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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(3): e00141523, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550196


Abstract This study aimed to examine gender differences in distress and well-being two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, analyzing risk and protective factors for psychological distress and subjective well-being. It is a repeated cross-sectional study with a sample of 1,588 women (50%) and men (50%) from the general Spanish population aged 18-74 years who were assessed online by seven questionnaires and scales. Descriptive, variance, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed. From February to April 2022, 57.4% of women and 38.7% of men had psychological distress, percentages that totaled 50.5% and 41.5%, respectively, from October 2022 to February 2023. Women also had greater perceived vulnerability to diseases, more negative feelings, and lower affect balance, resilience, and self-esteem than men. The most important predictors of greater psychological distress refer to lower self-esteem, resilience, and social support and higher perceived vulnerability to diseases. Other statistically significant predictors included lower educational level in women and neither being married nor living with a partner in men. Lower self-esteem also best predicted lower subjective well-being, with lower social support and lower resilience also constituting significant predictors. Moreover, lower educational level and higher perceived vulnerability to diseases statistically and significantly predicted lower subjective well-being in women, as did not being a student in men. We conclude that psychological distress remains greatly prevalent in Spain two years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in women.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las diferencias de género en distrés psicológico y en el bienestar a dos años del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, analizando factores de riesgo y de protección para distrés psicológico y bienestar subjetivo. Se trata de un estudio transversal repetido con una muestra de 1.588 individuos de la población general de España, 50% mujeres y 50% hombres, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 74 años. Los participantes fueron evaluados en línea mediante 7 cuestionarios y escalas. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, de varianza y de regresión múltiple jerárquica. Entre febrero y abril del 2022, el 57,4% de las mujeres y el 38,7% de los hombres presentaron distrés psicológico, con porcentajes del 50,5% y 41,5%, respectivamente, entre octubre del 2022 y febrero del 2023. Las mujeres también presentaron una mayor vulnerabilidad percibida a la enfermedad, más sentimientos negativos, menos equilibrio afectivo y menor resiliencia y autoestima que los hombres. Los indicadores más importantes de un mayor distrés psicológico fueron la baja autoestima, la baja resiliencia, el escaso apoyo social y una mayor vulnerabilidad percibida a la enfermedad. Otros indicadores estadísticamente significativos fueron los siguientes: bajo nivel de educación entre las mujeres y no estar casado o no vivir con una compañera entre los hombres. La baja autoestima también fue el mejor indicador de un bajo bienestar subjetivo; además, el escaso apoyo social y la baja resiliencia también fueron indicadores importantes. Además, el bajo nivel de educación y la alta vulnerabilidad percibida a la enfermedad fueron indicadores estadísticamente significativos de bajo bienestar subjetivo entre las mujeres y de no ser estudiantes entre los hombres. Concluimos que el distrés psicológico sigue siendo muy prevalente en España dos años después del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, especialmente entre las mujeres.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as diferenças de gênero em estresse psicológico e no bem-estar dois anos após o início da pandemia da COVID-19, analisando fatores de risco e de proteção para estresse psicológico e bem-estar subjetivo. Este foi um estudo transversal repetido com amostra de 1.588 indivíduos da população geral da Espanha - 50% do sexo feminino e 50% do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 74 anos. Os participantes foram avaliados online por meio de sete questionários e escalas. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, de variância e de regressão múltipla hierárquica. Entre fevereiro e abril de 2022, 57,4% das mulheres e 38,7% dos homens apresentaram estresse psicológico, com porcentagens de 50,5% e 41,5%, respetivamente, entre outubro de 2022 e fevereiro de 2023. As mulheres também apresentaram maior vulnerabilidade percebida à doença, mais sentimentos negativos, menor equilíbrio afetivo e menor resiliência e autoestima do que os homens. Os indicadores mais importantes de maior estresse psicológico foram baixa autoestima, baixa resiliência, baixo apoio social e maior vulnerabilidade percebida à doença. Outros indicadores estatisticamente significativos foram: baixo nível de escolaridade entre as mulheres e não ser casado ou não viver com uma companheira entre os homens. Baixa autoestima também foi o melhor indicador de baixo bem-estar subjetivo; além disso, baixo apoio social e baixa resiliência também foram indicadores significativos. Além disso, baixo nível de escolaridade e alta vulnerabilidade percebida à doença foram indicadores estatisticamente significativos de baixo bem-estar subjetivo entre as mulheres e de não ser estudante entre os homens. Concluímos que estresse psicológico ainda é muito prevalente na Espanha dois anos após o início da pandemia da COVID-19, principalmente entre as mulheres.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 245-263, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448493


Resumen El concepto de bienestar subjetivo se refiere a la forma global, positiva o negativa, en la que las personas evalúan sus vidas y experiencias. La búsqueda de factores que expliquen el bienestar subjetivo, actualmente uno de los temas de mayor interés en la psicología, condujo al concepto de satisfacciones de dominios, que se entienden como los juicios que las personas hacen al evaluar los mayores dominios de vida. Este estudio correlacional tuvo por objetivo establecer la relación de la satisfacción en los dominios económico, de pareja, familia, amigos, salud, vida universitaria y rendimiento académico, con los componentes cognitivo y emocional del bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción vital y felicidad, respectivamente), identificando cuáles de esos dominios lo predicen. La muestra, no probabilística, estuvo conformada por 344 estudiantes de una universidad pública colombiana (50.9 % mujeres y 49.1 % hombres) con edades entre 18 y 29 años (. = 20.89; DT = 2.52). Los resultados mostraron una fuerte relación de todos los dominios con el bienestar subjetivo. La satisfacción en los dominios económico, de pareja, familia, amigos y vida universitaria explicó la varianza de la satisfacción vital y la felicidad en forma diferenciada. Se concluye que: (a) el bienestar se afecta con la satisfacción de necesidades asociadas a los dominios cercanos e importantes para el individuo; (b) las satisfacciones de dominios impactan más el componente cognitivo del bienestar que el emocional; (c) el dominio económico satisface más necesidades cognitivas, la amistad suple necesidades emocionales, y la pareja, la familia y la vida universitaria satisfacen ambas.

Abstract The concept of subjective well-being refers to the overall positive or negative way in which people evaluate their lives and experiences. It is generally accepted that subjective well-being is made up of a cognitive component usually called satisfaction with life or life satisfaction and an emotional component usually referred to as happiness. The search for factors that explain subjective well-being is currently one of the most interesting topics in psychology and led to the concept of domain satisfactions, which are understood as the judgments that people make when evaluating the major domains of life. It refers to the perceived degree of satisfaction that we obtain from the way in which each of these main domains or areas of our lives are developed. This correlational study with predictive intent aimed at establishing the relationship of satisfaction in the economic, couple, family, friends, health, university life, and academic performance domains, with the cognitive and emotional components of subjective well-being (life satisfaction and happiness, respectively), identifying which of these domains predict well-being. The non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, was made up of 344 women and men (50.9 % and 49.1 % respectively) between 18 and 29 years of age (M = 20.89); SD = 2.52), students from an important Colombian public university based in the city of Palmira. The instruments, which include the Diener's life satisfaction and Lyubomirsky and Lepper's happiness scales, and simple items for each domain satisfaction studied (economic, couple, family, friends, health, university life, and academic performance) were answered in a format printed by 64 % of the participants and in virtual format by 36 %, according to their own choice. The results showed that all domain satisfactions were significantly related to both the cognitive and the emotional components of subjective well-being. The results also showed that except for satisfaction with health and academic performance, all other domain satisfactions predicted at least one of the components of subjective well-being. In general, domain satisfactions explained the variance of satisfaction and happiness much better than sociodemographic variables. Thus, it was confirmed that the psychological significance of events that occur in the main areas of people´s lives have much more relevance to well-being than situational factors such as sociodemographic ones. In a different sense, and order of impact, satisfaction with the economic domain, satisfaction with university life, and satisfaction with the couple emerged as the domains that had the greatest influence on life satisfaction, and satisfaction with friends and satisfaction with university life emerged as the strongest predictors of happiness. The results suggest that well-being is especially affected by the satisfaction of needs associated with the closest domains and more important to the individual. These would include the economic domain and relationships that involve affections, but also other domains that, for specific reasons, occupy a relevant place in the individual's internal hierarchy of importance, which may vary among cultures and even among people of the same culture. The above conclusion could explain, among other findings, the significant impact of satisfaction with university life on subjective well-being. The results also suggest that, in general, domain satisfactions have a greater impact on the cognitive component of well-being than on the emotional component, and that, in particular, domains such as economics fundamentally satisfy cognitive needs, friendship fundamentally satisfy emotional needs, and other domains such as couple, family and university life, satisfy both cognitive and emotional needs. This would demonstrate the importance of applying differentiated instruments to study the cognitive and emotional components of well-being.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440536


