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Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 489-498, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-975786


El objetivo de la investigación que se informa fue adaptar la Escala de Probabilidad de Perdón de Rye y colaboradores (2001) a una población adolescente argentina. A tal fin se realizaron dos estudios con residentes de la ciudad de Paraná (Argentina). El Estudio 1 tuvo como objetivo evaluar la validez factorial de la escala y con el Estudio 2 se puso a prueba el modelo de la escala surgido en el Estudio 1 a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio. La muestra del Estudio 1 estuvo compuesta por 170 adolescentes (85 varones y 85 mujeres), con una media de edad igual a 15.60 (DE = 1.30) y la muestra del Estudio 2 estuvo compuesta por 294 adolescentes (131 varones y 163 mujeres), con una media de edad igual a 15.60 (DE = 1.35). Para el Estudio 1 se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio. Previamente se evaluó el índice de adecuación muestral de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = .78) y la prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett (χ²= 317; p = .000), los cuales indicaron la pertinencia para realizar el análisis factorial exploratorio. Finalmente resultó un único factor que explicaba el 32.79% de la variancia. En cuanto a la consistencia interna de la escala se obtuvo un índice Alpha de Cronbach igual a .76 para los diez ítems en la muestra de 170 adolescentes. Teniendo en cuenta el Estudio 2, el análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró un buen ajuste del modelo propuesto, con los siguientes resultados: χ²(32) = 86.27; p =.000, χ²/gl = 2.69, CFI = .93, GFI = .94, RMR = .059 y RMSEA = .076. La adaptación del instrumento mostró buenas propiedades psicométricas de la escala para su uso en población argentina.

Forgiveness has positive implications for the emotional and social development. Several investigations have concluded that there is a strong negative correlation between forgiveness and the expression of anger and depression. It has been empirically shown that forgiveness has positive effects on mental health and psychophysical well -being. Through this capability the negative feelings of revenge and resentment are transformed into more positive feelings such as compassion and generosity, allowing to convert a negative and painful past into a positive one, thus strengthening the experiences through a reflective and peaceful look. In adolescence grievance situations are usually very frequent. Faced with these situations forgiveness is of great importance to restore the bonds between peers or family; essential bonds for the emotional support at this stage. This clearly shows the importance in the profound study of forgiveness as a variable that fosters psychological health in adolescence. This requires having instruments with good psychometric properties that can measure the ability to forgive in the Spanish - speaking population, more precisely the one from Argentina. The objective of this paper is to adapt Rye's Forgiveness Likelihood Scale (2001) to the Argentinian adolescent population. Two studies were conducted for this purpose. The aim of Study 1 was to evaluate the factorial validity of the scale. Study 2 aimed at testing the scale model emerged in Study 1 through a confirmatory factor analysis. The Study 1 sample consisted of 170 adolescents (85 males and 85 females) with a mean age of 15.60 (SD = 1.30). The Study 2 sample consisted of 294 adolescents (131 males and 163 females) with a mean age of 15.60 (SD = 1.35). Both samples were from Paraná City (Argentina). In both studies the samples were obtained in the same way. It was contacted secondary schools authorities to give them information about our research and to get their permission to carry it out. Then, parents' authorization was asked (informed consent). The samples were taken in groups of 20 to30 adolescents approximately. During the administration at least two researchers were present. It was obtained the KMO sampling adequacy Index (.78) and the Bartlett Test of Sphericity (χ²= 317; p = .000), both of them indicate that it is appropriate to conduct the AFE. From the factor analysis the result is the existence of a single factor that explains 32.79% of the variance. To assess the internal consistency of the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale, the Cronbach Alpha was calculated, showing a coefficient of .76 for the ten items of the scale in the sample of 170 adolescents. As for Study 2, the results of confirmatory factor analysis are: χ²(32) = 86.27; p = .000, χ²/gl = 2.69, CFI = .93, GFI = .94, RMR = .059, and RMSEA = .076. These results indicate a good fit of the proposed model. Thus, both studies convey the good adaptation and psychometric properties of the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale to Argentinian adolescent population. One of the limitations of the present research is the lack of convergent and discriminant validity studies. Both studies were conducted with the original version of the scale, obtaining a positive correlation with the Enright Forgiveness Inventory and other forgiveness measures. Further research should include this type of studies.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 49(1): 28-35, ene.-abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-901968


Resumen Este trabajo explora los motivos que conducen a la participación en acciones de resistencia pacífica bajo condiciones de violencia armada. Fundamentados en los marcos de acción colectiva, se analizó el papel que ejercen la identidad, el agravio, la ira, la esperanza, la satisfacción moral y la eficacia sobre la implicación en acciones de resistencia pacífica. Participaron 739 personas que viven en medio del conflicto armado colombiano, con diferentes niveles de implicación en los movimientos de resistencia pacífica. Análisis de correlaciones y de regresión muestran que todas las variables correlacionaron significativamente con el nivel de implicación en acciones de resistencia, a excepción de la ira, y que las mejores predictoras son la eficacia, la esperanza-satisfacción moral y la identidad. Mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, se analizó el papel que ejercen las variables para motivar acciones de resistencia pacífica. Los resultados evidencian paths directos y significativos. El agravio es incorporado al modelo como una variable exógena que actúa sobre la identidad para potenciar su influencia motivadora de la participación. La identidad potencia el papel mediador de la esperanza-satisfacción moral y de la eficacia. Los hallazgos hacen un aporte novedoso a la teoría tradicional que explica el surgimiento de las acciones colectivas, pues incorporan emociones positivas y poco estudiadas en el contexto de la movilización, tal y como son la esperanza y la satisfacción moral.

