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Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1556287


La motivation des agents de santé à travers le paiement à temps et complet constitue l'un des éléments clés pour atteindre de bonne couverture vaccinale. Notre objectif était de décrire le paiement électronique utilisé lors de la campagne rubéole-rougeole et d'apprécier la satisfaction du personnel de santé. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale à visée analytique qui s'est déroulée en Côte d'Ivoire du 15 janvier au 18 février 2019. La population d'étude était constituée des acteurs impliqués à la fois dans la campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole- rubéole en 2018 et dans le paiement électronique. Une recherche documentaire et des entretiens structurés ont permis le recueil des données. Les données ont été analysées à partir du logiciel R studio© version 2021. Le système assurant le paiement électronique se composait des autorités sanitaires, d'un opérateur privé de téléphonie mobile, d'un partenaire technique et financier et des agents de santé bénéficiaires. Un système de critères d'identification, des listes de validation et de vérification à plusieurs niveaux de la pyramide sanitaire a été mis en place. Un peu moins de trois quarts des acteurs du niveau primaire ont été satisfaits par ce mode de paiement. Le paiement électronique constitue un procédé pour améliorer le paiement des agents de santé durant les campagnes de vaccination. Des leçons d'un tel système de paiement devraient être tirées pour un déploiement à grande échelle.

Motivating healthcare workers through timely and complete payment is one of the key elements to achieve high vaccination coverage. Our objective was to describe the use of electronic payment during the measles-rubella campaign and assess the satisfaction of healthcare personnel. We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study in Côte d'Ivoire from January 15 to February 18, 2019. The study population consisted of individuals involved in both the measles-rubella vaccination campaign in 2018 and electronic payment. Data collection was done through documentary research and structured interviews. The data were analyzed using R Studio© software version 2021. The electronic payment system involved health authorities, a private mobile network operator, a technical and financial partner, and the beneficiary healthcare workers. A system of criteria for identifying lists, validation, and multilevel verification within the healthcare pyramid was established. Just under three-quarters of primarylevel actors were satisfied with this payment method. Electronic payment presents an opportunity to improve healthcare worker payment during vaccination campaigns. Lessons from such a payment system should be drawn for large-scale deployment.

Humans , Male , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Delivery of Health Care , Electronics, Medical , Fees and Charges
European J Med Plants ; 2023 May; 34(5): 12-19
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219551


Background: Pycnanthus angolensis (Welw.) Warb. (Myristicaceae) is a medicinal plant used in traditional Ivorian medicine. A recent ethnobotanical survey has discovered Pycnanthus angolensis in the traditional treatment of viral and parasitic diseases. Aim: The present study aims to highlight the distinctive ethnopharmacological characteristics of Pycnanthus angolensis. Methods: The aim was to identify some groups of chemical compounds by thin layer chromatography, to assay some minerals and finally to characterise the specific anatomical and micrographic features of the plant. Results: Terpenes and sterols, saponosides, flavonoids and tannins are the main phytocompounds revealed. Magnesium with 621.3 mg/100 g dry matter is the most abundant mineral. Anatomical sections and plant powder revealed starch grains, calcium oxalate crystals, secretory pockets and tector hairs that are responsible for the formation of various biological substances in the plant. Conclusion: These results add to the data on Pycnanthus angolensis, a taxon much used in traditional Ivorian medicine for the treatment of antiparasitic and antiviral diseases.

Rev. anesth.-réanim. med. urgence ; 15(2): 100-106, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1511729


L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer la pratique anesthésique au cours des adénomectomies hypophysaires par voie endo nasale à Abidjan. Méthode : Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective à visée analytique et descriptive, menée entre le 01 janvier 2010 et le 31 décembre 2020 et portant sur les patients admis au bloc opératoire pour une adénomectomie hypophysaire. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, cliniques, anesthésiques, évolutives et pronostiques ont été étudiées. Résultats : Nous avons recensé 102 patients. L'âge moyen était de 44,72±12,14 ans. Le sex ratio était de 1. Le délai de diagnostic était d'un an pour 46% (n = 47) des patients. L'hypertension artérielle était l'antécédent le plus retrouvé. Les principaux motifs de consultation étaient les céphalées et les troubles de l'acuité visuelle. Le syndrome d'hypertension intracrânien a été observé chez 67,6% (n= 69) des patients. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une consultation pré anesthésique. Cinquante-huit pourcent (n=59) des patients ont été classés ASA I selon la société américaine d'anesthésie. L'anesthésie générale était le seul schéma anesthésique. La durée de l'anesthésie était de plus de trois heures chez 57% (n=58) des patients et le réveil sur table a concerné 88,2% (n=90) des patients. La mortalité était de 3,9%. La durée de l'anesthésie supérieure à 6 heures (p= 0,0012 ; OR= 55,8 [4,88-637,33]) et la perte sanguine supérieure à 1000 ml (p = 0,0228 ; OR=18,6 2,152- 160,747]) ont constitué des facteurs de mauvais pronostic (p<0,05). Conclusion: La réduction de la létalité au cours de l'anesthésie pour adénomes hypophysaires passe par la lutte contre les facteurs de mauvais pronostics

