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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58979, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559331


Resumen Introducción: La industria acuícola está en constante crecimiento, registrando una producción mundial de casi 88 millones de toneladas para el año 2020. Esta industria trae consigo problemas ambientales si sus efluentes no son debidamente tratados. En el 2020, se constituyó la primera empresa de base tecnológica del CONICET en la Patagonia Argentina cuyo propósito es la producción acuícola del erizo verde de mar, Arbacia dufresnii con la finalidad de elaborar una gama de productos nutracéuticos. Su sistema de cultivo conlleva un compromiso de sustentabilidad desde su creación, y sin embargo genera efluentes con niveles altos de nitratos y fosfatos. Objetivo: Ante este escenario, y valorizando la biorremediación como herramienta de tratamiento de aguas, se propone en este trabajo la utilización de las microalgas marinas como agentes fitorremediadores del efluente acuícola. Métodos: Se utilizaron las microalgas Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica., Rhodomona salina., Nanochloropsis galvana y Cylindrotheca closterium, las cuales son usadas como alimento de las larvas del erizo en el proceso productivo. Se diseñó un experimento que compara el crecimiento microalgal y la capacidad de remoción de los nutrientes en el efluente en contraste con el medio de cultivo artificial actualmente usado en el ciclo productivo. Resultados: Es posible remediar el efluente de la industria acuícola mediante las microalgas seleccionadas, con porcentaje de eficacia de remoción del 100 % del nitrato y un porcentaje de eficacia de remoción promedio de 50 % para todas las microalgas testeadas. Asimismo, se obtuvieron valores de biomasa microalgal significativamente mayores cuando el cultivo fue realizado en el efluente respecto del cultivo en el medio artificial. Conclusiones: Los avances en investigación proporcionados en este trabajo ponen de manifiesto que es posible el aprovechamiento de un descarte para cultivar las microalgas, incluso mejorando la productividad microalgal para su uso como alimento, disminuyendo los costos involucrados en el sector de producción microalgal cambiando el uso del tipo de medio de cultivo actual (F/2) por el proveniente de un descarte. Estos avances si son escalados y validados, pueden mejorar los estándares de sustentabilidad de la industria en el marco de una economía circular.

Abstract Introduction: The aquaculture industry is constantly growing, registering a global production of almost 88 million tonnes by 2020. This industry brings environmental problems if its effluents are not properly treated. In 2020, the first technology-based company of CONICET was established in Argentine Patagonia whose purpose is the aquaculture production of the green sea urchin, Arbacia dufresnii to develop a range of nutraceutical products. Its cultivation system entails a commitment to sustainability since its creation, and yet it generates effluents with high levels of nitrates and phosphates. Objective: Given this scenario, and valuing bioremediation as a water treatment tool, the use of marine microalgae as phytoremediating agents of aquaculture effluent is proposed in this work. Methods: The microalgae Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica, Rhodomona salina, Nanochloropsis galvana and Cylindrotheca closterium were use; which are used as food for sea urchins larvae in the production process. An experiment was designed that compares the microalgal growth and the removal capacity of nutrients in the effluent in contrast to the artificial culture medium currently used in the production cycle. Results: It is possible to remedy the aquaculture industry's effluent by employing the selected microalgae, with a percentage of removal efficiency of 100 % of the nitrate and an average removal efficiency percentage of 50 % for all the microalgae tested. Likewise, significantly higher microalgal biomass values were obtained when the culture was carried out in the effluent the culture in the artificial environment. Conclusions: The advances in research provided in this work show that it is possible to take advantage of a discard to cultivate microalgae, even improving microalgal productivity for use as food, reducing the costs involved in the microalgal production sector by changing the use of the type of current culture medium (F/2) for that from a current discard. These advances, if scaled and validated, can improve industry sustainability standards within the framework of a circular economy.