Introducción: El bienestar del adulto mayor constituye una prioridad del Sistema Sanitario, por lo que es necesario contar con instrumentos válidos y confiables para su evaluación. Objetivo: Validar la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Carol Ryff, en una muestra de adultos mayores con diagnóstico presuntivo de osteoartrosis de rodilla, de la provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba. Métodos: Se asumió el paradigma de investigación cuantitativo y un tipo de estudio instrumental. La selección muestral fue probabilística, conformada por 170 adultos mayores. Se aplicó el instrumento Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Carol Ryff (42 aspectos); para el procesamiento de la información se emplearon las pruebas estadísticas: coeficiente alpha de Cronbach y el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio. Resultados: Se determinó una estructura coherente de 5 factores: autoaceptación, propósito en la vida, dominio del entorno, autonomía y relaciones positivas con los demás. Se apreció una elevada consistencia interna de la escala global y sus dimensiones, así como adecuadas correlaciones entre los diversos aspectos. Conclusión: El instrumento posee adecuadas propiedades psicométricas y permite evaluar el constructo en esta población.

Introduction: the well-being of the elderly is a priority of the health system, that is why valid and reliable instruments are necessary for its evaluation. Objective: to validate the Carol Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale in a sample of older adults from Villa Clara province, Cuba with a presumptive diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. Methods: a quantitative and instrumental research was assumed. The sample selection was probabilistic, made up of 170 older adults with this condition. The Carol Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale was applied (42 items); statistical tests were used for information processing such as Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Exploratory Factor Analysis. Results: a coherent factorial structure of 5 factors was determined: self-acceptance, purpose in life, environmental mastery, autonomy, and positive relationships with others. A high internal consistency of the global scale and its dimensions were observed, as well as adequate inter-item correlations. Conclusion: the instrument has adequate psychometric properties and allows us to evaluate the construct in this population.

Osteoarthritis , Personal Satisfaction , Aged , Reproducibility of Results
Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(1)mayo 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431142


As competências socioemocionais têm chamado a atenção de pesquisadores e programas de treinamento de habilidades socioemocionais têm sido desenvolvidos em muitos países. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral produzir normas para a escala de competências socioemocionais de estudantes universitários e analisar seu poder preditivo sobre o bem-estar subjetivo. A coleta foi realizada com uma amostra total de 1.020 estudantes de diversos cursos de graduação, de duas instituições de ensino particular do Distrito Federal. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos. O primeiro foi a escala de competências socioemocionais para estudantes universitários, de Souza, Faiad e Rueda (2021), que realiza a investigação de seis fatores. O segundo instrumento, destinado a mensuração do bem-estar subjetivo, foi composto pela escala de afetos positivos e negativos, de Zanon e Hutz (2014) e a escala de satisfação com a vida, de Zanon, Bardagi, Layous e Hutz (2013). Para análise dos dados foram realizados cálculos de correlações de Pearson e análises de modelos de regressão linear múltipla. Quanto aos resultados, normas para fins de diagnóstico foram produzidas para a população geral. Os resultados mostraram também que a maioria dos fatores de competências socioemocionais para estudantes universitários se correlacionaram significativamente com bem-estar subjetivo e foram capazes de predizer o bem-estar subjetivo. Concluiu-se que a escala de competência socioemocionais de estudante universitários pode ser utilizada para fins de diagnóstico, principalmente por apresentar um estudo normativo.

Socio-emotional skills have attracted the attention of researchers and training programs for socio-emotional skills have been developed worldwide. The general objective of this study was to produce norms for the socio-emotional competence scale of university students, as well as to analyze its predictive power on subjective well-being. The collection was carried out with a total sample of 1,020 students from different undergraduate courses, from two private educational institutions in the Federal District, in Brazil. Two instruments were used for data collection. The first was the Social-emotional Skills Scale for University Students, by Souza et al. (2021), which carries out the investigation of six factors. The second instrument, designed to measure subjective well-being, was composed of the Positive and Negative Affects Scale, by Zanon and Hutz (2014) and the Life Satisfaction Scale, by Zanon et al. (2013). For data analysis, calculations of Pearson correlations and analysis of multiple linear regression models were performed. As for the results, standards for diagnostic purposes were produced for the general population. The results also showed that most factors of socio-emotional competence for university students were significantly correlated with subjective well-being and others were able to predict subjective well-being. It is concluded that the Socio-emotional Competence Scale of University Students can be used for diagnostic purposes, mainly because it presents a normative study.

Las habilidades socioemocionales han llamado la atención de los investigadores y se han desarrollado programas de formación en habilidades socioemocionales en todo el mundo. El objetivo general de este estudio fue producir normas para la escala de competencia socioemocional de estudiantes universitarios, así como analizar su poder predictivo sobre el bienestar subjetivo. La recolección se realizó con una muestra total de 1.020 estudiantes de diferentes carreras de grado, de dos instituciones educativas privadas del Distrito Federal, en Brasil. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos para la recolección de datos. La primera fue la Escala de habilidades socioemocionales para estudiantes universitarios de Souza et al. (2021), que lleva a cabo la investigación de seis factores. El segundo instrumento, destinado a medir el bienestar subjetivo, estuvo compuesto por la Escala de afectos positivos y negativos, de Zanon y Hutz (2014) y la Escala de satisfacción con la vida, de Zanon et al. (2013). Para el análisis de datos, se realizaron cálculos de correlaciones de Pearson y análisis de modelos de regresión lineal múltiple. En cuanto a los resultados, se elaboraron estándares con fines diagnósticos para la población general. Los resultados también mostraron que la mayoría de los factores de competencia socioemocional para estudiantes universitarios se correlacionaron significativamente con el bienestar subjetivo y otros fueron capaces de predecir el bienestar subjetivo. Se concluye que la escala de competencia socioemocional de estudiantes universitarios puede ser utilizada con fines diagnósticos, principalmente porque presenta un estudio normativo.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e241608, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448958


O distanciamento social ocasionado pela pandemia de Covid-19 levou a profundas mudanças na rotina das famílias com crianças pequenas, aumentando o estresse no ambiente doméstico. Este estudo analisou a experiência de planejamento e implementação de um projeto de extensão universitária que ofereceu orientação a pais com filhos de 0 a 11 anos por meio de chamadas de áudio durante a pandemia. O protocolo de atendimento foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de famílias de baixa renda e listava problemas específicos relacionados ao confinamento em casa e ao fechamento das escolas seguidos por uma variedade de estratégias de enfrentamento. A análise de 223 queixas relatadas pelos usuários em 130 ligações revelou que 94% dos problemas referidos pelos pais foram contemplados pelo protocolo de atendimento e estavam relacionados aos problemas externalizantes (39%) ou internalizantes (26%) das crianças ou ao declínio do bem-estar subjetivo dos pais (29%). Serviços de apoio devem orientar os pais quanto ao uso de práticas responsivas e assertivas que promovam o bem-estar emocional da criança e estabeleçam expectativas comportamentais em contextos estressantes. A diminuição dos conflitos entre pais e filhos resultante do uso dessas estratégias tende a reduzir o sofrimento dos pais, aumentando sua sensação de bem-estar subjetivo. Recomenda-se ampla divulgação dessas iniciativas e seguimento dos casos.(AU)

The social distancing the COVID-19 pandemic entailed has led to profound changes in the routine of families with young children, increasing stress in the home environment. This study analyzed the experience of planning and implementing a university extension program that offered support to parents with children from 0 to 11 years old via audio calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service protocol was developed to meet the needs of low-income families and listed specific problems related to home confinement and school closure followed by a variety of coping strategies. The analysis of 223 complaints reported by users in 130 calls revealed that 94% of the problems reported by parents were addressed by the protocol and were related to children's externalizing (39%) or internalizing (26%) problems or to the decline in parents' subjective well-being (29%). Support services should guide parents on the use of responsive and assertive practices that promote the child's emotional well-being and set behavioral expectations in stressful contexts. The reduction in conflicts between parents and children resulting from the use of these strategies tends to reduce parents' suffering, increasing their sense of subjective well-being. Wide dissemination of these initiatives and case follow-up are recommended.(AU)

