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Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 512-519, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385339


SUMMARY: Inflammatory infiltrates are frequently present in melanocytic lesions, with different distribution and composition. Much attention has been devoted to tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in the tumor microenvironment, establishing their prognostic and predictive value in many malignancies, including melanoma. However, lymphocytes, albeit the most numerous and consistent presence, constitute only part of the immune microenvironment. Other inflammatory cells, including neutrophils, plasma cells, eosinophils and mast cells, are found in melanoma and other melanocytic lesions.Few studies offer a detailed count of these inflammatory infiltrates across the spectrum of melanocytic lesions. By using whole slide image analysis and open source software, in the present study we report the enumeration of different inflammatory infiltrates in benign melanocytic nevi, dysplastic nevi, melanoma in situ and invasive malignant melanomas. Significant higher numbers of plasma cells and neutrophils were observed in melanoma. These results indicate that composition of the inflammatory infiltrate may contribute to the diagnostic algorithm of melanocytic lesions.

RESUMEN: Los infiltrados inflamatorios están presentes con frecuencia en las lesiones melanocíticas, con diferente distribución y composición. Se ha prestado mucha atención a los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumores (TIL) en el microambiente tumoral, estableciendo su valor pronóstico y predictivo en muchas neoplasias malignas, incluido el melanoma. Sin embargo, los linfocitos de presencia más numerosa y constante, constituyen solo una parte del microambiente inmunológico. Otras células inflamatorias, incluidos neutrófilos, células plasmáticas, eosinófilos y mastocitos, se encuentran en el melanoma y otras lesiones melanocíticas. Pocos estudios ofrecen un recuento detallado de estos infiltrados inflamatorios en todo el espectro de lesiones melanocíticas. Mediante el uso de análisis de imágenes de diapositivas completas y software de código abierto, en el presente estudio informamos la enumeración de diferentes infiltrados inflamatorios en nevos melanocíticos benignos, nevos displásicos, melanoma in situ y melanomas malignos invasivos. Se observaron números significativamente más altos de células plasmáticas y neutrófilos en el melanoma. Estos resultados indican que la composición del infiltrado inflamatorio puede contribuir al algoritmo diagnóstico de las lesiones melanocíticas.

Humans , Skin Neoplasms/immunology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Melanocytes/immunology , Melanocytes/pathology , Melanoma/immunology , Melanoma/pathology , Plasma Cells , Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating , Inflammation , Neutrophils/immunology , Neutrophils/pathology
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(1): 41-48, ene.-abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281207


Objetivo: En los granulomas periapicales, los plasmocitos (PL) participan activamente mediante la liberación de inmunoglobulinas. El propósito de este ensayo fue identificar y contar el número de PL en diferentes períodos de tiempo en lesiones periapicales experimentales en ratas. Materiales y métodos: Mediante la exposición al medio oral de la pulpa de los primeros molares inferiores izquierdos, se indujeron granulomas periapicales en ratas a las que previamente se les suministró anestesia. La pulpa de los primeros molares inferiores derechos no fue expuesta, y estos dientes se utilizaron como control. Los animales fueron eutanasiados a los 10, 30 y 60 días de la exposición. Los maxilares inferiores fueron removidos, y los primeros molares, junto con los tejidos circundantes, se procesaron para su estudio histológico. Se obtuvieron secciones semiseriadas, posteriormente coloreadas con verde de metilo-pironina (VMP). Cada tres secciones, las tres siguientes fueron coloreadas con hematoxilina y eosina (H-E). Los controles también fueron coloreados con H-E. Resultados: Todos los especímenes experimentales coloreados con H-E revelaron la presencia de granulomas periapicales. Luego de la exposición pulpar, el número de PL que reaccionó positivamente al VMP se incrementó de manera progresiva desde el día 10 hasta los días 30 y 60. A pesar de que a los 60 días el número de PL fue ligeramente menor que a los 30 días, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre estos dos períodos. Los especímenes del grupo control coloreados con H-E mostraron que los tejidos periapicales se encontraban dentro de los parámetros normales en todos los períodos de observación. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio revelaron que el número de plasmocitos VMP positivos se incrementa progresivamente en función del tiempo transcurrido pero se estabiliza al finalizar el experimento. También sugieren que el empleo de la coloración de VMP es un procedimiento adecuado para la identificación y la cuantificación de plasmocitos en los granulomas periapicales inducidos experimentalmente en ratas (AU)

