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Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 205-224, jul.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559039


Resumen En la actualidad, la violencia psicológica (VP) en las relaciones de noviazgo es un fenómeno prevalente. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comprender las redes de significados acerca de la VP en el noviazgo según los estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del Aconcagua a través del software ATLAS.ti. Es una investigación cualitativa, estudio descriptivo, con un diseño fenomenológico en una muestra intencional de estudiantes universitarios argentinos. Participaron un total de 153 estudiantes de 1º y 4º año, de ambos sexos, con una edad promedio de 22 años (rango de 18 a 25) que hubieran mantenido alguna relación de noviazgo. La técnica utilizada fue el grupo focal y se usó el software ATLAS.ti para el análisis de los datos. Se obtuvieron cuatro líneas temáticas: Diferencias entre VP y violencia física, Emociones de la VP en el noviazgo, Conductas en la VP en el noviazgo y Consecuencias en futuras relaciones. Se concluye que la VP es considerada como más dañina, que pasa desapercibida y se naturaliza. Angustia, culpa y miedo son algunas de las emociones que provoca la VP, y la manipulación, el maltrato y el control algunas de las conductas que manifiestan VP en el noviazgo. Como consecuencias en futuras relaciones, destacan el miedo y el establecimiento de nuevas relaciones de pareja similares. Urge diseñar programas de prevención temprana para minimizar el impacto de sus consecuencias, fomentando el amor y el respeto en las relaciones entre jóvenes.

Abstract Introduction: Psychological violence (PSV) in dating relationships is currently prevalent. Objective: Analyze and understand the networks of meanings of PSV in the dating of students from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Aconcagua by means of the ATLAS.ti software. Method: Qualitative research, descriptive study, with a phenomenological design in an intentional sample of university students from Argentina. A total of 153 students from 1st and 4th year, of both sexes, with an average age of 22 years (range of 18 to 25) who would have had some relationship. The instrument used was the focus group and the ATLAS.ti software was used to analyze the data. Results: Four thematic lines were obtained: Differences between PSV and physical violence, Emotions of PSV in courtship, PSV behaviors in in courtship and Consequences in future relationships. Conclusions: PSV was considered more harmful, unnoticed, and naturalized. Distress, guilt, and fear are some of the emotions that PSV provokes; and manipulation, abuse, and control are some of its behaviors. As consequences in future relationships the fear of the establishing new relationships with a similar partner stands out. There is an urgent need to design early prevention programs to minimize the impact of their consequences, fostering love and respect in relationships between young people.

Humans , Intimate Partner Violence/psychology , Argentina , Social Behavior , Students , Emotions
Plos negl. trop. dis ; 15(5): 1-19, 2021. ilus
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1566185


Background: The current body of research on insecticide use in Peru deals primarily with application of insecticides offered through Ministry of Health-led campaigns against vector-borne disease. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding the individual use, choice and perceptions of insecticides which may influence uptake of public health-based vector control initiatives and contribute to the thousands of deaths annually from acute pesticide poisoning in Peru. Methods: Residents (n = 49) of the Alto Selva Alegre and CC districts of peri-urban Arequipa participated in seven focus group discussions (FGD). Using a FGD guide, two facilitators led the discussion and conducted a role-playing activity. this activity, participants insecticides (represented by printed photos of insecticides available locally) and pretended to "sell" the insecticides to other participants, including describing their qualities as though they were advertising the insecticide. The exercise was designed to elicit perceptions of currently available insecticides. The focus groups also included questions about participants' preferences, use and experiences related to insecticides outside the context of this activity. Focus group content was transcribed, and qualitative data were analyzed with Atlas.ti and coded using an inductive process to generate major themes related to use and choice of insecticides, and perceived risks associated with insecticide use. Results: The perceived risks associated with insecticides included both short- and long-term health impacts, and safety for children emerged as a priority. However, in some cases insecticides were reportedly applied in high-risk ways including application of insecticides directly to children and bedding. Some participants attempted to reduce the risk of insecticide use with informal, potentially ineffective personal protective equipment and by timing application when household members were away. Valued insecticide characteristics, such as strength and effectiveness, were often associated with negative characteristics such as odor and health impacts. "Agropecuarios" (agricultural supply stores) were considered a trusted source of information about insecticides and their health risks. Conclusions: It is crucial to characterize misuse and perceptions of health impacts and risks of insecticides at the local level, as well as to find common themes and patterns across populations to inform national and regional programs to prevent acute insecticide poisoning and increase community participation in insecticide-based vector control campaigns. We detected risky practices and beliefs about personal protective equipment, risk indicators, and safety levels that could inform such preventive campaigns, as well as trusted information sources such as agricultural stores for partnerships in disseminating information.

