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Biol. Res ; 572024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564032


Background Disseminated neoplasia (DN) is a proliferative cell disorder of the circulatory system of bivalve mollusks. The disease is transmitted between individuals and can also be induced by external chemical agents such as bromodeoxyuridine. In Mya arenaria, we have cloned and characterized an LTR-retrotransposon named Steamer. Steamer mRNA levels and gene copy number correlates with DN and can be used as a marker of the disease. So far, the only mollusk where a retrotransposon expression relates to DN is Mya arenaria. On the other hand, it has been reported that the Chilean blue mussel Mytilus chilensis can also suffers DN. Our aim was to identify retrotransposons in Mytilus chilensis and to study their expression levels in the context of disseminated neoplasia. Results Here we show that 7.1% of individuals collected in August 2018, from two farming areas, presents morphological characteristics described in DN. Using Steamer sequence to interrogate the transcriptome ofM. chilensis we found two putative retrotransposons, named Steamer-like elements (MchSLEs). MchSLEs are present in the genome of M. chilensis and MchSLE1 is indeed an LTR-retrotransposon. Neither expression, nor copy number of the reported MchSLEs correlate with DN status but both are expressed at different levels among individual animals. We also report that in cultured M. chilensis haemocytes MchSLEs1 expression can be induced by bromodeoxyuridine. Conclusions We conclude that SLEs present in Mytilus chilensis are differentially expressed among individuals and do not correlate with disseminated neoplasia. Treatment of haemocytes with a stressor like bromodeoxyuridine induces expression of MchSLE1 suggesting that in Mytilus chilensis environmental stressors can induce activation of LTR-retrotransposon.

Acta biol. colomb ; 24(2): 361-371, May-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010864


RESUMEN La ostra del mangle es una especie de gran importancia ecológica y comercial en muchos lugares del Caribe. En Bahía de Cispatá, Colombia, no obstante, representa el sustento económico de un importante grupo de pescadores se carece de planes de manejo que regulen su extracción. El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de establecer la estructura poblacional de Crassostrea rhizophorae en Bahía Cispatá, como insumo básico para la formulación futura de planes de manejo de la especie. Debido a las diferencias fenotípicas observadas entre los individuos de los lugares muestreados, se obtuvieron secuencias del gen COI, concluyendo que todos los individuos corresponden a la especie Crassostrea rhizophorae. Con base en las características morfológicas se diferenciaron dos poblaciones, de las que no se evidenció coexistencia en una misma estación de muestreo. A través del programa FiSAT se evaluaron los principales parámetros poblacionales, encontrando que los individuos de la población con concha delgada crecen a mayor velocidad alcanzando mayores tamaños que los individuos de la población de conchas más robustas y fuertes. No obstante, los individuos de concha delgada también presentaron una tasa de mortalidad más alta. Para las dos poblaciones la oferta alimentaria fue muy baja, lo cual pudo haber influido en la baja densidad poblacional encontrada durante 2015. Es necesario resaltar la importancia del recurso ostra en la zona y la ventaja que representa para los pescadores, los especímenes de concha más robusta, los cuales pueden ser mantenidos por más tiempo sin congelar que los de concha delgada.

ABSTRACT The mangrove oyster is a species of great ecological and commercial importance in many places in the Caribbean. In Bahía de Cispatá, Colombia, the oyster represents the economic support of an important group of fishermen lacks management plans for the extraction regulation. The objective of the present study was to establish the population structure of Crassostrea rhizophorae in Bahía Cispatá, as a basic input for the future formulation of management plans. Due to the morphological differences observed among the individuals of the sampled sites, sequences of the COI gene were obtained, concluding that all individuals correspond to the species Crassostrea rhizophorae. Based on the morphological differences, two populations were differentiated, which did not show coexistence in the same sampling station. Through the FiSAT program, the main population parameters were evaluated, finding that individuals of the population with thin shells grow at a faster rate, reaching greater sizes than individuals from the population of more robust and strong shells. However, individuals with thin shells also had higher mortality rates. For both populations, the food supply was very low, which may have influenced the low population density found during 2015. It is important to highlight the importance of this resource in the area and the advantage presented by the more robust oyster's specimens for fishermen since is that it allows them to have it to be stored for longer than the thin shell oyster.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 19(4): e20190745, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038865