Aim: Plasma cells (PL) release immunoglobulin in periapical lesions. The purpose of this assay was to identify and count the number of plasmocytes observed in periapical lesions in rats. Materials and methods: By exposing the pulp of the lower left first molars to the oral environment, periapical granulomas were induced in rats previously anesthetized. The pulp of right mandibular first molars was not exposed and these teeth were used as negative controls. The animals were euthanized at 10, 30 and 60 days after pup exposure. The mandibles were removed and specimens of the molar teeth along with the surrounding tissues were prepared for histology. Semi serial sections of the left first molar were stained with methyl green pyronine (MGP). Every three sections, the following three sections were stained with hematoxilyn and eosin (H-E). Negative control samples were stained with H-E. Results: All the H-E stained experimental samples revealed the presence of periapical granulomas. After pulp exposure, the number of PL increased from day 10 to 30 and 60. In the 60-day samples the number of PL was slightly less than that of the 30-day samples, with no statistically significant difference. The H-E stained control samples showed normal periapical tissues in all observation periods. Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that the number of VMP positive PL, increased progressively with time but it was stabilized at the end of the experiment. In addition, the results suggest that the use of VMP stain is a suitable procedure for the identification and counting of PL in experimentally induced periapical granulomas in rats (AU)

Animals , Rats , Periapical Granuloma/immunology , Plasma Cells/immunology , Inflammation/physiopathology , Periapical Tissue , Immunoglobulins , Photomicrography , Histological Techniques , Radiography, Dental, Digital
São Paulo; s.n; 2020. 31 p. figuras, tabelas.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, Inca | ID: biblio-1102466


INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma de pênis (CaPe) é uma doença devastadora do ponto de vista físico e psicológico. Sua etiopatogenia é pouco conhecida e o tratamento limitado. Existem evidências do papel de células do sistema imune, como macrófagos e linfócitos no prognóstico desses tumores. Com o avanço do conhecimento da imunoterapia, esta possibilidade se abre para os casos avançados de CaPe. Um dos biomarcadores preditivos para o seu uso é a expressão da proteína ligante (PD-L1) ao receptor programado de morte celular (PD-1). No momento, pouco se sabe sobre o padrão de imunoexpressão deste biomarcador no CaPe e sua relação com as características clinico-patológicos destes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença, por imunohistoquímica de PD-L1 em CaPe, a relação de linfócitos nos microambiente tumoral e a relação com variáveis clínico-patológicas em pacientes com CaPe. METODOLOGIA: Por imunohistoquímica foi avaliada a presença de PD-L1 em células tumorais e células inflamatórias: macrófagos, CD4, CD8 e CD20 em biopsias de 49 pacientes com diagnostico prévio de CaPe. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o programa R versão 3.5. O teste exato de Fisher foi empregado para comparação estatística entre a expressão de PD-L1 em células tumorais e macrófagos, CD4, CD8 e CD20 e nas variáveis clínico-patológicas. RESULTADOS: Em relação às características clínico-patológicas, 55,1% dos pacientes eram casados, 61,2% foram submetidos a penectomia parcial, 71.4% não necessitou de esvaziamento linfonodal, sendo 49% localizado na glande. A histologia usual para esse tumor estava presente em 64,6% dos pacientes. Em relação ao processo de invasão da neoplasia a outros tecidos, 81,6% apresentaram invasão ao corpo esponjoso, 75,5% não apresentou invasão à uretra, 89,8% não apresentou invasão vascular. As células tumorais do CaPe expressaram PD-L1 em 19% dos casos. Esta se associou positivamente com o predomínio de células CD4 e CD20 no microambiente tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: Por imunohistoquímica PD-L1 foi expresso em cerca de um quinto dos casos e se associou a uma resposta imune anérgica. Embora expresso na minoria dos casos, a capacidade da célula neoplásica ter o inibidor de check-point com o mecanismo de evasão da resposta imune levanta a possibilidade de se testar a imunoterapia como estratégia terapêutica em casos selecionados (AU)