Humans , Pituitary Diseases , Anesthesia , Prognosis , Preoperative Care , Pseudohypoaldosteronism
Rev. anesth.-réanim. med. urgence ; 15(2): 133-137, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1511822


La pratique de la rachianesthésie est motivée par la qualité de l'analgésie post-opératoire qu'elle procure. Cependant, la rachianesthésie reste comme tout acte médical associée à certains accidents. Méthodes : C'est une étude prospective, descriptive et analytique qui s'est déroulée sur une période d'un (01) mois allant du 07 Mai 2022 au 07 Juin 2022 au CHU d'Angré. Résultats : la rachianesthésie a été réalisée dans 188 des cas, soit un taux de 60% de l'ensemble des interventions. Le sexe ratio était de 0,13 et l'âge moyen était de 33 ± 10 ans. L'antécédent le plus retrouvé était l'HTA. La bupivacaine était le seul anesthésique local utilisé avec comme adjuvant la morphine, le fentanyl ou l'association morphine -fentanyl. Les incidents peropératoires étaient dominés par les troubles hémodynamiques à type d'hypotension artérielle (98,7%) et de bradycardie. Les patients ayant présenté un syndrome de mal être post opératoire représentaient 70,8% de notre effectif. Le Syndrome de Mal Etre post opératoires était dominé par les nausées et vomissements suivis des prurits. Tous les patients ayant présenté un syndrome de mal être post rachianesthésie n'avaient pas bénéficié de prise en charge. La survenue du syndrome de mal être post rachianesthésie était statistiquement associé à la présence de la morphine comme adjuvant (p=0,016). Conclusion : La rachianesthésie est une remarquable technique d'anesthésie. Néanmoins la fréquence des évènements per et post opératoires survenant au décours de cette technique n'est pas négligeable, car ils sont la source d'inconforts notables

Humans , Bupivacaine , Anesthesia, Spinal , Disease , Morbidity , Bloodless Medical and Surgical Procedures
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 5(2): 103-109, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1517010


Introduction. La bronchiolite aiguë du nourrisson est une infection virale des voies aériennes inférieures qui représente un problème majeur de santé publique. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire la prise en charge médicale du premier épisode de bronchiolite aiguë au CHU de Cocody. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive qui a consisté à décrire la prise en charge médicale des nourrissons hospitalisés dans le CHU de Cocody du 1er Janvier 2020 au 31 Décembre 2022. Résultats : Sur la période d'étude, 125 nourrissons sont hospitalisés pour bronchiolite aiguë. La tranche d'âge de 4 à 6 mois était majoritaire (49,6%). L'âge moyen des patients est de 4,7 mois avec des extrêmes de 1 à 12 mois (écart-type=1,277 mois). Le sex-ratio était de 1,27. La numération formule anguine (NFS), la C Reactive Protein (CRP) et la radiographie thoracique standard ont été réalisées chez tous les patients. La désobstruction rhino-pharyngée (DRP) a été pratiquée dans 96,0% des cas. Une nébulisation avec du salbutamol a été appliquée à tous les patients. Cette nébulisation a été associée à une antibiothérapie (71,2 %), une corticothérapie (52 %) et à une kinésithérapie respiratoire (48 %). L'évolution a été favorable dans 96 % des cas, malgré une sous-utilisation de la ventilation non-invasive dans notre dans notre contexte. Conclusion : L'analyse de la prise en charge de la bronchiolite aiguë du nourrisson au CHU de Cocody, a revélé des écarts par rapport aux recommandations de la HAS française. Il serait judicieux d'établir un consensus national adapté à notre contexte de travail.

