que 81,2% dos participantes atribuíram "satisfação máxima" às oficinas e os demais as classificaram como "satisfatórias". Dessa forma, houve aprovação da técnica empregada por todos os docentes. Quando indagados sobre os pontos negativos nas oficinas, os mais citados foram: horários e dias escolhidos (18,7%); pouco tempo para estudo individual (15,6%); deslocamento, carga horária extensa e falhas no convite para inscrição nas oficinas (12,5%). Quando questionados sobre os pontos positivos, os mais citados foram: utilizar a própria ABE para ensinar ABE (93,7%); qualidade dos artigos escolhidos para estudo prévio (87,5%); e alta aplicabilidade prática (81,2%). Por fim, 93,7% dos participantes referiram se sentir confiantes para conduzir atividades de ABE em suas práticas diárias. Conclusão: Os participantes demonstraram boa aceitação e satisfação com relação à metodologia empregada nas oficinas, permitindo assim que possam aplicar essa estratégia de ensino com maior segurança e assertividade em suas rotinas diárias. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para a aprendizagem sobre essa estratégia educacional e descomplicar e tornar acessível a sua aplicação, para assim estimular docentes e instituições não familiarizados com a ABE a introduzir essa valiosa ferramenta em suas matrizes pedagógicas.

Abstract: Introduction: Team-Based Learning (TBL) has proven to be a promising pedagogical tool in the most diverse realities around the world, stimulating student self-learning and enhancing the ability to work in teams. However, there are few studies involving the qualification of teachers to practice these activities. Objective: Thus, the present study aimed to report a model of a teacher qualification workshop in TBL and the evaluation made by the participants about the methodology used, with teachers of the medical course of a private higher education institution in Belém/PA/Brazil. Method: This was an interventionist action research conducted through questionnaires by the authors to assess teacher satisfaction, criticisms and recommendations about the proposed workshops. Results: It was found that 81.2% of the participants rated the workshops as providing "maximum satisfaction" and the rest classified them as "satisfactory". Thus, all the teachers approved of the technique used. When asked about the negative points in the workshops, the most frequently cited were: selected times and days (18.7%); little time for individual study (15.6%); and commuting, extensive workload and failures in the invitation to enroll in the workshops (12.5% each item). On the other hand, when asked about the positive points, the most frequently cited were: using the TBL itself to teach TBL (93.7%); quality of the articles chosen for previous study (87.5%); and high practical applicability (81.2%). Finally, 93.7% of the participants reported feeling confident to conduct TBL activities in their daily practices. Conclusion: In this and the vast majority of studies with TBL, the participants demonstrated good acceptance and satisfaction regarding the methodology used in the workshops, thus allowing them to apply this teaching strategy with greater security and assertiveness in their daily routines. It is hoped that this work can contribute to learning about this educational strategy and that it can simplify its application and enhance its accessibility, in order to stimulate teachers and institutions unfamiliar with TBL to introduce this valuable tool in their activities.

Humans , Education, Medical/methods , Self-Directed Learning as Topic , Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , Faculty, Medical