La distancia social causada por la pandemia de COVID-19 condujo a cambios profundos en la rutina de las familias con niños pequeños, aumentando el estrés en el entorno del hogar. Este estudio analizó la experiencia de planificar e implementar un proyecto de extensión universitaria que ofreció orientación a los padres con niños de cero a 11 años a través de llamadas de audio durante la pandemia COVID-19. El protocolo de atención se desarrolló para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias de bajos ingresos y enumeró problemas específicos relacionados con el confinamiento en el hogar y el cierre de la escuela, seguido de una variedad de estrategias de afrontamiento. El análisis de 223 quejas informadas por los usuarios en 130 llamadas reveló que el 94% de los problemas informados por los padres fueron abordados por el protocolo de atención y estaban relacionados con los problemas de externalización (39%) o internalización (26%) de los niños o la disminución del bienestar subjetivo de los padres (29%). Los servicios de apoyo deberían aconsejar a los padres sobre el uso de prácticas receptivas y asertivas que promuevan el bienestar emocional del niño y establezcan expectativas de comportamiento en contextos estresantes. La reducción de los conflictos entre padres e hijos como resultado del uso de estas estrategias tiende a reducir el sufrimiento de los padres, aumentando su sensación de bienestar subjetivo. Se recomienda una amplia difusión de estas iniciativas y seguimiento de casos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Orientation , Parents , Personal Satisfaction , Child , Problem Behavior , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Play and Playthings , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychomotor Agitation , Quality of Life , Reading , Recreation , Remedial Teaching , Respiratory Tract Infections , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , School Health Services , Self Concept , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Conditions , Social Conformity , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Telephone , Temperament , Therapeutics , Time , Unemployment , Violence , Behavior Therapy , Work Hours , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Child Abuse, Sexual , Boredom , Neurosciences , Virus Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Exercise , Divorce , Child Abuse , Child Development , Mental Health , Mass Vaccination , Relaxation Therapy , Immunization , Self-Injurious Behavior , Civil Rights , Parenting , Panic Disorder , Interview , Cognition , Domestic Violence , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Lecture , Disabled Children , Wit and Humor , Internet , Creativity , Crisis Intervention , Crying , Disaster Vulnerability , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Death , Friends , Aggression , Depression , Drive , Economics , Education, Special , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Faculty , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fear , Binge Drinking , Meals , Return to Work , Hope , Optimism , Pessimism , Self-Control , Phobia, Social , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Screen Time , Disgust , Sadness , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Psychosocial Intervention , Teleworking , Financial Stress , Food Insecurity , Sentiment Analysis , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Government , Guilt , Holistic Health , Homeostasis , Hospitalization , Household Work , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Anger , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Mental Disorders
rev. psicogente ; 25(48): 177-203, jul.-dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424782


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar en qué medida la salud mental y bienestar subjetivo son predichas por el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Temuco, Chile. Método: Una muestra no probabilística de 151 estudiantes universitarios de quinto año o superior de su respectiva carrera universitaria respondió a medidas de salud mental (DASS-21), de bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción con la vida y felicidad subjetiva), y del nivel de endeudamiento asumido para financiar sus estudios universitarios. Los análisis incluyeron regresiones lineales múltiples jerárquicas donde se incluyeron como variables independientes la variable género en un primer paso y el endeudamiento por créditos universitarios en el segundo paso. En cada regresión se incluyó un factor de salud mental y de bienestar subjetivo como variable dependiente. Resultados: Resultados indican que el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio predice significativa- mente satisfacción con la vida (F(2, 148) = 5,95, p = 0,003, R2Adjusted = 0,06; β =-0,16, p = 0,049), pero no predice felicidad subjetiva (p = n.s.) (factores de bienestar subjetivo), sintomatología depresiva (p = n.s.), ansiosa (p = n.s.), ni estrés (p = n.s.) (factores de salud mental). Conclusión: Resultados del estudio sugieren que los estudiantes universitarios pudieran percibir el endeudamiento estudiantil como una inversión hacia el futuro lo que pudiera operar como un factor protector de su salud mental y bienestar subjetivo.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate if debt due to university loans predicts mental health and subjective well-being in university students of Temuco, Chile. Method: A non-probabilistic sample of 151 last-year university students completed measures of mental health (DASS-21), of subjective well-being (satisfaction with life, and subjective happiness), and debt levels due to student loans. Analyses included hierarchical multiple linear regressions where gender was entered in a first step and debt due to university loans on a second step as independent variables. Each regression considered a factor of mental health or a factor of subjective well-being as the dependent variable. Results: Results show that debt due to university loans predict predicts satisfaction with life (F(2, 148) = 5,95, p = 0,003, R2Adjusted = 0,06; β =-0,16, p = 0,049), but not subjective happiness (p = n.s.) (factors of subjective well-being), nor symptoms of depression (p = n.s.), anxiety (p = n.s.), or stress (p = n.s.) (factors of mental health). Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that university students may perceive student debt as an investment which may act as a protective factor of their mental health and subjective well-being.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 26(2): 110-122, nov. 28, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402000


Este es un estudio de desarrollo tecnológico en la elaboración de un instrumento computarizado para evaluar la autopercepción del bienestar académico, basado en la teoría del bienestar subjetivo de la Psicología Positiva. Tuvo como objetivo construir un instrumento y buscar evidencias de validez vía aplicación web como tecnología para evaluar el constructo bienestar académico en estudiantes universitarios. Investigación de campo, descriptiva y exploratoria, cuantitativa, con 702 académicos voluntarios de Universidades de diferentes regiones geopolíticas de Brasil Se identificó que la mayoría de los encuestados son del sexo femenino con un 76,9% (540), y se obtuvo un promedio de 23,79 para su edad, con una desviación estándar de 6,7. En la construcción del instrumento se obtuvieron factores relacionados con el contenido de bienestar académico, se definió un valor propio igual o superior a 0,44. Así, fueron evidenciados 03 Factores: Factor 01 -Autoconfianza y rendimiento académico profesional, con 27 ítems; Factor 02 -Apoyo social con 2 ítems; y Factor 3 -Limitaciones de desempeño autopercibidas, con 11 ítems. La escala total tuvo un Alfa de 0,90, con una versión final de 40 ítems. Las condiciones de validez están garantizadas, así como la fiabilidad de las tres subescalas y la escala completa. Tales aspectos de la evaluación del bienestar académico pueden ser utilizados en verificaciones posteriores al regreso de las actividades universitarias, identificando posibilidades de cambios en el escenario académico y estrategias de intervención y readaptaciones conductuales(AU)

It is a study of technological development in the elaboration of a computerized instrument to evaluate the self-perception of academic well-being, based on the theory of subjective well-being of Positive Psychology. It aimed to build an instrument and seek evidence of validity via web application as a technology to assess the academic well-being construct in university students. Field research, descriptive and exploratory, quantitative, with 702 volunteer academics from Universities from different geopolitical regions in Brazil. It was identified that the majority of respondents are female with 76.9% (540), and the average age of these was 23.79, being standard deviationde 6,7.In the construction of the instrument, factors related to the content of academic well-being were obtained, with an Eigenvalue equal to or greater than 0.44 was defined. Thus, 03 Factors were evidenced: Factor 01 -Self-confidence and professional academic achievement, with 27 items; Factor 02 -Social support with 2 items; and Factor 3 -Self-perceived limitations in performance, with 11 items. The total scale had an Alpha of 0.90 with 40 items in its final version. The validity conditions are guaranteed,together with the reliability of the three subscales and the full scale. Such aspects of the assessment of academic well-being can be used in subsequent verifications after the return of university activities, identifying possibilities for changes in the academic scenario and intervention strategies and behavioral readaptations(AU)

