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Salud UNINORTE ; 32(3): 553-564, Sept.-Dec. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-962394


Resumen Este caso clínico muestra los resultados del análisis e intervención interdisciplinar que se realizó en una paciente femenina de 8 años diagnosticada a la edad de 3 años con enfermedad de moyamoya. Remitida para evaluación, se encontró estenosis progresiva de las arterias cerebrales. La evaluación del desarrollo motor mostró poca agilidad motora gruesa y fina, bajo tono, debilidad muscular, dificultad para establecer movimientos alternos y simultáneos, además dificultad al masticar y deglutir, por lo que requirió ajuste de la minuta alimenticia por parte de nutrición. Falta de control esfinteriano. En los aspectos cognitivos se evidenció déficit, falta de comprensión de órdenes, desconocimiento de categorías semánticas, falta de seguimiento de instrucciones, tratado por fonoaudiología y terapia ocupacional. Estado emocional preservado, capacidad de establecer vínculos afectivos y empatía; en lo familiar se presentó disfuncionalidad familiar por miembro enfermo, que es el eje central en la dinámica familiar, negligencia familiar con otros miembros, desajuste de roles. Se estableció intervención psicoterapéutica, con enfoque cognitivo conductual, apoyado en el modelo de Terapia Racional Emotiva, Psicoeducación, Terapia familiar sistémica. Seguimiento médico con fármacos y evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas. En tres años de seguimiento se evidenció: adaptación progresiva en adquisición de habilidades sociales, reacciones afectivas en su núcleo familiar y entorno, lo cual permitió concluir que las estrategias adoptadas generaron un cambio significativo en el contexto familiar, con adopción de factores protectores, identificación de roles, cambios en la adherencia, lo que en conjunto permitió mejoras en la calidad de vida y clínica de la paciente.

Abstract The clinical case presented in this article reflects the results of the analysis and interdisciplinary intervention that was performed on a 8 year old female patient diagnose at 3 years old with the Moyamoya disease, she was referred for evaluation, finding progressive stenosis of the brain arteries, the motor development evaluation exhibit low gross and fine motor agility, low muscle tone, muscular weakness, difficulty to set alternating and simultaneous movements, also trouble to masticate and swallowing, so it required adjustment of the food diet in the behalf of her nutrition. Absence of sphincter control. In the cognitive aspects it was evident the lack of understanding orders, lack of semantic categories, failure to follow instructions, it was treated by speech therapy and occupational therapy. Emotional state preserved, ability to bond and empathy, in the familiar aspect it exhibit family dysfunctionality because of sick family member that is now the focus on the family dynamic, family neglect with other members, mismatch roles. Was established psychotherapeutic intervention with cognitive behavioral approach, supported the model of Rational Emotive Therapy, psychoeducation, systemic family therapy. Medical monitoring with drugs and evaluation of diagnostic tests. It was evident in three years follow-up: Progressive adaptation acquisition of social skills, affective reactions in the household and environment, which it led to the conclusion that the strategies adopted generated a significant change in the family context, with adoption of protective factors, identifying roles, changes in adhesion, which together allowed improvements in quality of life and clinical patient.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 84(5): 455-462, set.-out. 2008. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-496637


OBJETIVOS: O aprendizado do controle esfincteriano é influenciado por fatores fisiológicos, psicológicos e socioculturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de crianças sem fraldas aos 24 meses e seus fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Um total de 3.281 crianças nascidas no ano de 2004 em Pelotas (RS) foi incluído em um estudo longitudinal. Aos 24 meses, as mães responderam a um questionário domiciliar com questões sociodemográficas, características dos hábitos miccionais e intestinais das crianças, com atenção ao treinamento esfincteriano. Foi empregada a regressão de Poisson para as análises multivariáveis. RESULTADOS: Do total, 24,3 por cento estavam sem fraldas durante o dia, com predomínio do sexo feminino (27,8 versus 21,1 por cento, p < 0,001) e 8,6 por cento sem fraldas durante a noite, também com predomínio do sexo feminino (10,6 versus 6,8 por cento, p < 0,001). As habilidades necessárias ao aprendizado do controle esfincteriano estavam presentes em 85,5 por cento das crianças. Orientação pediátrica ocorreu em 10 por cento das crianças, mais freqüente nas mães mais ricas em relação às mais pobres (22,9 versus 4,8 por cento). Mães mais escolarizadas (13,2 por cento) e mais ricas (14 por cento) retiram as fraldas mais tardiamente; maior número de crianças em casa (risco relativo = 1,32) e indicar a necessidade de ir ao vaso (risco relativo = 11,74) aumentam a probabilidade de retirar as fraldas; tentativa anterior sem sucesso retarda a retirada de fraldas (risco relativo = 0,59). CONCLUSÕES: Embora as habilidades necessárias para a aquisição do controle esfincteriano já estejam presentes aos 24 meses, indicando que um treinamento esfincteriano pode ser iniciado, a maioria das crianças ainda não tinha iniciado esse treinamento. As mães com melhor nível de informação retardam mais esse treinamento.

OBJECTIVES: Acquisition of bladder and bowel control is influenced by physiological, psychological and sociocultural factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of children out of diapers by 24 months of age and the factors associated with this finding. METHODS: A total of 3,281 children born in Pelotas, RS, Brazil in 2004 were enrolled on a longitudinal study. At 24 months their mothers were visited at home and replied to a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic data and the characteristics of their children's urinary and intestinal evacuation habits, with special attention to toilet training. Multivariate analyses were carried out using Poisson regression. RESULTS: From the total, 24.3 percent were out of diapers during the day, with the female sex predominating (27.8 vs. 21.1 percent, p < 0.001) and 8.6 percent were out of diapers at night, also with the female sex predominating (10.6 vs. 6.8 percent, p < 0.001). The abilities needed to start toilet training were present in 85.5 percent of the children. Guidance was received from a pediatrician in 10 percent of cases, and more frequently among richer mothers than among poorer mothers (22.9 vs. 4.8 percent). Mothers who spent more years in education (13.2 percent) and were from higher social classes (14 percent) took their children out of diapers later; a greater number of children living at home (relative risk = 1.32) and being able to communicate the need to go to the toilet (relative risk = 11.74) both increased the probability of being out of diapers; previous unsuccessful attempts delayed removal of diapers (relative risk = 0.59). CONCLUSIONS: Although the abilities needed for acquisition of bladder and bowel control were already present at 24 months, indicating that toilet training could be started, the majority of children had not yet started this training. Better-informed mothers delayed training the most.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Toilet Training , Brazil , Diapers, Infant , Epidemiologic Methods , Socioeconomic Factors