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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 29: e63117, jan.-dez. 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354553


Objetivo: analisar as práticas sexuais e os comportamentos de risco para infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) entre estudantes universitários. Método: estudo transversal de abordagem quantitativa. Participaram 1536 universitários, com idades entre 18 e 29 anos, de duas instituições de ensino superior, pública e privada, que responderam a um questionário entre 2016 e 2018. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio da estatística descritiva e inferencial. Os aspectos éticos envolvendo pesquisa com seres humanos foram respeitados. Resultados: os estudantes universitários, em geral, se expõem a comportamentos sexuais de risco para IST pela utilização inconsistente do preservativo. Quando realizada a comparação entre instituições, observa-se que existem diferenças no que tange a aspectos sociais e utilização do preservativo. Conclusão: os jovens universitários se expõem a comportamentos sexuais de risco para IST. Compreender os aspectos culturais e sociais de cada ambiente universitário pode ser uma estratégia de prevenção.

Objective: to analyze sexual practices and risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections among university students. Method: in this quantitative, cross-sectional study, 1536 university students, aged between 18 and 29 years, from one public and one private higher education institutions, answered a questionnaire between 2016 and 2018. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Ethical aspects of research with human beings were respected. Results: university students in general are exposed to risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections resulting from inconsistent condom use. When comparing the institutions, differences were found in social aspects and condom use. Conclusion: young university students are exposed to sexual risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections. Understanding the cultural and social aspects of each university environment can be a prevention strategy.

Objetivo: analizar las prácticas sexuales y las conductas de riesgo de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en estudiantes universitarios. Método: estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. Participaron del estudio 1536 estudiantes universitarios, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 29 años, de dos instituciones de educación superior, pública y privada, que respondieron un cuestionario entre 2016 y 2018. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se respetaron los aspectos éticos relacionados con la investigación con seres humanos. Resultados: los estudiantes universitarios en general están expuestos a conductas sexuales de riesgo de contraer ITS a través del uso inconsistente del condón. Al comparar instituciones, se observa que existen diferencias en cuanto a aspectos sociales y uso del condón. Conclusión: los jóvenes universitarios están expuestos a conductas sexuales de riesgo de ITS. Comprender los aspectos culturales y sociales de cada entorno universitario puede ser una estrategia de prevención.

Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 307-325, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-975776


Actualmente se comienzan a estudiar temas novedosos e interesantes que son promovidos por la Psicología Positiva (PP). Esta nueva orientación de la Psicología estudia lo que va bien en la vida, desde el momento en el que el ser humano llega a este mundo hasta que fallece (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Seligman después de muchos años de estudiar la depresión, realizó un giro de 180º para estudiar las emociones positivas, dando lugar a lo que hoy se conoce como Psicología Positiva (Zúñiga, 2010). Se presenta un estudio que analiza la relación que existe entre felicidad, optimismo y autorrealización, en alumnos de un Programa de Educación Superior para Adultos. Se estudió también la descripción de las variables de estudio, a través de datos sociodemográficos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 300 sujetos de ambos sexos, de 19 a 59 años de edad. Se administraron la versión revisada y española del Test de Orientación Vital, la Escala de Felicidad de Lima (EFL) y la Escala de Autorrealización APICE de LENI. Las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos evidencian su validez y confiabilidad. Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró que existe una correlación directa y altamente significativa entre felicidad y optimismo y felicidad y autorrealización. De igual forma, se observa una distribución normal múltiple de las dimensiones de felicidad, optimismo y autorrealización, las que representan las variables de entrada al análisis de correlación canónica. Se encontró una correlación positiva muy intensa entre el sentido positivo de la vida y una correlación negativa muy intensa con el pesimismo.

Currently, new and interesting topics are being studied and they are promoted by Positive Psychology. This new psychological approach studies what makes life worth living, analyzes what is going well in life since birth until death (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Positive Psychology studies the optimal experience, in which people show how they are and do their best in each activity they perform. Thus, a new look at humans, focusing on their positive qualities, welfare, optimism and happiness, this new landscape gives us a new approach to solving the problems of mental health and obtaining optimum quality is provided of life. The results of the Positive Psychology are aimed at contributing to a more complete and balanced scientific understanding of the existence and experience of the human being and transmitting valuable lessons about how to build a happy, healthy, productive and significant life (Park & Peterson, 2009). Based on the literature review, there are currently few studies addressing topics of Positive Psychology, and of happiness, optimism and self-realization in adult college students compared to self-concept or anxiety. "Martin Seligman was one of the mentors in relation with this. After he had studied about depression for many years, he started to study positive emotions giving place to what is known today as Positive Psychology" (Zúñiga, 2010, p. 9). A research was done and it analyzes the relationship between happiness, optimism and self-realization in students of a Higher Education Program for Adults. The description of study variables was also studied using sociodemographic data. Samples consisted of 300 adult students of both genders and of age 19 to 59. The reviewed Spanish version of Life Orientation Test, the Happiness Scale of Lima (EFL) and the APICE Self-realization Scale of Leni were applied. The psychometric properties of the instruments show that they are valid and reliable. The validity of the content was obtained from the opinions of experts, and reliability values for the scales. Among the main findings, it was found that there is a direct and highly significant correlation between happiness and optimism, happiness and self-realization and optimism and self-realization, that is, high levels of happiness and optimism are better predictors of self-realization, ie that as college students adults evidencing higher levels of happiness, also presented higher levels of optimism, which allows feel self-realization, so students who are perceived happy and optimistic have less unsolved problems when fighting for their goals, targets or face the difficulties of their environment, performing them in a more successful way. Likewise, there is a multiple normal distribution of happiness, optimism and self-realization dimensions, which represent input variables to the canonical correlation analysis. A very intense positive correlation was found between positive meaning of life and a very intense negative correlation with pessimism. In conclusion, each stage of the cycle of life in the human being implies getting adapted, setting goals, accepting losses, as well as new challenges; but during the early adult hood stage, the human being experiences and develops physical, cognitive, affective and social changes, which are framed in a single goal, responsibility in the family, work and studies (François, 2001). Thus, people who feel happy, optimistic and self-realized will be more socially affective, more persistent, tenacious in achieving their goals and more competitive and will be more motivated for the effective performance. By focusing on the discussion of this article, the positive relationships they play an important role, are related to social skills which favors the academic development, especially in adults who undertake the challenge of becoming professionals; also it is invited to these results as a basis to highlight the need to expand research with positive variables as its application in academia can help promote the role of a student.