Abstract: The reef ecosystems of Morro de São Paulo are located in the Tinharé-Boipeba Environmental Preservation Area which was established in 1992 in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Despite this area has been created more than two decades ago, no study has provided knowledge on the invertebrate biodiversity associated with such reef ecosystems. The present investigation provides the first inventory of benthic mollusks associated with the reef ecosystems of Morro de São Paulo based on the collection of living specimens and fresh empty as well as some worn shells. Mollusks were sampled in January 2015 and August 2016 through intensive searches from the intertidal to shallow subtidal habitats of the reefs on three beaches of Morro de São Paulo. Taxonomic richness and biodiversity indices were analyzed. This rapid assessment of the malacofauna resulted in the determination of 84 species belonging to 44 families of gastropods as well as 13 species belonging to eight families of bivalves and one chiton (total: 98 species). Species richness was numerically dominated by members of the subclass Caenogastropoda. The families with the largest number of species were Ranellidae (5), Muricidae (6) and Marginellidae (7). Conus regius, Cypraecassis testiculus, Lobatus goliath, Strombus pugilis, Tonna galea, Turbinella laevigata and Vasum cassiforme are extremely vulnerable macrospecies in the region due to their commercial importance. Comparisons of the malacofauna composition between the study site and Abrolhos Bank were made from data published for this region. ACE and CHAO 1 estimated 133 mollusk species for the region. Despite the rapid assessment, the number of species discovered in the study area approached 73.6% of the estimated total number. The considerable number of mollusk species found in a relatively small area with insufficient sampling underscores the importance of the reef ecosystems of Morro de São Paulo as a one priority area for conservation on the coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil, for which the species richness of other invertebrate groups is virtually unknown.

Resumo: Os ecossistemas recifais do Morro de São Paulo estão na área de proteção ambiental Tinharé-Boipeba, a qual foi estabelecida em 1992 no estado da Bahia, Brasil. Apesar desta área ter sido criada há mais de duas décadas, nenhum estudo foi realizado sobre a biodiversidade de invertebrados associados a tais ecossistemas recifais. Este trabalho representa o primeiro inventário de moluscos bentônicos associados aos ecossistemas recifais do Morro de São Paulo com base na coleta de indivíduos vivos e conchas com superfície íntegra e desgastada. Moluscos foram amostrados em janeiro de 2015 e agosto de 2016 através de busca ativa em habitats das regiões entremarés e sublitoral dos ecossistemas recifais nas três praias do Morro de São Paulo. A riqueza taxonômica e índices de biodiversidade foram analisados. O inventário da malacofauna resultou na identificação de 84 espécies pertencentes a 44 famílias de gastrópodes bem como 13 espécies pertencentes a oito famílias de bivalves e um quiton (total: 98 species). A riqueza de espécies foi numericamente dominada por membros da subclasse Caenogastropoda. As famílias com o maior número de espécies foram Ranellidae (5), Muricidae (6) and Marginellidae (7). Conus regius, Cypraecassis testiculus, Lobatus goliath, Strombus pugilis, Tonna galea, Turbinella laevigata e Vasum cassiforme são macroespécies extremamente vulneráveis na região devido a sua importância comercial. A composição malacofaunística da área estudada foi comparada com a do Arquipélago de Abrolhos. ACE e CHAO 1 estimaram 133 espécies de moluscos para a região. Apesar do rápido levantamento, o número de espécies descobertas na área em questão se aproximou em 73.6% do número total estimado. O considerável número de espécies de moluscos encontradas em uma área relativamente pequena com insuficiente esforço amostral ressalta a importância dos ecossistemas recifais do Morro de São Paulo como uma área prioritária para conservação na costa do estado da Bahia, Brasil, na qual a riqueza de outros grupos de invertebrados é virtualmente desconhecida.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 17(1): e20160239, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838977


Abstract: Coastal ecosystems of northeastern Brazil have important biodiversity with regard to marine mollusks, which are insufficiently studied. Here we provide an inventory of mollusks from two sites in the estuary of the Paraíba River. Mollusks were collected in 2014 and 2016 on the coast and sandbanks located on the properties of Treze de Maio and Costinha de Santo Antônio. The malacofaunal survey identified 12 families, 20 genera and 21 species of bivalves, 17 families, 19 genera and 20 species of gastropods and one species of cephalopod. Bivalves of the family Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815 were the most representative, with a total of five species. Gastropods of the family Littorinidae Children, 1834 had the greatest species richness. The most abundant species were: Neritina virginea (Linnaeus, 1758), Brachidontes exustus (Linnaeus, 1758), Crassostrea brasiliana (Lamarck, 1819), Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778), Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791), Parvanachis obesa (C. B. Adams, 1845), Phrontis polygonata (Lamarck, 1822), Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822), L. flava (King, 1832), Tagelus plebeius (Lightfoot, 1786), Echinolittorina lineolata (d'Orbigny, 1840) and Iphigenia brasiliensis (Lamarck, 1818). The results show that the study area has considerable species richness of Mollusca, requiring environmental monitoring in the region mainly due to the economic importance of some species to the local population.

