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Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536334


Introducción: La asertividad es una herramienta comunicacional que puede contribuir de manera positiva en que los adultos mayores interpreten correctamente la necesidad e importancia de realizar acciones que permitan mantener un adecuado desarrollo físico y estado nutricional durante la tercera edad. Objetivo: Describir cómo la implementación de la comunicación asertiva puede ayudar a la incorporación de los adultos mayores al programa de actividades físicas del adulto mayor. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación básica, no experimental y descriptiva en una población de 157 adultos mayores, de los cuales 113 formaron parte de la muestra de investigación. Se aplicó la comunicación asertiva para lograr la incorporación de estos al programa de actividades físicas del adulto mayor. Resultados: El miedo al contagio con COVID-19 fue la principal causa referida para no participar en las actividades (17,70 por ciento). Predominaron los adultos mayores con nivel de conocimiento bajo sobre la importancia de las actividades físicas en los adultos mayores. Después de aplicar la comunicación asertiva se logró que el 64,60 por ciento de los ancianos se incorporaran al programa. Conclusiones: La asertividad, con sus técnicas y acciones, facilitó la incorporación de adultos mayores al programa de actividades físicas. Su aplicación se basó en la preparación y la capacidad de negociación con las personas de la tercera edad para poder lograr su incorporación a las actividades físicas del programa del adulto mayor(AU)

Introduction: Assertiveness is a communicational tool that can contribute positively to aged adults' correct interpretation of the need and importance of performing actions that allow them to maintain adequate physical development and nutritional status during older age. Objective: To describe how the implementation of assertive communication can help the incorporation of aged adults to the physical activity program for the elderly. Methods: A basic, nonexperimental and descriptive research was conducted with a population of 157 aged adults, of which 113 were part of the research sample. Assertive communication was applied to achieve their incorporation into the physical activity program for the elderly. Results: Fear of infection with COVID-19 was the main reported cause for not participating in the activities (17.70 percent). Aged adults with a low level of knowledge about the importance of physical activities for the elderly predominated. After applying assertive communication, 64.60 percent of the older adults could become part of the program. Conclusions: Assertiveness, with its techniques and actions, facilitated the incorporation of aged adults to the physical activities program. Its application was based on the preparation and the ability to negotiate with older adults in order to achieve their incorporation to the physical activities of the program for the elderly(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Assertiveness , Exercise/physiology , Communication , Elderly Nutrition , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(3): 731-742, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351314


RESUMEN La asertividad es una habilidad social clave para la promoción del desarrollo humano y la prevención de problemas psicosociales en los diversos ámbitos del desarrollo humano. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las características que asume la comunicación asertiva en directivos de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar "Ormani Arenado Llonch" de Pinar del Río. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el periodo comprendido entre abril y junio de 2018. Para ello, se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, quedando conformada la muestra por 12 directivos. Como métodos empíricos de obtención de información, se utilizaron: la observación, la Escala de Asertividad de Rathus y la entrevista semiestructurada. En la investigación, se mostró predominio de directivos que se encontraban entre los 50 y 60 años de edad (33 %) y que pertenecían al género masculino (67 %). Los cargos ocupados fueron fundamentalmente Subdirector en Formación Integral, Jefe de Grado y Jefe de Departamento (25 %). La totalidad de la muestra recibió cursos de superación de postgrado (100 %). Primaron los participantes que tenían entre 21 y 30 años de experiencia laboral. Prevaleció el estilo comunicativo asertivo confrontativo (42 %). El desarrollo económico y social en la Cuba de hoy necesita de directivos que actúen alejados de posturas agresivas y egoístas; pero también que dejen atrás posturas acríticas y pasivas, necesita de hombres y mujeres asertivos.

RESUMO A assertividade é uma habilidade social chave para a promoção do desenvolvimento do homem e a prevenção de problemas psicossociais em diferentes áreas da evolução humana. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as características que a comunicação assertiva assume nos dirigentes da Escola de Iniciação ao Esporte "Ormani Arenado Llonch" de Pinar del Río. Um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal foi realizado entre abril e junho de 2018. Para este fim, foi utilizada uma amostragem de conveniência não-probabilística, e a amostra consistiu de 12 diretores. Os métodos empíricos utilizados para obter informações foram: a observação, a Escala de Assertividade de Rathus e a entrevista semiestruturada. A pesquisa mostrou uma predominância de gerentes entre 50 e 60 anos de idade (33 %) e pertencentes ao sexo masculino (67 %). Os cargos ocupados foram principalmente o de Chefe Adjunto de Treinamento Integral, Chefe de Grau e Chefe de Departamento (25 %). A amostra inteira recebeu treinamento de pós-graduação (100 %). Os participantes com entre 21 e 30 anos de experiência de trabalho foram predominantes. Prevaleceu o estilo de comunicação assertiva e confrontacional (42 %). O desenvolvimento econômico e social na Cuba de hoje precisa de gestores que estejam longe de posturas agressivas e egoístas; mas também que deixem para trás posturas acríticas e passivas; precisa de homens e mulheres assertivos.