Trata-se de um estudo de desenvolvimento tecnológico na elaboração de um instrumento informatizado para avaliação da autopercepção do bem-estar acadêmico, com base na teoriado bem-estar subjetivo da Psicologia Positiva. Teve como objetivo construir um instrumento e buscar evidências de validade via aplicação web como tecnologia para avaliação do construto de bem-estar acadêmico em estudantes universitários. Investigação de campo, descritiva e exploratória, quantitativa, com 702 acadêmicos voluntários de Universidades de diferentes regiões geopolíticas no Brasil. Identificou-se que os respondentes em sua maioria são dosexo feminino com 76,9% (540), e obteve-se sobre a idade destes a média de 23,79, sendo desvio padrãode 6,7. Na construção do instrumento, obteve-se fatores relacionadas ao conteúdo do bem-estar acadêmico, com Eigenvalue igual ou superior a 0,44 foi definido. Assim, foram evidenciado 03 Fatores: Fator 01 -Autoconfiança e realização acadêmica profissional, com 27 itens; Fator 02 -Apoio social com 2 itens; e o Fator 3 -Limitações autopercebidas no rendimento, com 11 itens. A escala total apresentou um Alfa de 0,90, com versão final de 40 itens. Estando as condições de validade garantidas, juntamente com a confiabilidade, das três subescalas e da escala total asseguradas. Tais aspectos da avaliação do bem-estar acadêmico, podem ser empregados em verificações subsequentes ao retorno das atividades universitárias, identificando possibilidades de alterações no cenário acadêmico e estratégias de intervenções e readaptações comportamentais(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Webcasts as Topic , Academic Performance/psychology , Psychology, Positive , Students/psychology , Brazil , Factor Analysis, Statistical , COVID-19
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 94(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409130


RESUMEN Introducción: El bienestar subjetivo permite conocer lo que piensan y sienten las personas sobre sus vidas y su satisfacción vital. El bienestar subjetivo es importante en múltiples etapas de la vida, es por ello por lo que la UNICEF recomienda incorporarlo en estudios con niños, niñas y adolescentes. Objetivo: Analizar las principales herramientas de evaluación y sus propiedades que se utilizan en la medición del bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia en diferentes contextos de Latinoamérica. Métodos: La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus desde 2010 a 2020. Se siguieron lineamientos de PRISMA. Se extrajeron los métodos, instrumentos y resultados de cada estudio. Análisis e integración de la información: Se seleccionaron 14 artículos caracterizados según años, idiomas, países, edades promedio de participantes y enfoques metodológicos. Se detallan las principales medidas utilizadas y sus características psicométricas. Conclusiones: Las escalas para medir bienestar subjetivo tienen propiedades psicométricas sólidas y han podido ser utilizadas en diferentes contextos socioculturales y etapas del desarrollo infantojuvenil en Latinoamérica, entre ellas, el índice de bienestar personal, la escala de satisfacción con la vida, con la vida en general y con la vida estudiantil. Todas tienen una consistencia interna de alfa de Cronbach aceptables. El bienestar subjetivo se puede medir para reconocer la salud, nivel de vida, logros, seguridad, relaciones interpersonales, sentido de pertenencia, condiciones de vida, ideales, experiencias, y satisfacción con la vida de jóvenes que se encuentran inmersos en contextos de violencia doméstica, comunitaria, social como también, a nivel global.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Subjective well-being allows to know what people think and feel about their lives and their vital satisfaction. Subjective well-being is important at multiple stages of life, which is why UNICEF recommends incorporating it into studies with children and adolescents. Objective: Analyze the main evaluation tools and their properties that are used in the measurement of subjective well-being in adolescence in different contexts of Latin America. Methods: The search was performed in Web of Science and Scopus databases from 2010 to 2020. PRISMA guidelines were followed. There were extracted the methods, instruments and results of each study. Analysis and integration of information: 14 articles were selected characterized by years, languages, countries, average ages of participants and methodological approaches. The main measures used and their psychometric characteristics are detailed. Conclusions: The scales to measure subjective well-being have solid psychometric properties and have been used in different sociocultural contexts and stages of child and adolescent development in Latin America, including the personal well-being index, the satisfaction scale with life, with life in general and with student life. All have an acceptable internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha. Subjective well-being can be measured to recognize the health, standard of living, achievements, security, interpersonal relationships, sense of belonging, living conditions, ideals, experiences, and satisfaction with life of young people who are immersed in contexts of domestic, community, social violence as well as globally.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 203-217, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364265


Resumen La Escala de Bienestar Subjetivo (EBS-20) y su versión corta (EBS-8) fueron desarrolladas y validadas para medir en población hispanohablante la satisfacción con la vida y el afecto positivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue obtener evidencias adicionales de validez para la EBS-8. Para ello, se aplicó la escala en tres estudios sucesivos a un total de 2259 mexicanos de 12 a 81 años. Los resultados del primer estudio permitieron confirmar la estructura unifactorial (CMIN/DF = 2.336; CFI = .996; RMSEA = .047) y la adecuada confiabilidad de la escala (a = .958, co = .957); en el segundo se probó su invarianza de medición por sexo, grupo social y edad (A%2 p > .05, ACFI < .004, ARMSEA < .014); y en el tercer estudio se encontró, mediante la calibración de sus reactivos bajo la TRI, que la escala estima satisfactoriamente el constructo evaluado (a > 1.69; P1 entre -2.78 y -2.35). A partir de los índices psicométricos obtenidos, se concluye que la EBS-8 es un excelente instrumento breve construido en español para evaluar el bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes, jóvenes, adultos y adultos mayores.

Abstract The Subjective Well-Being Scale (EBS-20) and its short version (EBS-8) were developed and validated to measure life satisfaction and positive affect in a Spanish-speaking population. The aim of the present study was to obtain additional evidence of validity for the EBS-8. To this end, the scale was applied in three successive studies to a total of 2259 Mexicans aged 12 to 81 years. The results of the first study allowed us to confirm its unifactorial structure (CMIN/DF = 2.336; CFI = .996; RMSEA = .047) and its adequate reliability (a = .958, co = .957); in the second its measurement invariance by sex, social group and age was tested (A%2 p >. 05, ACFI < .004, ARMSEA < .014); and in the third study it was found, by calibrating its items under IRT, that the scale satisfactorily estimates the construct assessed (a > 1.69; b1 between -2.78 and -2.35). From the psychometric indices obtained, it is concluded that the EBS-8 is an excellent brief instrument constructed in Spanish to assess subjective well-being in adolescents, young people, adults and older adults.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(1): 232-254, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365873


Resumen (analítico) El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los efectos de la parentalidad en la autodeterminación y en la calidad de vida de los adolescentes. Participaron 544 adolescentes escolarizados (55% mujeres), entre los 13 y 18 años. Se analizó el efecto de la parentalidad en la autodeterminación de los adolescentes y en el bienestar subjetivo y psicológico con análisis de mediación. Se obtienen cuatro modelos significativos. Se utilizó el contraste de medidores de idoneidad. Se acepta la hipótesis de relación causal y explicativa de la parentalidad en la autodeterminación y el efecto en el bienestar subjetivo y el bienestar psicológico. Se concluye que la parentalidad incide significativamente en la autonomía y competencia en la adolescencia; sin embargo, la relación de autodeterminación genera un escaso aporte en el bienestar.

Abstract (analytical) The objective of this research was to determine the effects of parenting on self-determination and quality of life for adolescents. A total of 544 adolescents (55% female) between 13 and 18 years of age participated in the study. The effect of parenting on adolescent self-determination and subjective and psychological well-being is analyzed using mediation analysis. Four significant models are obtained. The fit-means test was used. The hypothesis of a causal and explanatory relationship of parenting on self-determination and the effect on subjective well-being and psychological well-being is accepted. It is concluded that parentality has a significant impact on autonomy and competence in adolescence. However, the self-determination relationship generates a low contribution to well-being.

Resumo (analítico) O objectivo desta investigação era determinar os efeitos da parentalidade na autodeterminação e qualidade de vida dos adolescentes. Um total de 544 adolescentes em idade escolar (55 % mulheres) entre os 13 e 18 anos de idade participaram no estudo. O efeito da parentalidade na autodeterminação dos adolescentes e no seu bem-estar subjectivo e psicológico foi analisado com a análise da mediação. Foram obtidos quatro modelos significativos. Utilizámos o teste de aptidão dos meios. É aceite a hipótese de relação causal e explicativa da parentalidade sobre a autodeterminação e o efeito sobre o bem-estar subjectivo e o bem-estar psicológico. Conclui-se que a parentalidade tem um impacto significativo na autonomia e competência na adolescência; contudo, a relação de autodeterminação gera uma escassa contribuição para o bem-estar.