Resumo: Os ecossistemas costeiros do nordeste do Brasil têm uma importante biodiversidade de moluscos marinhos, a qual ainda é insuficientemente estudada. Este trabalho representa um inventário dos moluscos em duas localidades no estuário do Rio Paraíba. Moluscos foram coletados entre 2014 e 2016 na costa e área de restinga localizadas nas propriedades de Treze de Maio e Costinha de Santo Antônio. Este levantamento malacofaunístico identificou 12 famílias, 20 gêneros e 21 espécies de bivalves, 17 famílias, 19 gêneros e 20 espécies de gastrópodes e uma espécie de cefalópode. Os bivalves da família Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815 foram os mais representativos com um total de cinco espécies. Os gastrópodes da família Littorinidae Children, 1834 apresentaram a mais alta riqueza de espécies. As espécies mais abundantes foram: Neritina virginea (Linnaeus, 1758), Brachidontes exustus (Linnaeus, 1758), Crassostrea brasiliana (Lamarck, 1819), Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778), Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791), Parvanachis obesa (C. B. Adams, 1845), Phrontis polygonata (Lamarck, 1822), Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822), L. flava (King, 1832), Tagelus plebeius (Lightfoot, 1786), Echinolittorina lineolata (d'Orbigny, 1840) e Iphigenia brasiliensis (Lamarck, 1818). Os resultados mostram que a área estudada tem uma considerável riqueza de espécies de Mollusca, necessitando de monitoramento ambiental, principalmente devido à importância econômica de algumas espécies para a população local.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 17(3): e20170342, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951120


Abstract The Guandu River Basin is extremely important to state of Rio de Janeiro, as a water supplier of several municipalities. However, the malacological knowledge and environmental status is not well known to this basin. The aim of this paper is to present an inventory of freshwater mollusks, as well as an environmental assessment through a Rapid Assessment Protocol, of ten sampling sites at Guandu River basin in six municipalities (Piraí, Paracambi, Japeri, Seropédica, Queimados and Nova Iguaçu). Thirteen species of molusks were found, eight native (Pomacea maculata, Biomphalaria tenagophila, Gundlachia ticaga, Gundlachia radiata, Omalonyx matheroni, Diplodon ellipticus, Anodontites trapesialis and Eupera bahiensis) and five exotics (Melanoides tuberculata, Ferrissia fragilis, Physa acuta, Corbicula fluminea and Corbicula largillierti). The environmental analysis ranked most sites as "modified". The expansion of exotic species with their associated negative effects, as well the gap in knowledge of native species calls attention to the need of future studies of biology and ecology of the species found.

Resumo A bacia do rio Guandu é de extrema importância para o estado do Rio de Janeiro, pois abastece grande parte da região metropolitana. Contudo, aspectos malacológicos e ambientais desta bacia são pouco conhecidos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um inventário das espécies de moluscos de água doce ocorrentes na região, assim como uma avaliação ambiental através de um Protocolo de Avaliação Rápida, de dez estações de coleta na bacia do rio Guandu em seis municípios (Piraí, Paracambi, Japeri, Seropédica, Queimados e Nova Iguaçu). Foram encontradas 13 espécies, sendo oito nativas (Pomacea maculata, Biomphalaria tenagophila, Gundlachia ticaga, Gundlachia radiata, Omalonyx matheroni, Diplodon ellipticus, Anodontites trapesialis e Eupera bahiensis) e cinco exóticas (Melanoides tuberculata, Ferrissia fragilis, Physa acuta, Corbicula fluminea e Corbicula largillierti). A avaliação ambiental caracterizou a maior parte das estações de coleta como "modificado". A dispersão das espécies exóticas e os efeitos negativos a elas associados, além da nossa falta de conhecimento sobre as espécies nativas chama a atenção para a necessidade de futuros estudos biológicos e ecológicos das espécies encontradas.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 17(4): e20170341, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951132


Abstract Unionida is the most diverse clade of freshwater bivalves. Among the groups occurring in South America, one with the highest number of species is Rhipidodontini (Hyriidae, Unionida, Paleoheterodonta, Bivalvia). However several issues remains on taxonomy and systematic of this group, leading to problems on species identification, description, as also as a limiting factor to other type of studies (e.g., ecology, conservation,…). In this paper is presented a synthesis of available knowledge about Diplodon Spix in Wagner, 1827 and Rhipidodonta Mörch, 1853 in South America, as a first step in order to a better understating of Rhipidodontini. The evaluation of different authors exposes the little agreement between them that resulted in a sort of divergent taxonomical opinions. Some comments on ecology, conservation and habitat preferences were made. This work can also encourage future research on taxonomy, systematic, ecology and conservation of freshwater mussels in South America.