ABSTRACT Assertiveness is a key social skill for the promotion of human development and the prevention of psychosocial problems in the various areas of human development. The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics that assertive communication assumes in managers of the Sports Initiation School "Ormani Arenado Llonch" of Pinar del Río. An observational, descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted in the period between April and June 2018. For this purpose, a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 12 managers. The empirical methods used to obtain information were: observation, the Rathus Assertiveness Scale and the semi-structured interview. It was shown a prevalence of managers between 50 and 60 years of age (33 %) and belonging to the male gender (67 %). The positions held were mainly Assistant Director in Integral Formation, Head of Grade and Head of Department (25 %). The totality of the sample received postgraduate courses (100 %). Participants with between 21 and 30 years of work experience prevailed. The assertive confrontational communicative style prevailed (42 %). Economic and social development in today's Cuba needs managers who act away from aggressive and selfish postures; but also who leave behind uncritical and passive postures; rather it is needed assertive men and women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185665


Statement of the problem: A Study to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on “Knowledge on Assertive Communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationship” among B.Sc. Nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Belgaum”. Background: Assertive communication consists of shå wants and needs honestly in a safe manner and focuses on the issue, not the person, nurse patient relationship sets the tone of the care experience and has powerful impact on patient satisfaction. Lack of assertive communication in nurses while cå for a patient causes anxiety, frustration, discontentment, discouragement in the patient and thus affects the health of the patient. Objectives of the study: 1. To assess the pre test levels of knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship of B.Sc. nursing students. 2. To assess the post test levels of knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship of the study participants. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationship by compå the differences between the pre test and post test knowledge scores. 4. To associate the pre test knowledge score with selected socio demographic variables of the study participants. Methods: An evaluative approach with one group pre–test post–test design was used for the study. Simple random sampling technique is used to select the samples by using lottery method was used to draw 40 adolescent students as samples. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Conclusion: The findings of the study proved that effectiveness of structured teaching programme is an effective measure to improve the knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationshipamong Nursing Students.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 44(1): 29-38, Febrero 29, 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657144


Introducción: la atención a personas hospitalizadas, amerita de parte de sus cuidadores contar además de sus conocimientos con la estabilidad emocional y calidad en las relaciones humanas; lo cual puede ser fortalecido a través del desarrollo de aptitudes personales. Objetivo: describir los resultados de la intervención educativa "Trabajando a gusto" dirigida al personal de enfermería de un hospital de tercer nivel, orientada al fortalecimiento de la dimensión personal. Metodología: estudio descriptivo resultado de un proyecto de extensión desarrollado en el Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS). Se utilizaron tres instrumentos: Comunicación asertiva, Control de emociones, Prevención y manejo del estrés, los cuales se aplicaron antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: en el Eje temático de Comunicación Asertiva las personas aumentaron el nivel de asertividad pasando de un 39,17% en el pretest a un 45,48% en el postest. En el eje de Control de Emociones, la claridad definida como la buena comprensión pasó de un 25,37% antes de la intervención a un 32,14% en el nivel clasificado como excelente; en la reparación definida como la capacidad de regular los estados emocionales correctamente, los participantes pasaron en el nivel excelente de un 26,47% a un 38%. En la prevención y manejo del estrés no se evidenciaron cambios. Conclusiones: la intervención fue positiva en algunos aspectos de la comunicación y el control de emociones. Si bien las actitudes son aprendidas y posibles de ser modificadas, se requieren procesos formativos a largo plazo para mayores y mejores resultados, con un acompañamiento posterior y nuevas mediciones. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 29-38.

Introduction: the care provided to patients who are hospitalized, requires from the caregivers not only their knowledge, also their emotional stability and interpersonal skills, which can be strenghtened trought the development of their personality. Objective: to describe the results of the educational initiative "Working with pleasure" directed towards the nursing staff in a third level hospital, targeted at strengthening the staff’s personality traits. Methodology: descriptive study result of an extension research project performed at the HUS (University Hospital of Santander, by their acronym in Spanish). Three tools were used: Assertive Communication, Emotion Control, and Stress Prevention and Management. They were all used before and after the intervention. Results: the participants of the assertive Communication thematic axis showed an increased assertiveness level from 39,17% prior to the test to 45,48% after the test. Regarding Emotion Control, clarity (defined as good comprehension) went from 25,37% prior to the intervention to 32,14%, a level classified as excellent. For Reparation (defined as the capacity to correctly regulate emotional states the subjects) improved from 26,47% to 38%. For Stress Prevention And Management no variation was evident in the study. Conclussions: the intervention was effective regarding communication and emotion control. While attitudes are learnt and modifiable, they require long-term learning processes to achieve more significant and better results as well as follow ups and further measurements. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 29-38.