Acute bronchiolitis in infants is a viral infection of the lower airways that represents a major public health problem. The main objective was to describe the management of this condition in the Ivorian pediatric hospital context. Methods. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, with retrospective data collection. We have described the care of infants aged 1 month to 12 months, hospitalized for bronchiolitis in the Pediatrics department of the CHU of Cocody from January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2022. Results. We collected 125 files. The age group of 4 to 6 months was the majority (49.6%). The average age of the patients was 4.7 months (ecart-type=1,277 months) with extremes of 1 to 12 months. The sex ratio was 1.27. NFS, CRP and AP chest X-ray were performed in all patients. Nasopharyngeal clearance was performed in 96.0% of cases. The infants were all nebulized with salbutamol. Among them, 52% received a corticosteroid, 71.2% antibiotic therapy and in 48% of cases respiratory physiotherapy was performed. The evolution was favorable in 96% of cases. Conclusion : The analysis of the management of acute bronchiolitis in infants at the Cocody University Hospital reveals deviations from the recommendations of the French HAS. It would be wise to establish a national consensus adapted to our work context.

Bronchiolitis , Inpatients
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 5(2): 175-180, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1517002


Contexte et objectif.: Le syndrome d'épuisement professionnel (SEP) est une pathologie particulièrement préoccupante en milieu hospitalier avec un impact négatif sur la qualité des soins. L'objectif de l'étude était de connaitre la prévalence et les principaux facteurs associés au SEP chez le personnel de santé en pédiatrie au CHU de Bouaké. Méthodes. Etude prospective, descriptive et analytique réalisée en pédiatrie au CHU de Bouaké du 05 octobre au 03 novembre 2022. Etaient inclus les agents dudit service, consentants, reconnus par la Direction des Ressources Humaines du CHU de Bouaké et présent durant la période de l'étude. Les variables étudiées étaient socioprofessionnelles et l'évaluation du SEP. Le SEP a été évalué à l'aide du Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Résultats : Au total 70 participants dont 39 présentant un SEP (13 hommes, 26 femmes) soit une prévalence de 56%. Les facteurs signifi cativement associés au SEP étaient la situation matrimoniale (Célibataire) (p=0,004 ; OR 0,155 ; IC 0,043-0,563), et le statut d'agent journalier (p=0,024 ; OR 0,058 IC 0,005-687). Conclusion. Le SEP était très fréquent en pédiatrie du CHU de Bouaké. Il avait un lien étroit avec la situation matrimoniale et le statut d'agent journalier. Pour améliorer la situation nous recommandons un accompagnement psychologique du personnel ainsi que la revalorisation salariale et des conditions de travail des agents journaliers. Mots clés : -Syndrome d'épuisement professionnel; -Hôpital; -Pédiatrie, -Côte d'Ivoire. ABSTRACT Background and object

Background and objective. Burnout syndrome (BWS) is a particularly worrying pathology in the hospital environment with a negative impact on the quality of care. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and main factors associated with burnout among paediatric health care staff at the University Hospital of Bouaké. Methods. Prospective, descriptive and analytical study conducted in pediatrics at the University Hospital of Bouaké from October 5 to November 3, 2022. The study included consenting staff of the said department, recognised by the Human Resources Department of the University Hospital of Bouaké and present during the study period. The variables studied were socio-professional and SEP evaluation. The BWS was assessed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Results. A total of 70 participants, 39 of whom had MS (13 men, 26 women), representing a prevalence of 56%. The factors significantly associated with MS were marital status (single) (p=0.004; OR 0.155; CI 0.043-0.563), and day worker status (p=0.024; OR 0.058 CI 0.005-687). Conclusion. The SEP is very frequent in the paediatric ward of the University Hospital of Bouaké. It is closely related to marital status and day labourer status. To improve the situation, we recommend psychological support for the staff as well as an increase in the salary and working conditions of day workers.

Burnout, Professional
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(1)2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1525252


Context and objectives As the global epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome progresses, the coexistence of fatty liver disease in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B (VHB) becomes significant. The objective of this work was to determine the frequency of hepatic steatosis assessed by Fibroscan/CAP (Controlled Attenuation Parameter) in patients with chronic VHB in Côte d'Ivoire. Methods. The study included 83 patients with chronic VHB. These were black patients who had performed a Fibroscan/CAP during the recruitment period and were willing to participate in the study. Patients with significant alcohol consumption, a secondary cause of hepatic steatosis, another liver disease regardless of the etiology associated with VHB were not included. Results. The frequency of hepatic steatosis in chronic HBV carriers assessed by CAP in our study population was 48.19 %, including 24.10 % of severe steatosis. Obesity was statistically correlated with the presence of steatosis in our patients. Patients who had steatosis on ultrasound were 5 times more likely to have steatosis on CAP. Significant fibrosis was insignificantly associated with steatosis. Conclusion. The frequency of fatty liver disease detected by fibroscan/CAP is high in patients with chronic VHB.