Animals , Sea Urchins , Biodegradation, Environmental , Argentina , Aquaculture , Microalgae/isolation & purification
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1867-1882, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981176


At present, the negative impact caused by white pollution has spread to all aspects of human society economy, ecosystem, and health, which causes severe challenges for developing the circular bioeconomy. As the largest plastic production and consumption country in the world, China has shouldered an important responsibility in plastic pollution control. In this context, this paper analyzed the relevant strategies of plastic degradation and recycling in the United States, Europe, Japan and China, measured the literature and patents in this field, analyzed the status quo of technology from the perspective of research and development trends, major countries, major institutions, and discussed the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of plastic degradation and recycling in China. Finally, we put forward future development suggestions which include the integration of policy system, technology path, industry development and public cognition.

Humans , Plastics , Ecosystem , Environmental Pollution , Recycling , Policy
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4335-4357, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008029


Biomanufacturing uses biological systems, including cells, microorganisms, and enzymes, to produce natural or synthetic molecules with biological activities for use in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and agriculture. These bioactive compounds are expected to play important roles in improving the quality of life and prolonging its length. Fortunately, recent advances in synthetic biology and automation technologies have accelerated the development of biomanufacturing, enabling us to create new products and replace conventional methods in a more sustainable manner. As of now, the role of biomanufacturing in the growth and innovation of bioeconomy is steadily increasing, and this techbology becomes a prevalent technology in global markets. To gain a comprehensive understanding of this field, this article presents a retrospective review of Bloomage Biotechnology's Research and Development and briefly reviews the developments of biomanufacturing and offers insights into the futre prospects. In conclusion, biomanufacturing will continue to be an important, environmentally friendly, and sustainable production mode in the ongoing development of bioeconomy.

Quality of Life , Biotechnology , Agriculture , Synthetic Biology , Industry
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221345, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394011


Abstract The present review aims the discussion of the impact of the bioprospection initiative developed by the projects associated to BIOprospecTA, a subprogram of the program BIOTA, supported by FAPESP. This review brings a summary of the main results produced by the projects investigating natural products (NPs) from non-plants organisms, as examples of the success of this initiative, focusing on the progresses achieved by the projects related to NPs from macroalgae, marine invertebrates, arthropods and associated microorganisms. Macroalgae are one of the most studied groups in Brazil with the isolation of many bioactive compounds including lipids, carotenoids, phycocolloids, lectins, mycosporine-like amino acids and halogenated compounds. Marine invertebrates and associated microorganisms have been more systematically studied in the last thirty years, revealing unique compounds, with potent biological activities. The venoms of Hymenopteran insects were also extensively studied, resulting in the identification of hundreds of peptides, which were used to create a chemical library that contributed for the identification of leader models for the development of antifungal, antiparasitic, and anticancer compounds. The built knowledge of Hymenopteran venoms permitted the development of an equine hyperimmune serum anti honeybee venom. Amongst the microorganisms associated with insects the bioprospecting strategy was to understand the molecular basis of intra- and interspecies interactions (Chemical Ecology), translating this knowledge to possible biotechnological applications. The results discussed here reinforce the importance of BIOprospecTA program on the development of research with highly innovative potential in Brazil.

Resumo A presente revisão discute o impacto das iniciativas de bioprospecção desenvolvidas pelos projetos associados ao BIOprospecTA, subprograma do programa BIOTA, apoiado pela FAPESP. Esta revisão traz um resumo dos principais resultados produzidos pelos projetos de investigação de produtos naturais (PNs) de organismos não vegetais, como exemplos do sucesso desta iniciativa, com foco nos avanços alcançados pelos projetos relacionados a PNs de macroalgas, invertebrados marinhos, artrópodes e microrganismos associados. As macroalgas são um dos grupos mais estudados no Brasil com o isolamento de muitas substâncias bioativas, incluindo lipídios, carotenóides, ficocolóides, lectinas, aminoácidos do tipo micosporina e substâncias halogenadas. Invertebrados marinhos e microrganismos associados têm sido estudados de forma mais sistemática nos últimos trinta anos, revelando substâncias únicas, com potentes atividades biológicas. Os venenos de insetos himenópteros também foram amplamente estudados, resultando na identificação de centenas de peptídeos, que foram utilizados para criar uma biblioteca química que contribuiu para a identificação de modelos para o desenvolvimento de substâncias antifúngicas, antiparasitárias e anticancerígenas. O conhecimento construído dos venenos de himenópteros permitiu o desenvolvimento de um soro equino anti-peçonha de abelha. Dentre os microrganismos associados a insetos, a estratégia de bioprospecção foi compreender as bases moleculares das interações intra e interespécies (Ecologia Química), traduzindo esse conhecimento para possíveis aplicações biotecnológicas. Os resultados aqui discutidos reforçam a importância do programa BIOprospecTA no desenvolvimento de pesquisas com alto potencial inovador no Brasil.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221356, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394012


