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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535411


Introducción: Las aplicaciones móviles (Apps) están transformando las perspectivas de aprendizaje en entornos de salud. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad y usabilidad de EpiApp como herramienta de apoyo en la consulta y resolución de problemas de epidemiología comparada con métodos tradicionales (MT). Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó EpiApp usando una estructura metodológica. Se realizó un estudio experimental controlado y aleatorizado con dos grupos: EpiApp y MT. La fectividad se evaluó con un cuestionario estandarizado y la usabilida con la escala MARS. Resultados: Se aleatorizaron 176 estudiantes: EpiApp (n=88) y MT (n=88). El tiempo de respuesta fue menor para los usuarios de EpiApp (23,99 min [± DE 8,38] vs. 29,16 min [± DE 11,61], p = 0,005). No hubo diferencias en el número de respuestas correctas (p = 0,635), ni en la oportunidad de aprobar el cuestionario (p = 0,054). La usabilidad fue buena (MARS > 4). Discusión: Las Apps móviles tienen un gran potencial para ser útiles en la educación en salud y en la toma de decisiones en epidemiología, así como en la atención médica en general. No obstante, es esencial realizar estudios rigurosos para garantizar que estas aplicaciones sean efectivas, útiles, fáciles de usar y comprender. Conclusiones: EpiApp redujo el tiempo de respuesta en la resolución de problemas de epidemiología sin afectar el número de respuestas correctas. La usabilidad fue buena, aunque hay oportunidad de mejora en diversión, interés, adaptabilidad individual e interactividad. La efectividad y usabilidad de EpiApp requiere ser validada con estudios más rigurosos y en diferentes contextos.

Introduction: Mobile applications (Apps) are transforming learning perspectives in healthcare settings. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and usability of EpiApp as a support tool in the consultation and resolution of epidemiology problems, compared to traditional methods (TM). Methodology: EpiApp was designed using a methodological structure. A randomized controlled experimental study was conducted with two groups: EpiApp and TM. A standardized questionnaire and the MARS scale were used to evaluate effectiveness and usability, respectively. Results: A total of 176 students were randomized: EpiApp (n=88) and TM (n=88). Response time was shorter for EpiApp users (23.99 min [±SD 8.38] vs. 29.16 min [±SD 11.61], p=0.005). There were no differences in the number of correct responses (p=0.635) or the opportunity to pass the questionnaire (p=0.054). Usability was good (MARS>4). Discussion: Mobile Apps have great potential to be useful in healthcare education and decision-making in epidemiology, as well as in general medical care. However, it is essential to conduct rigorous studies to ensure that these applications are effective, useful, and easy to use and understand. Conclusions: EpiApp reduced response time in solving epidemiology problems without affecting the number of correct answers. The usability was good, although there is room for improvement in terms of enjoyment, interest, individual adaptability, and interactivity. The effectiveness and usability of EpiApp need to be validated through more rigorous studies in different contexts.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(4): 520-533, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533953


Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una mirada global de la aplicabilidad de los modelos de análisis multinivel en el ámbito de la investigación sanitaria. Ofrece información sobre los fundamentos teóricos, metodológicos y estadísticos y, además, menciona los pasos básicos para la construcción de estos modelos, y da ejemplos de su uso, según la estructura jerárquica de los datos. Cabe resaltar que, antes de utilizar estos modelos, se requiere contar con un soporte teórico sobre la necesidad de uso y una valoración estadística que dé cuenta del porcentaje de varianza explicada por el efecto de agrupación de las observaciones. Los requisitos para llevar a cabo este tipo de análisis dependen de condiciones especiales como el tipo de variables, la cantidad de unidades por nivel o el tipo de estructura jerárquica. Se concluye que los modelos de análisis multinivel son una herramienta útil para lograr la integración de información, dadas la complejidad de las relaciones y las interacciones que determinan la mayoría de las condiciones de salud, incluida la pérdida de independencia entre las unidades de observación.

This topic review aims to present a global vision of multilevel analysis models' applicability to health research, explaining its theoretical, methodological, and statistical foundations. We describe the basic steps to build these models and examples of their application according to the data hierarchical structure. It ir worth noticing that before using these models, researchers must have a rationale for needing them, and a statistical evaluation accounting for the variance percentage explained by the observations grouping effect. The requirements to conduct this type of analysis depends on special conditions such as the type of variables, the number of units per level, or the type of hierarchical structure. We conclude that multilevel analysis models are a useful tool to integrate information, considering the complexity of the relationships and interactions involved in most health conditions, including the loss of independence between observation units.

Multilevel Analysis , Health Services Research , Bias , Biostatistics
Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440014


Introducción: La bioestadística en las investigaciones científicas constituye el curso ocho de la maestría de genética médica. La experiencia empírica alcanzada demuestra que los cursistas no logran las competencias y habilidades necesarias para adquirir soberanía estadística y enfrentar los desafíos investigativos de la especialidad. Objetivo: Exponer la efectividad de una estrategia didáctica basada en métodos activos para la enseñanza de la Bioestadística en las investigaciones científicas en la maestría de genética médica en la edición del período lectivo 2022-2023. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de estrategia longitudinal de mediciones antes-después. Se aplicó un cuestionario validado por un comité de expertos a 19 maestrandos que consintieron en participar en la investigación. La estrategia docente se basó en la enseñanza por proyectos, y aplicó un paquete estadístico, cuyo programa analítico se contextualizó a los intereses y móviles profesionales. Resultados: El 52,6 por ciento de los maestrandos emplearon los métodos estadísticos; el 57,9 por ciento, las estadísticas descriptivas; y una minoría (21,1 por ciento), la estadística inferencial. El 26,3 por ciento de los casos utilizaron un paquete estadístico y un porcentaje aún más bajo (15,8 por ciento) poseyó autonomía en los análisis estadísticos. Al inicio del curso predominó en la totalidad de los ítems el nivel bajo de conocimientos; y, después de la intervención, el nivel alto y moderado. Conclusiones: Se demostró la efectividad de la estrategia didáctica empleada para la enseñanza de la Bioestadística en las investigaciones científicas en la maestría de genética médica en la edición desarrollada durante el curso 2022-2023(AU)