Resumo Unionida é o clado mais diverso de bivalves de água doce. Entre os grupos que ocorrem na América do Sul, um dos com maior número de espécies é Rhipidodontini (Hyriidae, Unionida, Paleoheterodonta, Bivalvia). Porém, diversas questões taxonômicas e sistemáticas ainda incidem sob este grupo, levando a problemas de identificação de espécies, descrição, entre outros, como também tem atuado como limitador de outros tipos de estudos (e.g., ecologia, conservação,..). Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão do conhecimento acerca dos gêneros Diplodon Spix in Wagner, 1827 e Rhipidodonta Mörch, 1853 na América do Sul como um primeiro passo para a melhor compreensão de Rhipidodontini. Avaliando-se diferentes autores, se torna claro a pouca concordância entre eles, resultando em opiniões taxonômicas divergentes. São feitos também alguns comentários sobre ecologia, conservação e preferências ambientais. Este trabalho também deve encorajar futuros trabalhos sobre a taxonomia, sistemática, ecologia e conservação de bivalves de água na América do Sul.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(2): 521-536, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-843295


AbstractThe golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei is an invasive species that has quickly dispersed and colonized several potential different habitats distributed all over the world, causing environmental and economic impacts. Thus, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the reproductive aspects of L. fortunei, we described the cellular dynamic of the male and female germinal epithelium during the annual reproductive life history of this species, with the use of high resolution histology. An approximate of 1 200 specimens of L. fortunei were sampled periodically on the upper Paraná River floodplain (Brazil), from March 2010 to December 2012. Based on the activity of the germinal epithelium and consequent germ cell development, this study has resulted in the recognition of the following reproductive phases: Developing, Spawning Capable, Regressing and Regenerating. In the characterization of these phases, the following germ cells were described for males: spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. Cell nests, oogonia, early prophase oocytes, previtellogenic oocytes and vitellogenic oocytes (early vitellogenic oocytes, middle vitellogenic oocytes and full-grown oocytes) were described for females. The morphological data and reproductive parameters obtained, showed the value of the cellular dynamics of the germinal epithelium, for the understanding of the cyclic gonadal events during the adult reproductive life of the mollusk in general. These results on the gametogenesis of this invasive species may be a fundamental tool for the development of control strategies and programs implementation, to reduce their proliferation and impacts in natural local environments. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 521-536. Epub 2016 June 01.

ResumenEl mejillón dorado Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) es una especie invasora que se ha dispersado rápidamente y ha colonizado diferentes hábitats potenciales distribuidos por todo el mundo, causando impactos ambientales y económicos. El control de esta especie depende del conocimiento de los aspectos reproductivos. Entre marzo 2010 y diciembre 2012 fueron muestreados periodicamente alrededor de 1 200 especímenes de L. fortunei en la planicie de inundación del Alto Rio Paraná, Brasil. Con el fin de contribuir con una mejor comprensión de los aspectos reproductivos de L. fortunei, se describió la dinámica celular del epitelio germinativo masculino y femenino durante la vida reproductiva anual de esta especie, mediante histología de alta resolución basada en la actividad del epitelio germinal y el consecuente desarrollo de las células germinales. En este estudio se reconocieron las siguientes fases reproductivas: desarrollo, capacidad de desove, regresión y regeneración. En los machos se describieron las siguientes células germinales: espermatogonias, espermatocitos primarios y secundarios, espermátidas y espermatozoides. Mientras que en las hembras se estudiaron: nidos celulares, ovogonias, ovocitos profásicos tempranos, ovocitos pre-vitelogénicos y ovocitos vitelogénicos (ovocitos vitelogénicos tempranos, ovocitos vitelogénicos y ovocitos completamente desarrollados).Los datos morfológicos y parámetros reproductivos que se muestran aquí confirman cómo la dinámica celular del epitelio germinal permite la comprensión de los acontecimientos cíclicos gonadales durante la vida reproductiva de adultos del molusco, en general. El conocimiento de la gametogénesis de esta especie invasora puede convertirse en una herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo de estrategias de control y aplicación de programas para disminuir su proliferación en ambientes naturales.