Abstract In Brazil, research with natural products had a strong impulse when FAPESP supported the creation of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Products of the Institute of Chemistry of USP (1966). In 1999, FAPESP launched the Research Program in the Characterization, Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (BIOTA-FAPESP), which intensified the sustainable exploitation of biodiversity, and which evolved to form the Biota Network for Bioprospection and Bioassays (BIOprospecTA), which integrates groups from all over the country, optimizing the use of the skills already installed for the bioprospecting of microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and marine organisms. Of the 104 projects related to plant sciences, 35 carried out bioprospection of Brazilian flora, belonging to the areas of Chemistry, Botany, Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Morphology, Plant (Chemo)taxonomy, Ecosystem Ecology, Plant Genetics. Physical Sciences, Forest Resources, Forestry Engineering, Agronomy, leading to thousands of publications, engagement of hundreds of students and a deeper understanding of natural products in different biological models through macromolecules analysis aided by computational and spectrometric strategies, in addition to pharmacological evaluations. The development of omics approaches led to a more comprehensive view of the chemical profile of an organism, and enabled integrated and concomitant studies of several samples, and faster annotation of known molecules, through the use of hyphenated and chemometric techniques, and molecular networking. This also helped to overcome the lack of information on the safety and efficacy of herbal preparations, in projects dealing with the standardization of herbal products, according to international standards. The BIOTA-FAPESP program has also focused on environmental aspects, in accordance with the principles of Green Chemistry and has had positive effects on international collaboration, on the number and impact of scientific publications and on partnership with companies, a crucial step to add value and expand the production chain of bioproducts. Also, the compilation, systematization and sharing of data were contemplated with the creation of the NUBBEDB database, of free access, and that integrates with international databases (ACD/labs, American Chemical Society - ACS), helping researchers and companies in the development from different areas of science, technology, strengthening the bioeconomy and subsidizing public policies.

Resumo No Brasil, as pesquisas com produtos naturais tiveram um forte impulso quando a FAPESP apoiou a criação do Laboratório de Química de Produtos Naturais do Instituto de Química da USP (1966). Em 1999, a FAPESP lançou o Programa de Pesquisa em Caracterização, Conservação, Restauração e Uso Sustentável da Biodiversidade (BIOTA-FAPESP), que intensificou a exploração sustentável da biodiversidade, e que evoluiu para formar a Rede Biota de Bioprospecção e Bioensaios (BIOprospecTA), que integra grupos de todo o país, otimizando o aproveitamento das competências já instaladas para a bioprospecção de microrganismos, plantas, invertebrados, vertebrados e organismos marinhos. Dos 104 projetos relacionados às ciências vegetais, 35 realizaram a bioprospecção da flora brasileira, em diversas áreas como Química, Botânica, Fisiologia e Morfologia Vegetal, (Quimio)taxonomia Vegetal, Ecologia de Ecossistemas, Genética Vegetal, Recursos Florestais, Engenharia Florestal, dentre outros, levando a milhares de publicações, ao engajamento de centenas de estudantes e ao entendimento mais profundo dos produtos naturais em diferentes modelos biológicos por meio da análise de micromoléculas auxiliada por estratégias computacionais e espectrométricas, além de avaliações farmacológicas. O desenvolvimento de abordagens ômicas ampliou a visão sobre perfil químico dos organismos, possibilitou o estudo integrado e concomitante de várias amostras, e a anotação mais rápida de moléculas conhecidas, por meio do uso de técnicas hifenadas, quimiométricas e redes moleculares. Isso também contribuiu para superar a falta de informação sobre a segurança e eficácia dos fitopreparados, em projetos que tratam da padronização de produtos fitoterápicos, de acordo com normas internacionais. O programa BIOTA-FAPESP também tem focado em aspectos ambientais, de acordo com os princípios da Química Verde e teve reflexos positivos na colaboração internacional, no número e no impacto das publicações científicas e na parceria com empresas, etapa crucial para agregar valor e expandir a cadeia produtiva de bioprodutos. Ainda, a compilação, sistematização e compartilhamento de dados foram contemplados com a criação da base de dados NUBBEDB, de livre acesso, e que se integra com bases internacionais (ACD/labs, American Chemical Society - ACS), auxiliando pesquisadores e empresas no desenvolvimento de diferentes áreas da ciência, tecnologia, fortalecendo a bioeconomia e subsidiando políticas públicas.

Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 9(1): 116-123, Março 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254763


O artigo visa abordar uma análise, em formato de ensaio analítico a respeito das práticas de guarda de célulastronco. A chamada medicina personalizada e regenerativa emerge ligada ao capitalismo neoliberal e a uma modalidade de governo das condutas baseada na biomedicina e em uma política de gestão da vida focada no mercado neoliberal securitário. A saúde foi transformada em um comércio de células e sustentada nas táticas da bioeconomia, do biovalor e das biotecnologias, articuladas em um dispositivo de governamentalidade reguladora do ser saudável, a partir da compra e venda de materiais biomoleculares e genéticos. Concluindo, buscase interrogar o modo de organizar e funcionar dos biobancos públicos e privados de células-tronco do cordão umbilical e os efeitos destes mecanismos biopolíticos.

The article aims to approach an analysis, in the form of an analytical essay regarding the practices of guarding stem cells. The so-called personalized and regenerative medicine emerges linked to neoliberal capitalism and to a modality of conduct based on biomedicine and a life management policy focused on the neoliberal insurance market. Health was transformed into a trade in cells and sustained by the tactics of bioeconomics, biovalue and biotechnologies, articulated in a governmental device that regulates healthy being, based on the purchase and sale of biomolecular and genetic materials. In conclusion, we seek to question the way of organizing and functioning of public and private umbilical cord stem cell banks and the effects of these biopolitical mechanisms.

Stem Cells , Regenerative Medicine , Government
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190229, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132245


Abstract To develop a biorefinery concept applied in the brewery industry, Chlorella pyrenoidosa and a consortium of associated bacteria were cultivated mixotrophically in a continuous photobioreactor using brewery low-value subproducts as an integrative process. Beer production residues were biochemically characterized to assess the most promising options to be used as a nutrient source for microalgal cultivation. Due to its physical and chemical properties, pre-treated weak wort was used to prepare an organic complex culture medium for microalgal biotransformation. Filtration and nitrogen supplementation were necessary to improve nutrient removal and biomass productivity. Maximal removal of nitrate and phosphate obtained were 90% and 100% respectively. Depending on operation conditions, total carbohydrates depuration ranged from 50 - 80%. The initial concentration of total carbohydrates of the weak wort must be adjusted to 2 - 4g/L to maintain a stable equilibrium between microalgal and bacterial growth. The biochemical composition of produced biomass varied depending on the cultivation conditions as well as on its final use. Upon continuous mixotrophic conditions evaluated in this study, C. pyrenoidosa was composed mainly of carbohydrates and protein.