Introduction: Biostatistics in scientific research is course number eight within the master's degree program in medical genetics. The current empirical experience shows that the students do not achieve the necessary competences and skills to acquire statistical sovereignty or face the research challenges of the specialty. Objective: To expose the effectiveness of a didactic strategy based on active methods for teaching biostatistics in scientific research within the master's degree program in medical genetics during the 2022-2023 academic year. Methods: A quasiexperimental study with a longitudinal strategy of before-after measurements was carried out. A questionnaire validated by an expert committee was applied to nineteen master's degree students who consented to participate in the research. The teaching strategy used a project-based dynamics and applied a statistical package, whose analytical program was contextualized according to professional interests and motivations. Results: 52.6 percent of the students used statistical methods, 57.9 percent used descriptive statistics, and a minority (21.1 percent) used inferential statistics. A statistical package was used in 26.3 percent of the cases and an even lower percentage (15.8 percent ) had some statistical analysis autonomy. At the beginning of the course, the low level of knowledge predominated for all items; after the intervention, the high and moderate levels predominated. Conclusions: This research showed the effectiveness of the didactic strategy used for the teaching of biostatistics in scientific research as part of the master's degree program in medical genetics for the edition developed during the 2022-2023 academic year (AU)

Humans , Research/education , Teaching/education , Effectiveness , Education, Medical, Graduate , Genetics, Medical/education , Universities , Surveys and Questionnaires , Training Courses
Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 37-48, ene.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416175


Introducción: la cardiología es una de las especialidades médicas que cuenta con más revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis. Estudiar la metodología de las revisiones y anali­zar su heterogeneidad estadística es fundamental para garantizar su validez científica. Objetivo: describir la comparación de medidas de asociación, modelos estadísticos y grado de heterogeneidad en metanálisis de revisiones sistemáticas de intervenciones farmacológicas en cardiología, publicadas entre 2000-2005 y 2011-2016. Metodología: estudio analítico basado en la descripción y comparación de métodos estadísticos de revisiones sistemáticas de intervenciones farmacológicas en cardiología, publicadas en la biblioteca Cochrane. Para las variables cualitativas se estimaron frecuen­cias absolutas y relativas, mientras que para las cuantitativas se determinaron medias y desviaciones estándar, o medianas y rangos intercuartílicos, según su distribución. Para establecer la diferencia de medias se realizó la prueba t de Student y para la diferencia de proporciones el Chi cuadrado. Resultados: se incluyeron 54 revisiones sistemáticas, con un total de 1053 metanálisis, 6 revisiones con 240 metanálisis entre 2000-2005 y 48 revisiones con 813 metanálisis entre 2011-2016. La mayoría de metanálisis utilizaron el tratamiento estándar como grupo de comparación (56.6%), midieron desenlaces cualitativos nominales (86.3%), determinaron riesgos relativos (63.3%) y aplicaron modelos de efectos fijos (57.8%). En 2011-2016 se encontró una media del Índice de Higgins 17.5 menor que en 2000-2005 (p<0.05). Conclusión: se evidenció una disminución de la heterogeneidad estadística y un aumento en la implementación de modelos de efectos aleatorios, lo que da cuenta de una mayor rigurosidad a la hora de demostrar resultados verdaderamente significativos.

Introduction: cardiology is one of the medical specialties with the most systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Studying the methodology of the reviews and analyzing their statistical heterogeneity is essential to guarantee their scientific validity. Objective: to describe the comparison of association measures, statistical models and degree of heterogeneity in meta-analyses of systematic reviews of pharmacological interventions in cardiology, published between 2000-2005 and 2011-2016. Methodology: analytical study based on the description and comparison of statistical methods of systematic reviews of pharmacological interventions in cardiology, published in the Cochrane library. For the qualitative variables, absolute and relative frequencies were estimated, while for the quantitative ones, means and standard deviations, or medians and interquartile ranges, were determined, depending on their distribution. The Student's t test was used to establish the difference in means and the Chi square for the difference in proportions. Results: 54 systematic reviews were included, with a total of 1.053 meta-analyses, 6 reviews with 240 meta-analyses between 2000-2005, and 48 reviews with 813 meta-analyses between 2011-2016. Most meta-analyses used standard treatment as the comparison group (56.6%), measured nominal qualitative outcomes (86.3%), determined relative risks (63.3%), and applied fixed-effect models (57.8%). In the 2011-2016 period, an average of the Higgins Index was found to be 17.5 lower than in the 2000-2005 (p<0.05). Conclusion: there was evidence of a decrease in statistical heterogeneity and an increase in the implementation of random effects models, which accounts for greater rigor when it comes to demonstrating truly significant results.