Contexte et objectifs Avec la progression de l'épidémie mondiale d'obésité et du syndrome métabolique, la coexistence d'une stéatose hépatique chez les patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B chronique devient non négligeable. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la fréquence de la stéatose hépatique chez les patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B (HVB) chronique. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une série des cas de HVB de race noire, ayant réalisé un Fibroscan/CAP pendant la période du recrutement et consentants à participer à l'étude. Les patients ayant une consommation d'alcool significative, une cause secondaire de stéatose hépatique, une autre hépatopathie quelle que soit l'étiologie associée à l'hépatite B n'ont pas été inclus. Résultats. Quatre-vingt-trois patients porteurs d'une HVB ont été inclus. La fréquence de la stéatose hépatique chez les porteurs du VHB chronique était de 48,19 % dont 24,10 % de stéatose sévère. L'obésité était statistiquement corrélée à la présence d'une stéatose chez nos patients. Les patients qui avaient une stéatose à l'échographie étaient 5 fois plus à risque d'avoir une stéatose au CAP. La fibrose significative était associée de façon non significative à la stéatose. Conclusion : Près de la moitié des patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B chronique présente une stéatose hépatique.

Humans , Male , Female , Fatty Liver
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1560820


La prise en charge du cancer du sein constitue un fardeau économique important dans les pays àressources limitées. L'objectif était d'estimer les coûts médicaux directs des patientes suivies pour un cancer du sein en côte d'ivoire Une étude transversale a été conçue et réalisée dans les principales structures sanitaires de référence en gynécologie-obstétrique et en oncologie en Côte d'Ivoire. L'étude incluait les patientes avec un cancer du sein confirmé par l'histologie. Les données ont été recueillies à partir des dossiers médicaux et des entretiens avec les patientes. Au total, 102 patientes à différents stades de la maladie ont été incluses dans l'étude. Les coûts augmentent aux stades avancés. La chimiothérapie était le principal facteur de coût (3 121 $ par patiente) avant la radiothérapie (1 714 $). Les femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ont dû faire face à un coût moyen estimé à 442 $ (allant de 322 $ à 933 $). Le coût de la radiothérapie était également exorbitant (1 714 $ par patient). La chirurgie était le traitement le moins onéreux (1 416 dollars). Le coût total moyen des examens radiologiques et des tests de laboratoire s'élevait respectivement à 304 et 247 dollars. Les soins de suivi ont été estimés à 631 dollars. Cette étude fournit une analyse perspicace qui servira de base à une évaluation économique plus poussée et pourrait également être utile aux décideurs en matière de santé pour l'inclure dans le plan national de couverture de la santé.

The management of breast cancer is a major economic burden in countries with limited resources. The aim was to estimate the direct medical costs of patients treated for breast cancer in the Ivory Coast. A cross-sectional study was designed and carried out in the main referral health facilities for gynaecology-obstetrics and oncology in the Ivory Coast. The study included patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer. Data were collected from medical records and patient interviews. A total of 102 patients at different stages of the disease were included in the study. Costs increase in advanced stages. Chemotherapy was the main cost factor ($3,121 per patient), followed by radiotherapy ($1,714). Women with breast cancer faced an estimated average cost of $442 (ranging from $322 to $933). The cost of radiotherapy was also exorbitant ($1,714 per patient). Surgery was the least expensive treatment ($1,416). The average total cost of radiological examinations and laboratory tests was $304 and $247 respectively. Follow-up care was estimated at $631. This study provides an insightful analysis that will serve as a basis for further economic evaluation and could also be useful to healthcare decision-makers for inclusion in the national health coverage plan.

Humans , Female , Diagnosis
j. public health epidemiol. (jphe) ; 15(2): 173-182, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427896


Studies on waste management in Côte d'Ivoire are mostly focused on household and solid waste. It is appropriate to take a sustained look at the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste to better guide policies in this area. This work is a cross-sectional study covering the period from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. The aim was to determine the knowledge and practices of the independent electrical and electronic repairers of the city of Bouaké in terms of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) management. A comprehensive sample of 307 people was interviewed by means of a questionnaire. The repairers interviewed had already heard of WEEE in 47.2% of cases. They had a good level of knowledge of WEEE in 85.5% of cases. In the final model in multivariate analysis, only the possession of a radio set at home had a significant influence on knowledge of WEEE. Repairers were unaware of the existence of D3E management legislation in 60.7% of cases; apart from humans (84.8%) who were most exposed to the dangers of inappropriate management of WEEE, other entities (air, soil, water, animals) would be polluted according to 36.6, 35.2, 4.1, and 3.4% of repairers, respectively. The most feared type of harm reported is injury (95.65%). Subjects dumped WEEE in a municipal landfill in 32.4% of cases. Sale, empowerment of pre-collection agents, and handing over to a recycling professional, cumulatively represent the most common practice (66.9%).