Animals , Beer , Biochemical Phenomena , Biotransformation , Chlorella/growth & development , Microalgae/growth & development , Carbohydrates , Chlorella/chemistry , Biomass , Photobioreactors/microbiology
Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 40(1): e201808EE1, Jan.-Apr. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043136


Resumen La biología sintética (SynBio) es una disciplina de reciente aparición que sirve para diseñar o re-diseñar sistemas biológicos y otorgarles cualidades mejoradas o nuevas cualidades. En la SynBio el diseño de nuevos sistemas biológicos requiere de herramientas moleculares muy precisas, tales como: a) la bioinformática, b) la secuenciación NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), el ensamble y/o síntesis de ADN c) y la edición de genomas a través de CRISPR-Cas9. En la SynBio encontramos además otras disciplinas con un perfil más hacia el ámbito social, las cuales tocan aspectos éticos, legales, filosóficos y económicos, considerándose así una multidisciplina. La SynBio está propiciando el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) partiendo de una óptica ingenieril. En la SynBio, al ADN se le entiende de forma práctica y abstracta como una serie de partes que se pueden ensamblar en cierto orden para obtener los productos deseados una vez que se conoce la funcionalidad de cada parte. La SynBio ha dado pie a una nueva concepción de la economía a nivel mundial y por consecuencia se ha tomado muy seriamente el termino Bioeconomía como una nueva disciplina que transformará a las sociedades.

Abstract Synthetic biology (SynBio) it is considered a very recent discipline. View as a tool serves to design or re-design biological systems, giving them improved qualities or new qualities. In the SynBio, the design of new biological systems requires very precise molecular tools, such as: a) bioinformatics, b) sequencing NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), assembly and synthesis of DNA c) and CRISPR- Cas9 genome editing. Within the SynBio there are other social profile disciplines which concerned to ethical, legal, philosophical, and economic, and for that reason it is considered a multidiscipline. The SynBio is promoting the development of new (emerging) technologies based on an engineering perspective. In SynBio, DNA is understood in a practical and abstract way as a series of parts that can be assembled in a certain order to obtain the desired products once the functionality of each part is known. The SynBio has given rise to a new conception of the economy worldwide and consequently the term Bioeconomy is already taken very seriously as a new discipline that will transform societies.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 346-365, maio-ago. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-913552


Este artigo apresenta uma análise da literatura a respeito de medicalização, a partir da biopolítica no neoliberalismo. A construção do mercado da saúde coloca em cena um conjunto de tecnologias de governo de condutas que forja subjetividades saudáveis e controladas pelas prescrições de saúde e segurança. Os efeitos dessas práticas medicalizantes atravessam e fabricam corpos e populações, instrumentalizados pela gerência de risco e perigo, pela prevenção e controle do futuro, em nome da vida e da saúde, prolongadas ao extremo. Nesse aspecto, o objeto desse artigo é problematizar por meio de uma abordagem histórica, baseada em Foucault, a emergência do biocapital e da bioeconomia, como táticas de normalização e normatização das condutas pela biocidadania; e no âmbito das leis que reivindicam o direito à saúde, como estratégia. (AU)

This paper presents a literature review about medicalization, from biopolitics, in neoliberalism. The construction of the healthcare market puts into play a set of government technology of pipelines, which forge healthy subjectivities and controlled by health and safety requirements. The effects of these medicalized practices cross and manufacture bodies and populations, exploited by the risk management and risk, the prevention and control of the future, in the name of life and health, extended to the extreme. In this respect, the object of this article is to discuss through a historical approach, based on Foucault the emergence of biocapital and the bioeconomy as standardization tactics and regulation of pipelines by biocitizenship as strategy, under the law to claim the right to health. (AU)

Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre la medicalización, desde la biopolítica, en el neoliberalismo. La construcción del mercado de la salud pone en juego un conjunto de tecnología de gobierno de las tuberías, lo que forjar subjetividades sanos y controlada por los requisitos de salud y seguridad. Los efectos de estas prácticas medicalizadas se cruzan y se fabrican cuerpos y poblaciones, explotados por la gestión del riesgo y el riesgo, la prevención y el control del futuro, en nombre de la vida y la salud, extendidos hasta el extremo. En este sentido, el objeto de este artículo es discutir a través de un enfoque histórico, basado en la aparición de Foucault biocapital y la bioeconomía como la táctica y la regulación de las tuberías por biocitizenship como estrategia de normalización, en virtud de la ley para reclamar el derecho a la salud. (AU)