Introdução: a cardiologia é uma das especialidades médicas com mais revisões sistemáticas e metanálises. Estudar a metodologia das revisões e analisar sua heterogeneidade estatística é essencial para garantir sua validade científica. Objetivo: descrever a comparação de medidas de associação, modelos estatísticos e grau de heterogeneidade em metanálises de revisões sistemáticas de intervenções farmacológicas em cardiologia, publicadas entre 2000-2005 e 2011-2016. Metodologia: estudo analítico baseado na descrição e comparação de métodos estatísticos de revisões sistemáticas de intervenções farmacológicas em cardiologia, publicadas na biblioteca Cochrane. Para as variáveis qualitativas foram estimadas frequências absolutas e relativas, enquanto para as quantitativas foram determinadas médias e desvios padrão, ou medianas e intervalos interquartis, dependendo de sua distribuição. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para estabelecer a diferença de médias e o qui-quadrado para a diferença de proporções. Resultados: foram incluídas 54 revisões sistemáticas, com um total de 1053 meta-análises, 6 revisões com 240 meta-análises entre 2000-2005 e 48 revisões com 813 meta-análises entre 2011-2016. A maioria das metanálises usou tratamento padrão como grupo de comparação (56.6%), mediu resultados qualitativos nominais (86.3%), determinou riscos relativos (63.3%) e aplicou modelos de efeito fixo (57.8%). Em 2011-2016, a média do Índice de Higgins foi 17.5 menor do que em 2000-2005 (p<0.05). Conclusão: evidenciou-se uma diminuição da heterogeneidade estatística e um aumento da implementação de modelos de efeitos aleatórios, o que confere maior rigor na demonstração de resultados verdadeiramente significativos.

Cardiology , Models, Statistical , Methodology as a Subject
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526217


Objetivos: avaliar o impacto de variáveis clínicas e tumorais sobre a sobrevida global e a sobrevida livre da doença em pacientes com câncer colorretal atendidos em um hospital especializado em oncologia, em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo com análise do registro hospitalar de câncer e de prontuários de pacientes com câncer colorretal tratados entre 2015 e 2016, com acompanhamento até janeiro de 2022. A curva de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de Cox, com apresentação do RR e IC95%, foram empregados nas análises. Resultados: foram incluídos no estudo 235 pacientes, dos quais 126 (53,6%) eram do sexo masculino, 204 (86,8%) tinham idade igual ou superior a 50 anos ao diagnóstico e 125 (53,2%) receberam inicialmente o diagnóstico de tumor de cólon. O risco de morte e de recorrência foram maiores em pacientes com estadiamento IV (RR = 2,77; IC95% = 1,57-3,85 e RR = 3,98; IC95% = 1,15-13,79), tumor no reto (RR = 2,04; IC95% = 1,24-3,38 e RR= 2,25; IC95% = 1,40-3,60) e metástase nos linfonodos regionais (RR = 2,26; IC95% = 1,27-4,03 e RR = 2,15; IC95% = 1,24-3,73). O risco de óbito foi elevado em idosos com Índice de Massa Corporal de baixo peso (RR = 3,5; IC95% = 0,9-75). Conclusões: no momento do diagnóstico, fatores tumorais como estadiamento avançado, tumor no reto e a presença de metástase são importantes preditores de mortalidade e recidiva do câncer colorretal, além disso, indicam o Índice de Massa Corporal como potencial variável de pior prognóstico na população idosa com câncer colorretal

Aims: to evaluate the impact of clinical and tumor variables on overall survival and disease-free survival in patients with colorectal cancer treated at a specialized oncology hospital in Curitiba, Paraná. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was carried out with analysis of the câncer hospital registry and medical records of patients with colorectal cancer treated between 2015 and 2016, with follow-up until January 2022. The Kaplan-Meier curve and the Cox model, with presentation of the Hazard Ratio (HR) and confidence interval 95% (95%CI), were used in the analyses. Results: 235 patients were included in the study, 126 (53.6%) males, 204 (86.8%) aged at diagnosis equal to or greater than 50 years and 125 (53.2%) with the initial diagnosis of tumor of colon. The risk of death and recurrence were higher in patients with stage IV (HR = 2.77; 95%CI = 1.57-3.85 and HR = 3.98; 95%CI = 1.15-13.79), tumor in the rectum (HR = 2.04; 95%CI = 1.24-3.38 and HR = 2.25; 95%CI = 1.40-3.60) and regional lymph node metastasis (HR = 2.26; 95%CI = 1.27-4.03 and HR = 2.15; 95%CI = 1.24-3.73). In addition, the risk of death was high in elderly with low weight Body Mass Index (HR =3.5; 95%CI = 0.9-75). Conclusions: at the time of diagnosis, tumor factors such as advanced staging, tumor in the rectum and the presence of metastasis are important predictors of mortality and recurrence of colorectal cancer, in addition, they indicate Body Mass Index as a potential variable of worse prognosis in the elderly population with colorectal cancer

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Survival , Mortality
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 14(2): e529, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408550


El uso de dispositivos móviles en la vida moderna es imprescindible debido a las ventajas que brindan al ofrecer nuevas posibilidades e implementar de manera virtual servicios ya establecidos. La mayor existencia de móviles que computadoras en los estudiantes de Cuba nos motivó a la realización de esta aplicación. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la aplicación nombrada Cálculos estadísticos y tasas en salud (Calc. Tasas versión 1.7) construida para realizar cálculos en un curso de Bioestadística, cubriendo gran parte del contenido de esta asignatura en la enseñanza de pregrado de las universidades médicas, así como otros contenidos de interés en esta materia. También incorpora una base de datos con información demográfica y sanitaria de Cuba y sus provincias en el período 2013-2020. Como resultado se logró independencia tecnológica al dejar de usar programas foráneos y se logró una mayor portabilidad pues funciona tanto en móviles como en computadoras utilizando un emulador de Android(AU)