Abstract This paper explores the motives leading to the participation in pacific resistance actions under the conditions of armed violence. Based within the framework of collective action, the roles of identity, grief, anger, hope-moral satisfaction, and efficacy were analyzed on their implications on the actions of pacific resistance. The participants were 739 people living in the middle of the Colombian armed conflict, with different levels of involvement in pacific resistance movements. Correlation and regression analysis shows that all variables are significantly correlated to the level of involvement in resistance actions, except for anger. The best predictors in a regression equation are efficacy, moral hope-satisfaction, and identity. We used a structural equation model to analyze the role of these variables in motivating non-violent resistance actions, and the results show direct and significant paths. Grief is incorporated in the model as an exogenous variable that acts on identity, in order to potentiate its important motivational influence for the participation in resistance actions. The identity potentiates the mediator role of moral satisfaction-hope and efficacy. These findings are a novel contribution to the traditional theory, which explains the emergence of collective actions, since it incorporates positive and less-studied emotions within the mobilization context, such as hope and moral satisfaction.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Efficacy , Ego , Anger , Personal Satisfaction , Emotions , Hope
Interdisciplinaria ; 26(2): 289-316, ago.-dic. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633455


El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar la posible incidencia que ejerce la percepción del clima social familiar sobre las actitudes ante situaciones de agravio en otros ámbitos. Con este fin, fueron estudiados a través de un diseño de investigación ex post facto, 140 sujetos de ambos sexos de 18 a 24 años de edad, residentes en las provincias de Entre Ríos y Mendoza (República Argentina). Los instrumentos empleados fueron la adaptación de la Escala de Clima Social Familiar (FES) de Fernández Ballesteros (1995), el Cuestionario de Actitudes ante Situaciones de Agravio (Moreno & Pereyra, 2000) y un cuestionario demográfico para recabar variables como edad, sexo y estado civil, entre otras. Los da tos fueron analizados con Análisis de Variancia Múltiple (MANOVA). Los resultados del estudio indican que se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto a las actitudes Venganza y Perdón entre los grupos que presentaron diferente clima familiar. Los que percibieron un clima menos favorable mostraron más predisposición a la Venganza y menos tendencia al Perdón ante la ofensa, en los ámbitos de trabajo, amistad, padres y Dios. Las actitudes ante el agravio más agresivas se vieron afectadas por la percepción negativa del clima familiar. Las actitudes prosociales se relacionaron con un ambiente más favorable. Los resultados obtenidos parecen estar de acuerdo con el modelo complementario, que plantea que las relaciones familiares proporcionan un aprendizaje de valores y habilidades básicas para la interacción con los demás en otros ámbitos.

The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possible impact that the family social environment perception has on one's attitude when facing offensive situations in other environments. To this end, through an ex post facto investigation, 140 subjects of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 24, homogeneous by gender (70 men and 70 women) were studied. These subjects were residents in provinces of Entre Ríos and Mendoza (República Argentina). Throughout its existence, the individual is heavily influenced by their environment. This assertion has been supported by authors in the fields of Psychology and Educational Psychology (Bowbly, Winnicot, and others). Also, how to perceive the environment influences how the individual behavior in that environment. Then accordingly, the objective of this research was to determine whether a better social environment for families (greater cohesion and expressiveness and less conflict) is associat ed with a more prosocial attitude to the offense, from a psychological point of view, in the late adolescence. The evaluation methods applied were: The Family Social Environment Scale from Moos, R., Moos, B., and Trickett a dapted by Fernández Ballesteros (1995). To evaluate the family environment of the participants used the Dimension Relationship: describes the relationships between family members, aspects of development that are most important in it and its basic structure. The Attitudes on Offensive Circumstances Questionnaire (Moreno & Pereyra, 2000) and a demographic survey. In analyzing the data, Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was conducted. The results of the study showed significant differences in consideration of attitudes towards Revenge and Forgiveness in the groups with different familiar environment. Those who perceived a less favorable atmosphere demonstrated a greater predisposition towards Revenge and less towards Pardon when faced with offensive situations in their work environment, friendships, with their parents and with God. The attitudes facing more aggressive offenses were seen to be affected by the negative perception of the familiar atmosphere. The prosocial attitudes were connected to a more favorable atmosphere. The subjects of the sample that perceived less cohesion and expressiveness were more predisposed to aggressive answers and less to the forgiveness before the damage that those who were perceiving more cohesion at home. As well as those who were perceived less expressiveness showed to have more predisposition to the revenge before the offense that those who perceived more expressiveness in the family. The results showed in the areas of relationships observed, that the late adolescents with better family environment stretch to attitudes on the offense in the relations with the parents, God, the friends and his mate of job. The young of the less positive family environment showed predisposition to answers, such of more aggressive type, as the revenge before the offense in the relations with the parents, God and mate of job and a trend to the rancor in the relationship with friends. Some skills can be learned in other areas of relationships and, in turn, encourage them to a better family atmosphere, that is, more cohesive, more expressiveness and less conflict within the home. However, family relationships have a longer period and learning that makes them often have more impact than that acquired from other areas of relationship (Martínez & Fuertes, 1999). Finally, the results found in the present study seem to be more in accordance with the complementary model of Gold and Yanof (1985, cited in Martínez, 1997), that poses that the familiar relations provide a learning of values and basic skills for the interaction with others and no so much with the compensate model as which the relations with the equal would see intensified when the familiar environment and relations are poor (Fuligni & Eccles, 1993, cited in Martínez, 1997; Martínez, 1997).