Health Care Economics and Organizations , Health Policy , Medicalization/ethics , Economics, Pharmaceutical , Environmental Economics , Psychology, Social
Rev. Subj. (Impr.) ; 15(3): 362-374, 30/12/2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-2665


Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir, a partir do pensamento de Michel Foucault, a emergência da economia política como saber imanente à biopolítica e, a partir disso, situar a pertinência da noção de bioeconomia para pensar as atuais formas de regulação e governo das populações no contexto político do neoliberalismo, de modo a evidenciar as principais transformações ocorridas no mundo laboral a partir das atuais configurações do capitalismo contemporâneo. Para este fim, o trabalho foi organizado mediante a seguinte estruturação: a) salientou-se a pertinência da análise e da utilização da categoria da bioeconomia, partindo da construção da categoria da biopolítica em Foucault e da emergência da realidade da esfera econômica; b) destacou-se a posição da bioeconomia na análise do mundo do trabalho contemporâneo; e, mediante a relevância da categoria à análise dos pressupostos do novo mundo do trabalho, c) especificou-se as transformações ocorridas em relação à temporalidade sob o conceito da bioeconomia. Conforme o resgate da categoria a partir do próprio Foucault e do ensaio de reconstrução com autores contemporâneos, perceber-se-á que o conceito se mostra relevante para um entendimento mais específico das transformações do mundo do trabalho no século XXI, na medida em que estas sinalizam para uma captura das dimensões subjetivas implicadas na atividade laboral.

This work aims to discuss, from the thought of Michel Foucault, the emergence of political economy as immanent knowledge to the biopolitics and, from that, to situate the relevance of the bioeconomy notion to think about the current forms of regulation and populations government in political context of neoliberalism, in order to highlight the main changes occurred in the labor world from the current settings of contemporary capitalism. To this end, the work was organized by the following structure: a) the relevance of the analysis and use of bioeconomy category was pointed, starting from the construction of biopolitics category in Foucault and from the emergence of the reality of the economic sphere; b) the bioeconomy position in the analysis of the contemporary labor world by the relevance of the category for the analysis of the conditions of the new world of work was highlighted; c) the changes occurred in relation to temporality, under the bioeconomy concept were specified. As the rescue of the category from Foucault himself and the reconstruction test with contemporary authors, it will be noticed that the concept shows itself relevant to a more specific understanding of the labor world changes in the twenty-first century, to the extent that these signal for capturing the subjective dimensions involved in labor activity.

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir, por medio de Michel Foucault, la emergencia de la economía política como saber inmanente a la biopolítica y, de ahí, ubicar la pertinencia de la noción de bioeconomia para pensar las actuales formas de normativa y gobierno de las populaciones en el contexto político del neoliberalismo, de manera a evidenciar las principales transformaciones ocurridas en el mundo laboral partiendo de las actuales configuraciones del capitalismo contemporáneo. Con esta finalidad, el trabajo fue estructurado de la siguiente manera: a) Se resaltó la pertinencia del análisis y de la utilización de la categoría de la biopolítica en Foucault y de la emergencia de la realidad de la esfera económica; b) se evidenció el puesto de la bioeconomia en el análisis del mundo laboral contemporáneo, mediante la relevancia de la categoría para el análisis de los presupuestos del nuevo mundo laboral; c) se especificaron las transformaciones ocurridas en relación a la temporalidad, bajo el concepto de la bioeconomia. Según el rescate de la categoría por el propio Foucault y del ensayo de reconstrucción con autores contemporáneos, se percibirá que el concepto se muestra relevante para un entendimiento más específico de las transformaciones del mundo laboral en el siglo XI, al paso que estas señalizan para una captura de las dimensiones subjetivas implicadas en la actividad laboral.