The use of mobile devices in modern life is essential due to the advantages they provide, offering new possibilities and implementing virtual services. The existence of greater number of mobiles phones than computers in Cuban students motivated the realization of this application. The objective of the article is to describe the application Statistical calculations and rates in health (Calc. Rates version 1.7) built to perform calculations in a Biostatistics course, covering a large part of the content of this subject in the undergraduate teaching of medical universities, as well as other content related with this topic. It also incorporates a database with demographic and health information on Cuba and its provinces in the period 2013-2020. As a result, technological independence was achieved by stopping using foreign programs and a greater portability, since it works on both mobile phones and computers through an Android emulator(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Mathematical Computing , Medical Informatics Applications , Programming Languages , Biostatistics/methods , Mobile Applications , Cuba
Multimed (Granma) ; 26(6)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440688


Introducción: el análisis estadístico se divide en dos componentes: el análisis descriptivo y el análisis inferencial, las pruebas estadísticas, se fraccionan en paramétricas y no paramétricas. Sin embargo, la elección de una prueba estadística apropiada, representa un reto. Objetivo: proponer una herramienta, que sirva para seleccionar una prueba estadística a aquellos no expertos en bioestadística, para las investigaciones biomédicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio tipo revisión bibliográfica narrativa. Se partió de una revisión de la literatura sobre las principales pruebas estadísticas que se utilizan en la actualidad, disponibles en la literatura de las bases de datosbibliográficas como Pubmed/Medline, SciELO, SCOPUS, Springer, Web of Science, EBSCOhost entre otras. Dicha herramienta fue validada por criterio de expertos. Resultados: se diseñó un esquema, el que puede utilizarse de dos maneras: la primera consiste seguir el esquema hasta descubrir cuál es la técnica estadística apropiada para sus datos y la segunda: siguiendo el esquema hacia atrás, determinar si la prueba fue una elección lógica para los datos analizados. Para usarla, debe identificar variables dependientes e independientes, después llegará a una medida de síntesis o a una estimación puntual útil para sus datos, que irá seguida de una clasificación general de las pruebas estadísticas. Conclusiones: la guía propuesta es un intento de aportar una guía útil para seleccionar una técnica estadística para el análisis de datos en las investigaciones biomédicas.

Introduction: statistical analysis is divided into two components: descriptive analysis and inferential analysis, statistical tests, are divided into parametric and nonparametric. Choosing an appropriate statistical test, however, is challenging. Objective: to propose a tool, which serves to select a statistical test to those not experts in biostatistics, for biomedical research. Methods: a narrative literature review study was conducted. It was based on a review of the literature on the main statistical tests currently used, available in the literature of bibliographic databases such as Pubmed/Medline, SciELO, SCOPUS, Springer, Web of Science, EBSCOhost among others. This tool was validated by expert criteria. Results: a scheme was designed, which can be used in two ways: the first is to follow the scheme until discovering which is the appropriate statistical technique for your data and the second: following the scheme backwards, determine if the test was a logical choice for the analyzed data. To use it, you must identify dependent and independent variables, then you will arrive at a synthesis measure or a useful point estimate for your data, which will be followed by a general classification of statistical tests. Conclusions: the proposed guideline is an attempt to provide a useful guide to select a statistical technique for data analysis in biomedical research.

Introdução: a análise estatística é dividida em dois componentes: análise descritiva e análise inferencial, testes estatísticos, são divididos em paramétricos e não paramétricos. Escolher um teste estatístico apropriado, no entanto, é um desafio. Objetivo: propor uma ferramenta, que sirva para selecionar um teste estatístico para aqueles que nãosão especialistas em bioestatística, para pesquisa biomédica. Métodos: realizou-se um estudo de revisão narrativa da literatura. Baseou-se em uma revisão da literatura sobre os principais testes estatísticos atualmente utilizados, disponíveis na literatura de bases de dados bibliográficas como Pubmed/Medline, SciELO, SCOPUS, Springer, Web of Science, EBSCOhost entre outras. Esse instrumento foi validado por critérios de especialistas. Resultados: foi elaborado um esquema, que pode ser utilizado de duas formas: a primeira é seguir o esquema até descobrir qual é a técnica estatística apropriada para seus dados e a segunda: seguindo o esquema de trás para frente, determinar se o teste foi uma escolha lógica para os dados analisados. Para usá-lo, você deve identificar variáveis dependentes e independentes, então você chegará a uma medida de síntese ou uma estimativa pontual útil para seus dados, que será seguida por uma classificação geral de testes estatísticos. Conclusões: a diretriz proposta é uma tentativa de fornecer um guia útil para selecionar uma técnica estatística para análise de dados em pesquisa biomédica.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(5): 630-639, oct. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431692


La estadística es uno de los pilares de la ciencia, especialmente para describir y analizar los datos, la que ha progresado exponencialmente en los últimos años. Se le debe entender como un apoyo fundamental para la toma de decisiones en las distintas disciplinas. Los análisis exploratorios son descritos como el primer paso en la estadística, buscando organizar, representar y describir los datos, pero muchas veces este proceso se vuelve complejo, siendo importante realizar una revisión exhaustiva de la matriz de datos. Es objetivo de este manuscrito describir una propuesta metodológica para la validación de bases de datos aplicada a las ciencias de la salud. Esta metodología consta de seis etapas: cuatro de ellas obligatorias y sucesivas, y las otras dos opcionales. En la literatura médica, estos procedimientos general-mente son pasados por alto; buscamos, en consecuencia, recalcar la importancia de este proceso como previo a los análisis exploratorios.