Personal Satisfaction , Adolescent , Parenting
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20220401. 124 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1381064


Antecedentes: el insomnio es uno de los trastornos del sueño más prevalentes en adultos mayores, provocando un impacto físico, psicológico y social. Estudios reportan que el insomnio se asocia con somnolencia, disfuncionalidad física diurna, depresión, ansiedad, deterioro cognitivo y una mala percepción de bienestar subjetivo, representando un grave problema en el primer nivel de atención. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el insomnio con deterioro cognitivo y bienestar subjetivo en una población de adultos mayores. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio analítico y comparativo en una población de 107 adultos mayores de la Ciudad de México. Se aplicaron instrumentos de valoración gerontológica: la Escala Atenas de insomnio, el Índice de calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh, el Mini-examen del estado mental de Folstein, la Escala de Satisfacción con la vida de Diener y la Escala de Afecto positivo y Afecto negativo. En el análisis estadístico se calcularon frecuencias y porcentajes, χ² y t de Student, y como estimador de riesgo se empleó razón de momios con IC del 95%, así mismo, se realizaron pruebas de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia de insomnio del 57%, mala calidad del sueño del 76% y deterioro cognitivo del 24%. De los adultos mayores insomnes, 31% presentaron deterioro cognitivo (p=0.045) y 31% baja satisfacción con la vida (p=0.001). En relación con la dimensión afectiva del bienestar subjetivo, tuvieron puntajes menores de afecto positivo (33±9 vs 37±9, p=0.020) y puntaciones más altas de afecto negativo (21±9vs 16±6, p=0.002). De los adultos mayores con mala calidad del sueño, 30% presentaron deterioro cognitivo (p=0.017) y 27% baja satisfacción con la vida (p=0.001), y presentaron puntuaciones menores en el afecto positivo (33±9vs 39±8, p=0.005)en comparación con los adultos mayores con buena calidad del sueño. Se observó que 28% de los adultos mayores con sueño ≤6 horas presentaron baja satisfacción con la vida (p=0.042). También se encontró que el insomnio y la mala calidad del sueño fueron factores de riesgo para el deterioro cognitivo con una razón de momios de 1.52 y 4.05, respectivamente. En las pruebas de correlación se encontró que el insomnio y la mala calidad del sueño tuvieron correlaciones negativas con la funcionalidad cognitiva, la satisfacción con la vida y el afecto positivo, por otro lado, se observaron correlaciones positivas con el afecto negativo. La duración del sueño se correlacionó negativamente con la satisfacción con la vida. Conclusiones. nuestros resultados sugieren una relación entre el insomnio con deterioro cognitivo y baja satisfacción con la vida. Asimismo, los adultos mayores con insomnio tienen menor afecto positivo y mayor afecto negativo.

Background: insomnia is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders in older adults, causing physical, psychological and social impact. Studies report that insomnia is associated with sleepiness, daytime physical dysfunction, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment and a poor perception of subjective well-being, representing a serious problem at the first level of care. Objective: to determine the relationship between insomnia with cognitive impairment and subjective well-being in a population of older adults. Methods: an analytical and comparative study was carried out in a population of 107 older adults in Mexico City. Gerontological assessment instruments were applied: the Athens Insomnia Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Folstein's Mini-Mental State Examination, the Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale. In the statistical analysis, frequencies and percentages, χ² and Student's t test were calculated, and odds ratios with 95% CI were used as risk estimators, as well as Pearson correlation tests. Results: a prevalence of insomnia of 57%, poor sleep quality of 76% and cognitive impairment of 24% was found. Of the insomniac older adults, 31% presented cognitive impairment (p=0.045) and 31% low life satisfaction (p=0.001). In relation to the affective dimension of subjective well-being, they had lower scores of positive affect (33±9 vs 37±9, p=0.020) and higher scores of negative affect (21±9 vs 16±6, p=0.002). Of the older adults with poor sleep quality, 30% had cognitive impairment (p=0.017) and 27% low life satisfaction (p=0.001), and had lower scores on positive affect (33±9 vs 39±8, p=0.005) compared to older adults with good sleep quality. It was observed that 28% of older adults with sleep ≤6 hours presented low life satisfaction (p=0.042). Insomnia and poor sleep quality were also found to be risk factors for cognitive impairment with odds ratios of 1.52 and 4.05, respectively. Correlation tests found that insomnia and poor sleep quality had negative correlations with cognitive functioning, life satisfaction and positive affect, on the other hand, positive correlations were observed with negative affect. Sleep duration was negatively correlated with life satisfaction. Conclusions: our results suggest a relationship between insomnia with cognitive impairment and low life satisfaction. Also, older adults with insomnia have lower positive affect and higher negative affect.

Introdução: A insônia é um dos distúrbios do sono mais prevalentes em idosos, causando impactos físicos, socias e psicológicos. Estudos reportam que a insônia está relacionada à sonolência, disfuncionalidade física diurna, depressão, ansiedade, deterioro cognitivo e uma má percepção do bem-estar subjetivo, representando um grave problema no primeiro nível de atenção. Objetivo: Determinar a relação entre a insônia com o comprometimento cognitivo e o bem-estar subjetivo em uma população de idosos. Método: Foi realizado um estudo analítico e comparativo em uma população de 107 idosos da Cidade do México. Foram usados instrumentos de valoração gerontológica como a Escala de Insônia de Atenas, o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh, a Mini Exame do Estado Mental de Folstein, a Escala da Satisfação com a Vida de Diener e a Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo. Na análise estatística foram calculadas frequências e porcentagens, χ² e t de student, e como estimador de risco, foi usada a razão de chance (OR) com IC do 95%, bem como provas de correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Foi descoberta uma prevalência de insônia de 57%, má qualidade do sono de 76% e déficit cognitivo de 24%. Dos idosos insones 31% apresentaram déficit cognitivo (p=0,045) e 31% baixa satisfação com a vida (p=0,001). Em relação à dimensão afetiva do bem-estar subjetivo, tiveram pontuações menores de afeto positivo (33±9 vs 37±9, p=0,020), e pontuações mais altas de afeto negativo (21±9 vs 16±6, p=0,002). Dos idosos com má qualidade do sono, 30% apresentaram deterioro cognitivo (p=0,017) e 27% baixa satisfação com a vida (p=0,001) apresentaram pontuações menores no afeto positivo (33±9 vs 39±8, p=0,005) em comparação com os idosos com boa qualidade do sono. Observou-se que, 28% dos idosos com sono ≤6 horas apresentaram baixa satisfação com a vida (p=0,042). Também se descobriu, que a insônia e a má qualidade do sono foram fatores de déficit cognitivo, com uma razão de chance (OR) de 1,52 e 4,05 respectivamente. Nas provas de correlação, encontrou-se que a insônia e a má qualidade do sono tiveram correlações negativas com a funcionalidade cognitiva, a satisfação com a vida e o afeto positivo, por outro lado, foram observadas correlações positivas com o efeito negativo. A duração do sono foi correlacionada negativamente com a satisfação com a vida.

Humans , Aged , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Personal Satisfaction , Aged , Nursing , Cognitive Dysfunction , Mexico
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 34: e258310, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422448


Resumo: O artigo de Ed Diener "Bem-Estar Subjetivo", fundamental para a consolidação desse objeto na Psicologia Positiva, foi analisado criticamente em sua consistência interna e em sua influência para essa nova área. Cada bloco textual do artigo foi avaliado quanto a sua fragilidade segundo três categorias: consideração teórico-filosófica, definição do conceito e suas partes, referências bibliográficas. Como resultado, destacamos que Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES) e Felicidade são fragilmente definidos no artigo, dando margem a ambíguas interpretações que se prolongam até o presente; importantes perguntas, como a diferença entre a melhor vida e a vida boa, são ignoradas; importantes referências bibliográficas são utilizadas inconsistentemente. Todavia, reconhece-se que as fragilidades identificadas no artigo são coerentes com o projeto da Psicologia Positiva: enfatizar aquilo que é mensurável ao custo do rigor. Recomenda-se que pesquisas sobre BES resgatem a história dos conceitos centrais a fim de reconhecer seus próprios limites e solucionar problemas éticos do campo.