Software , Chagas Disease , Vector Control of Diseases , Qualitative Research , Insecticides
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 203-215, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056548


Resumen En la investigación cualitativa, el análisis y la interpretación de los datos es una tarea de difícil manejo, incluso para los investigadores más experimentados. Si bien existen muchas técnicas disponibles para llevar a cabo el análisis de datos cualitativos, algunos autores relevantes del área proponen que es posible identificar un núcleo básico sin necesidad de hacer coincidir las distintas perspectivas del método cualitativo. Hacer foco en esta comunalidad permitirá hacer más comprensible la tarea de análisis para los investigadores noveles. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es mostrar en qué consiste este núcleo básico de análisis, dando cuenta de los pasos necesarios para llevarlo a cabo. Además, se revisan técnicas concretas para la detección de temas, se presentan ejemplos haciendo uso del software Atlas.ti, y se muestran las formas posibles de presentación de los resultados.

Abstract Within the research process, the analysis of the data emerges as one of the most important steps. In qualitative research, the analysis of data is a difficult task for even the most experienced researchers and often brings up many doubts about the way to implement it. It is therefore necessary to have material that facilitates the analysis process. Even though there are numerous manuals that focus on the analysis of qualitative data, researchers often can be confused with the large number of names that this type of analysis receives (e.g. Thematic Analysis, Content Analysis) or with the various qualitative methods (e.g. Phenomenology, Grounded Theory) that are available. Each of these qualitative approaches presents a particular language to detail the research process, which makes it difficult to recognize common aspects shared by these methods. Recently, the American Psychological Association has emphasized the need to identify, within the various qualitative methods and procedures, shared standards for reporting this type of work. In agreement with the above, several qualitative researchers have pointed out that beyond the aforementioned diversity it is possible to identify a basic core with regard to qualitative analysis, without having to match the different perspectives of the qualitative method, such as Grounded Theory, Ethnography ore Phenomenology. Focusing on this communality will facilitate a simpler and clearer approach to the data analysis process. The analysis process mainly involves 1) data condensation, and 2) presentation of results. Following this line, the present manuscript aims to: (a) develop what the basic core of data analysis consists of, (b) show the necessary steps to carry out this analysis process, (c) review specific techniques for the detection of categories, (d) present examples using the Atlas.ti software, and (e) show the possible ways of presenting the results. Researchers have realized the importance of having methodological works that facilitate the analysis of qualitative data, and allow answering the question: What does qualitative analysis look like in practice?. The development of this type of work pretends on the one hand to facilitate the understanding of the process of qualitative data analysis and, on the other hand, serve to shape better and in a more standard way which was the data analysis procedure applied in the respective investigations. This material should be taken as a first step in the understanding of the process, and it should not be understood that the qualitative analysis is reduced only to what is developed in this article. For example, in the first level grouping step or first coding cycle, the researcher can make use of 25 different types or forms of coding (e.g., live coding). Even so, the development of works such as the present manuscript is intended to facilitate the understanding and reporting the process of qualitative data analysis. Beyond the name with which the researcher calls the analysis procedure carried out, it is relevant to report in his works the basic steps (i.e. Identification, First and Second Level of Categorization), and the specific techniques used to detect categories or topics (e.g. repetition or similarities). Likewise, it is advisable to follow the guidelines recently published by the APA for the publication of qualitative research. We hope that this material will be useful especially for new researchers who need an introductory text to carry out the qualitative data analysis.

Psicol. pesq ; 12(2): 47-56, jul.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-955718


O artigo aborda aspectos metodológicos da análise de material audiovisual em pesquisa qualitativa e oferece um modelo simplificado para ajudar o pesquisador a fazer uso combinado de análise verbal e dados visuais em entrevistas gravadas em vídeo, com o suporte do ATLAS.ti.Como exemplo foram usadas as filmagens de relatos de imigrantes de sua experiência no Brasil, em que procurou-se identificar relações entre expressões faciais emocionais negativas e positivas dos imigrantes e o teor de seus depoimentos. Os resultados indicam que as expressões emocionais cumprem funções de acentuar, contradizer e substituir os relatos verbais dos imigrantes. Em alguns casos identificou-se supressão de manifestações emocionais, mesmo em depoimentos mais negativos. Os passos para a análise no ATLAS.ti são apresentados com ilustrações.