Statistics is one of the pillars of science, especially to describe and analyze data, it has progressed exponentially in recent years. Being the fundamental support for decision-making in different disciplines. Exploratory analyzes are described as the first step in statistics, seeking to organize, represent and describe the data, but many times this process becomes complex, and it is important to carry out an exhaustive review of the data matrix. The aim of this manuscript was to describe a methodological proposal for databases validation applied to health sciences. This methodology consists of 6 stages, 4 of them compulsory and successive, and the other two, optional. In the literature these procedures are generally overlooked, our purpose is thus to emphasize the importance of this process prior to exploratory analyzes.

Humans , Biostatistics/methods , Databases as Topic , Health Sciences , Data Accuracy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220823


Introduction: A good understanding of biostatistics can improve clinical thinking, decision-making, evaluations, and medical research. Undoubtedly, medical professionals are becoming aware of the importance of learning and applying biostatistical methods in their research. This study was done to assess the knowledge and attitude among medical graduates regarding the role and application of biostatistics in medical science. Method: The study was a cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care teaching hospital among 120 medical students pursuing MBBS third and final year. Systematic random sampling was used to select the study participants. A pretested validated semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: Majority of the study participants, strongly agree that the subject helps in interpretation (75.8%), and is important in medical practice (61.7%). However, 85% of the study participants feel that software is difficult to use. 90% of the study participants find the subject hard to understand. The mean score of subject content, understanding, the current impact was significantly higher among the fourth-year students than the third-year students. There was no significant difference between the genders. Conclusion: Introduction of data collection sessions and appraisal of excerpts in published articles can provide practical knowledge and accentuate the role of bio statistics in health care.

Educ. med. super ; 36(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404530


Introducción: La Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública es el centro coordinador y rector de la formación de especialistas en Bioestadística del país. A partir de la emergencia generada por la COVID-19, el proceso formativo de esta especialidad se vio interrumpido. La educación a distancia a través de entornos de enseñanza-aprendizaje resultó la única opción posible para reanudar el proceso. Objetivo: Exponer la experiencia de uso de Moodle en la formación de especialistas en Bioestadística a partir de la epidemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Estudio de caso descriptivo, realizado entre septiembre de 2020 y febrero de 2021. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por los dos estudiantes matriculados en el primer año del curso académico 2020-2021. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada a los alumnos sobre aspectos del curso 1 y 2 del programa y se realizó consulta a expertos para la evaluación. Resultados: Se identificaron las carencias para reorientar el proceso. La selección de las actividades prácticas y evaluativas estuvo guiada por el análisis de los objetivos temáticos y la naturaleza de los contenidos. La evaluación de los resultados y el análisis de la encuesta permitió conocer en profundidad aspectos a perfeccionar en futuras ediciones. Conclusiones: El estudio evidenció que la modalidad virtual constituía una vía factible para la formación de posgrado en salud, particularmente durante la COVID-19. Con el análisis de las cuatro condiciones contempladas para los sistemas de instrucción se reconoció la importancia de la etapa de planificación previa y su perfeccionamiento para alcanzar mejores resultados(AU)

Introduction: The National School of Public Health is the center that coordinates and guides the training of Biostatistics specialists in Cuba. Since the emergency caused by COVID-19, the training process of this specialty was interrupted. Distance education through teaching-learning environments was the only possible option to resume the process. Objective: To expose the experience of using Moodle in the training of Biostatistics specialists during the COVID-19 epidemic. Methods: Descriptive case study carried out between September 2020 and February 2021. The study universe consisted of the two first-year students enrolled for the 2020-2021 academic year. A structured survey was applied to the students regarding aspects of the first two courses the program; expert consultation was carried out for the evaluation. Results: Shortcomings were identified as affecting the reorientation of the process. The selection of practical and evaluative activities was guided by the analysis of the thematic objectives and the nature of the contents. The assessment of the results and the analysis of the survey provided in-depth knowledge of aspects to be improved in future editions. Conclusions: The study evidenced that the virtual modality was a feasible way for postgraduate training in health, particularly during the COVID-19. With the analysis of the four conditions that should be present in instructional systems, the pre-planning stage and its improvement was recognized as important to achieve better results(AU)

Humans , Teaching/education , Biostatistics , Education, Distance/methods , Learning , COVID-19/prevention & control
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2019-2025, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927836


The current implementation of labor education in college is insufficient and does not match its importance. The main reasons lie in outdated conceptual understanding, monotonic implementing form and lack of teaching resources for labor education. This status quo does not meet the requirements for professional and creative labor works in modern society. In order to address this challenge, we propose to incorporate labor education into professional education. Such incorporation not only mutually promotes both labor and professional education, but also integrates professional knowledge and labor skills during the teaching process, thus combining the elements of traditional labor education with timely requirement for creative labor works. This article introduced a way to incorporate labor education into biostatistics courses, and analyzed the mutually beneficial effect of such approaches.