Resumen: El artículo de Ed Diener "Bienestar Subjetivo", fundamental para la consolidación de este objeto en la Psicología Positiva, fue analizado críticamente en cuanto a su consistencia interna y su influencia en esta nueva área. Cada bloque textual del artículo fue evaluado por su fragilidad según tres categorías: consideración teórico-filosófica, definición del concepto y sus partes, referencias bibliográficas. Como resultado, destacamos que el Bienestar Subjetivo (BES) y la Felicidad están débilmente definidos en el artículo de Diener, dando lugar a interpretaciones ambiguas que continúan hasta el presente; se ignoran cuestiones importantes, como la diferencia entre la mejor vida y la buena vida; las referencias bibliográficas importantes se usan de manera inconsistente. Sin embargo, se reconoce que las debilidades identificadas en el artículo de Diener son consistentes con el proyecto de Psicología Positiva: enfatizar lo medible a costa del rigor. Se recomienda que la investigación sobre BES recupere la historia de los conceptos centrales para reconocer sus propios límites y resolver problemas éticos en el campo.

Abstract: Ed Diener's article "Subjective Well-Being", fundamental for the consolidation of this objetcin Positive Psychology, was critically analyzed in terms of its internal consistency and its influence on research in this new area. Each textual block of the article was evaluated for its fragility according to three categories: theoretical-philosophical consideration, concept's definition and its parts, bibliographic references. As a result, we emphasize that Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Happiness are weakly defined in Diener's paper, giving rise to ambiguous interpretations; important questions, such as the difference between the best life and the good life, are ignored; important bibliographical references are used inconsistently or not presented during central argumentation. However, we recognize that the weaknesses identified in the article are consistent with the Positive Psychology project: to emphasize what is measurable at the cost of theoretical rigor. It is recommended that research on Subjective Well-Being recover the history of its central concepts in order to recognize their own limits and solve ethical problems in the field.

Personal Satisfaction , Psychology, Positive , Happiness
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 41: e2551, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408611


Objective: To determine the relationship between resilient coping and future expectations. Methods: The approach was exclusively quantitative, observational, prospective, cross-sectional, and correlational in design. The participants were 2202 students from the (UNHEVAL, Perú), and the instruments resilient coping scale and the future expectations scale were used, which were digitized to be applied. A correlation analysis was performed using Spearman's Rho non-parametric statistical test. Results: The level of future expectations where the largest number of students is located was high, with 55.6 percent, and at the same time, 53.4 percent of the students manifested medium-level resilient coping. The main finding is that university students obtained a significant relationship between resilient coping and future expectations (rs=0.39; p=0.000), as in future expectations with the three dimensions of resilient coping, personal resilient coping (rs=0.36; p=0.000), social resilient coping (rs=0.38; p=0.000) and spiritual resilient coping (rs=0.18; p=0.000). Conclusions: There is a statistically significant and positive relationship between resilient coping and future expectations in students (UNHEVAL, Perú) (AU)

Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el afrontamiento resiliente y las expectativas de futuro. Métodos: El enfoque fue exclusivamente cuantitativo, observacional, prospectivo, transversal y de diseño correlacional. Participaron 2202 estudiantes de la (UNHEVAL, Perú), y se utilizaron los instrumentos Escala de Afrontamiento Resiliente y Escala de Expectativas de Futuro, los cuales fueron digitalizados para su aplicación. Se realizó un análisis de correlación mediante la prueba estadística no paramétrica Rho de Spearman. Resultados: El nivel de expectativas de futuro donde se ubica la mayor cantidad de estudiantes fue alto con un 55,6 percent, y a su vez el 53,4 percent de los estudiantes manifestaron un afrontamiento resiliente de nivel medio. El principal hallazgo es que los estudiantes universitarios obtuvieron una relación significativa entre el afrontamiento resiliente y las expectativas de futuro (rs=0,39; p=0,000), así como en las expectativas de futuro con las tres dimensiones del afrontamiento resiliente, afrontamiento resiliente personal (rs=0,36; p=0,000), afrontamiento resiliente social (rs=0,38; p=0,000) y afrontamiento resiliente espiritual (rs=0,18; p=0,000). Conclusiones: Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa y positiva entre el afrontamiento resiliente y las expectativas de futuro en los estudiantes (UNHEVAL, Perú)(AU)

Humans , Personal Satisfaction , Religion and Medicine , Resilience, Psychological , Pandemics , Forecasting/methods , Coping Skills , Students , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Observational Study , COVID-19/etiology
Suma psicol ; 28(2): 128-135, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352281


Abstract Introduction: The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is a widely used measure of an individuals' cognitive assessment of subjective well-being. The SWLS has been validated in several contexts and populations, but its cross-cultural measurement invariance in emerging adult samples remains barely explored. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the measurement invariance of the SWLS in university students from Chile and Spain and according to gender. Method: A non-probabilistic sample of 165 university students from Chile (66.7% women, Mage = 21.9, SD = 2.35), and 109 students from Spain (48.6% women; Mage = 22.9, SD = 2.4) completed the SWLS. Results: Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, results showed that the SWLS exhibited configural, metric and scalar invariance in the comparison between the Chilean and Spanish student samples and also according to gender. Conclusions: This finding allows for significant latent mean comparisons between cross-cultural samples. Moreover, this study supports the SWLS as a valid instrument which provides data that can inform policies in order to improve the subjective well-being of university students of both genders, both in developed and developing Spanish-speaking countries.

Resumen Introducción: La Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) es un instrumento ampliamente utilizado para la evaluación cognitiva del bienestar subjetivo de los individuos. La SWLS ha sido validada en numerosos contextos y poblaciones, pero la invarianza de medida a nivel transcultural en adultos emergentes ha sido poco explorada. El propósito de este artículo fue evaluar la invarianza de medida de la SWLS en estudiantes universitarios de Chile y España y según género. Método: Una muestra no probabilística de 165 estudiantes universitarios de Chile (66.7% mujeres, edad promedio = 21.9, DE = 2.35) y 109 estudiantes de España (48.6% mujeres, edad promedio = 22.9, DE = 2.4) completaron la SWLS. Resultados: Por medio de un análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo, los resultados mostraron que la SWLS exhibió invarianza configural, métrica y escalar en la comparación entre las muestras de estudiantes chilenos y españoles y según género. Conclusión: Este hallazgo muestra que la SWLS permite comparaciones significativas de medias latentes entre muestras transculturales universitarias. Además, este estudio aporta evidencia de la SWLS como un instrumento válido que puede guiar la creación de políticas para mejorar el bienestar subjetivo de los estudiantes universitarios de ambos géneros, tanto en países desarrollados como en desarrollo de habla hispana.

Psocial (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 7(2): 41-52, jul. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387049


Resumen Los estudios macroeconómicos evidencian que países con mayor desigualdad social presentan peores indicadores de salud mental y bienestar, sin embargo, otros mecanismos intervinientes no están del todo claro. Recientes investigaciones han propuesto que la percepción de derrota social configura una variable clave para comprender los impactos de las desigualdades. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar el rol predictor de la derrota social en el bienestar subjetivo de estudiantes universitarios provenientes de países latinoamericanos que exhiben niveles de desigualdad social. Los participantes fueron 347 estudiantes universitarios de Chile y 246 de Ecuador, en los cuales se evaluó la percepción de derrota social, fatalismo, participación social, bienestar social, y bienestar subjetivo. Los resultados del modelo de regresión muestran que la predicción del bienestar subjetivo mejora al incluir las dimensiones de derrota social en el modelo (r2 = .38). Se propone la derrota social como una variable que ayuda a comprender cómo un contexto de desigualdad social puede impactar en el bienestar percibido de jóvenes universitarios.

Abstract Macroeconomic studies show that countries with greater social inequality have worse indicators of mental health and well-being; however, other intervening mechanisms are not entirely clear. Recent research has proposed that the perception of social defeat is a key variable in understanding the impacts of inequalities. The aim of this study was to explore the predictive role of social defeat in the subjective well-being of university students from Latin American countries that exhibit levels of social inequality. The participants were 347 university students from Chile and 246 from Ecuador, in whom the perception of social defeat, fatalism, social participation, social well-being, and subjective well-being were evaluated. The results of the regression model show that the prediction of subjective well-being improves when including the dimensions of social defeat in the model (r2 = .38) Social defeat is proposed as a variable that helps to understand how a context of social inequality can impact the perceived well-being of young university students.

