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Audiol., Commun. res ; 26: e2442, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285379


RESUMO Este artigo apresenta as contribuições do uso de um sistema de Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa de alta tecnologia no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicacionais de uma criança com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA). Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso com uma criança de 2 anos e 2 meses, durante 24 sessões de terapia, ao longo de oito meses. Como instrumentos de avaliação, foram utilizados o Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist e o protocolo Avaliação da Comunicação no Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo. Durante as intervenções, utilizou-se o método Desenvolvimento das Habilidades Comunicacionais no Autismo e, como recurso de Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa, a prancha de alta tecnologia do aplicativo aBoard. De acordo com os resultados, após as intervenções foram observadas melhoras nos escores dos instrumentos de avaliação, quanto às habilidades de expressão, compreensão e interação social. Além disso, observou-se aumento do vocabulário da criança, com aquisição de novas categorias lexicais; realização de solicitações de objetos fora do alcance visual, utilizando a Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa, e melhor comunicação social no contexto familiar e educacional. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, puderam ser observadas as contribuições do uso de um sistema de alta tecnologia assistiva de Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicacionais de uma criança com TEA.

ABSTRACT This article presents the contributions of using a high-tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system in the development of the communication skills of a child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). For this, a case study was carried out with a two-year-and-two-month-old child during 24 therapy sessions over 8 months. As assessment instruments, the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) and the protocol for Communication Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder (COATEA) were used. During the interventions, the Development of Communication Skills in Autism (DCSA) method was used and, as an AAC resource, the high-tech board from the aBoard app. Postintervention results showed improvements in the scores of the evaluation instruments for skills of expression, comprehension, and social interaction. The child's vocabulary also increased, with the acquisition of new lexical categories; initiative to request objects beyond his visual reach with the AAC; and better social communication in the family and educational context. The results point to contributions of the use of a high-tech assistive system of AAC in the development of communication skills of a child with ASD.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Self-Help Devices , Child Language , Communication Aids for Disabled , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 37(1): 30-33, mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-967013


El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo con amplia problemática psicosocial y neurocognitiva. El uso de estrategias estructuradas en el abordaje de las personas con TEA es una metodología con reconocimiento internacional de utilidad. En la práctica clínica del equipo de diagnóstico y tratamiento del Servicio de Salud Mental Pediátrica del Hospital Italiano de Buenos aires (HIBA) se utilizan las mismas y también otras herramientas como la adquisición del lenguaje a través de la escritura en computadora. Así, es importante compartir la experiencia clínica en el empleo de diferentes estrategias de abordaje en la población con TEA. También, debatir los alcances de la utilización de herramientas tecnológicas en este abordaje y entretanto pensar diferentes formas de validar la utilización de dichas aplicaciones e intervenciones tecnológicas en el TEA. Evaluando sus ventajas y desventajas, buscamos generar un modelo educativo y terapéutico más integrador, centrado en la comunicación y la facilitación de la motivación y la expresividad, para homogeneizar a profesionales y padres con el mundo de los niños con TEA. Esperamos que el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos permita recolectar datos e información clave que luego se podrán utilizar para realizar distintos estudios que arrojen luz sobre aspectos vinculados al desarrollo psicológico-cognitivo de personas con TEA. Es una valiosa opción para considerar por los profesionales entre las alternativas de intervención terapéutica, y que a su vez ayude tanto a plantear nuevas hipótesis en este campo como a ofrecer herramientas ccesibles, innovadoras y eficaces que entrenen y faciliten la tarea de los profesionales de la salud mental. (AU)

The Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevlopmental disorder with a wider psicosocial and neurocognitive problematic. The use of structured strategies in dealing with people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an useful and internationally recognized methodology. In the clinical practice of diagnostic and treatment team of the service of Pediatric Mental Health of the HIBA, these and also other tools such as language acquisition through writing computer are used. So it is important to share clinical experience using different strategies in the population with ASD. Also, discuss the scope of the use of technological tools in this approach and while thinking about different ways to validate the use of such applications and technological interventions in ASD. Assessing their advantages and disadvantages, we seek to create a more inclusive educational and therapeutic model, focused on communication and facilitation of motivation and expression, to homogenize professionals and arents with the ASD children world. We hope that the use of technological devices allow the collection of data and valuable key information which can then be used to conduct studies that shed light on aspects related to psychological and cognitive development in people with ASD. It is a valuable option to consider for professionals in alternative therapeutic intervention, which in turn will help both raise new hypotheses in this field as well as providing accessible, innovative and efficient tools to train and facilitate the work of mental health professionals. (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Autistic Disorder/therapy , Mobile Applications , Language Therapy/methods , Quality of Life/psychology , Autistic Disorder/psychology , Cognition , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/therapy , Social Communication Disorder/psychology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-72469


Locked-in Syndrome is a severe pontine stroke causing quadriplegia, lower cranial nerve paralysis, and mutism with preservation of only vertical gaze and upper eyelid movement in a conscious patient. We present a case of a Locked-in Syndrome patient who received communication training with augmentative and alternative communication equipment by using eye blinks. After 3 weeks of training, the patient was able to make an attempt to interact with other people, and associate a new word by Korean alphabet selection. Augmentative and alternative communication equipment which uses eye blinks might be considered to be beneficial in improving the communication skills of locked-in syndrome patients.

Humans , Communication Aids for Disabled , Cranial Nerves , Eye , Eyelids , Mutism , Paralysis , Quadriplegia , Stroke
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959110


@#Rehabilitation and related professions have grown rapidly in China during this decade. Quality of life becomes a top priority after acute care service has been delivered. Communication is a unique and essential skill of humans and is one of the main factors influencing quality of life. People share their ideas with each other and advocate for their rights by communicating. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the general concepts of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The paper includes a brief explanation of AAC, types of AAC, targeted populations benefitted by AAC, principles of a language-based service delivery, and a discussion of interdisciplinary team member roles.>Rehabilitation and related professions have grown rapidly in China during this decade. Quality of life becomes a top priority >after acute care service has been delivered. Communication is a unique and essential skill of humans and is one of the main factors influencing >quality of life. People share their ideas with each other and advocate for their rights by communicating. The purpose of this paper is to introduce>the general concepts of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The paper includes a brief explanation of AAC, types>of AAC, targeted populations benefitted by AAC, principles of a language-based service delivery, and a discussion of interdisciplinary team>member roles