Humans , Biostatistics , Curriculum
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(4): 257-264, oct.-dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396057


Describir las herramientas estadísticas las herramientas estadísticas empleadas para la presentación de resultados de investigación en los artículos publicados en la revista Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría a fin de evaluar el nivel y accesibilidad de aquéllas. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se analizaron las publicaciones del período 2015-2019. Aplicando la escala de Mora Ripoll adaptada por Praena Fernández, fueron revisados 236 trabajos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión en la sección Artículos originales de la revista Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría. El 14,4% de los artículos correspondió al nivel I, 22,9% al nivel II y 62,7% al nivel III. Así, un lector cuyo repertorio de conocimientos estadísticos equivaliera al nivel I accedería al 14,4% de los artículos mientras que quien contara con un nivel II elevaría la accesibilidad al 37,3%. Del análisis de los artículos originales publicados en los AAP, resulta evidente que quien desee realizar un análisis crítico de la totalidad de los hallazgos presentados en la revista, deberá contar con un apropiado nivel de conocimiento que, lamentablemente, no suele alcanzarse en la carrera de grado de Medicina.

Describes the statistical tools used to present research results in articles published in the Argentine Archives of Pediatrics to assess their level and accessibility. Observational, descriptive and retrospective study. Publications for the period 2015-2019 were analyzed. Applying the Mora Ripoll scale, adapted by Praena Fernández, 236 papers satisfying the inclusion criteria were reviewed in its original articles section. 14.4% of the articles corresponded to level I, 22.9% to level II and 62.7% to level III. Thus, a reader whose repertoire of statistical knowledge equals level I would access 14.4% of the articles, while a reader with a level II would increase accessibility to 37.3%. From the analysis of the original articles published in the AAP, it is evident that anyone who wishes to carry out a critical analysis of all the findings presented in the journal, must have an appropriate level of knowledge that, unfortunately, it is not usually achieved in the undergraduate degree of Medicine.

Humans , Periodicals as Topic , Biostatistics , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Comprehension , Pediatrics , Argentina , Professional Competence , Retrospective Studies
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(1): 88-95, jan.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289053


RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores de risco para conhecimento insuficiente sobre valores de p entre médicos e terapeutas respiratórios atuantes em terapia intensiva na Argentina. Métodos: Levantamento transversal on-line com 25 questões relativas às características dos participantes, autopercepção e conhecimento sobre valores de p (teoria e prática). Realizaram-se análises de estatística descritiva e regressão logística multivariada. Resultados: Analisaram-se 376 participantes. Não tinham conhecimento a respeito dos valores de p 237 participantes (63,1%). Segundo análise de regressão logística multivariada, falta de treinamento em metodologia científica (RC ajustadas 2,50; IC95% 1,37 - 4,53; p = 0,003) e a quantidade de leitura (< 6 artigos científicos por ano; RC ajustadas 3,27; IC95% 1,67 - 6,40; p = 0,001) foram identificados como independentemente associados com a falta de conhecimento sobre valores de p por parte dos participantes. Conclusão: A prevalência de conhecimento insuficiente com relação a valores de p entre médicos e terapeutas respiratórios na Argentina foi de 63%. Falta de treinamento em metodologia científica e quantidade de leitura (< 6 artigos científicos por ano) foram identificados como independentemente associados com a falta de conhecimento sobre valores de p por parte dos participantes.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for insufficient knowledge related to p-values among critical care physicians and respiratory therapists in Argentina. Methods: This cross-sectional online survey contained 25 questions about respondents' characteristics, self-perception and p-value knowledge (theory and practice). Descriptive and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: Three hundred seventy-six respondents were analyzed. Two hundred thirty-seven respondents (63.1%) did not know about p-values. According to the multivariable logistic regression analysis, a lack of training on scientific research methodology (adjusted OR 2.50; 95%CI 1.37 - 4.53; p = 0.003) and the amount of reading (< 6 scientific articles per year; adjusted OR 3.27; 95%CI 1.67 - 6.40; p = 0.001) were found to be independently associated with the respondents' lack of p-value knowledge. Conclusion: The prevalence of insufficient knowledge regarding p-values among critical care physicians and respiratory therapists in Argentina was 63%. A lack of training on scientific research methodology and the amount of reading (< 6 scientific articles per year) were found to be independently associated with the respondents' lack of p-value knowledge.

Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Critical Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(1): e21spe1, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1154062


ABSTRACT Introduction: The efficiency of clinical procedures is based on practical and theoretical knowledge. Countless daily information is available to the orthodontist, but it is up to this professional to know how to select what really has an impact on clinical practice. Evidence-based orthodontics ends up requiring the clinician to know the basics of biostatistics to understand the results of scientific publications. Such concepts are also important for researchers, for correct data planning and analysis. Objective: This article aims to present, in a clear way, some essential concepts of biostatistics that assist the clinical orthodontist in understanding scientific research, for an evidence-based clinical practice. In addition, an updated version of the tutorial to assist in choosing the appropriate statistical test will be presented. This PowerPoint® tool can be used to assist the user in finding answers to common questions about biostatistics, such as the most appropriate statistical test for comparing groups, choosing graphs, performing correlations and regressions, analyzing casual, random or systematic errors. Conclusion: Researchers and clinicians must acquire or recall essential concepts to understand and apply an appropriate statistical analysis. It is important that journal readers and reviewers can identify when statistical analyzes are being inappropriately used.