Psocial (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 7(2): 82-93, jul. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387052


Resumen El presente artículo analiza las propiedades psicométricas de un indicador de bienestar subjetivo infantil, la Escala Breve Multidimensional de Satisfacción de los Estudiantes con la Vida (BMSLSS, por sus siglas en inglés), en niñas y niños chilenos de primera infancia. El instrumento mide bienestar subjetivo a través de la satisfacción con la vida de los estudiantes, para lo cual se consideran cinco ítems: familia, amigos/as, colegio, cuerpo y barrio. La escala fue aplicada a 1854 estudiantes de seis a ocho años pertenecientes a todas las regiones del país a través de cuestionarios de tipo autoinforme (Edad promedio de 7.35 años (DT=0.66), 46.9% niñas). El análisis de correlación ítem-ítem e ítem-puntaje total mostró un adecuado nivel de asociación entre las variables (Coeficiente de Pearson entre .56 y .69). El análisis factorial confirmatorio, realizado a través de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, mostró buenos niveles de ajuste, confirmando la estructura monofactorial de la escala, mientras que la confiabilidad resultó aceptable (alpha ordinal = .66). De acuerdo a ello, la investigación fundamenta el uso de la escala en Chile en población infantil, aportando así con herramientas de medición de bienestar para primera infancia, en un campo que actualmente posee escaso desarrollo. Se discute la importancia del desarrollo de este tipo de instrumentos, los cuales permiten considerar la percepción subjetiva de niños y niñas sobre sus vidas, convirtiéndolos en agentes activos en el proceso de construcción social.

Abstract This article analyzes the psychometric properties of a measure of subjective wellbeing in childhood, the Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS), in Chilean early childhood. The instrument measures subjective well-being through student satisfaction with their lives based on five items: family, friends, school, body and neighborhood. The scale was applied to 1854 students from six to eight years belonging to all regions of the country through self-report questionnaires (average age of 7.35 years (SD = 0.66), 46.9% girls). The item-item and item-total score correlation showed an adequate level of association between the variables (Pearson's coefficient from 0.56 to 0.69). The confirmatory factor analysis, carried out through structural equations models, showed good levels of adjustment, confirming the monofactorial structure of the scale, while the reliability was acceptable (ordinal alpha = .66). The research bases the use of this scale in this context, thus contributing with means to measure well-being in early childhood, in a field that currently has little development. The discussion focuses on the importance of the development of this type of instruments, which allow considering the subjective perception of boys and girls about their lives, making them active agents in the process of social construction.

Investig. desar. ; 29(1): 195-216, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346394


RESUMEN El objetivo fue medir el bienestar subjetivo en beneficiarios de los Centros Impulso Social en el estado de Guanajuato, México. La investigación tiene enfoque cuantitativo y alcance descriptivo; el instrumento fue una encuesta de 76 reactivos aplicada a una muestra incidental de 419 beneficiarios en 54 Centros ubicados en 32 de 46 municipios del estado. En los resultados los beneficiarios perciben una satisfacción vital de 8.89 (escala 0-10); los dominios de satisfacción mejor valorados son vida familiar, vida afectiva y logros personales; el estado de ánimo se inclina hacia emociones positivas; el índice de felicidad es de 8.71 (escala 0-10). Se concluye que el Programa Social sí ha cumplido su objetivo, puesto que el bienestar subjetivo percibido por los beneficiarios es superior a la media estatal y nacional.

ABSTRACT The aim of this investigation is to measure the subjective well-being of the Centros de Impulso Social beneficiaries in the state of Guanajuato (Mexico). The research has a quantitative approach and a descriptive scope; the instrument used was a survey of 76 items applied to an incidental sample of 419 beneficiaries in 54 Centers located in 32 of 46 municipalities in the state. In the results, the beneficiaries of the Program perceive a vital satisfaction of 8.89 (scale 0-10); the best valued domains of satisfaction are family life, emotional life, and personal achievements; the mood leans towards positive emotions; and finally, the happiness index is 8.71 (scale 0-10). It is concluded that the Social Program has fulfilled its objective, since the subjective well-being perceived by the beneficiaries is higher than the state and national average.

Humans , Personal Satisfaction , Self Concept , Social Programs , Happiness
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 259-274, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279220


Resumen Los trabajadores sociales tienen unas elevadas exigencias laborales como consecuencia, entre otros factores, de la excesiva burocratización de las organizaciones de servicios sociales. Ante esta realidad, durante su proceso formativo, los estudiantes de trabajo social deben desarrollar competencias emocionales para hacer frente a estas demandas profesionales que pueden afectar a su bienestar y rendimiento laboral. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional de corte transversal del que participaron 187 estudiantes del primer y segundo curso (n = 105 y n = 82, respectivamente) de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Málaga (España). El 89.30 % eran mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 20.38 años (DT = 3.35). Se desarrolló un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para evaluar el papel predictor de la inteligencia emocional (atención emocional, claridad emocional y reparación de las emociones) sobre la felicidad subjetiva percibida en estudiantes de trabajo social. La claridad emocional y la reparación de las emociones fueron predictores significativos positivos de la felicidad subjetiva, mientras que la atención emocional fue un predictor significativo negativo. Los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales tienen que entender y manejar sus estados emocionales, de tal manera que les permita tanto afrontar sus propias frustraciones como constituirse en referentes de los usuarios para imponerse a sus dificultades. Se corrobora la necesidad de fomentar la inteligencia emocional entre los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales, ya que esto constituye un factor de protección que puede aumentar su bienestar y concretamente, su felicidad subjetiva. Las experiencias de afecto negativas que sufren los trabajadores sociales demandan planes de estudio en los que se fomente la inteligencia emocional.

Abstract As a result of the excessive bureaucratization of social service organizations, among other factors, social workers have many job responsibilities (López & Chaparro, 2006; Montagud, 2016). Social workers suffer negative experiences and a high psychosocial risk which affect their well-being and work performance (i. e., emotional fatigue, job dissatisfaction, mental overload, burnout, decrease in happiness, ethical conflicts) (Bunce, Lonsdale, King, Childs, & Bennie, 2019; Caravaca, Carrión, & Pastor, 2018; Grootegoed & Smith, 2018; Prada-Ospina, 2019; Sabater, De Armas, & Cabezas, 2019; Urien, Díez, & Osca, 2019; Vallellano & Rubio-Valdehita, 2018). Given this reality, it is very important that Social Work students develop, during their training process, emotional competencies to cope with such professional demands (Bedoya-Gallego, Buitrago-Duque, & Vanegas-Arbeláez, 2019; Stanley & Bhuvaneswari, 2016). The characteristics of the job require knowledge of the mechanisms that influence the welfare of Social Work students in order to incorporate specific training strategies into teaching plans that prepare them to face the high work demands that can affect their welfare and performance (Blakemore & Agllias, 2019; Borrego-Alés, Vázquez-Aguado, & Orgambídez-Ramos, 2020; Fernández-Berrocal & Extremera, 2009). Despite the considerable shortage of research about the implications of emotional intelligence in the field of Social Work, emotional competence has proven to be essential to explain the personal well-being of students and social intervention professionals, characterized by a high burden of work and high rates of psychological distress and burnout (Bae et al., 2020; Esteban, 2014; Mikulic, Crespi, & Radusky, 2015). A descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study was carried out. 187 students of first (n = 105) and second year (n = 82) of the University of Malaga´s Social Work Degree (Spain) participated. 89.30 % of them was women and the average age was 20.38 years (SD = 3.35). A multiple linear regression model evaluated the predictive role of emotional intelligence (attention, clarity and emotional repair) on the subjective happiness perceived in Social Work students. Emotional clarity and emotional repair were significant positive predictors of subjective happiness, while emotional attention was a significant negative predictor. Of the three independent variables, emotional repair was positioned as the strongest predictor of the perception of subjective happiness. This fact corroborates that emotional repair is especially important to predict the levels of subjective happiness and life satisfaction of university students (Cejudo, López-Delgado, & Rubio, 2016; Extremera, Salguero, & Fernández-Berrocal, 2011). High levels of emotional repair are essential for proper psychological functioning and mental health. In this sense, people tend to develop pleasant activities that distract them and therefore contribute to their happiness (Guerra-Bustamante, León-del-Barco, Yuste-Tosina, López-Ramos, & Mendo-Lázaro, 2019). Individuals who can clearly identify their emotions and believe that they can repair their negative moods minimize the impact of stressful events and generate more positive emotions (Extremera et al., 2011). In social workers, emotions can be understood both as a dynamic resource, whose research can protect professionals and users, and as patterns of organizational and professional relationships, in which emotional states are constituted as phenomena that can be managed and controlled during professional practice (O'Connor, 2020). The need to foster emotional intelligence among students and future social workers is confirmed. It constitutes a protective factor that can increase their well-being and, specifically, their subjective happiness. The negative experiences of affection that social workers suffer demand curricula that promote emotional intelligence. The students and future social workers have to understand and manage their emotional states. It allows them both to face their own frustrations and to become referents for the users when they overcome their difficulties.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 117-132, ene. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149384