Cet article a le but de discuter, à partir de la pensée de Michel Foucault, l'urgence de l'économie politique comme savoir immanent à la biopolitique et, à partir de cela, situer la pertinence de la notion de bioéconomie pour penser les actuelles manières de régularisation et gouvernement des populations dans le contexte politique du néolibéralisme pour évidencier les transformations qui sont arrivées au monde laborieux depuis les configurations actuelles du capitalisme contemporain. À cet effet, cet article a été organisé d'après la structure suivante: a) on a mis en relief la pertinance de l'analyse et de l'utilisation de la catégorie bioéconomie, à partir de la construction de la catégorie de biopolitique selon Foucault et de l'urgence de la réalité de la sphère économique ; b) on a détaché la position de la bioéconomie dans l'analyse du travail du monde contemporain, d'après la pertinance de la catégorie pour l'analyse des présuppositions du nouveau monde du travail ; c) on a spécifié les transformations qui ont eu lieu relationées à la temporalité sous le concept debioéconomie. Selon le repérage de la catégorie à partir de Foucault et de l'essay de reconstruction avec des auteurs contemporains on remarquera que le concept se montre important à un apprentissage plus spécifique des transformations du monde du travail au XXIe siècle, en ce qu'elles indiquent la saisie des dimensions subjectives impliquées à l'activité laborieuse.

Humans , Male , Female , Private Management/economics , Capitalism , Job Market , Economics, Behavioral
Rev. luna azul ; (41): 348-364, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-783586


The role of biotechnology in the future of humanity is seen as essential and leading to address those who makes the most important challenges of economies and societies of the world in the coming decades: provision of food, water, energy, health and other resources and services for a growing population. This research article addresses from a critical stance trends in biotechnology in Colombia. It was found that the bet of the Colombian State for innovation, research and biotechnology is not at the forefront of global trends and is subject to a precarious insertion in the world market, leaving outside dimensions cultural, social and environmental. It is concluded that the State must reorient its biotechnological betting toward the construction of a sustainable society environmentally and culturally.

El papel de la biotecnología en el futuro de la humanidad se vislumbra como fundamental y protagónico para abordar los que se suponen los desafíos más importantes de las economías y las sociedades del mundo en las próximas décadas: provisión de alimentos, agua, energía, salud y otros recursos y servicios para una población en constante crecimiento. El presente artículo de investigación aborda desde una postura crítica las tendencias de la biotecnología en Colombia. Se encontró que la apuesta del Estado colombiano por la innovación, la investigación y la biotecnología no está a la vanguardia de las tendencias mundiales y que se supedita a una precaria inserción en el mercado mundial, dejando por fuera dimensiones culturales, sociales y ambientales. Se concluye que el Estado debe reorientar sus apuestas biotecnológicas hacia la construcción de una sociedad sostenible ambiental y culturalmente.

Humans , Biotechnology , Bioethics , Colombia
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 112-119, 2014.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-329747


The enormous progress biotechnology, bioinformatics and nanotechnology made in recent years provides opportunities and scientific framework for development of biomedicine and constitutes a paradigm shift in pharmaceutical R&D and drug innovation. By analyzing the data and related information at R&D level over the past decades, developmental tendency and R&D patterns were summarized. We found that a growing number of biologics in the pipeline of pharma companies with successful products already in the market though, small molecular entities have primarily dominated drug innovation. Additionally, small/medium size companies will continue to play a key role in the development of small molecule drugs and biologics in a multi-channel integrated process. More importantly, modern and effective R&D strategies in biomedicine development to predict and evaluate efficacy and/or safety of 21st century therapeutics are urgently needed. To face new challenges, developmental strategies were proposed, in terms of molecular targeted medicine, generic drugs, new drug delivery system and protein-based drugs. Under the current circumstances, interdisciplinary cooperation mode and policy related to drug innovation in China were deeply discussed as well.