Animals , Male , Female , Oogenesis/physiology , Spermatogenesis/physiology , Mytilidae/cytology , Epithelial Cells/cytology , Mytilidae/physiology , Gonads/cytology
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 127-150, mayo-agos. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094256


Se presenta una lista taxonómica actualizada de 401 especies de bivalvos marinos del Perú, distribuidas en 62 familias y 195 géneros. Se considera la nomenclatura y clasificación en el contexto de los cambios recientes, incluyendo los trabajos de Bernard (1983) y Coan & Valentich-Scott (2012). Cada especie de la lista es comentada, teniendo en cuenta la distribución geográfica y el hábitat.

A checklist of the marine bivalve species from Peru is presented, this list has 401 species which are distributed in 65 families and 195 genera. The taxonomical classification and nomenclature is based on classical and current bibliography including Bernard (1983) and Coan & Valentich-Scott (2012). We give distribution and hábitat information about every species.

Braz. j. biol ; 72(2): 249-256, May 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-639433


The maintenance of the freshwater mussels' community in lakes is determined by abiotic factors at the local scale and at regional scale by interspecific relations between the larvae of bivalves and fish host. Whereas the distribution pattern at local scale, our goal was to understand the abundance and community composition of bivalves and relate the environmental agents structuring this community. We sampled 20 lakes in the floodplain of the Cuiabá River using a standardized method of sampling. To evaluate the effect of environment on the community we applied multivariate inferential analyses. We found 1.143 individuals alive belonging into six species distributed at the family Hyriidae, Mycetopodidae, Sphaeridae and Corbiculidae. The results showed that in the Pantanal the bivalve assemblage structure is influenced locally by organic matter and particle size, variables that reflect the intense interactions between water-sediment. However it is important to emphasize that these environmental characteristics are the result of the dynamics of this system which is dependent on the flood pulse, a regional factor.

A manutenção da comunidade de bivalves límnicos em lagos é determinada por fatores abióticos em escala local e em escala regional pelas relações interespecíficas entre as larvas do bivalve e o peixe hospedeiro. Considerando o padrão de distiribuição em escala local, nosso objetivo foi conhecer a abundância e a composição da comunidade de bivalves e relacionar os agentes de estruturação desta comunidade. Foram amostrados 20 lagos na planície de inundação do rio Cuiabá usando método padronizado de amostragem. Para avaliar o efeito dos fatores abióticos sobre a comunidade aplicamos análises multivariadas inferenciais. Encontramos 1.143 indivíduos vivos, distribuidos em seis espécies pertencentes às famílias Hyriidae, Mycetopodidae, Sphaeridae e Corbiculidae. Os resultados demonstraram que no Pantanal, a estrutura da assembléia de bivalves é influenciada localmente pela matéria orgânica e granulometria, variáveis que refletem as intensas interações entre água-sedimento. No entanto é importante ressaltar que tais características ambientais são resultantes da dinâmica deste sistema o qual é dependente do pulso de inundação periódico, um fator de escala regional.

Animals , Bivalvia/classification , Ecosystem , Lakes , Brazil , Lakes/chemistry , Population Density , Seasons
Braz. j. biol ; 71(3): 629-634, Aug. 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-597170


The aim of this work was to register the occurrence of Anodontites tenebricosus (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae) in the Sapucaí river basin, municipality of São Joaquim da Barra, São Paulo state, Brazil, associating its occurrence to the environment in which they are found, besides providing conchological data to contribute to the identification of the species. Fifty one specimens of Anodontites tenebricosus were studied regarding their conchological and morphometrical aspects. Strong correlations were found between the morphometric variables, the correlation between 'length and height of the shell' being the most significant. The characteristics of the shells of A. tenebricosus found in the Sapucaí river basin resemble the descriptions of the species found in the literature; therefore, we are able to expand the area of occurrence of the species for the state of São Paulo.

Os objetivos deste trabalho foram registrar a ocorrência de Anodontites tenebricosus (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae) na bacia do rio Sapucaí, no município de São Joaquim da Barra, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, associando sua ocorrência ao ambiente em que são encontrados, além de fornecer dados conquiliológicos que contribuem para a identificação da espécie. Cinquenta e um espécimes de Anodontites tenebricosus foram estudados sob aspectos conquiliológicos e morfométricos. Foram encontradas fortes correlações entre as variáveis, sendo a correlação entre "comprimento e altura da concha" a mais significativa. As características das conchas de A. tenebricosus encontradas na bacia do rio Sapucaí assemelham-se às descrições da espécie na literatura; podemos, assim, ampliar a área de ocorrência da espécie para o estado de São Paulo.