Electrical Equipment and Supplies , Ecological and Environmental Phenomena , Cross-Sectional Studies , Equipment Reuse , Knowledge , ISO 14000 , Household Work
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 25(1): 9-17, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1438544


Les adolescents vivant avec le VIH ont de moins bons résultats que les adultes en matière de soins, en particulier lors de la transition entre les soins pédiatriques et les soins aux adultes. L' Objectif était de décrire les particularités socio familiales, cliniques, para cliniques et thérapeutiques des adolescents au cours de cette phase charnière de leur prise en charge. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive qui s'est déroulé du 1er au 31 mars 2020 (1 mois) sur la cohorte d'enfants vivant avec le VIH suivi au CHU de Cocody (Abidjan) de novembre 2005 à mars 2020 (15 ans). Résultats. Trente-huit adolescents en phase de transition ont été inclus. L'âge moyen était de 17 ans avec des extrêmes de 15 et 20 ans. Le sex ratio était de 1,37. La majorité des enfants étaient scolarisé (81,57%) avec un retard scolaire chez plus de la moitié (58%). Près de la moitié des cas était orphelin d'un ou des 2 parents (47,4%). Les conditions socioéconomiques étaient modestes ou défavorable (73,7%). Près de la moitié des adolescents était suivi depuis plus de 10 ans (42%). Un surpoids a été retrouvé dans 21% des cas. On notait un échec immunologique dans 10,5% des cas et un échec virologique dans un tiers des cas (31,6%). L'observance était moyenne ou mauvaise chez près de la moitié des adolescents (44,7%). La majorité des adolescents (94,7%) n'avait jamais eu de contact avec un médecin d'adulte. Conclusion. La transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins pour adulte est un processus au cours duquel l'adolescent est confronté à des diffi cultés socio familiale et scolaire, a l'inobservance avec échec thérapeutique qui doit être repéré de façon précoce. Le succès de cette étape nécessite également le rapprochement entre pédiatres et médecins d'adultes pour une prise en charge optimal des patients.

Humans , Adolescent , HIV Testing , Therapeutics , Anti-Retroviral Agents , HIV Non-Progressors
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1417207


Patients and methods: This cross-sectional survey took place in May, 2018 in Kodjokro, a village in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire. The study population consisted of women of reproductive age, from 15 to 49 years old. A questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic, gyneco-obstetrical characteristics, knowledge and attitudes and he use of contraceptive methods. The chi-square test was used to measure the associations between the use of contraceptive methods and each of the characteristics studied

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Women , Attitude , Rural Areas , Contraception , Knowledge , Methods
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217178


This study aims to determine the microbiological and nutritional quality of complementary foods for children produced in the city of Man (instant flour and porridge). To do this, a structured survey of nannies and vendors, coupled with microbiological and physicochemical analyzes was carried out. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted among nannies and porridge sellers in order to collect information on the use of complementary foods and to assess the state of cleanliness of the sales environment. A study of physicochemical (carbohydrates, lipids, humidity, ash, minerals) and microbiological (total aerobic mesophilic flora, yeasts and molds, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp. and Salmonella sp.) characteristics using standard methods and referenced was then conducted to assess the nutritional value and health status of the porridges (Millet, Kokobaka, Anagobaka) and flours from the Focolari center consumed in Man. The survey data showed that the majority of the of nannies (61.1%) give a complementary food before the age of introduction (6 months), with regard to the saleswomen (100%) unaware of the proportion of the components and their nutritional intake as well as 54.8% of them have an unhealthy work place and environment. The microbiological analysis carried out on the 50 samples revealed a potential contamination of spoilage and pathogenic germs. The contamination rate of Anagobaka porridge is very worrying unlike other porridges and flours, especially with the presence of salmonella, the high rate of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus respectively (3.91×103 ± 0.09 and 5.34×104 ± 0.10 CFU/mL).) Regarding the nutritional analysis, there is a content of carbohydrates (70.17-85.08%), lipids (6.93-10.40%) and iron (30.64-64.34%) higher than those recommended by the FAO/WHO standard in the 6 types of samples analyzed. However, the zinc content is below this standard in all the samples tested. However, zinc deficiency is one of the main causes of stunted growth in children. All these results have shed light on the existence of a potential health risk and possible nutritional deficiencies in infants and young children who consume locally produced complementary foods.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219437