INTRODUCTION: Penile carcinoma (PeCa) is a physically and psychologically devastating disease. Knowledge of its etiopathogenesis and its treatment is limited. There is evidence of the role of immune system cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes in the prognosis of these tumors. With the advance of immunotherapy knowledge, this possibility opens up for advanced cases of PeCa. One of the predictive biomarkers for its use is the expression of the binding protein (PD-L1) to the programmed cell death receptor (PD-1). At the moment, little is known about the immunoexpression pattern of this biomarker on PeCa and its relationship with the clinical and pathological characteristics of these patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence, by immunohistochemistry of PD-L1 in PeCa, the relationship of macrophages and lymphocytes in the tumor microenvironment and the relationship with clinical-pathological variables in patients with PeCa. METHODOLOGY: The presence of PD-L1 in tumor cells and inflammatory cells: macrophages, CD4, CD8 and CD20 cells in biopsies of 49 patients with the previous diagnosis of PeCa were evaluated. The data were analyzed using the R version 3.5 program. Fisher's exact test was used for statistical comparison between the expression of PD-L1 in tumor cells and macrophages, CD4, CD8, and CD20 cells and in the clinical-pathological variables. RESULTS: Regarding the clinical and pathological characteristics, 55.1% of the patients were married, 61.2% underwent partial penectomy; 71.4% did not require lymph node dissection and 49% of which were located in the glans. The usual histology for this tumor was present in 64.6% of the patients. Regarding the process of invasion of the neoplasm to other tissues, 81.6% presented invasion to the spongy body of penis; 75.5% did not present invasion to the urethra and 89.8% did not show vascular invasion. Tumor cells from CaPe expressed PD-L1 in 19% of cases. This was positively associated with the predominance of CD4 and CD20 cells in the tumor microenvironment. CONCLUSION: By immunohistochemistry PD-L1 was expressed in about one-fifth of the cases and was associated with an anergic immune response. Although expressed in a minority of cases, the ability of the neoplastic cell to have the checkpoint inhibitor with the immune response evasion mechanisms raises the possibility of testing immunotherapy as a therapeutic strategy in selected cases.

Humans , Female , Aged , Penile Neoplasms , Penis/surgery , Immunohistochemistry , Immunotherapy
Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1527-1533, Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040165


En órganos dañados, el ácido láctico (AL) modifica la respuesta inmune innata e inflamatoria, induciendo una menor expresión de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias, que provocan, la modulación del reclutamiento de células inmunes. El daño por compresión del nervio isquiático (NI) desencadena una respuesta inflamatoria y un aumento exponencial del infiltrado inflamatorio de células inmunes, produciendo la destrucción de axones y pérdida funcional del nervio. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto agudo de la inyección de AL, sobre la proporción de células inmunes en la fase inflamatoria temprana, en el sitio de lesión del NI post compresión. Para ello, se utilizaron 15 ratas machos Sprague Dawley adultas, en tres grupos de compresión nerviosa. Un grupo control, un grupo control negativo con placebo (100 µL PBS) y un grupo experimental con inyección de 100 µL de AL [20mM]. Al tercer día los NI se analizaron histológicamente y se estableció la proporción de células inmunes en el sitio de lesión. Los resultados muestran que la inyección intraneural de AL provoca una disminución en el porcentaje de linfocitos y un aumento en el porcentaje de macrófagos. Este es el primer trabajo de inyección intraneural de AL y demuestra el efecto modulador del AL sobre las células inmunes en el sistema nervioso periférico.

In damaged organs, lactic acid (LA) modifies the innate and inflammatory immune response, inducing a lower expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which provoke the modulation of immune cell recruitment. Damage by compression of the sciatic nerve (SN) triggers an inflammatory response and an exponential increase in the inflammatory infiltrate of immune cells, producing the destruction of axons and functional loss of the nerve. The objective of this study is to evaluate the acute effect of the injection of LA, on the proportion of immune cells in the early inflammatory phase, in the site of SN post-compression injury. For this, 15 adult Sprague Dawley rats were used in three groups of nervous compression. A control group, a negative control group with placebo (100 mL PBS) and an experimental group with injection of 100 mL of LA [20mM]. On the third day, the SNs were histologically analyzed and the proportion of immune cells at the injury site was established. The results show that the intraneural injection of LA causes a decrease in the percentage of lymphocytes and an increase in the percentage of macrophages. This is the first work of intraneural injection of LA and demonstrates the modulating effect of LA on immune cells in the peripheral nervous system.