Animals , Bivalvia/classification , Brazil , Bivalvia/anatomy & histology , Bivalvia/chemistry , Geologic Sediments/analysis , Rivers
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(4): 281-283, Oct.-Dec. 2009. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-543248


Specimens of Bentharca asperula (Dall, 1881) were obtained from deep waters of the coasts of the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo States, and their shells described, illustrated and compared with descriptions and illustrations obtained from the literature. This species has a small strongly inequilateral shell, trapezoidal in outline and expanded ventro-posteriorly; their umbos are placed at about 1/3 of the anterior length of their straight hinge line. The external sculpture consists of irregular spaced concentric ridges, intercepted by fine radiating striae; the periostracum is hairy, forming a cover as a thatch. Hinge teeth are small, disposed in two series interrupted by the ligament. With this finding of living specimens from the Bacia de Campos, the distribution of B. asperula can now be extended in the Brazilian coast, confirming its wide spread in the Atlantic Ocean.

Espécimes de Bentharca asperula (Dall, 1881) foram obtidos em águas profundas da costa dos Estados de Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, e suas conchas descritas, ilustradas e comparadas com descrições e ilustrações obtidas da literatura. A espécie possui concha pequena, fortemente inequilateral, com valvas de contorno trapezoidal e expandidas ventro-posteriormente; os umbos são localizados aproximadamente no terço anterior do comprimento da linha da charneira, que é reta. A escultura externa consiste de linhas concêntricas, irregularmente espaçadas, interceptadas por estrias radiais finas; o perióstraco é piloso, formando uma cobertura semelhante a sapé. Os dentes da charneira são pequenos, dispostos em duas séries interrompidas pelo ligamento. Com este registro feito a partir de espécimes vivos provenientes da Bacia de Campos, a distribuição geográfica de B. asperula pode ser então estendida na costa brasileira, confirmando sua larga ocorrência no Oceano Atlântico.

Braz. j. biol ; 69(4): 1153-1163, Nov. 2009. ilus, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-532460


Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus (Orbigny, 1835), belongs to the family Hyriidae Swainson 1840, the distribution of which is restricted to South America and Australasia. This species, endemic to Brazil, occurs in the central-southern geographical region, Upper Paraná Basin and Atlantic Microbasins Espirito Santo to Paraná states. The mollusk lives buried in muddy substrata, has similar sized adductor muscles, and is dioecious, lacking sexual dimorphism. The apertures are simple (type AII of Yonge, 1948, 1957) as in Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa and mantle fusion is present only in the base of the exalant aperture. The inhalant aperture exhibits tentacles originating from the inner fold while the exhalant aperture has no tentacles. The ctenidia are type D (of Atkins, 1937). A well-developed marsupium is present in the inner demibranch. The association between the ctenidia and the labial palps belongs to category I (of Stasek, 1963). The stomach constitutes a type IV structure (of Purchon, 1958). The posterior sorting area (psa) presents two pouches in Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus. Among the Hyriidae, the presence of these pouches has also been described in several species of Hyriidae from South America. The organization of the gut in the visceral mass follows the same pattern seen in the Hyriidae already studied: Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa, Diplodon.rotundus gratus,Diplodon charruanus and Diplodon pilsbryi.

Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus (Orbigny, 1835) pertence à família Hyriidae Swainson 1840, cuja distribuição restringe-se à América do Sul e Austrália. A espécie, endêmica no Brasil, ocorre na região Centro Sul, na bacia superior do Paraná e microbacias da costa atlântica do Estado do Espírito Santo até o Estado do Paraná. Os moluscos vivem enterrados em substratos lodosos, têm os músculos adutores aproximadamente do mesmo tamanho, são dióicos faltando dimorfismo sexual. As aberturas são simples, tipo AII de Yonge (1948, 1957) semelhantes a Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa e a fusão do manto ocorre apenas na dobra interna na base da abertura exalante. A abertura inalante exibe tentáculos de origem da dobra interna e a exalante não possui tentáculos. Os ctenídios são do tipo D (de Atkins, 1937). O marsúpio, presente na demibrânquia interna, é bem desenvolvido. O estômago pertence ao tipo IV (de Purchon, 1958). A área de triagem posterior (psa) em Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus é caracterizada pela presença de duas bolsas. Entre os Hyriidae, estas bolsas foram descritas em várias espécies presente na América do Sul. A organização do intestino na massa visceral segue o mesmo padrão visto em Hyriidae já estudados tais como: Castalia undosa martensi, Diplodon delodontus wimanii,Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Diplodon charruanus, Diplodon pilsbryi e Castalia undosa undosa.