RESUMO Introdução: A eficiência dos procedimentos clínicos é baseada em conhecimentos práticos e teóricos. Inúmeras informações diárias estão ao alcance do ortodontista; porém cabe a esse profissional saber selecionar o que realmente tem impacto na prática clínica. A Ortodontia baseada em evidências acaba exigindo que o clínico conheça os fundamentos da bioestatística para compreender os resultados das publicações científicas. Tais conceitos também são importantes aos pesquisadores para um correto planejamento e análise dos dados. Objetivo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar, de forma clara, alguns conceitos essenciais da bioestatística que auxiliem o ortodontista clínico na compreensão da pesquisa científica para uma prática clínica baseada em evidências. Além disso, será apresentada uma versão atualizada do tutorial para auxílio na escolha do teste estatístico adequado. Essa ferramenta em PowerPoint® pode ser empregada para auxiliar o usuário a encontrar respostas para dúvidas comuns sobre bioestatística, como o teste estatístico mais adequado para comparar grupos, escolha de gráficos, realizar correlações e regressões, análises de sobrevivência e dos erros aleatório e sistemático. Conclusão: Pesquisadores e clínicos devem adquirir ou relembrar conceitos essenciais para compreender e aplicar uma análise estatística apropriada. É importante que os leitores e revisores de periódicos possam identificar quando análises estatísticas estão sendo utilizadas de forma inadequada.

Humans , Research Design , Research Personnel , Biostatistics , Data Display
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 48: e20202581, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155375


ABSTRACT Understanding the cause, severity, and elapsed time for the restoration of the functions of maxillofacial injuries can contribute to the establishment of clinical priorities aiming at effective treatment and further prevention of facial trauma. The objective of this study was to understand the factors associated with the restoration of mastication, ocular, and nasal functions in the face of trauma victims, estimating their recovery time after surgical treatment. We analyzed 114 medical records of patients treated at the Hospital Montenegro, who attended follow-up consultations for up to 180 days. For analysis of the recovery time, we performed survival analysis, followed by COX analysis. We observed that half of the patients recovered their functions within 20 days. The average time for recovery from trauma in the zygomatic-orbital-malar-nasal complex was 11 days, and in the maxillary-mandibular complex, 21 days (HR: 1.5 [0.99 2.3], p = 0.055). Although functional reestablishment has reached high rates after the surgical approach, it is necessary to analyze the failing cases, as well as the economic impacts and the prevention strategies associated with facial trauma, to improve the service to the population.

RESUMO O entendimento da causa, da gravidade e do tempo decorrido para o restabelecimento das funções de lesões maxilofaciais pode contribuir para o estabelecimento de prioridades clínicas objetivando o efetivo tratamento e prevenção dos traumatismos de face. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender quais os fatores associados ao restabelecimento das funções mastigatórias, oculares e nasais em vítimas de trauma de face, estimando o tempo para recuperação das funções, após o tratamento cirúrgico. Foram analisados 114 prontuários de pacientes atendidos no Hospital de Montenegro que compareceram às consultas de acompanhamento por até 180 dias. Para a análise do tempo para a recuperação, foi realizada a análise de sobrevida, seguida da análise de COX. Observou-se que metade dos pacientes recuperaram as funções em até 20 dias, sendo que o tempo médio para recuperação dos traumas no complexo zigomático-orbitário-malar-nasal foi de 11 dias e do complexo maxilo - mandibular de 21 dias (HR: 1,5 (0,99 - 2,3) p=0,055). Embora o restabelecimento das funções tenha atingido taxas elevadas após abordagem cirúrgicas, faz-se necessária a análise dos casos de insucessos bem como os impactos econômicos e as estratégias de prevenção associados aos traumas de face a fim de qualificar o serviço prestado à população.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Orbital Fractures/surgery , Skull Fractures/surgery , Zygomatic Fractures/surgery , Facial Bones/injuries , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Mandibular Fractures/surgery , Maxillary Fractures/surgery , Nasal Bone/surgery , Orbital Fractures/etiology , Orbital Fractures/epidemiology , Skull Fractures/etiology , Skull Fractures/epidemiology , Zygomatic Fractures/etiology , Zygomatic Fractures/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Survival Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Recovery of Function , Facial Bones/surgery , Mandibular Fractures/etiology , Mandibular Fractures/epidemiology , Maxillary Fractures/etiology , Maxillary Fractures/epidemiology , Middle Aged , Nasal Bone/injuries
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 53(2): 47-52, 20200800.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119408


Introducción: El desarrollo científico es considerado un componente de la educación médica debido a la implicancia de la investigación en la formación profesional, no existe verdadera educación superior sin investigación activa. Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de los estudiantes de medicina de Latinoamérica sobre la capacitación universitaria en investigación científica. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, donde fueron incluidos 488 estudiantes de medicina de doce países de Latinoamérica. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada mediante un formulario en línea de 10 preguntas, dividida en dos secciones: la primera, con las variables sociodemográficas, y la segunda, sobre la percepción de la capacitación estudiantil con una escala tipo Likert de cinco valores categóricos. Resultados: La edad estuvo comprendida de 17 a 34 años con una media de 22,34 años y un desvió estándar de 2.76, El 99,8% consideró importante la capacitación universitaria en temas de investigación científica. Conclusión: La mayoría de los estudiantes consideró importante recibir capacitación en sus universidades en temas como lectura crítica, redacción científica, búsqueda bibliográfica, metodología de la investigación y bioestadística. En general, la percepción sobre la capacitación recibida fue de regular a deficiente.