Animals , Male , Rats , Sciatic Nerve/drug effects , Sciatic Nerve/immunology , Lactic Acid/pharmacology , Nerve Compression Syndromes/pathology , Sciatic Nerve/pathology , Lymphocytes/drug effects , Cytokines/immunology , Cytokines/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Lactic Acid/administration & dosage , Inflammation/immunology , Macrophages/drug effects
Braz. j. biol ; 77(3): 480-489, July-Sept. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888789


Abstract Impaired wound healing represents a serious complication in some pathologies and the use of plant extracts has proved to improve tissue repair. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the healing potential of the ointment of Sebastiana hispida compared with Aluminum-Gallium Indium-Phosphide Laser (InGaAlP) in surgically induced wounds in rats and to perform the phytochemical analysis. The phytochemical analysis was performed in the classic way and also by HPLC. A controlled study was developed with 80 rats (200-250 g) in which a linear excision was performed in the dorsal region after shaving, measuring 2 cm × 1 cm (epidermis and dermis) exposing the muscle fascia. The rats were randomly divided into four groups of twenty animals each. The experimental groups (n = 5) were G1 (Saline); G2 (crude methanol plant extract 2% + Carbopol Gel 98%); G3 (crude methanol plant extract 2% + lanolin/vaseline) and G4 (laser). The incision healing processes were monitored during 3, 7, 14 and until 21 days after excision. The histologic parameters evaluated were Collagen fiber types, microscopic examination and neovascularization. There was a significant increase in the deposition of collagen fibers, as evidenced by a better organized epithelial tissue, keratinized and showing greater proliferation of new blood vessels in the inflammatory phase in the group treated with both the extract and laser. The results were correlated to the phenolic derivatives found after qualitative and quantitative analysis. These compounds were considered responsible for the healing process. The topical treatment with S. hispida leaves, in the two different formulations, was more effective than the application of the laser (Ingan ALP) 660 nm in the model used.

Resumo A cicatrização deficiente representa uma complicação grave em algumas patologias e o uso de extratos de plantas tem demonstrado melhora no processo de reparação tecidual. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial cicatrizante da pomada de Sebastiania hispida comparado ao Laser Indio Phosphide-Gallium-Aluminum (InGaAlP) em feridas cutâneas induzidas cirurgicamente em ratos e realizar analise fitoquímica. A análise fitoquímica foi via clássica e por CLAE. O experimento foi desenvolvido com 80 ratos (200-250 g), divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (n = 5): G1 (salina); G2 (extrato bruto metanólico 2% + Carbopol Gel 98%); G3 (extrato bruto metanólico 2% + lanolina/vaselina) e G4 (laser). Após a tricotomia da região dorsal realizou uma excisão linear, medindo 2 cm × 1 cm (epiderme e derme), expondo a fáscia muscular. Em sequência os tratamentos e o monitoramento do processo de cicatrização das feridas cirúrgicas ocorreu nos tempos de: 3, 7, 14 e até 21 dias após a excisão. Os parâmetros histológicos avaliados foram: tipos de fibras colágenas, avaliação morfológica e neovascularização. Houve uma deposição significativa de fibras colágenas, evidenciado por um tecido epitelial mais bem organizado, queratinizado e mostrando uma maior proliferação de novos vasos sanguíneos na fase inflamatória do grupo tratado com o extrato e o laser. A eficiência do processo de cicatrização pode estar relacionada com a presença de compostos fenólicos e derivados detectados na análise qualitativa e quantitativa. A utilização do tratamento tópico com as duas formulações diferentes de S. hispida foram mais eficazes do que a aplicação do Laser (InGaAlP) no modelo utilizado.

Animals , Male , Rats , Wound Healing/drug effects , Wound Healing/radiation effects , Wounds, Penetrating/therapy , Euphorbiaceae , Low-Level Light Therapy , Phytotherapy , Ointments , Wound Healing/physiology , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Rats, Wistar , Plant Leaves
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(2): 555-562, mar./abr. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-964112