Aims: The objective of this study is to monitor the evolution of organochlorine residues levels in kola nuts collected from various actors in the eastern producing region of Côte d'Ivoire. Study Design: Kola nuts samples were collected from farmers, collectors and urban stores in the Eastern of Côte d’Ivoire. Place and Duration of Study: Health Department of Hydrology Health and Toxicology, Training and Research Unit of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, running 2016-2019. Methodology: A total of 225 samples were analyzed using Gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (Agilent 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS System). Results: Data showed that all 21 pesticides analyzed were detected in kola nuts samples. Statistical analysis indicated no significant difference in OCPs sub-group used by actors during the three-crop studied. The mean levels of HCHs, DDTs and cyclodienes were ranged from 5±1– 136.67±77.3 µg/kg FW, 5±1 – 116.67±63.2 µg/kg FW and 5±1 - 145±63.2 µg/kg FW, respectively. Otherwise, farmer’s levels of OCPs were lower than those detected in kola nuts from collectors and urban stores samples. Thus, compared to the MRL set by the World Health Organization/Food and Agricultural Organization, the farmer’s samples are lower than limits fixed, unlike the contents registered with collectors and urban stores. In the latter, nearly 80% to 100% of kola nuts collected are contaminated with hexachlorinated residues (HCHs) and heptachlor. Conclusion: There is the need to keep monitoring ecotoxicological chemical substances in kola nuts produced in Côte d’Ivoire and take steps that ensure health safety of end users. Care should be taken since residues could pose chronic health risk for adults and children.

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2022 Jul; 59(3): 275-284
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216883


Background & objectives: Malaria remains a public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire. To cope with this issue, the Ministry of Health established strategies through Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and artemisinin-based medicines. To better understand the influence of periodic mass distribution of LLINs on malaria transmission, this entomological survey was conducted in three regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Methods: Mosquitoes were sampled by Human Landing Catches (HLC) in urban and rural settings of Korhogo, Man and Abengourou. Mosquitoes were identified morphologically and by molecular methods. Plasmodium falciparum infection was assessed by ELISA, and the Entomological Inoculation Rates (EIR) were calculated for each species and setting. Results: Only An. gambiae s.l. was identified in Korhogo and in Abengourou while An. gambiae s.l. and An. funestus s.l. was reported in Man. An. coluzzii was the most abundant species of the An. gambiae siblings collected in Abengourou, and in Man while An. gambiae was most abundant in Korhogo. In urban settings, malaria vectors showed high aggressiveness (>11 bites per person per night) and the annual EIR was high (83.22-438.44 infectious bites per person per year). In rural settings, malaria vectors showed also high aggressiveness (19-52 b/p/n). The annual EIR is very high (>94 ib/p/yr). However, the weakest EIR was recorded in the northern region with 94.90 ib/p/yr. Interpretation & conclusion: This work indicates that malaria transmission remains high and heterogeneous across Côte d’Ivoire, despite repeated mass distribution of LLINs. Also, in Man, malaria transmission is more intense with the involvement of two main vectors. Furthermore, in the village of Korhogo, the EIR remained relatively low.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219587


