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Pensando fam ; 23(1): 137-152, jan.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1040681


A agressão cometida pelos parceiros conjugais configura-se como o tipo de violência mais comum na vida das mulheres. No entanto, pesquisas sobre o entendimento do funcionamento psicológico e do comportamento do agressor conjugal são escassas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as características de personalidade de agressores conjugais por meio do Método de Rorschach. Os três participantes, maiores de 18 anos de idade, detidos no Presídio Central de Porto Alegre por meio da Lei Maria da Penha, responderam aos seguintes instrumentos: Ficha de Dados Pessoais e Sociodemográficos, Entrevista MINI e Método de Rorschach. Apenas um dos participantes apresentou sintomas psicopatológicos e constatou-se que a capacidade de controle e tolerância ao estresse se mostra como uma variável importante a ser considerada quando se pensa em medidas de prevenção e intervenção com agressores conjugais.

Aggression committed by conjugal partners is the most common type of violence in women's lives. However, research on the understanding of the psychological functioning and behavior of the marital aggressor is scarce. The present study aimed to know the personality traits of marital aggressors through the Rorschach Method. The three participants, over 18 years of age, detained at the Porto Alegre Central Prison in accordance with the Maria da Penha Law, responded to the following instruments: Personal and Sociodemographic Data Sheet, MINI Interview and Rorschach Method. Only one participant presented psychopathological symptoms and it was verified that the capacity of control and tolerance to stress is shown as an important variable to be considered when thinking about prevention and intervention measures with marital aggressors.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Personality , Spouse Abuse , Aggression , Violence Against Women
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 341-362, dic. 2018. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019911


El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la estabilidad del ser víctima y ser agresor en tres puntos en el tiempo y la direccionalidad de la causalidad entre la victimización y los problemas emocionales, por un lado, y entre la agresión y los problemas de conducta en adolescentes, por el otro. Se constituyó una muestra intencional de 485 alumnos de dos escuelas secundarias de Paraná, Entre Ríos. Un 42% correspondió a alumnos varones; la media de edad fue de 13.6 años. Los participantes contestaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Cuestionario de Agresores/Víctimas de Olweus (que mide bullying verbal, físico, relacional y cyberbullying), el Inventario de Depresión de Kovacs, la Escala de Síntomas Psicosomáticos de Rosenberg para ansiedad y las escalas de conducta antisocial y agresividad del ASEBA de Achenbach y Rescorla (2001). Los resultados indicaron que un porcentaje similar era víctima en cada uno de los tres tiempos (15%, 16% y 18%). Con respecto al ser agresor, también se hallaba un porcentaje similar en los tres tiempos (9% 10% y 9%). Considerando el grupo que era victimizado en el tiempo 1, un 39% lo era también en los tiempos 2 y 3, mientras que dentro del 9% que era agresor en el tiempo 1, un 57% lo era en los dos tiempos subsiguientes. Un modelo autoregressive cross-lagged indicó que existían efectos bidireccionales entre la victimización y la depresión. También se hallaron efectos bidireccionales para el bullying y la agresividad. Estos resultados indican estabilidad, pero también cambio en el ser victimizado y ser agresor. En la discusión se analizan estos hallazgos a partir de diversos aportes teóricos para explicar tanto la estabilidad como el cambio. Finalmente, se proveen limitaciones y sugerencias para futuros estudios.