Resumen Chile es uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida en Latinoamérica, así como con mayor porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años. Este grupo etario es considerado como grupo vulnerable en procesos de inclusión económica. A esto se suma que muchos adultos mayores deben trabajar hasta edades avanzadas debido a las bajas pensiones y escasos recursos económicos, lo cual impacta su bienestar. Atendiendo a los antecedentes y desde la psicología económica, el objetivo de este estudio es conocer el significado del bienestar subjetivo y la inclusión económica en adultos mayores de entre 60-75 años, en zonas urbanas del sur de Chile. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa y se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, las cuales fueron analizadas con la técnica análisis de contenido y con el soporte del programa N-VIVO 11. Los participantes fueron 10 adultos mayores -3 hombres y 7 mujeres- todos líderes de clubes de adultos mayores. Los principales hallazgos muestran que los significados asociados al bienestar subjetivo se refieren a las fuentes de este, tales como familia, amigos y la participación en organizaciones de adultos mayores. Sin embargo, asocian sentimientos negativos relacionados con las dificultades que enfrentan por sus precarias condiciones económicas. En cuanto a los significados asociados a la inclusión económica, se refieren a habilidades tales como la capacidad de administración y distribución de los ingresos y la necesidad de aprender sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que se requieren para sentirse incluidos en el sistema. Además, indican prácticas como el endeudamiento formal e informal y escaso ahorro.

Abstract Increasing life expectancy brings with it research challenges associated with the evidence of the psychosocial and economic implications of this fact in contemporary societies. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a field of study related to the quality of life and subjective well-being of this age group. Chile is one of the countries with the highest life expectancy in Latin America, as well as the highest percentage of people over 60. Faced with this panorama, it is necessary to know aspects that impact and take on meanings associated with subjective well-being in old age, as well as towards economic inclusion, considering that older adults, together with women heads of household and young people, are considered vulnerable socioeconomic groups in the processes of economic inclusion. Added to this is the fact that many older adults must continue to work into old age due to low pensions and scarce economic resources, which have an impact on their well-being. In this research, subjective well-being is considered to be composed of an affective and a cognitive dimension and is defined as the evaluation that people themselves make of their lives. On the other hand, economic inclusion is understood as a process of promoting affordable, timely and adequate access to a wide range of regulated financial products and services. Based on economic psychology, the objective of this study is to understand the meaning of subjective well-being and economic inclusion in older adults between the ages of 60-75 in urban areas of southern Chile. The study was realized in the Araucanía Region, the region with the highest poverty rate in this country. The research methodology is qualitative and semi-structured interviews were applied, which were analyzed with the content analysis technique and with the support of the N-VIVO 11 program. The participants were 10 older adults, 3 men and 7 women, leaders of older adult clubs. The research's ethical safeguards included the approval of the University of La Frontera Ethics Committee, incorporating the use of informed consent and authorization for the recording of interviews. The main findings show that the meanings associated with subjective well-being refer to its sources, such as family, friends and participation in organizations of older adults, declare positive feelings associated with happiness and satisfaction with life; however, they associate some negative feelings related to the difficulties they face due to precarious economic conditions that prevent them from satisfying basic needs (for example, health and food). As for the meanings associated with financial inclusion, they refer to skills such as the ability to manage and distribute income and the need to learn about the use of technological tools required to feel included in the system. In addition, they indicate practices associated with financial inclusion, highlighting formal and informal indebtedness and scarce savings. The results are discussed in light of the emerging categories of study population and theoretical background. It is suggested that financial capacities, as mechanisms that contribute to economic inclusion, are a dimension that should be highlighted in research and intervention, based on plans and programs aimed at the active ageing of older adults in Chile.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 11(1): 38-52, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250524


Abstract: The understanding of childhood changes along with the development and changes of society and the social paradigm. Consequently, the child's understanding and acceptance of the role of participation in personal upbringing and education changes, while respecting the child's right to express and respect his/her opinion. This research is aimed at understanding the children's perspective, their subjective experience of current and long-term wellbeing. It was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, and implemented in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Research with Children (2003), with the consent of children and their parents. The concept of wellbeing is considered in the dimensions of personal satisfaction, and social and educational achievement. The opinions of 63 children, age 5 to primary school enrollment was surveyed. A qualitative research paradigm was used, which included children's expressions through drawings and narrative ethnographical research. The research findings indicate that children recognize subjective wellbeing through play and social interactions (friendships and family relationships). They recognize the importance of learning as a personal present and long-term benefit. They perceive the ECE setting as a safe place that has appropriate conditions for their residence. Some children emphasize the importance of a sense of security. It is possible to assume that the perception of children in the sample is related to the current epidemiological situation.

Resumen: La consideraciones relativas a la niñez van cambiando conforme la sociedad va transformándose y el paradigma social en el que se apoya su conocimiento. En consecuencia, la valoración que se hace de la participación de los niños y las niñas en su crianza ha ido evolucionando hasta quedar definido como un derecho de ellos y ellas a poder expresar sus opiniones; así como, a ser oídas y respetadas. Esta investigación se centra en comprender la perspectiva infantil en relación con el bienestar subjetivo actual y a largo plazo. Fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado en Zagreb. Así, fue llevada a cabo de acuerdo con el Código de Ética para la Investigación con Niños (2003) y habiendo obtenido el consentimiento de los niños y niñas participantes y sus padres. Las dimensiones de satisfacción personal, logro social y educativo cobran una gran importancia en este bienestar. Utilizando un cuestionario, se entrevistó a 63 escolares de 5 años pertenecientes a la educación infantil. Se utilizó un paradigma de investigación cualitativa, recogiendo dibujos infantiles de estos escolares, apoyándose, además, en la investigación etnográfica narrativa. Los resultados de la investigación indican que los niños y niñas reconocen el bienestar subjetivo a través del juego y las interacciones sociales (amistad y relaciones familiares). Consideran, también, la importancia del aprendizaje como un beneficio personal presente y a largo plazo. Perciben el jardín de infancia como un lugar seguro que cuenta con las condiciones adecuadas para su estancia en él. Algunos niños y niñas enfatizan la importancia de sentirse seguros. Es posible asumir que las percepciones infantiles obtenidas con esta muestra están relacionada con la situación epidemiológica actual.

Resumo: A compreensão da infância está se modificando com as mudanças no desenvolvimento da sociedade e no paradigma social. Conseqüentemente, muda se a compreensão e a aceitação da criança de sua participação na educação pessoal e formal. O direito da criança se expressar e ter sua opinião levada a consideração é respeitado. Esta pesquisa e focada em compreender a perspectiva das crianças sobre o proprio bem-estar subjetivo atual e de longo prazo. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética da Faculdade de Formação de Professores de Zagreb e realizada de acordo com o Código de Ética em Pesquisa com Crianças (2003), com o consentimento das crianças e de seus pais. O bem-estar é considerado nas dimensões de satisfação pessoal e desempenho social e educacional. Foi pesquisada a opinião de 63 crianças com 5 anos de idade até o ensino fundamental utilizando um paradigma de pesquisa qualitativa, que incluiu as expressões das crianças por meio de desenhos e pesquisa etnográfica narrativa. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que as crianças reconhecem o bem-estar subjetivo por meio de brincadeiras e interações sociais (amizade e relações familiares). Reconhecem tambem a importância da aprendizagem como um benefício pessoal atual e de longo prazo. Elas enxergam o jardim de infância como um local seguro e com condições adequadas para sua estadia. Parte das crianças enfatiza a importância de sensação de segurança. É possível supor que a percepção das crianças que fizeram parte da pesquisa esteja relacionada à situação epidemiológica atual.