Animals , Bivalvia/anatomy & histology , Bivalvia/classification
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(3): 377-384, July-Sept. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-578549


A partir de moluscos bivalves coletados principalmente nos períodos de seca de 2004 e 2007, no curso inferior do Rio Aripuanã, afluente do Madeira na região amazônica, foi elaborada uma chave pictórica para identificação das espécies. Foram identificados 11 táxons, sendo dez até o nível específico.

Starting from freshwater mussels sampled mainly during low water seasons of 2004 and 2007, on the lower Aripunã River, a tributary from Madeira River, from the Amazon Basin, a pictorial key for the species identification is presented. Eleven taxa, ten to species level, were identified.

Rev. biol. trop ; 56(1): 77-111, mar. 2008. tab, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-496388


A report and an updated list with comments on the species of freshwater molluscs of Argentina which covers an area of 2 777 815 km2 is presented. Distributions of Gastropoda and Bivalvia families, endemic, exotic, invasive as well as entities of sanitary importance are also studied and recommendations on their conservation are provided. Molluscs related to the Del Plata Basin have been thoroughly studied in comparison to others areas of the country. This fauna exhibits relatively the biggest specific richness and keeps its affinity with the fauna of other regions of the basin in areas of Paraguay and Brasil. The 4 500 records of molluscs considered in this paper arise from the study of the collections of Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires; Museo de La Plata, La Plata and Fundación "Miguel Lillo", Tucumán. These institutions keep very important collections of molluscs in southern South America. Field information has recently been obtained and localities cited by other authors are also included in the data base. Until today, 166 species have been described, 101 belonging to 10 families of Gastropoda and 65 to 7 of Bivalvia. Families with highest specific richness are Lithoglyphidae (22) and Sphaeriidae (25), respectively. The number of endemic species (those present only in Argentina) by family is: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae (1), Cochliopidae (10), Lithoglyphidae (11), Thiariidae (3), Chilinidae (11), Lymnaeidae (2) and Physidae (2?); Bivalvia: Hyriidae (1?); Etheriidae (1?) and Sphaeriidae (10). Families with a distribution that comprise almost the whole country are: the Sphaeriidae and the gastropods Cochliopidae, Chilinidae and Lymnaeidae. Families Erodonidae and Solecurtidae (Bivalvia) were registered in mixohaline environments from Buenos Aires province. Gastropod families Thiaridae and Glacidorbiidae show a very restricted distribution...

Se presenta un estado de situación y una lista actualizada y comentada sobre las especies de moluscos de agua dulce de la República Argentina. Se aborda en Gastropoda y Bivalvia la distribución a nivel de familias; las entidades endémicas, exóticas, invasoras y de importancia sanitaria. Los moluscos relacionados a la cuenca del Plata presentan la mayor riqueza específica. Base de datos: 4 500 registros relevados de las tres colecciones más importantes de la Argentina: MLP, MACN y FML. Además, se incluye información de recolecciones actuales y localidades citadas por otros autores. Hasta el presente han sido descritas 166 especies. De ellas 101 pertenecen a 10 familias de Gastropoda y 65 a 7 de Bivalvia. Las familias que presentan mayor riqueza específica son Lithoglyphidae (22) y Sphaeriidae (25), respectivamente. Sphaeriidae, Cochliopidae, Chilinidae y Lymnaeidae se distribuyen prácticamente en todo el país. Erodonidae y Solecurtidae se registran en ambientes mixohalinos de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Thiaridae y Glacidorbiidae presentan una distribución muy restringida. Especies endémicas de la Argentina: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae (1), Cochliopidae (10), Lithoglyphidae (11), Thiariidae (3), Chilinidae (11), Lymnaeidae (2) y Physidae (2?); Bivalvia: Hyriidae (1?); Etheriidae (1?) y Sphaeriidae (10). Especies de interés sanitario: propagadoras de: Esquistosomiasis, Biomphalaria peregrina, B. straminea y B. tenagophila (Planorbidae); Fasciolasis, Lymnaea viatrix y L. columnella (Lymnaeidae); y dermatitis esquistosómicas, Chilina gibbosa y C. fluminea (Chilinidae). Especies de origen asiático: Corbicula fluminea (Corbiculidae) y Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae). Es prioritaria la formación de áreas protegidas para la conservación de especies endémicas, especialmente de la Mesopotamia Argentina.