Bullying is an important risk factor for mental health of children and adolescents. Bullying is a subset of aggressive behavior, generally defined as an act intended to inflict injury or discomfort upon another student. There is considerable evidence for emotional problems (such as, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem) among children and young people who experience bullying or peer victimization, and between bullying and behavioral problems (aggression, antisocial behavior, and substance use), but cross-sectional studies cannot explore the direction of the relationship. Besides, longitudinal studies are crucial to explore stability of being victim and being aggressor. There are no many studies that has attempted to do this. In Latin American countries, such as Argentina, longitudinal studies are very scarce in this respect. Exploring the direction of the link between victimization and emotional problems is vital to identify targets of victimization in adolescents and reducing cost of victimization. So, the purpose of this research was examining stability of victims and aggressor in three-time points and determine the direction of the relationship between emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and victimization, on one hand, and between behavioral problems (antisocial behavior and aggression), on the other hand. To this end, data were obtained from a sample of 485 students from two secondary schools attending first course, second and third in Parana, Entre Rios. A 58% was female and 42% was males; Mage = 13.6. They were examined in May (Time 1, T1), August (Time 2, T2), and November (Time 3, T3). To measure victimization, they completed Olweus Bully/ Victim Questionnaire (tapping verbal, physical, relational, and cybervictimization and these kind of bullying), Kovacs Child Depression Inventory for depression, Rosenberg Psychosomatic Symptom Scale for anxiety, and aggressive behavior and antisocial behavior from Achebanch and Rescorla ASEBA (2001), and some sociodemographic questions. Confidentiality and anonymity were ensured. Date was set up with Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 and AMOS 16 to set up structural equation modeling (SEM). Results suggested that 15%,16%, and 18% were victims in T1, T2, and T3. As regarding being aggressor, the percentages were 9%, 10%, and 9%. With respect to stability of victim status in each of the three times, a 39% was victim in the three times; as regarding aggressor status, a 57% was aggressor in the three times. An autoregressive cross-lagged with index of victimization, scores on depression and anxiety in T1, T2, and T3 indicated an adequate model fit: CFI = .99, TLI = .96 and RMSEA =.08. Victimization at T1 predicted victimization at T2 and T3. Regarding the links between victimization and emotional problems, this relationship was reciprocal with respect to depression: victimization predicted depression at T2 and T3 and depression predicted victimization in both times, as well. The links between victimization and anxiety was non-significant. Reciprocal links between depression and anxiety were found. With respect to bullying, antisocial behavioral and aggression model, results indicated a good model fit: CFI = .99, TLI = .96, and RMSEA = .06. Findings suggested reciprocal links between bullying and aggression. Links between bullying and antisocial behavioral were non-significant. These results suggested stability in victim status and aggressor status, but also change in only a period of six month. Besides, results showed that the link between victimization and depression was reciprocal: depression was an antecedent but a consequence of victimization, as well; the same happened for bullying and aggression. So, these results are in line with a vast literature suggesting reciprocal effects. In the discussion, we provided further explanation of the results, considering domination theory among others. Finally, limitations and suggestion for carrying out future studies are provided.

Psicol. Caribe ; 35(2): 103-115, mayo-ago. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002832


Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las diferencias del componente inhibitorio de las funciones ejecutivas entre los tipos penales de una muestra de agresores sexuales. La muestra estuvo conformada por 121 hombres condenados y recluidos en un establecimiento penitenciario del departamento de Santander, con una edad promedio de 40.74 y una desviación estándar de 9.54 años, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a los tipos penales descritos y tipificados en el Código Penal Colombiano. En la recolección de los datos se administró el Stroop, test de colores y palabras, y los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) versión 15.0 en español. Los resultados indican que no hubo diferencias en el desempeño del componente inhibitorio entre los diferentes tipos penales de los agresores sexuales, según comparativos entre variables Palabra-Color (PC) e Interferencia (INTERF) del test Stroop. Se concluye que, a pesar de los resultados obtenidos, no se rechaza en su totalidad la hipótesis de un posible déficit en el control inhibitorio en agresores sexuales, considerando la tendencia en la distribución de puntuaciones Z respecto a los datos normativos o de referencia.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the differences of inhibitory component of executive functions between the crimes of a sample of sex offenders. The sample consisted of 121 men convicted and detained in a prison in the department of Santander, with an average age of 40.74 and a standard deviation of 9.54 years, who were classified according to the described offenses and offenses under the Criminal Code Colombian. In the data collection he is administered the Stroop color-word test, and the data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 15.0 in Spanish. The results show no difference in performance between different inhibitory component crimes of sex offenders, according to comparative between variables and Word-Color Interference Stroop test. We conclude that, despite the results not entirely reject the hypothesis of a possible deficit in inhibitory control on sex offenders, based on trends in the distribution of Z scores over regulatory or reference data.

Univ. psychol ; 16(3): 152-164, jul.-set. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-963284


Resumen La presente investigación analiza la relación entre las actitudes sexistas y el uso de estrategias de justificación y negación del daño, así como la capacidad predictiva de esta variable en la atribución de responsabilidad de 129 agresores condenados a prisión en España por delitos relacionados con la violencia de género. Se aplicó la Escala de Atribución de Responsabilidad y Minimización y el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ASI). Los resultados señalan que un porcentaje elevado de agresores tiende a asumir la responsabilidad por la violencia ejercida y no justifica la agresión. Asimismo, se ha constatado que los condenados no presentan un número elevado de actitudes sexistas. No obstante, las actitudes sexistas permiten predecir la minimización del daño por parte de los agresores. Las conclusiones redundan en la importancia de intervención con esta población, dada la eficacia de los programas en la asunción de responsabilidad y en la disminución de actitudes sexistas.

Abstract This paper analyzes how the sexist attitudes are related to the assumption of responsibility, as well as the predictive capacity of this variable with respect to the aggressors' minimization of the harm and a lack of attributing responsibility of 129 aggressors convicted in Spain for gender violence. There was applied the Scale of Attribution of Responsibility and Minimization and the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism (ASI). The results indicate that a high percentage of aggressors tends to assume the responsibility for the violence exercised and do not justify the aggression. Likewise, there has been stated that the aggressors do not present a high number of sexist attitudes. Nevertheless, sexist attitudes allow to predict the minimization of hurt of the aggressors. The conclusions redound to the importance of intervention with this population, given the efficiency of the programs in the assumption of responsibility and in the decrease of sexist attitudes.