Introduction: Scientific development is considered a component of medical education, due to the implication of research to professional training there is no truly higher education without active research. Objectives: To analyze the perception of medical students in Latin America about university training in scientific research. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted where 488 medical students from 12 Latin American countries were included. A structured questionnaire was applied using an online form of 10 questions, divided into two sections: the first one with the sociodemographic variables, and the second one about the perception of student training with a Likert scale of five categorical values. Results: The age ranged from 17 to 34 years with an average of 22.34 years and a standard deviation of 2.76. 99.8% considered important university training in scientific research topics. Conclusion: The majority of students consider it important to receive training in their universities on topics such as critical reading, scientific writing, bibliographic search, research methodology and biostatistics. In general, the perception of the training received is from regular to deficient.

Education, Medical , Students, Medical , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mentoring
Geriatr., Gerontol. Aging (Online) ; 14(1): 43-51, 31-03-2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097167


A análise de redes é uma técnica estatística gráfica que permite a rápida visualização e interpretação de associações entre múltiplas variáveis. Ainda existem poucos estudos com conteúdo teórico sobre esse método, especialmente nas áreas de pesquisa da geriatria e gerontologia, as quais abrangem o estudo de diferentes variáveis sociais, clínicas ou de saúde física e mental. Os objetivos deste estudo foram apresentar os principais aspectos teóricos e demonstrar a aplicabilidade da análise de rede por meio de estudos que utilizaram essa técnica, oferecendo uma linguagem acessível para todos os níveis de conhecimento em estatística. Foram demonstrados as principais características dos gráficos, conceitos teóricos básicos e artigos científicos que utilizaram redes. O presente estudo metodológico pode auxiliar o leitor na compreensão desse método analítico, ainda pouco explorado no âmbito da pesquisa nacional. Nas áreas de geriatria e gerontologia há escassez de pesquisas que abordam essa temática, entretanto o avanço tecnológico, a disponibilidade de programas estatísticos com novos recursos de análise de dados e a divulgação de informações são fatores relevantes para a expansão do conhecimento e a utilização da análise de redes.

Network analysis is a graphical statistical technique that allows rapid visualization and interpretation of associations between multiple variables. There are still few theoretical studies on this method, especially in the areas of geriatrics and gerontology research, which cover the study of different social, clinical, or physical and mental health variables. The objectives of this study were to present the main theoretical aspects of network analysis and demonstrate its applicability by analyzing studies that used this technique, offering an accessible language for all levels of knowledge in statistics. The main characteristics of the graphs, basic theoretical concepts, and scientific articles that used networks were demonstrated. This methodological study can help the reader to understand this analytical method, which is still little explored in national research. There is a scarcity of research on this subject in the areas of geriatrics and gerontology; however, technological advances, the availability of statistical programs with new data analysis resources, and the dissemination of information are relevant factors for the expansion of knowledge and the use of network analysis in this context.

Humans , Health Statistics , Biostatistics/methods , Geriatrics/trends , Epidemiologic Studies , Health of the Elderly , Multivariate Analysis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873517


@#William Petty ( 1623-1687) was a great 17th-century economist,statistician and one of the founders of the Royal Society. He put forward the concept of " political arithmetic" and used the method of " number,weight and measurement" to calculate and analyze the population and economic data of a country. His statistical methods laid the foundation for the development of statistics.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAE4729, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056044


ABSTRACT Randomized controlled trials are known to be the best tool to determine the effects of an intervention; however, most healthcare professionals are not able to adequately understand the results. In this report, concepts, applications, examples, and advantages of using visual data as a complementary tool in the results section of original articles are presented. Visual simplification of data presentation will improve general understanding of clinical research.

RESUMO Ensaios clínicos randomizados são conhecidos por serem a melhor ferramenta para determinar os efeitos de uma intervenção. No entanto, a maioria dos profissionais de saúde não é capaz de compreender os resultados de forma adequada. Neste artigo, são apresentados conceitos, aplicações, exemplos e vantagens do uso de dados visuais como uma ferramenta complementar na seção dos resultados de artigos originais. A simplificação da visualização da apresentação dos dados deve melhorar o entendimento geral de pesquisas clínicas.

Humans , Audiovisual Aids , Clinical Trials as Topic , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Health Personnel
Acta sci., Health sci ; 42: e49916, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378169


The use of linear mixed models for nested structure longitudinal data is called hierarchical linear modeling. Thismodeling takes into account the dependence of existing data within each level and between hierarchical levels. The process of modeling, estimating and analyzing diagnoses was illustrated through data on the weights of mice experimentally infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, divided into different treatment groups, with the purpose of verifying the evolution of their body weight as a result of usingdifferent types of biotherapeutics produced from Gallus gallus domesticus(chicken) serum to treat Trypanosoma cruzi. Through the model selection criteria AIC and BIC and the likelihood ratio test, a model was chosen to describe the data correctly. Model diagnoses were then performed by means of residual analysis for both levels and an analysis of influential observations to verify if any observations were signaled as influencing the fixed effects, the components of variance and the adjusted values. After the analysis, it was possible to notice that the observations that were signaled as influential had little impact on the Model chosen initially, so it was maintained, with no differences being evidenced between the treatments with the biotherapeutics tested; only the Time variable and the Random intercept were necessary to describe the weight of the mice.

Animals , Mice , Trypanosoma cruzi/immunology , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Biotherapics/analysis , Models, Statistical , Chickens , Epidemiology/instrumentation , Chagas Disease/immunology , Chagas Disease/parasitology , Mice