The article discusses methodological aspects to guide the audiovisual analysis in qualitative research offering a simplified model to help the researcher to make a combined use of verbal and visual analysis of videotaped interviews with ATLAS.ti support. As an example it was taken the immigrants reports about their experiences in Brazil trying to identify relationships between positive and negative emotional facial expressions of immigrants and the content of their testimony. The results indicate that emotional expressions fulfill different functions such as emphasizing, contradicting and replacing the verbal reports of immigrants. In some cases we identify the suppression of immigrant emotional manifestations, even in the most negative statements. The steps for analysis in ATLAS.ti are presented with illustrations.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 7(2): 2704-2716, abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-973514


Resumen El tema de investigación nace de los datos obtenidos en una investigación anterior sobre clima organizacional realizada por los mismos autores, donde el factor «Comunicación¼ fue el más llamativo. En el presente estudio se determina el proceso de comunicación de las empresas afiliadas a la Cámara Nacional del Calzado (CALTU), provincia de Tungurahua (Ecuador). Es una investigación de tipo exploratorio, descriptivo, cualitativo, fenomenológico, inductivo, hermenéutico-dialéctico, no experimental, transversal. Se aplican entrevistas en profundidad a los gerentes/propietarios de las empresas de calzado. El procesamiento de datos se realiza a través del software Atlas.ti, herramienta informática que facilita el análisis cualitativo de datos textuales. El análisis metodológico de los resultados se apoya en la teoría fundamentada, cuyo principio básico es la construcción de teoría partiendo directamente de los datos obtenidos, y no de supuestos a priori, de otras investigaciones o de marcos existentes. Se concluye que los entrevistados entienden la comunicación organizacional básicamente como la comunicación con el trabajador. Y la comunicación técnica es más fluida que la comunicación personal: existe apertura para la comunicación ascendente y para las sugerencias del personal, siempre y cuando la comunicación se relacione con la información necesaria para la ejecución de las tareas.

Abstract The research topic arises from the data obtained in an earlier research on Organizational Climate conducted by the same authors, where the «Communication¼ factor was the most striking. In the present study, the communication process of the companies affiliated to the National Shoe Chamber (CALTU), Tungurahua, Ecuador, is determined. It is an investigation of type: exploratory, descriptive, qualitative, phenomenological, inductive, hermeneutic-dialectical, non-experimental, transversal. In-depth interviews are conducted with managers/owners of footwear companies. The data processing is done through Atlas.ti software, a computer tool that facilitates the qualitative analysis of textual data. The methodological analysis of the results is based on the Grounded Theory, whose fundamental principle is the construction of theory starting directly from the data obtained, and not from a priori assumptions, from other research or from existing frameworks. It concludes that interviewees understand organizational communication basically as communication with the worker. And technical communication is more fluid than personal communication: there is openness to the upward communication and to the suggestions of the staff, as long as the communication is related to the information necessary for the execution of the tasks.

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 17(1/2): 25-32, nov 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-641825


Se presentan resultados parciales de un proyecto de investigación en el que se realiza un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las "intervenciones del psicoterapeuta" en un grupo psicoterapéutico de niños entre 6 y 8 años y en el grupo de orientación a sus respectivos padres o adultos responsables. "Intervenciones del psicoterapeuta" es una de las varias familias de códigos que conforman un Manual de Códigos, elaborado en investigaciones anteriores y actuales y en constante revisión, enmarcadas en la Teoría de las Relaciones Objetales. Los códigos se aplican a los registros observacionales de grupos psicoterapéuticos psicoanalíticos de niños entre 6 y 8 años y a grupos de orientación a sus respectivos adultos responsables. El procesamiento se realiza mediante el software Atlas-ti. Las intervenciones más frecuentes en ambos grupos y en orden decreciente son: "señalamiento", "pregunta" e"interpretación", y específicamente en el grupo psicoterapéutico de niños, "marcación del encuadre".

This paper presents partial results of a research project which undergo a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the "psychotherapist's interventions" in a psychotherapy group of children aged between 6 and 8 and in an orientation group for their parents or responsible adults. "Psychotherapist's interventions" is one of several families of codes that conforms the Manual of Codes, elaborated at present and previous researches; it is in constant revision, within the framework of the Object Relations Theory. Codes are applied to textual observational records of psychoanalytic psychotherapy groups of children between 6 and 8 years old and orientation groups for their respective responsible adults. The data processing is done through the software Atlas-ti. The most frequent interventions in both groups, in descending order are: "signaling", "information request" and "interpretation", and specifically in the group psychotherapy of children, "setting marking".

Investig. psicol ; 8(2): 121-135, 2003.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-727920


En este artículo se exponen algunos aspectos de la “cocina metodológica” de un estudio que forma parte de una investigación empírica en curso sobre proceso terapéutico y cambio psíquico. Desde una estrategia teórico-metodológica cualitativa, se analizan los registros observacionales de sesiones de psicoterapia psicoanalítica grupal de niños y de sesiones de orientación a sus padres o adultos responsables durante los primeros seis meses de tratamiento. El análisis se desarrolla en equipo y con la asistencia del software ATLAS.ti, un programa específico para el procesamiento y el análisis de datos cualitativos. Se presentan y ejemplifican algunas de las principales decisiones de diseño tomadas y los avances producidos en la construcción colectiva de códigos para el análisis cualitativo de los registros observacionales de sesiones de psicoterapia grupal.

Humans , Empirical Research , Psychotherapy , Software , Data Collection