This study aims to improve the nutritional quality of traditional porridge intended for young children with moderate malnutrition. The biochemical and nutritional characteristics of three supplement porridges enriched with dried leaves Corchorus olitorius and Anacardium occidental were determined according to standard methods. The results revealed that enrichment with these two ingredients significantly improved the proportion of dry matter of porridges enriched with high contents in those containing only Western Anacardium BC2 (17.33 ± 0.83%) and that enriched with both Corchorus olitorius and Anacardium occidental BC4 (18.0 ± 0.5%) compared to the traditional non-enriched porridge BC1 (13.23 ± 0.41%) and that enriched with Corchorus olitorius only BC3 (14.63±0.56%). With regard to fat, the three enriched porridges showed significantly high levels: 16.00±0.00% (BC2); 13.75±0.25% (BC3); 19.25±0.35% (BC4) compared to porridge BC1 (12.75±0.25%). As for carbohydrates, enrichment did not lead to a significant increase in levels. On the other hand, the levels of proteins experienced a significant increase between 2.66 ± 0.08% (BC3) and 3.08 ± 0.05% (BC4). All the porridges showed high energy densities with values ​​ranging between 463.43±1 Kcal/100 g (BC1) and 488.21±1 Kcal/100 g (BC4). Regarding micronutrients, the results indicated a significant increase in trace elements with higher mineral values ​​in the porridge BC4 (Zinc: 05.05±0.06) and BC3 (Calcium: 60.91±0.07 mg /100 g; Iron: 21.80±0.20 mg/100 g; Copper: 01.57±0.04 mg/100 g; Phosphorus: 280.41±0.48 mg/100 g). The contents of fat-soluble vitamins, in particular vitamin A (BC2: 25.10±0.14 µg/100 g; BC3: 41.00±0.45 µg/100 g; BC4: 33.59± 0.12 µg/100 g) and water-soluble vitamins B2 (BC2: 12.39±0.01 mg/ 100g; BC3: 10.81±0.01 mg/100 g; BC4: 15.01±0.01 mg/100 g) and B9 (BC2: 23.05±0.25 mg/100 g; BC3: 27.13±0.29 mg/100 g; BC4: 35.16±0.36 mg/100 g) experienced a significant increase in the enriched porridge compared to the control. There is also a significantly high content of essential amino acid (leucine) with values ​​between (37.78±0.05 and 78.31±0.9 g/100 g) in the enriched porridge compared to the control (18.51±0. 05 g/100 g). All the porridges are very rich in essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (Ω6) with contents between 19.73±0.01 and 22.59±0.01 g/100 g and linolenic acid (Ω3) with contents between 01.20±0.00 and 07.95±0.00 g/100 g, and this in accordance with the recommended values ​​for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). This nutritional supplementation also significantly improved their antioxidant properties with DPPH values ​​varying between 47.52±3 and 56.91±1.55% compared to the control (41.58±4.34%). Enriching these porridges with Corchorus olitorius and Anacardium occidental improved their nutritional quality in accordance with the recommended dietary intakes for my moderately malnourished for most essential nutrients. These enriched porridges could then be recommended not only for the nutritional rehabilitation of MAMs and also to prevent certain chronic diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219559


Street foods are seen as a public health problem due to lack of infrastructure and basic services, difficulty in controlling the plethora of street food sales operations due to their diversity, their mobility, and their temporary nature. The objective of this study is to show the impact of the consumption of two street foods (Garba with tuna and rice with eggplant sauce) consumed in Côte d'Ivoire on the health of the Ivorian population. To contribute to the nutritional and health security of the population, the consumption of these dishes has been demonstrated in young Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Thus, we hypothesized that the consumption of these street foods would have a deleterious effect on consumer health. However, five days 20 young rats of male and female sexes aged 50±5 days and weighing an average of 55±5 g were acclimatized and fed on a formulated isocaloric diet rich in herring fish (Clupea harengus) animal protein. After the acclimatization phase, four batches of rats of five rats per cage were fed respectively with diets (DWP, CDHF, GWTF and RES). The results showed that juvenile rats fed the CDHF and RES diet gained a lot of weight (5.66 ± 0.34 g/d and 5.16 ± 0.58 g/d) while those fed the GWTF diet had a progressive, slow weight gain. (2.32 ±0.23 g/d) and batch of rats fed without protein (DWP) observed considerable weight loss (-1.07±0.06 g/d). In terms of biological value, the results demonstrate that rats fed the RES diet have a higher protein availability (84.23 ±0.02%) than rats fed the GWTF diet (54.31 ±0.06 %). It follows from this analysis that it is necessary to combine GWTF with other protein-rich foods to compensate for the nutritional deficits caused by its ingestion. In young rats fed experimental diets, biometric research on vital organs (heart, liver, spleen and kidneys) revealed no abnormalities.

j. public health epidemiol. (jphe) ; 14(3): 123-129, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1392406


Since January, 2012, the Pacific region has faced a heavy burden of concurrent epidemics of dengue, chikungunya, and zika virus infections. In 2016, WHO developed a global response strategic framework to ensure that zika virus is a priority and accelerated area of public health research. This study conducted in Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire) is part of this framework. The main objective was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of health workers working there on the zika virus disease in order to consider a better preparation and response to a possible epidemic in Côte d'Ivoire. Cross-sectional study covering the period from October 2016 to March 2017 was used here. The sampling was comprehensive and included interviews with 258 persons. Subjects were interviewed using a questionnaire edited and adapted from the CAP questionnaire developed by WHO in 2016. People with prior knowledge of the zika virus disease represented 66.3% of the health workers surveyed. Their level of knowledge was insufficient in 83.5% of cases. Their attitudes were good in 51.5% of cases. In the authors' final model, the exercise structure which was adjusted to the level of education and the corporation significantly influenced health workers' attitudes toward illness. Health workers in public settings appeared to have a better attitude compared to their private colleagues (adjusted OR = 4.88; CI: 2.37-10.03; p-value:0.000). The zika virus disease has attracted the attention of the medical community during the 2014-2016 period. This attention, while mitigated by the West African Ebola virus epidemic, deserves to be highlighted.