Humans , Gender-Based Violence , Sex Offenses , Spain , Sexism
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-694740


El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue determinar si, en casos de transmisión inter-generacional de maltrato, se verificaba transmisión de tipologías de abuso y establecer el contexto del abuso. Se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio con 10 agresores de niños, quienes habían sido víctimas de abuso. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron una entrevista semi-estructurada y un cuestionario socio-demográfico. Se realizó un análisis del contenido para estudiar los datos textuales, el test de Fisher para determinar la posible dependencia entre los tipos de abuso sufridos y practicados y análisis del componente principal para explorar asociaciones entre categorías. Se verificó la transmisión del abuso físico en siete casos, en dos casos de abuso psicológico y en dos de negligencia. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las tipologías de abuso sufrido y practicado. Las categorías Entorno Familiar (218 unidades de registro -u.r- unidad de codificación básica) y Relaciones Intrafamiliares (151u.r.) presentaron el mayor número de u.r., y las categorías Abuso Sexual (1u.r.) y Agresor como Figura de Identificación Reconocida (4u.r.), el más bajo. El contexto del abuso se explica mejor mediante un modelo bidimensional: Maltrato e Interacciones Sociales y Contexto del Abuso, Sentimientos y Percepciones. Se encontraron fuertes asociaciones entre Abuso Psicológico y Físico, Relaciones Interpersonales, Inclinación al Abuso y Hábitos Tóxicos, y entre ser la única víctima de agresiones, viendo al otro como figura de identificación y sentimientos negativos hacia el agresor. La transmisión de las tipologías de abuso no fue significativa, pero se encontraron asociaciones entre aspectos contextuales y son discutidos junto con sus limitaciones e implicaciones.

The way child maltreatment has been seen and dealt with has changed over time. Nowadays, it is a phenomenon of great importance and social recognition, being the target of many studies, and having led to the creation and implementation of several protection measures. The intergenerational transmission of maltreatment is one of the main causes for current child abuse and neglect. In this way, our objective was to assess whether a transmission of abuse typologies occurred, in the cases where an intergenerational transmission of maltreatment is observed. Thus, we developed an exploratory study using a convenience sample of 10 child aggressors, who had been victims of abuse during their own childhood, from the district. All participants fulfilled the inclusion criteria and had similar socio-economic background. The participants gave their informed consent to participate in this study. For data collection we used a semi-structured interview, developed specifically for this study, and a socio-demographic questionnaire that enabled a characterization of the sample. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data produced was then analyzed using as used content analysis, to study the textual data collected with the interviews, and principal components analysis. Fisher’s test was used to determine the association between suffered and inflicted types of abuse (p < .005 was considered significant). Based on our data analysis we observed that in seven cases there was an intergenerational transmission of Physical Abuse, in two cases of Psychological Abuse and in another two cases of Neglect. In four cases different types of abuse, than those suffered, arose. In five cases, several types of abuse were inflicted concomitantly. However, there was no statistically significant relation between the types of abuse suffered and those inflicted. Furthermore, 813 recording units (r.u. - which are basic codification units) were obtained in the content analysis, throughout the seven pre-categories (21 categories, 10 sub-categories). The content analysis’ categories Family Environment and Intra-family Relationships, were the ones with the highest number of r.u., and also the most disparate, when compared with the remaining categories (Family Environment = 218 r.u., Intra-family Relationships = 151 r.u.); being followed by Physical Abuse (87 r.u.) and Feelings towards the Perpetrator (58 r.u.). In opposition, the categories with the lowest number of r.u. were Sexual Abuse (1 r.u.) and Aggressor as Recognized Identification Figure (4 r.u.). Moreover, we also found differences between the participants who inflict Physical Abuse and those who are negligent, as Physical Abuse is transmitted in most cases while negligence is not. Differences were also found in the quality of the family environment, outside-family relationships and self-recognition as aggressors. A relation between excusing / exonerating the aggressor and feeling self-guilt for the abuse was found. Also, a relation between naming the aggressor as the identification figure and self-recognition as an aggressor was found in this sample. A principal component analysis was performed and the results evidenced that the context where the abuse occurs is better explained by a two-dimension model, being the dimensions Maltreatment and Social Interactions and Abuse Context, Feelings and Perceptions. Strong associations were found between Psychological and Physical Abuse, Interpersonal Relationships, Feelings towards Abuse, and Toxic Habits / Consumptions, or no apparent reason as causes for abuse; and between being the only victim of aggressions, perceiving other (not the aggressor) as an identification figure and negative feelings towards the aggressor. The transmission of abuse typologies was not statistically significant in this sample; however associations between contextual aspects were found and are discussed along with the limitations and implications of this study. Furthermore, we believe this information could be applied in the development of primary prevention and intervention programs.