Animals , Biodiversity , Bivalvia/classification , Gastropoda/classification , Argentina , Geography , Fresh Water
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-459560


Coletas intensivas da fauna bentônica marinha da costa norte do Estado de São Paulo, realizadas pelos programas de pesquisa "Fauna de Praia/UNICAMP" de agosto de 1995 a julho de 1997 e "Biota/FAPESP" de março de 2001 a dezembro de 2002 recolheram 2769 exemplares pertencentes a dezesseis espécies, doze gêneros e sete subfamílias. A caracterização de cada espécie foi ampliada com redescrição e ilustrações detalhadas, baseadas nos caracteres da concha. Tabelas comparativas dessas características e uma chave dicotômica de identificação das subfamílias são apresentadas neste estudo.

This study concerns the Veneridae bivalves sampled during the research programs "Fauna de Praia/UNICAMP" and "Biota/FAPESP" carried out between August 1995 and July 1997 and between March 2001 and December 2002 respectivelly, in the north coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 2769 individuals belonging to sixteen species, twelve genera and seven subfamilies were recorded and the characterization of each species improved with detailed redescription and illustrations based on the shell characters. Comparative tables and a identification dichotomic key for subfamilies focused in this study are provided.

Benthic Fauna/analysis , Benthic Fauna/classification , Marine Fauna/analysis , Marine Fauna/classification , Marine Fauna/adverse effects
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 24(4): 214-219, Oct.-Dec.2004. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-658770


Spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of the clam Lucina pectinata (Lucinidae) from northern Brazil were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. The uniflagellate spermatozoa are grouped into characteristic rings within somatic cells (Sertoli-like cells), with the acrosome oriented toward the peripheryof these cells. The spermatozoa are long cells of the primitive type (ect-aquasperm) with a total length of 50.2 ± 2.5 mm, consisting of head (acrosome + nucleus), midpiece and tail. Acrosome is formed by an, acrosomal vesicle with a conical cylinder-like shaped (0.9 ± 0.1 mm length and 0.4 ± 0.1 mm in basal diameter) having a deeply infolded basis occupied by the subacrosomal space, containing flocculent material without axial rod. The acrosomal vesicle is formed by a membrane-bounded containing a broad basal ring of electron-dense material. The nucleus (7.5 ± 0.8 mm long) is an elongated, subcylindrical rod-shaped, slightly and gently curved, with a basal invagination (0.2-0.4 mm). It contains dense chromatin without any electron-lucent lacunae.The midpiece (1.0 ± 0.3 mm long; 1.1 ± 0.2 mm width) consist of four equal mitochondria located at the same level, surrounding two centrioles arranged at right angles. The proximal centriole lies at 90° relative the distal centriole and sperm longitudinal axis. The tail (40.5 ± 2.1 mm long) contains the common 9 + 2 pattern which in tapering end piece is successively reduced and sheated by the plasmalemma.

Animals , Bivalvia/anatomy & histology , Spermatogenesis/physiology , Spermatogenesis , Brazil , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Mollusca/ultrastructure
Rev. biol. trop ; 49(Supl.2): 315-320, dic. 2001. mapas, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-502386


The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the mollusks Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis were studied in Bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacific coast of Costa Rica from February 1998 to February 1999. A. tuberculosa was more abundant (0.9 units m(-2)), than A. similis (0.2 units m(-2)); the highest abundance was found at the canal mouths. The average lengths were 43.3 mm for A. tuberculosa and 42.8 mm for A. similis (both under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47 mm). Maximum lengths were measured in the middle and upstream Canal Mayor, respectively: 43.0 mm and 43.4 mm. The correlation between length and fresh weight was 0.81 (Pearson). The average total weights were 26.2 g for A. tuberculosa and 19.1 g for A. similis. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in A. similis (21.2%) than in A. tuberculosa (17.2%). The maximum yield for both species lies in the 31-35 mm range. The male ratio was 43.7%. A species recovery plan is urgent because these results suggest both a decrease in density and illegal exploitation.

Animals , Male , Female , Mollusca/classification , Trees , Costa Rica , Population Density , Sex Distribution , Mollusca/anatomy & histology , Mollusca/growth & development , Body Weight