Humans , Female , Community Health Workers , Zika Virus , Virus Diseases , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 13(2): 1-5, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1395697


In Côte d'Ivoire, contraceptive prevalence is low (21%). The search for determinants of contraceptive use could make it possible to redirect existing strategies. The objective is to identify the determinants of the use of contraception among women in Abidjan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from May to June 2018 in the Dallas neighborhood of Adjamé municipal (Abidjan). Women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) were selected there. Sociodemographic, gyneco-obstetrical characteristics, educational level, attitudes and practices of women on contraception were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyzes were performed. A total of 301 women aged 29.34±8.98 years were selected. The proportion of women using modern contraception was 27.24%. In univariate analysis, the factors associated with use were: level of education (p=0.005), unwanted pregnancies (p=0.017), abortions (p<0.001), consultation of the gynecologist (p=0.003) or a family planning service (p=0.001). Hearing about contraception (p=0.043), knowing (p<0.001) and talking about it with their partner (p=0.027) was significantly associated with its use. In the multivariate analyses, the women who consulted a gynecologist and those who knew the contraceptive methods used them respectively 2 times more (OR= 2.16 [1.14-4.15], p=0.019) and 22 times more (OR= 22.38 [8.42-78.56], p<0.001). Women with primary school education used them significantly less (OR=0.15 [0.05-0.41], p<0.001). Awareness, the gynecologist's consultation, and the level of education were the main determinants of contraceptive use. Also, it is necessary to adapt awareness messages to the characteristics of women.

Humans , Female , Contraception , Epitopes , Reproductive Control Agents , Drug Users
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 24(1): 59-62, 2022. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1397177


Contexte. L'alimentation joue un rôle important dans la prise en charge du diabète en Côte D'Ivoire. L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer la fréquence de consommation journalière des aliments chez les diabétiques de type 1 (DT1) et leurs fratries du district d'Abidjan. Méthodes. Une fi che d'enquête comportant les mets Ivoiriens a été utilisée pour la réalisation de l'étude. Etaient eligibles les patients déclarés diabétiques et ayant au moins un frère ou une sœur non diabétique âgé de 5 à 21 ans. Les patients séropositifs au VIH et sous traitement antirétroviral n'ont pas été retenu dans l'étude. le logiciel Graphpad Prism version 5. Résultats. Le riz, l'attiéké et le pain de boulangerie ont été les aliments les plus consommés par les DT1 et leurs fratries (100 %). Au niveau des protéines animales, ce sont la viande dans la sauce, la viande fumée, le poisson dans la sauce et le poisson fumé qui ont été le plus consommés chez les DT1 et leurs fratries (63,15 % et 86,66 %; 68,42 % et 73,33 %; 68,42 % et 66,66 %; 68,42 % et 76,66 %). Les DT1 et leurs fratries ont consommé comme lipides, les huiles alimentaires et la sauce graine. Conclusion. Le régime alimentaire des DT1 et leurs fratries est équilibré, avec un régime plus ouvert chez la fratrie

Context. Diet plays an important role in the management of diabetes in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective of this work is to evaluate the frequency of daily food consumption in type 1 diabetics (T1D) and their siblings in the district of Abidjan. Methods. A survey sheet including Ivorian dishes was used to carry out the study. Results. Rice, attiéké and bakery bread were the foods most consumed by T1Ds and their siblings (100%). At level of animal protein, meat in sauce, smoked meat, fi sh in sauce and smoked fi sh were the most consumed among T1D and their siblings (63.15% and 86.66% ; 68.42% and 73.33% ; 68.42% and 66.66% ; 68.42% and 76.66%). T1Ds and their siblings consumed lipids, edible oils and seed sauce. Conclusion. the diet of T1D and their siblings is balanced, with a more open diet in the siblings.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Dietary Carbohydrates , Diabetes Mellitus , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 , Diet, Diabetic , Proteins