Com objetivo de estabelecer valores de referência para a citologia endometrial e avaliar histologicamente o endométrio de gatas clinicamente saudáveis e sem patologias uterinas, foram coletados 22 úteros de gatas que passaram por ovariohisterectomia eletiva. Após avaliação macroscópica dos úteros, coletou-se mostra para citologia endometrial pela técnica de escova endometrial (cytobrush) e fragmento para avaliação histológica. Quanto à apresentação das glândulas endometriais, 31,8% (7/22) das gatas apresentaram lâmina própria com poucas camadas de glândulas tubulares simples, revestidas por epitélio simples cúbico ou cilíndrico baixo, com diâmetro reduzido e sem secreção no seu lúmen. Proliferação glandular com algumas glândulas apresentando conteúdo no lúmen foi observada em 36,4% (8/22) dos animais. Presença de intensa proliferação glandular com glândulas revestidas por epitélio simples pavimentoso, a maioria com atividade secretora, foi observada em 31,8% (7/22) das gatas, sendo que em cinco destas verificou-se aparência cística com pronunciada dilatação glandular. A citologia endometrial, na leitura de 200 células, obteve os seguintes resultados: neutrófilos (10,77 ± 7,51), eosinófilos (1,93 ± 2,67), basófilos (0), linfócitos (6,58 ± 8,49), macrófagos (0,79 ± 2,05) e células de descamação (79,93 ± 11,44). Concluiu-se que em gatas clinicamente saudáveis há maior proporção de leucócitos na citologia endometrial quando comparado com outras espécies, mesmo quando não se evidencia inflamação na avaliação histológica. A colheita de material para citologia endometrial pela técnica de cytobrush apresenta celularidade satisfatória e sem presença de debris celulares em gatas.

This study evaluated the endometrial cytology and histology of clinically healthy cats without any uterine alteration in an attempt to establish reference parameters in dogs. Uteri were collected from 22 cats submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy. All uteri were macroscopically evaluated, after which an endometrial sample was obtained for cytological analysis using the endometrial brush (cytobrush) technique and a tissue fragment routinely processed for histological evaluation. Histological evaluation revealed that the endometrial glands of some 31.8% (7/22) cats consisted of a lamina propria with few layers of simple tubular glands, lined by simple cubical epithelium, with reduced diameter and without luminal secretion. Glandular proliferation with luminal content was observed in 36.4% (8/22) of the animals evaluated. The presence of intense proliferation with glandular glands lined by squamous simple epithelium, most with secretory activity was observed in 31.8% (7/22) of cats; in five of these, there was pronounced cystic glandular dilatation. The endometrial cytology of 200 cells revealed the following results: neutrophils (10.77 ± 7.51), eosinophils (1.93 ± 2.67), basophils (0), lymphocytes (6.58 ± 8.49), monocytes (0.79 ± 2.05), and cell shedding (79.93 ± 11.44). It was concluded that clinically healthy cats have a greater percentage of leukocytes in endometrial cytology when compared with other species, even when there is no evidence of inflammation by histological evaluation. The collection of material for endometrial cytology using the cytobrush technique provides adequate cellularity and without the presence of cellular debris in cats.

Cats , Uterus , Cats , Cell Biology , Endometrium , Histology
Full dent. sci ; 2(7): 265-269, 20110816.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-850843


Na interface osso-implante desencadeia um processo inflamatório como resposta do tecido ósseo provocado pelo trauma cirúrgico, no qual uma cascata de mediadores promove alterações circulatórias. Células inflamatórias do tecido conjuntivo são estimuladas por produtos de degradação da matriz a repovoar a área do implante. As citocinas formam um grupo diversificado de proteínas de sinalização intercelular, que regulam não apenas as respostas inflamatórias, imunológicas locais e sistêmicas, como também a formação de osso novo. Para regular a atividade celular, as citocinas utilizam seus atributos de pleiotropismo e equilibram o funcionamento tanto na iniciação quanto na manutenção das respostas inflamatórias, além determinarem o tipo de mecanismo do efeito que medeia a resistência. A resposta é controlada por uma cascata de citocinas iniciada pela síntese de Interleucinas

n the bone-implant interface triggers an inflammatory response of bone tissue caused by surgical trauma, in which a cascade of mediators promotes circulatory changes. Inflammatory cells in tissue are stimulated by degradation products of the matrix to repopulate the area of the implant. Cytokines are a diverse group of intercellular signaling proteins that regulate not only the inflammatory responses, local and systemic immunological as well as the formation of new bone. To regulate cell activity, cytokines use their attributes pleiotropism and balance out the operation in both the initiation and maintenance of inflammatory responses, and determine the type of mechanism that mediates the effect of resistance. The response is controlled by a cascade of cytokines initiated by the synthesis of interleukins

Bone Regeneration , Cytokines , Interleukins , Tooth Socket , Connective Tissue/anatomy & histology